"Your Excellency the Archbishop, where did you invite these two... warriors from?"

Looking at the increasingly unbearable scene in the mansion, Mu En's mouth twitched and said:

"I hope they can not go too far. Our goal this time is not to wipe out the Dion family."

"Sister Therese is a member of the choir of the former Saint Lady. She was trained by the former Saint Lady herself. After the former Saint Lady abdicated, she also withdrew from the choir and came to me to do odd jobs. That's all."

Canterbury stroked his beard and smiled:

"As for Father Cooper...as you can see, he is just an ordinary priest, nothing special, but don't worry, Father Cooper is very measured in his work. He will keep an eye on Sister Therese and let her...kill less."

"...As expected of you, this hand is hidden deeper than I thought." Mu En said meaningfully.

"Haha, after all, he is Belland. If he doesn't have some trump cards, who would dare to stay in such a deep and bottomless place? I am an old man, and I can't sleep well without some support."

Canterbury tilted his eyes to look at Mu En: "Besides, wouldn't it make you feel more at ease if the ally is reliable?"

"The Archbishop's words are so distant, how can we be allies."

Mu En said sincerely: "We are a family! Since we are a family, you see the reward..."

"Not a penny less, if a penny less, I will strip you naked and send you back to the Saint Lady, I think the Saint Lady will be very happy about it." Canterbury sneered.


This old man, how can the archbishop be so stingy.

Mu En secretly slandered a few words in his heart, coughed a few times, and then turned to the main topic:

"In this case, I will start to get busy next. By the way, I have to ask again just in case..."

Mu En seemed to suddenly remember something and asked: "Is the other thing I troubled you with before really reliable enough? This is the most important part of my plan. If something goes wrong..."

"Boy, how much do you look down on my Life Church."

Canterbury's mouth curled up and said disdainfully:

"Don't worry, that "thing" is absolutely foolproof."



Dion's mansion, living room.

The orange candlelight swayed a charming atmosphere, and the soft music highlighted the elegant temperament. The gentleman and the lady sat opposite each other at the dining table, with their backs straight, and meticulously divided the beef on the silver plate.

This is like a pair of aristocratic lovers who are well-matched, having a harmonious dinner together...If there is no tit-for-tat atmosphere, it would be like this.

"The beef is too old and unpalatable."

"Didn't you ask for well-done?"

"The wine is bitter and astringent and unpalatable."

"You picked the wine, too."


"You picked the tableware, too! What else do you want!"

Sharp couldn't stand it anymore and smashed the table in anger.

However, Wei Er immediately showed an innocent expression, blinked pitifully, and said in a hypocritical manner: "Hey, is there? I forgot~"


Sharp's eyes went dark, but he still took a deep breath and sat back slowly.

Calm down.

Calm down.

Sharp, you must be calm.

This guy deliberately disgusted me so much, maybe just to make me leave in anger, so that she has the opportunity to do something behind my back, and I must not fall for her trick.

The more times like this, the more I have to maintain my self-cultivation.

Since she is so annoying, I just don't look at her. Look out the window. The night tonight is so beautiful and peaceful.

Sharp temporarily turned his eyes away from the annoying face and looked at the beautiful scenery outside the window.

Since it was a place for entertaining guests, the scenery here was also excellent. You could directly see the forest garden outside that was touched by famous masters. Even in the night, the hot spring carved from white jade still revealed an extremely restrained beauty.

Look, such a peaceful night, so peaceful that it seemed that the water splashes were still... huh?

The water splashes were still?

Sharp's eyes widened, and he stood up suddenly with a gloomy expression.

"What are you doing?"

Wei'er yelled and tried to pull Sharp to sit down: "Will you let me eat properly!"

Sharp dodged Wei'er's dirty hands, stretched out his hand and pointed, and the majestic magic power gathered:


In an instant, the peaceful scenery outside the window, like a lake with stones thrown into it, began to stir up waves of ripples.

Until then, those clear and noisy shouts from the other side of the mansion, and the fire that almost dyed half of the sky red, penetrated the invisible boundary and were noticed by Sharp.

"This is..."

Damn, I was fooled!

Sharp reacted quickly. The purpose of this guy in front of him was not to get rid of him from the beginning... but to hold him back!

The shame and anger of being fooled burned his heart like a flame. Sharp looked at Wei'er with a ferocious face and his voice was like a devil from hell:

"You dare to do such a thing, do you know what you are doing?"

"Of course I know what I am doing."

Wei'er didn't panic after the trick was exposed, and she still sat there calmly.

Even if the man in front of her was an excellent magician who had graduated from St. Mary's College many years ago, his strength was much better than hers.

"Then do you know the consequences of doing such a thing?!"

"Since you're not convinced, then you can kill me." Wei'er said proudly with a stick in her neck.


