"Ah, it's open!"

With a crisp click and a shout of surprise, the sturdy carriage was finally pried open.

Several people looked expectantly into the carriage.

But what appeared in their field of vision was neither the poor beauty hiding in the carriage nor the expensive treasure worth thousands of gold.



One after another, round metal products.




A slight, crisp, and rapid sound finally fell clearly into the ears of these people after the carriage opened.

And it was at this moment that those sounds suddenly stopped at the same time.



The blazing light drowned everything.


After the roaring explosion and the light that illuminated half of the sky dissipated, the housekeeper gasped and climbed up from the ground with difficulty.

Although he reacted immediately and ran away very quickly, the explosion still affected him after all, pushing him to fly at least dozens of meters.

Fortunately, he had some cultivation, otherwise in the terrifying explosion just now, he would have turned into dust dissipated in the fire like his subordinates.

"Damn it, damn it... that princess actually attacked the Marquis' mansion with an alchemical bomb. Is she crazy?"

The housekeeper still couldn't believe what had just happened. You must know that this is Belland, this is the upper city. To carry out such a terrorist attack so openly, the target of the attack is still the Marquis's residence. If this matter is brought up, even if She is a princess, so she must give an explanation!

"I have to inform the Marquis as soon as possible... No, the Marquis should have already known about such a big movement."

The housekeeper shook his still groggy head and looked around with difficulty.

After the explosion, the entire Marquis mansion was in chaos, with frightened screams and exclamations everywhere.

The shouts of "It's on fire, put out the fire quickly" temporarily suppressed the noise. The housekeeper saw that a large number of servants and guards from the Marquis's residence were already rushing towards this side, and various magical lights began to flicker.

"No, no, even if I don't need to notify the Marquis, I still have to go and direct the follow-up."

Knowing that he was seriously injured now, the housekeeper staggered and forced himself to support his body.

He knew very well that the Marquis had a personality that was almost the same as his father's hidden behind his gentle appearance. Therefore, he knew very well that on such occasions, he had to be on the front line. Even if he was pretending, he had to pretend. Working hard.


"Hello, do you need help?"

While the housekeeper was still struggling to get up, he suddenly heard an extremely gentle voice.

Looking up in confusion, the housekeeper saw the figure in the gradually dissipating smoke.

It was a girl wearing a black dress.

He looks young and looks very ordinary, but his face dotted with cute freckles is full of a gentle and sweet smile.

Seeing that smile, the housekeeper's heart, which was still frightened and flustered just now, suddenly calmed down a lot, as if he felt the warmth of the sun.

However, when he suddenly saw a strange girl in the mansion, the housekeeper still maintained due vigilance.

"You...who are you?"

"Me? I am serving...ah, no, tonight I am just an ordinary kind-hearted person passing by."

The girl stretched out her slender hand:

"Poor gentleman who is entangled in troubles and pains, do you need help from me, an ordinary and kind-hearted person?"


The butler murmured dully, and under the increasingly gentle, sweet, and radiant smile, he seemed to be about to be saved, and the vigilance he had just now gradually dissipated.

"Yes, I need help, I need..."


Suddenly, a dull voice woke up the housekeeper.

Following the sound, he slowly lowered his head, and then saw... the meteor hammer that accidentally fell to the ground from under the dress of this ordinary kind-hearted person.

The sharp thorns highlight the ferocious beauty, and the metallic color reflects the fascinating light. From this height, a clear crater can be made on the ground, and you can know how powerful this meteor hammer is. Amazing weight.

"Ah, sorry, I was a little careless."

The girl picked up the meteor hammer, which might be difficult for adults to pick up, and swung it easily in her hand like a toy. After making a sound like thunder, she still smiled sweetly and said:

"However, as an ordinary kind-hearted person passing by, it is normal for me to accidentally drop a meteor hammer or something from under my skirt."

167. Relationship

"As a kind-hearted ordinary person passing by, it is normal for me to accidentally drop a meteor hammer from under my skirt."

The girl waved the weapon in her hand, but she was smiling, and her tone was full of compassion and softness.

"Yes, yes, this kind of thing is normal."

The housekeeper seemed to be influenced by this harmless atmosphere like the gentle sunshine, and nodded unconsciously.

That's right, it's just a meteor hammer that fell out from under the skirt. This kind of thing seems very normal at first glance...how strange!

