After getting closer, you can see clearly that this is not a flesh ball, but an extremely fat man. However, the man is naked, not even wearing pants, and there are clear red lip marks on his body. It seems that he has just gained some warmth and tenderness. The villagers were terrified.

This man is none other than Sharp's younger brother, Charles.

"Brother, brother, it's not good!"

Charles grabbed Sharp's sleeve and cried with snot and tears:

"There is a crazy woman who is killing people in the mansion, including Butler Arnold and many others!"


Sharp slapped his brother so hard that he spun around in the air for two and a half weeks and angrily shouted:

"What do you guys do for a living? Is there one? You can't stop even one person? What does the Dion family do to raise you? Are you a mascot?"

"Brother, it's not that I don't want to stop them, but there are a lot of untouchables who ran away when they saw something was wrong! I can't go up and deliver them alone. I still have the noble blood of the Dion family in my body."

Ciel covered his face and said aggrievedly:

"Go and have a look. If you don't go, I'm afraid that crazy woman won't even let go of the Viscountess I happened to have sex with recently!"

"Trash! He only knows how to play with women!"

Sharp became furious and cursed a few more times.

But he also knew that even beating his incompetent brother to death would have no effect at this time. The important thing was that he could not let the other party continue to act recklessly, otherwise the Dion family would lose the dignity it had maintained for hundreds of years.

"Wait, that's not right."

But just as Sharp was thinking about the center of the commotion and rushing towards it, he suddenly seemed to remember something and turned back to look at Charles:

"You said those intruders were just killing people everywhere?"

"'s not like killing people everywhere."

Charles said tremblingly: "Many of the untouchables who worked in the mansion were let go, but many people who belonged to our Dion family were killed, but they didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, and they didn't seem to be afraid of what would happen next. support.”

"Not in a hurry..."

Sharp pondered for a while, and then his expression suddenly changed:

"No, this is just bait!"

"It should be right here."

In the gloomy cellar, the temperature was bone-chillingly cold.

There is a faint white mist flowing in the air.

Darkness surged, and the warning magic deployed around the cellar was temporarily paralyzed after a flash of lightning.

"As expected of an old lolita, it is more powerful than the simplified portable version of the alchemy field."

Mu En, who was holding on to her "single resentment", sighed and placed an exquisite magic device in the middle of the cellar.

It was precisely with the ancient relics in his hands and the tatters he collected from the old Lolita after he was almost tortured to death (Old Lolita claimed to be so) that he was able to reach the Marquis's mansion without any hindrance, which was the most heavily guarded building. place.

And now...

"This is our first real meeting."

Mu En looked at the old man lying in the coffin, and he saluted gracefully like a junior meeting his elders, with a sarcastic arc at the corner of his mouth:

"Dear Speaker, Your Excellency."

169. With this move of mine, you should...

In the exquisite and luxurious crystal coffin is an old man dressed in plain clothes.

The old man's eyes were slightly sleepy, his expression was calm, as if he was sleeping, and his face even had a faint trace of blood like a living person, as if he would get up from the coffin at any time and wake up from this nap.

He crossed his hands on his chest, and wore a ruby ​​ring engraved with the Dion family crest on his finger. Under the refraction of the faint light, it highlighted a trace of the majesty of having been in a high position for a long time.

But if you change the angle, the rainbow light of the gem disperses, and you can see another kind of close and peaceful temperament on the old man's face.

Deja vu...peace.

As the memory came back, this temperament seemed to appear on a young and handsome face.

"You even pretended to be dead and didn't forget to put on a mask. Should I say you are scary or pitiful?"

Mu En whispered sarcastically.

No, for this old guy, the several masks on his face must have completely grown into his flesh, and it is impossible to tell which is real and which is fake.

"However, even if you wear a mask, I think you should be able to hear the cries from those poor people, Mr. Speaker."

With a solemn look on his face, Mu En stretched out his hand towards Marquis Dion in the coffin, and black flames like elves jumped out from his fingertips.

The flames swayed silently, but there seemed to be countless painful screams from the souls echoing in it. This was the sound of millions of sins and the fire of sins accumulated by countless souls.

And not long after, there will be another cry echoing in it.


Suddenly there was a cold shout, and the black flames instantly disappeared from the fingertips. Mu En raised her head and raised her brows slightly, as if she did not expect that there would be an uninvited guest.

At the other end of the cellar, Sharp stepped out of the shadows.

His face was extremely gloomy, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the still intact body of the old man in the coffin. When his eyes fell on Mu En, his expression became solemn again:

"Who are you……"

Sharp's eyes flashed slightly, and all the information he had obtained during this period unconsciously gathered in his mind, making him almost blurt out the name:

"That Bruce in the lower town? The so-called Dark Emperor, and... the lackey of the Campbell family?"

"I didn't expect that the famous new head of the Dion family would also know the name of a nobody like me."

Mu En took off his hat in greeting, with a slight smile on his face that was as deep and cold as ever with Slavic features: "This is really flattering to me."

"Nobody? Your reputation before was so terrifying."

