As he pulled hard, a rapier that once belonged to a silver-white girl was pulled out from the umbrella handle. It seemed to still have the girl's body fragrance and... coldness.

"How should you deal with this move of mine?"

Mu En stuck the rapier into the ground, and the condensed ice spread quickly towards Sharp like ink drops on white paper.

"Princess Cecilia's divine favor!"

Sharp's pupils shrank slightly.

He thought that the princess chose to give a little help only because of the marriage contract with the Campbell family, but he didn't expect that she would actually give her sword, along with part of the divine power, to the guy in front of him!

Damn, after helping to this extent, did she really think that she was Mrs. Campbell?

"But, even if this is the case, what? The power of divine favor is not invincible!"

Sharp growled.

The deep, deep, cadenced, and mysterious singing voice, like an opera, quickly echoed in the cellar. The few magics that Sharp had just constructed were quickly planned and transformed into new magics in a very short time.


The hot flames burned out of thin air, but were very well controlled. They did not explode in such a small space, but turned into a wall of flames to block the erosion of extreme cold.

While resisting the power of the gods, Sharp did not relax his vigilance against Mu En. He knew that such a battle-hardened and experienced opponent would never give up such an excellent opportunity. Therefore, in secret, the magic used to deal with Mu En had already been prepared, just waiting for him to take the initiative...


But Mu En did not take advantage of this excellent opportunity to launch an attack behind the wall of fire.

Instead, he chose to turn around without hesitation, and in Sharp's gradually widening eyes, he raised his fist and smashed towards something!

At this moment, Sharp realized the deep meaning of Mu En's words "How should you deal with it?"

He didn't want to escape, but...


Sharp's eyes were red, and he roared angrily at the man who was about to "destroy the body":


170, Trap within a Trap


The angry Sharp's eyes were bloodshot, and the magic power that was originally used for defense suddenly surged towards Mu En, who was retreating instead of advancing.

But Mu En seemed to be completely unconcerned about the murderous intent coming from behind him, and punched the coffin hard.


After the thunderous roar, there was a crisp shattering sound.

The coffin lid, which looked like a crystal carving, was obviously not made of ordinary material, but it still cracked directly under Mu En's full-strength punch.

The old face finally appeared in the air, becoming more and more pale and terrifying.

"I told you... Stop!"

Sharp's eyes were red, and the surging anger in his heart almost made him lose his mind.

This is not because of how deep his relationship with his father is, but because he knows the importance of this body. If something goes wrong here, he doesn't even need that person to punish him. Those greedy evil spirits sitting in front of the plate waiting for the cake to be distributed will tear him to pieces!

This is related to the implementation of the entire plan, so there must be no mistakes!

Therefore, a faster and more complex chanting sounded, and the gorgeous magic light lit up the entire dim cellar. Sharp ignored the cold and the small space and used powerful magic to counterattack. The hot flame turned into a fire dragon, intending to devour Mu En's figure.

Mu En did not continue to attack, but turned around and suddenly raised the coffin to block in front of him.

"You fucking..."

The magic stagnated instantly, and Sharp almost vomited a mouthful of old blood before he dispersed the flames that had been completely released. However, the feeling of retracting his full-strength attack was extremely uncomfortable. If it weren't for his precise control of magic, he would probably have been seriously injured by the backlash.

"Despicable!" Sharp gritted his teeth.


Mu En poked his head out from behind the coffin and smiled:

"You misunderstood me. Didn't I listen to you and stop?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Give my father back!"

"That won't do. Your father and I get along very well. We almost want to become brothers. Don't you think so, Marquis Dion?"

Mu En hugged the coffin, as affectionately as if he was really hugging his brother's shoulders.

Sharp, who was taken advantage of, was so angry that his face was twisted.

But he still took a deep breath and temporarily suppressed the surging anger.

"Give my father back and I'll let you go."


Mu En raised his eyebrows: "So generous? But why should I believe you? What if you turn your back on me?"

"I swear in the name of the Dion family!"

"Come on, I've made this oath countless times, but no one has ever dared to snatch the old loli's lollipop."

Mu En shrugged:

"How about Mr. Sharp be more generous and return your father to you after I get out?"

"You wish!"

Sharp gritted his teeth:

"Don't think I don't know what you're up to. There is only one exit in this cellar. You have no way to escape here. Your only bargaining chip is the coffin in your hand, and you can only use it to exchange. But if you, a speed-type warrior, run out, I don't know how many unexpected complications will arise. I'm not that stupid!"