How stupid do you think I am to believe such nonsense?

The butler's expression suddenly became ferocious. The moment he nodded in response and asked the other party to relax their vigilance, a dagger with cold light pounced on the girl in front of him like a poisonous snake preying on prey.

No matter who the other party is, strike first to gain the upper hand! He won't be fooled by the other person's appearance!


The alchemy dagger that the butler obtained at a high price through the power of the Dion family stopped abruptly when it was just a thread away from the opponent's fair and fragile skin.

Just because of two slender fingers.

But these two fingers, as thin as onions and seemingly non-threatening, gently clamped the dagger. No matter how much fighting energy was exerted, or how the blue light on the dagger flickered, the butler's attack could not make an inch of progress.

Like a poisonous snake, it was easily lifted and pinched by seven inches.


The butler's face showed horror. Looking at the girl wielding a meteor hammer in front of him, he finally understood that the princess, or the person behind what happened tonight, sent more than just a few carriages of bombs to the Dion family. That’s all.

In other words, the purpose of the bomb is just to...


The dull sound interrupted the butler's thinking.

Then, there was severe pain as if all the internal organs in the body were smashed, and a feeling of weightlessness like being thrown away like a sandbag.

But soon, he couldn't even feel this anymore.

Because when he landed again, all the vitality in his body had quickly escaped like a deflated rubber ball.

His consciousness dimmed quickly.

"Spare...spare me..."

The housekeeper squirmed a few times on the ground and stretched out his hand towards the vague shadow:

"I...I'm just a...butler...anything the Dion family does...has nothing to do with me...with me..."

"Ah, really?"

The girl clasped her hands in compassion: "That's really a pity. In that case, goddess... No, the one we serve will definitely forgive your sins."


Another calm and helpless voice sounded in the ears of the housekeeper, who had gradually become cold:

"I have said it many times. As a cultivator...as a kind-hearted ordinary person passing by, it is better not to use a dangerous weapon like the meteor hammer casually."

"Ah, I'm so sorry."

The girl named Therese bowed her head and apologized: "It seems that I was too relaxed and forgot this."

"you you……"

Seeing that the monster girl just surrendered, the housekeeper seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw and stretched out his hand towards the figure who didn't know when he was approaching:

"Help me...save me..."

"How pathetic."

The man in simple gray clothes lowered his head, his pitiful eyes reflecting the miserable butler:

"It seems that now it is just my treasured holy book that can give you salvation."

"Yes...salvation...I want redemption..."

"Then, may...that person bless you."

The man took out an extremely heavy tome from his arms. Under the expectant gaze of the butler, he did not open the tome but... raised it high.


Blood mixed with red and white things splattered everywhere.

This time, it was a duller sound, and the butler could no longer make any sound of longing for salvation.

Presumably, his wish has been achieved.

The goddess will grant him salvation.

"How cunning, Father Cooper."

Therese wiped the blood splattered on her cheeks and said dissatisfied:

"You don't let me use the meteor hammer, but you still hit people with the scriptures like before. What should you do if your identity is discovered?"

"I am letting him feel the truth of the scriptures and the way to salvation lies within it."

Father Cooper carefully touched the thick black book in his hand and said calmly:

"As for the identity, don't worry, this time my scripture is disguised and the cover is wrapped in sheepskin, so ordinary people can't see it."

As he spoke, Cooper touched his chin and muttered: "Well, speaking of it, this method seems good. There is no need to worry about the scriptures being contaminated by the filthy blood of sinners like in the past."

"It's indeed a good idea."

Therese stroked her cheek in distress: "Unfortunately, my little baby is not as convenient as the scriptures, so..."

Therese turned around and looked at the people of the Dion family who had gathered because of the previous explosion and fire. She waved the meteor hammer again, and a trace of abnormal excitement and rosy color suddenly appeared on her cheeks:

"Therefore... I can only let these guilty people beg the goddess for forgiveness."

"Please restrain yourself, Sister Therese."

Cooper sighed helplessly while flexing his muscles:

"Our mission is just to contain them temporarily."

"Of course, of course."

Therese smiled, and then pounced on the target like a beast:

"My Goddess, I will be... very gentle."

When a commotion broke out in the spacious and gorgeous Dion family mansion, in the deep night, there were also people who were continuing the unfinished conversation.

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