"Hello, I am an old friend of the church and would like to meet the Archbishop of Canterbury."

Outside Belland Cathedral, a well-dressed but featureless man handed an exquisite badge to the nun who was cleaning the door.

The old nun took the badge and just glanced at it. Her sleepy look suddenly woke up. After looking at the man carefully, she said:

"Please wait."

The nanny turned and entered the church, while the man waited patiently. Soon, the door of the church opened again. The nanny held a dim yellow lantern and said in a low voice:

"follow me."


The man followed the nanny and turned left and right on the church path. He did not enter the magnificent church that was famous throughout Belland. Instead, he was led into an inconspicuous small room by the dim lantern.

In the room, a faint smoke filled the air with a calming fragrance. The old man in white robe sat leaning against him, holding a book in his hand and reading silently.

Grandma left silently and closed the door.

The man looked around the room and did not disturb the Archbishop of Canterbury. Instead, he sat quietly opposite him. He picked up the teapot in front of the Archbishop and poured himself a cup of tea.

Well, the spring tea in the Holy City is still so fragrant.

After drinking a cup of tea, the man put down the cup and met a pair of meaningful eyes:

"I wonder how you, Honorable Templar, who seems to be very busy lately, find time to come to my church as a guest?"

"No matter how busy you are, you still have to take time to visit the Archbishop, right?"

The man smiled slightly and smoothly tore off the human skin mask on his face, revealing a handsome face that made the light shine a little brighter.

"Of course, to put it straight to the point, while visiting, I'm also here to discuss a cooperation."

165. Manpower


Canterbury put down the book in his hand in slight surprise, raised his long snow-white eyebrows, and looked at Mu En meaningfully:

"You mean, you want to drag the church into the empire's recent muddy waters?"

"Walking in troubled waters is a slightly inappropriate expression. Since it is cooperation, it must be mutually beneficial."

Mu En smiled slightly:

"Furthermore, hasn't the Archbishop already ended up in person? Don't tell me that King Indra didn't enter the venue a few days ago because he forgot to turn off the oil lamp at home. Speaking of which, I have to thank the Archbishop for this. Woolen cloth."

"Stop talking nonsense to me, kid. Don't think that I don't know who wrote me that little note in the first place, which made me have to travel hard. Moreover, the two things have different meanings."

"I went to stop King Indra because I am an old acquaintance with him, and also for the sake of the stability of Belland. If someone wants to cause chaos in Bellland, as the archbishop of this area, no matter who the person is, I will stop him. One stop, that’s the responsibility.”

"But if I help you..."

Canterbury stretched out his skinny fingers and tapped on the table: "The nature of this matter is that the church privately interfered in the internal affairs of the empire. It's okay in other countries, but in the empire, which extremely rejects the church's interference in internal politics, It will definitely be opposed by the higher-ups of the empire, and it may even become a weapon in the hands of those who are interested. You have suffered such a huge setback before, but you still want to hand the enemy a knife? "

"...Even the Archbishop knows about my previous defeat..." Mu En's cheeks twitched.

"I'm not blind. Nowadays, everyone can see the dilemma that the Campbell family is under surveillance. If I hadn't run out of cards in my hand, you wouldn't come to me."

Canterbury chuckled and said: "Of course, for the sake of the Holy Lady, the church can provide you with political asylum at any time. As long as your status as an honorary Templar still exists, then you will lose in this dispute. No matter how miserable it is, the church will definitely guarantee your life safety."

"...I understand the Archbishop's wishes."

Mu En shook his head: "But if I really choose to retreat, there are countless ways to escape. Even if I just need to go back and crawl into my teacher's nest, no one in the world can hurt me."

"But... I also have a reason why I can't stop and retreat. If those people are really allowed to mess around, I don't know what the empire will become in the future. They still have some debts that they have not paid back. What's more, I am now There is one more reason to do this than before.”

Mu En gently touched her lips with her fingers. The cold and soft touch was still there, and she smiled and said:

"A very important one."


Canterbury looked at Mu En more carefully, and a hint of appreciation flashed in his vicissitudes of life:

"As expected of the knight whom the Holy Lady values, there is no way to retreat and there is still a way to retreat, but there are two different concepts. However, no matter how many reasons you have, that is not the reason for the church to get involved in this kind of thing. So your words don’t move me.”

"I have never wanted to impress the archbishop. I also understand that the church cannot get involved at will. Besides..."

Mu En's lips curled up: "I never said that I wanted the church to get involved."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"There are various ways of cooperation, some are overt and some are secretly."

Mu En spread his hands: "Although the church cannot support me openly, if I hire a man in the church in a private name to assist me secretly, it shouldn't be a problem, as long as it is done covertly. Who knows that the hand belongs to the church?"


Canterbury wondered: "The church is a place to serve the goddess and lead believers. Where are the human hands you mentioned."

"What the Archbishop said, I don't believe that the church doesn't hide some unknown private troops in Belland."

Mu En still smiled: "The church is a happy, peaceful and friendly place of prayer. Such words can only deceive fools, but they cannot deceive me. After all... Although I am just an honorary knight, in a sense, I can also be regarded as a member of the church. One, isn’t it?”