"I'm going to destroy your father's body now, and you don't care?"

"You can take a gamble."

The condensed magic power once again blew the corners of Sharp's clothes. During this short conversation, snake-like magic lines had surrounded Mu En. He sneered:

"Look, whether I kill you first or you destroy my father's body first, of course, no matter what the outcome of the bet is, you...will die!"

The frozen ground made the murderous intention even colder. Facing Sharp who was blocking the only entrance to the cellar and refusing to retreat even a step, Mu En sighed silently.

With this kind of courage, these guys, who have been able to be the worms of the empire for so long, are not all useless.

In other words, the real waste has been eliminated in the long history of the empire.

The rest, no matter how fat they are, will always show their fangs when something on their plate is about to be damaged.

Domestic dogs that have lost their wild nature are also fierce when guarding food.

What's more, the person in front of me doesn't dare to be called a domestic dog, but is a genuine brilliant-level magician, who is also considered to be a top-notch strongman in Belland.

Yes, magician.

Mu En's eyes flashed slightly.

"It seems that this is the only way."

Mu En's body sank suddenly, and the strength he had accumulated surged out in an instant. He raised his hand and slapped the back of the coffin.

The coffin exploded instantly, but old Dion's body inside quickly flew towards Sharp under the influence of external forces.


Sharp's expression changed, and with a gentle wave of his hand, soft wind came over and caught Old Dion's body.

The terrifying external force was obviously only exerted on the outer surface of the coffin, and the body inside was not damaged at all.

And it was precisely because of this that Sharp's attention had to be diverted to this body for a moment.

Suddenly something flickered in the shadow behind old Dion's body.



Sharp objects cut through the air.

The frost-white rapier struck from the blind corner of the shadow at an incredible speed, but stopped about thirty centimeters away from Sharp.

Several gleams of light flickered around Sharp, and precious magic instruments and magic scrolls floated up at the same time. In addition, several defensive magics had been prepared around him, and it was as if he was in an indestructible turtle shell.

A truly experienced magician will never let his body be truly exposed to an undefended situation.

A smug grin appeared on Sharp's lips and he looked towards Mu En.

However, he did not see the annoyance he imagined.

Because at this moment, from the shadow, an extremely bright light suddenly bloomed.

It's not hot, it's not threatening, the light is just bright, extremely bright.

Vision was briefly deprived.

Then, in this situation where only hearing and perception could temporarily function, Sharp heard a clear sound, like paper being scratched by something extremely sharp.

Together. Together. Together.

at last……


The light dissipated and the vision returned.

Sharp lowered his head stiffly and saw the ice-blue thin sword stabbing his body accurately through the extremely neat and straight gap in the barrier that was cut open by someone unknown.

Blood flows.

The pain, rarely experienced, tore at the nerves.

"Got you."

Mu En said softly: "Your Excellency Sharp."


Sharp's face showed an expression of disbelief for the first time tonight.

A mere brash warrior could break through his defensive barrier so easily. Why?

By what special means?

Was the flash just now just to hide that thing?

In other words, either it is something that cannot be seen in the light, or that thing will be exposed...

The stinging pain from flesh and blood interrupted Sharp's thinking.

Mu En twisted the rapier, and the ice god's favor from Celcia spread quickly, eroding Sharp's body.

"I think, based on my past experience, as a magician, there should be no possibility of a comeback when everyone is stabbed."

Mu En stared into Sharp's eyes: "You lose."

"Losing? Dreaming."

In the unbearable pain, Sharp smiled almost maniacally.


His jaw snapped shut.

Mu En's eyes narrowed, as if he noticed something, but the defensive barrier around Sharp still existed. The gap he had just hastily cut with Elizabeth did not support him at all in stopping Sharp's movements.

In the midst of lightning and flint, Mu En only had time to kick her feet violently on the ground, her body suddenly reversed, swapping positions with Sharp, and then skillfully held the rapier across her chest.

The divine power on the rapier seemed to understand his intention, and instantly condensed a thick ice wall.


The ice wall couldn't hold on for even a second and shattered under the terrifying force.

Mu En took advantage of this counter-shock force and retreated lightly, stopping dozens of meters away in the passage outside the cellar.

Crunch, crunch.

The ice cubes were trampled into powder by heavy footsteps. Among the flying frost flowers, a figure that was twice as big as before gradually appeared in Mu En's field of vision.

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