Sharp said in a mocking tone: "However, we all thought that after that, you would hide like a shrunken turtle and wait obediently for everything to settle. Unexpectedly, you still have the courage to show up? Why, Campbell can't be used for the time being. Because of the power of the family, he fell into the lap of the princess? "

"Are we...?"

Mu En ignored Sharp's sarcasm and just chewed on these two seemingly ordinary words:

"As expected, the Dion family is also a member of the council."


Sharp sneered and retorted: "I have never said that the Dion family is connected with the so-called inner city you call it. This is the noble upper town of Belland, not your stinking ditch. You need evidence for random slander." , His Excellency the Dark Emperor.”

"No evidence required, Mr. Sharp."

Mu En smiled: "Things have happened to this point. We know many things well. After all, once some cards are turned over, it is difficult to turn them back. For example, the power of the Campbell family that I exposed, such as Dion Is the family a member of the inner council? Another example is..."

Mu En lowered his head and stared at the old face in the coffin: "What kind of filthy and dirty soul is hidden under the young and handsome body of our outstanding eldest prince?"


Every word, like a sharp knife, made Sharp's face suddenly turn pale, and he narrowed his eyes in a bad tone:

"Do you really already know?"

"That's why I'm here, isn't it?"

"What went wrong? Is it Princess Celcia? Did she see something last time? Or is it because..."

Sharp asked through gritted teeth.

"Are those things important? Whatever you do, it is impossible not to leave traces. Mr. Sharp cannot fail to understand this simple and easy-to-understand truth."

Mu En held up her hat:

"Of course, this trace may be a cup of fragrant coffee, or it may be just a trace of thoughts left by a useless dead man. But in terms of conclusion, although you have tricked many people, this trick is not perfect."

"So...does it seem like you are still going through this pointless struggle? Haha...stupid!"

Sharp began to gather magic power from the palms of his sleeves that hung naturally, and the corners of his clothes were swept by the slightly cold air: "I can give you one last chance, Mr. Bruce, we appreciate you very much, leave from here, and tell you what you know No matter how rotten you are, or you swear your loyalty to us, I can guarantee you that you still have the qualifications to get a place in the Lower City! Otherwise..."

"Or will you kill me?"

Facing Sharp's death threat, Mu En shrugged indifferently: "In the's you who don't know anything. How about I make a condition? Take your arrogance and arrogance and roll into hell." Go, that will save me the trouble of doing it.”

"Yeah, is that your answer? Great."

The already bone-chilling cellar became even colder with these words that sounded like a sentence.

The anger on Sharp's face gradually subsided, replaced by a look as deep as the abyss... murderous intention!


Without any hesitation, Sharp moved his fingers slightly.

The magic lines that had already been constructed were instantly integrated into the air.

A faint white mist floated, and with Sharp's empty hand holding his hand, the air was compressed to the extreme, instantly turning into countless invisible blades, like a large net intertwined with blades, and suddenly enveloped Mu En.

There is no chanting, no process of formula construction.

As the head of the Dion family, and as an excellent Brilliant-level magician, Sharp Dion's magical attainments far exceed those of the same level. Singless magic and concealment construction magic have long been part of his instincts. He was once the proud son of heaven in his glorious era, and there were few opponents on the road ahead.

Therefore, even when facing such a rumored terrifying figure, he still has the confidence and certainty to win.


It was obviously just a collapse of air pressure, but it made a terrifying sound like steel being twisted. Where Sharp held his hand, a white mist formed by rich magic filled the air, and the space seemed to be twisted with ripples.




The flesh and blood were torn apart, and the faint smell of blood began to permeate the closed cellar.

Behind the slightly distorted space was Mu En's solemn expression.

In fact, because of the premonition of death, Mu En had already retreated in advance the moment before the magic took effect.

But it's still too late.

The alchemy core was scorching hot, and he possessed a speed far beyond that of the same level, but the wind blade still left clear scars on his body.

If it weren't for that haste and advance warning, he would have been torn into pieces at this moment.

"It's more troublesome than I thought."

Mu En lowered his eyes and looked at the bleeding wounds on his body.

The biting magic power poured into it, and although it was instantly swallowed up by the black flames in his body, it still proved that the newly appointed Marquis had the ability to truly kill himself.

After all, it is difficult for me now to deal with an ordinary fifth-level magician with all my strength, let alone a brilliant level magician who is far beyond the ordinary fifth-level.

Sharp was obviously not comparable to the magician sisters he had met in the Forest of Death.

And he was obviously very cautious. He had an absolute advantage, but from the beginning, he did not give himself a chance to get close.

If he could not get close, even if he used Black Flame, facing a powerful magician of the Brilliant Class, the chance of winning would still be very slim.

"Why, you won't attack?"

Looking at Mu En who was concentrating, Sharp smiled slightly ferociously:

"Where I am standing now is the only exit of this cellar, or do you understand the gap between you and me, and finally give up?"

More magic brilliance flashed behind Sharp, and the death warning in Mu En's mind was as sharp as countless runaway beehives.

"Hehe, it's not time to give up."

Mu En let out a long breath, shook his head, and temporarily suppressed the piercing buzzing in his head.

"I admit that in terms of strength, I am indeed not as good as you."


Mu En stretched out his hand and grasped the ancient relic "Single's Grudge."

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