"Hmph, so what."

Seeing that he couldn't hide anything, Canterbury simply spread his arms and said with a sneer:

"What about being a member of the church? How about you just leave the empire and join my church? With your qualifications, you will basically be a certain bishop in the future. Isn't this better than your son of a bullshit duke?"

"...Some things can't be changed just because you want to."

Mu En sighed softly and said sincerely:

"However, I believe that the deep friendship between me and the church will not change over time, and will definitely become more..."

"Oh, come on, don't talk nonsense about friendship or not. If it weren't for the fact that you have a little relationship with the Holy Lady, I would have kicked you out a long time ago."

Canterbury didn't have any archbishop's demeanor. He directly slapped the book in his hand on the table and said with a serious expression:

"Let me put it this way, as long as your elbow is still on the empire side, don't think about any cooperation with me! As an archbishop, I manage so many people every day, so it's not easy to persuade!"


In the silent room, only the incense still lingered.

Seeing that the Archbishop of Canterbury didn't have any room for maneuver in what he said, Mu En's eyes subconsciously twitched a few times.

Although the archbishop looked so impersonal and serious, if you look carefully, why do you feel that there is such a deep meaning hidden in his words?

As for what kind of deep meaning...

"I have an account in the Holy City."

Mu En said suddenly.

"Account, you have an account, what does it have to do with me?" The Archbishop of Canterbury still sneered with disdain on his face.

"This account was opened by me, Ilia... no, it was in the name of the Holy Lady. Therefore, except for your Majesty the Pope, no one has the ability, or qualification, to check the funds in this account. Where to go, of course, I think His Majesty the Pope won’t be that boring.”

"...Of course, His Majesty has so many things to do, so he won't care about such a trivial matter."

Canterbury said impatiently:

"So, what exactly do you mean?"

"I intend to allocate part of that fund to assist the construction of the church, of course, in your name, the Archbishop."

Mu En crossed his fingers with his hands and touched his chin. Then he looked at Canterbury leisurely and said slowly:

"After this incident in the Empire is over, a brand new cathedral will rise in Belland, a cathedral named after Canterbury."


The Archbishop of Canterbury was stunned for a moment, then quickly sat up a little straighter, also crossed his hands to support his chin, and said seriously:


"Yes, it is said that this Belland Cathedral has a history of three hundred years. Doesn't it seem a little old and crowded now? In this case, it cannot serve the goddess well."

"That makes sense."

"And I'm not that familiar with church construction, so the hard work of supervising the construction can only fall on... the Archbishop."

"On my head?"

"That's right. I'm only responsible for providing the money. It's up to you how to build it."

Mu Enshao stroked his chest painfully and continued to smile:

"Of course, you also know that the Campbell family is currently in the midst of a crisis. If they are left alone without help from kind-hearted people, and their status plummets from then on, then naturally I won't be able to come up with this fund."

"Is that so?"

The Archbishop of Canterbury closed his eyes, looked very troubled, and murmured to himself:

"It is really not our intention to get into disputes secretly, but...if it is to better serve the goddess, this sacrifice seems inevitable. Alas, our hearts are like light, but darkness follows us like shadows. , sin, sin, I hope the goddess can forgive me."

...Why does this old guy feel thicker-skinned than a pink bear?

Mu En was slandered in her heart, but her expression remained unchanged and she responded:

"Yes, everything is to better serve the goddess. If you make a little sacrifice, the goddess will not blame you."

"Then...there's nothing we can do."

Canterbury looked up to the sky and sighed, then slammed the table and called out in a deep voice:

"Sister Therese, Father Cooper."


In the darkness, two figures walked out, as if they had been waiting here for a long time.

"You guys, just take your people and follow His Excellency the Honorable Templar on this trip."

Canterbury stroked his beard and warned:

"Remember, you have nothing to do with the church today, so don't reveal your identity."


The voice in the darkness was steady, giving people an incomparable sense of security.

"Is the fire on?"

"It's on, sir."

"Very good, let's go."

In Dion's mansion, the butler Arnold led the carriages that Wei'er had just sent, bypassed the private courtyard that looked like a forest garden, and came to a hidden place.

In the center of the open space, a huge, two-story-high metal furnace was constantly spewing thick black smoke.

The blazing flames were burning in the furnace, and a large amount of burning residues were piled up at the bottom of the furnace. You could vaguely see the red liquid metal, the dust that drifted with the flames, and some precious things that remained after the burning.

Over the years, countless things that would endanger the Dion family, whether it was evidence, stolen goods, secret documents, or... people, were thrown into this blazing furnace and became one of the foundations of this prominent family.

And now, this foundation will add some new things.

"Are these things just going to be thrown in?"

Someone looked at the carriages reluctantly: "These are sent by the princess, there must be a lot of good things."

"Stop talking nonsense, this is the order of the Marquis, do it quickly!" The butler scolded.

"But... it's always okay to take a look, anyway, it will be burned, and the Marquis doesn't know."

The butler's subordinate muttered.


The butler's eyes flickered when he heard this.

Yes, it's all things that are going to be burned anyway, I'll take a look, I'll take a look... there shouldn't be any problem.

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