Aldrich III waved his hand, then closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to say anything anymore and saw off the guests behind closed doors.

Albert's face was expressionless, but his lowered hands trembled slightly, tightly grasping the corners of his clothes.



I have done so much just to obtain this position reasonably, and then I can use the power of the Council to completely extend my hands into all aspects of the empire. Countless interests are gathered here, and it is for this goal.

But, why, why did this fatuous emperor who was about to die, rather hand over the regent position to that damn funny bear than give it to his only son?

Could it be that……

"Brother Albert."

Albert was awakened, raised his head suddenly, and looked at Celecia who spoke.

At this moment, she had finished explaining the medicinal materials to the maid. She seemed to have not heard what she just said about the regent. She turned around and reminded:

"time to go."

"Ah...well, let's go...let's go."

Albert stood up and walked out of the room with a slight stagger. He glanced out of the corner of his eye for the last time and saw the same old and thin face, but there was no chance of him changing his mind.

The door closed, the ax fell, and the maid waiting outside helped Albert again, making him look even weaker than before entering this room.

Celecia's eyes finally swept over the closed room, and she murmured: "I see."

Although she didn't even say a word to her father from beginning to end, the purpose of her trip had been achieved.

"Are you okay, brother emperor?" Celcia turned to look at Albert again and asked.

"'s okay, of course it's okay."

Albert forced a smile:

"Is there something wrong with me?"

"You don't look too good."

"Ah... Well, that's because the previous injury hasn't fully healed yet, and it's just a little bit weak."

"That's it, that's great."

Celecia suddenly clapped her hands and said:

"Originally, I was worried that you were feeling unwell, but there's no need to worry now. Brother Albert, do you have time next?"


Albert was stunned and looked at Celcia warily: "What's the matter?"

"'s nothing important, but as your only sister, can't I invite dinner?"

Celecia tilted her head and her tone suddenly became serious:

"Brother, sir?"


Albert was about to say something when suddenly a maid from the palace happened to pass by and saluted the two of them respectfully.

Looking at the maids who were still whispering and secretly glancing at him and Celcia after turning to leave, Albert took a deep breath, swallowed the reason for refusal he had just prepared, and then smiled:

"Of course, it's my pleasure, my dear...sister."

"That would be great."

Celcia stretched out her hand: "I made a reservation in advance at a famous aristocratic restaurant. The environment there is very good, very quiet, and very secluded. I think... there shouldn't be any unrelated people tonight who will disturb our brothers and sisters. communication between...

Outside the window, there were shadows of birds, hovering anxiously in the sky, but because of Celcia beside Albert, they lingered and did not dare to get close...

"What are you doing here again?"

At the residence of Marquis Dion, Sharp looked at Weier who was visiting again, his cheeks twitched and he asked:

"Isn't it enough that you humiliated our Dion family last time? Are you going to do it again?"

"No, no, no, Master Sharp...oh no, it should be Lord Marquis Dion, you misunderstood."

Weier was not as casual as when she was with Celcia last time. Her words and deeds were quite respectful, and she said with a sweet smile:

"This time, I'm not here to cause trouble."

"Aren't you looking for trouble?"

Sharp frowned, but his eyes were still wary: "That's..."

"This time, on behalf of the president, I am here to apologize for our previous rude behavior... Look!"

Weier stretched out her hand and asked Sharp to look at the huge carriages she had brought:

"These are the apologies specially prepared by the president to express his apology!"

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"Yes, apologize!"

Wei'er clapped her hands together, her smile as bright as the sunshine in spring:

"Well, after the president went back, he kept talking about how rude and disrespectful what he did at Dion's house last time, how unworthy of the status of a princess, almost to the point where he didn't even think about food or tea. You see, what happened before As soon as the matter was over, the president immediately asked me to bring a gift to apologize!"

"Your Majesty, your Majesty is interested."

