166. A kind-hearted person passing by

"I want to eat steak."


"I said, I want a steak."

In the waiting room of Dion's mansion, Weier held her chin in her hands and said seriously:

"In fact, I have a disease that will kill me if I don't eat steak. So, Marquis Sharpe, in order to avoid the tragedy of the messenger sent by Her Royal Highness Princess dying in your mansion, please give me steak."


Sharp was a little confused and looked at Weier seriously again, trying to determine what method she was using now.

But Weier just blinked her big innocent eyes, patted the table, and kept shouting for steak.

It looks very weak, pitiful, and still edible.

"Go tell the kitchen and make her one."

Finally, Sharp gave up thinking and waved his hand to direct the servants beside him.

"Yes." The polite servant responded respectfully.

"Remember, I want it cooked thoroughly!"

Wei'er suddenly raised her hand, like a primary school student answering a question.

"Not even a little bloodshot."

"Understood." The servant responded again.

"It also has to be paired with red wine from Chateau Grotte, not from that chateau. I coughed after drinking it."

"...Understood." The servant bent down and responded for the third time: "We happen to have wine from Chateau Grotte, which will definitely satisfy Miss Weier."

"Moreover, the beef must be from the top grade beef back from Kerr Ranch in the south, the spices must come from the Kingdom's Morse Valley, and the tableware must be of the same style as the royal family..."

Wei'er rambled on for a while, and after talking about a long list of precious things that even the top nobles of the empire rarely enjoyed, the servant finally couldn't bear it anymore, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he looked at Sharp for help.

"Take out the best things in the mansion and ignore what she said..."

Sharp's cheeks also twitched, and he sighed at Yu Weier's thick skin, and said helplessly: "Take whatever you have."


The servant was amnesty, and after saluting, he quickly left the hall, as if he was afraid that Weier would make any outrageous demands again.

"That's too much."

Wei'er puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction: "You can't even meet my small request. Is this how you entertain guests?"

"Haha, if you really want to satisfy Miss Wei'er's 'little' request, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat your steak until tomorrow morning." Sharp sneered.

"Oh? So you can eat it as long as tomorrow morning?"

Weier blinked in surprise: "I once asked about the best restaurant in the uptown area, and they needed three days to get it together, but you only need one night. Marquis Dion's house is really amazing!"


Realizing that he seemed to have made a mistake, Sharp's expression suddenly froze.

Damn it, I was tricked by a little girl?

You also said you were just here to apologize?

Sharp took a deep breath. This gaffe was quickly erased by his cultivation. After he reorganized his words, he stared at Weier seriously and asked slowly:

"I don't want to go around too much. Let me tell you, Miss Wei'er, what is your real purpose for being so messy?"

"What purpose could I have?"

Weier held her cheek and said cutely:

"I'm just an ignorant girl following the president. What bad intentions can I have?"

"This is where the problem lies!"

Sharp slapped the table and said angrily in a deep voice: "What the hell is that princess doing! Even if she has a noble status, she cannot pester our Dion family for no reason. Our Dion family is also a prominent member of the empire... "


Wei'er came over and asked, pretending to be surprised: "This word is used very well. The president is very careful, so he didn't come to visit you. This time he sent me to apologize. It should be a normal interaction, right?" , how can it be called entangled?”

As Wei'er spoke, she suddenly clapped her hands and suddenly realized:

"Or...do you think you have anything worthy of being entangled by the president?"


Sharp stood up suddenly and shouted angrily:

"The Dion family has been keeping a low profile over the years and has almost disappeared from the political arena of the empire. What can we do that is worthy of Her Royal Highness Celcia's entanglement? I think it is Her Royal Highness Princess Celcia who is maliciously targeting our Dion family. Otherwise..."

"Oh, oh, oh, don't be angry. I'm just talking. How could the president be malicious about you? Didn't she ask me to give you gifts?"

Wei'er spread her hands and said even more innocently:

"Your Majesty, Marquis, you also need to present evidence when you speak."


Sharp was furious for a while. He didn't expect that this follower who had been following Princess Celcia looked like a pink and tender little girl, but spoke and acted like a greasy rogue middle-aged uncle.

"Forget it, I won't argue with you. I still have things to deal with. You can stay as long as you like and eat as much as you like!"