"I said, you might as well kill me."

"You think I don't dare!"

Sharp smashed the dining table with his palm and said angrily: "A blatant attack on the Marquis's residence. Even if I kill you on the spot, no one can accuse me of anything!"

"Of course no one can blame you, but..."


"But you didn't know that."

Wei'er's mouth twisted and she said:

"My grandfather is the former head of the Royal Magician Corps, a genuine veteran truth-level magician!"

"If you kill me, my grandfather will kill your whole family!"

168. Meet

"Royal Magician Corps...former division commander?"

The firelight not far away rose, illuminating Sharp's funny expression that suddenly changed from anger to stiffness:

"How is this possible and why have I never heard of it?"

Since she is the one following the Princess, it is impossible for the Marquis's Mansion not to investigate, but judging from the information he has obtained so far, this girl's parents are just a pair of ordinary wandering magicians. Even absent from Belland all year round, as for her grandfather...

Huh? Wait, it seems that there is really no mention of who her grandfather is in the message?

Is this true?

Sharp was annoyed for a while, and secretly thought that those guys whom the Dion family had raised with so much money, were they really just a bunch of trash? Can't even find out about this kind of thing?

"Huh, originally I just wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person, but since you insist on forcing me..."

Weier put her hands on her hips and her nostrils almost flew to the sky:

"I'm not pretending anymore. I'm a third-generation demon! Sooner or later, I'm the woman who will become the new head of the Royal Magician Corps! By the way, my grandfather loves me the most!"


At this time, Wei'er was extremely arrogant, and she didn't look like a dogleg next to Celcia at all. It made people want to punch her in the face, but Sharp's cheek twitched, and she looked like he would bite a hedgehog. Feel.

If she was really the granddaughter of the former head of the royal magicians, would he really dare to kill her?

Of course I don't dare. Now that the old Marquis has "passed away", the entire Marquis family is in its weakest state and cannot afford the wrath of a truth-level magician. What's more, the distinguished status of the leader of the Royal Division cannot be tolerated at all. Afraid of the so-called "Marquis" above his head now.

It is for these reasons that the other party would take the initiative to put this hedgehog into his mouth.

Of course, if what they are planning develops smoothly, there will definitely be a day when they no longer have to worry about this threat, and even the great magician will bow before him, but it is definitely not now.

When that day comes, at least...

"Humph, why, are you scared? If you are scared, I advise you to stay calm. As long as you finish this dinner with me today, I will still be a kind and good friend, otherwise..."

"I see, I underestimated you."

But facing the increasingly arrogant Weier, Sharp opened his eyes, and the surging magic flowed again:

"However, I think that no matter how much the great magician dotes on you, he will not anger my Dion family just because of the little harm Miss Weier suffered."

"What do you mean?"

Wei'er's expression turned cold: "You still want to fight me?"

"Yes, I know that you are going to mess around in my Dion family. As the new head of the Dion family, of course I can't stand by and watch. As for Miss Wei'er... I will try to be gentle and give you back your integrity. grandfather."

A cold light flashed in Sharp's eyes: "Of course, a little pain is unavoidable. Miss Wei'er, please forgive me."

"Do you really think you've got me?"

An outstanding magic graduate from Santa Maria College can indeed make people feel intimidated, but Weier did not panic at all when facing this senior Sharp, and even wanted to laugh. In an instant, the same strong magic power was in her. The petite body rose into the sky.

"You underestimate me, Lord Marquis."

Weier sneered disdainfully, her momentum not weak at all:

"Although I have always been with the president, you don't think... I am really just a useless follower!"

A few minutes later.

Sharp, whose clothes were slightly torn, walked out of the room. Behind him was Weier, who had been tied into a rice dumpling, but was still wriggling with tears in her eyes.

"That's all."

Sharp loosened his tie, with a hint of pride on his face as he had been a top student when he was a student at Santa Maria.

We are all geniuses and were taught in the same school. My level is higher than yours. I really don’t know where this woman got her courage and confidence.

If she hadn't had a good grandfather...

"But...the trouble lies next."

After walking out of the living room and standing on the courtyard corridor with a wide view, Sharp could more intuitively see the disaster that was happening in the entire Marquis mansion at this moment.

Thick black flames covered the sky, and the dazzling fire was as ferocious as the fangs of a demon. There was chaos everywhere, and the harsh shouts and screams were like the neighing of rusty strings.

"Damn it, the residence of the dignified Marquis has turned into this. Where is Butler Arnold? Where is that loser Arnold?"

The surging murderous intent almost tore through the gentle coat. Unfortunately, no matter how angry Sharp was, he still didn't get any response.


Sharp turned around and saw a round ball of flesh almost jumping towards him.


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