Hearing that it was really Princess Celcia sent to apologize, Sharp immediately stroked his chest and saluted without any fuss, but his eyes still had a hint of suspicion as he looked at the carriages that were more beaten than ordinary carriages. carriage.

I don’t know what kind of medicine the princess sells in her gourd, but...apologise?

That arrogant woman actually apologized?

A hint of sarcasm appeared in Sharp's eyes and he said:

"Actually, it wasn't a big deal before. I was still too impatient because of my lack of cultivation. Your Highness Celcia actually doesn't need to apologize at all, so... please take these gifts back."


Weier immediately refused:

"Send the gift here, the president said, if you don't accept this gift, she will be very upset!"


Sharp smiled bitterly: "Why don't you go back and tell Her Highness Celcia that I have never held a grudge at all. It was just a small misunderstanding last time. There is no need for me to accept such an expensive gift."

"It has nothing to do with whether you hold a grudge or not."

Weier put her hands on her hips and grinned: "This is the intention of Her Royal Highness the Princess. Could it be that... you look down on the intention of the third princess of the empire, Her Royal Highness Celicia?"


Sharp's cheek twitched.

As expected of the follower of Her Highness the Princess, this skill of criticizing someone was almost taught by the same teacher.

"Okay, I'll accept these things for now."

Sharp sighed helplessly, having already reached this point, no matter what medicine the other party was selling, he had no choice but to accept it first.

"What's inside?"


Weier winked playfully:

"Since it's a gift, it has to be a surprise, right?"

"Surprise... I hope it's not a shock."

Sharp murmured to himself, then summoned the butler and asked someone to take the carriage down first.

After that, he politely invited Weier:

"Now that you're here, why don't you go sit in the mansion?"


"Can't's a pity, I still want to...wait?"

Sharp was stunned: "What did you say?"

"I said yes."

Wei'er continued to blink cutely:

"Oh, it's so hot today and I've been working so hard. I just want to drink some good tea."


Sharp, who really just wanted to be polite in a symbolic way, opened his mouth blankly.

"Since you have invited me so sincerely, I won't be polite."

Weier patted Sharp on the shoulder familiarly, and then jumped into the mansion on her own initiative:

"Mr. Sharp, you are such a good man!"


Looking at Weier's cheerful back, the corners of Sharp's eyes twitched crazily. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly summoned the housekeeper:

"Is there any news from the council?"

"Not yet."

Butler Arnold said respectfully:

"After what happened in Xiacheng District, it seems that everyone's attention was attracted by the death of the second prince, so the empire has been particularly peaceful during this period."

"Calm down...but what does Princess Celcia want to do when she comes here at this time?"

Sharp paced back and forth, thinking quickly. Due to his special position, although he did not really participate in the affairs of the inner council, the information he obtained was much more than most of the idlers of the inner council.

"By the way, the Campbells!"

Sharp woke up suddenly, turned to look at the housekeeper, and asked in a deep voice:

"Is there anything going on in the Campbell family during this time?"

"The Campbells..."

The housekeeper also thought for a while and said:

"There is also no movement. After the last damage, even the big rat in the lower city is now very peaceful."

"you sure?"

Sharp's expression was solemn: "If Celcia really wants to use the Campbell family to do something, it might really cause us a lot of trouble."

"Of course."

The butler answered without any hesitation:

"After the incident in Lower Town, all the power of the entire Campbell family in Belland was basically exposed, and they are still under our strict surveillance. If they really want to do something, we can't not detect it in advance."

"What if you want to use the Campbell family's influence to do something?"

"Then it's even more impossible. Now that Duke Campbell and the Duke's son have not returned, the Campbell family is still too far away from influencing the politics of the empire."

"Is that so...Am I overthinking it?"

Sharp touched his chin and pondered for a while, and finally said cautiously:

"No matter what, we can't let down our guard. Regarding the gifts sent by the princess..."

Sharp's eyes flashed:

"Don't open it, don't look at what's inside, just destroy it!"


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