Anyway, I can’t do anything to her, so let her serve her here with good food and drink, as long as it doesn’t affect...

"Okay, okay."

Weier looked a little excited, "Your Majesty, please go and do your work first, just leave me alone."


Sharp, who was about to leave, suddenly turned around:

"What did you say?"

"Huh? Did I say something wrong?"

Weier covered her mouth, her black eyes rolled around for a few times, then she smiled and waved her hands, explaining:

"My idea is that the Marquis is busy, so I won't bother you, just go and do your own thing."

"I let you stay alone, you seem happy?" Sharp narrowed his eyes.


Weier was surprised: "Marquis, did you see it wrong? Well... If you are worried, you can find two more people to accompany me, I don't mind!"


Sharp was silent, staring at Wei's harmless face, and fell into deep thought.

If it were normal, to deal with such a dog-skin plaster guy, he would just find a few people to monitor him. This is Dion's mansion, and I don't think she would dare to play any tricks.

But now... the princess kept pestering and staring at this place for unknown reasons, but it was enough to make people alert, especially at this critical period... and sent such a difficult guy.

Could it be...

"I am being rude."

Sharp rubbed his face, suddenly regaining his polite and calm demeanor, then turned around and sat down in front of Wei'er again.

"How can I leave my guests behind and go away? My previous behavior really insulted the name of my Dion family. I am very sorry."

"Eh? Aren't you going to be busy? Didn't you say you had something important..."

"No matter how important it is, how can it compare to having dinner with a distinguished guest like Miss Wei'er."

Sharp smiled and said, "Although the chat just now was a little unpleasant, Miss Wei'er will not dislike me, I believe that Her Royal Highness the Princess also hopes that we can live in harmony, right?"

"...Of course I don't dislike it. How could I dislike the Marquis?"

Weier forced a smile, "I wish the Marquis could stay with me for a while longer."

"Really? That's good."

Looking at the smile on Wei'er's face that was almost forced out, Sharp became more and more certain of his guess. He clapped his hands and called the servant, signaling him to serve another dinner.

"Then, I hope we can spend a wonderful night, Miss Wei'er."




"What is inside?"

The more he looked at the carriages, the more curious Butler Arnold became.

The black carriages had no markings, but were tightly closed. From the outside, it was hard to guess what valuables were in the carriages.

"Such a big carriage, could it be filled with the beauty that Her Royal Highness the Princess gave to the Marquis?"

A subordinate joked.

"Go to hell, do you think Her Highness Princess is as vulgar as you? The Marquis has seen all kinds of beauties, why would he send a beauty specifically?"

Another subordinate rubbed his hands: "In my opinion, it must be all gold and silver treasures!"

"Damn, you are vulgar. If it is all gold and silver treasures, how much should be loaded in such large carriages? It is more than enough to buy the entire Marquis's mansion!"

"Hmph, that's Her Highness Princess. What if she is really that generous?"

"Even if she is really that generous, it's not your turn..."


The butler couldn't stand it anymore and interrupted the two of them, "Now is not the time for you to quarrel. Be quick. If the Marquis knows, he will break your bones one by one!"


"Hmph, a bunch of idiots."

After teaching his stupid subordinates a lesson, Butler Arnold slowly paced in front of the carriage, suppressed his inner expectations, stretched out his hand, and knocked on the carriage.

The cold metal made a dull sound, which made him more excited, and he could not control his imagination.

What is it? Is it a beauty? Or treasure?

The things sent by the princess can't be ordinary things.

Thinking of this, the butler subconsciously put his head on the carriage.




In a moment of silence, he heard such a strange sound.

Ah, it turns out that it is a precious antique clock?

Haha, judging from the sound, there are quite a few antique clocks sent. Her Royal Highness is really thoughtful.

The butler smiled in realization, but cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

"You." He stood up and called the subordinates who just brought the tools.

"Hmm? What's the matter? Lord Arnold."

"You open it."

"Huh? Us?"

Several subordinates were surprised. After all, being able to be the first to see the treasure sent by Her Royal Highness the Princess was a great honor for them.

"Stop talking nonsense, come quickly."

Watching several subordinates happily holding tools and starting to pry open the carriage that was sealed tightly despite being a gift, the butler wiped his sweat, turned around, and ran without hesitation...

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