"Lord Speaker, please calm down."

After leaving Celecia's surveillance, the robin that had been hovering in the air for a long time finally landed in front of Albert. In this private carriage space, his expression was also somewhat solemn:

"It is indeed unexpected for all of us that this kind of thing would happen, but judging from the current intelligence we have, the other party is not a thug."

"What's the meaning?"

"Do you think that Her Royal Highness Princess' sudden invitation to have dinner with you at this time is really just to 'connect with you'?"

"Did she plan it?"

Albert's pupils shrank, and the many strange things tonight finally connected into a complete context at this moment.

During this period of time, he was so involved in being the "eldest prince" that he almost forgot where his soul should belong, so he didn't connect it immediately.

"Haha, sure enough, my 'sister' has more information than we imagined."

"Maybe the last time she came to visit the Dion mansion, we didn't know where the flaw was."

The robin flapped its wings: "I contacted you at that time. Her Highness the Princess was already pressed to a very critical point. At that time, she was only one step away from discovering the truth."

"But why is she still insisting on biting me now? Andrew is already dead. What's the use of her chasing me and biting me? Or is she standing up for the damn Campbell family?"

Albert pondered slightly, and his face suddenly darkened:

"No, coming forward at this time will only harm the Campbell family. If she chooses to do this at this time, could it be that... she also wants to..."

"...From a certain perspective, this is not impossible."

Robin thought for a moment and nodded: "After all, she has the purest royal blood in her body."

"But she's a woman!"

"If she can make the eldest prince not the eldest prince, then she will naturally be the only legal heir to the empire."

Robin said: "Don't forget, that Princess is not a fool like Andrew."

"...Indeed, Celcia is a smart woman."

Albert suddenly calmed down and lay back on the back of the seat. The shadow cast by the light outside the window covered half of his face, making it look sinister and majestic.

"But it's just a little cleverness. She doesn't understand at all. Even if she knows about it, she can't bring me down at all, because those interest groups who have gathered for the most legal status of the 'eldest prince' don't care at all. The so-called soul, they only care about identity, bloodline, position, and... what they can get. "

Albert looked at his fair, slender hands, full of youthful vitality:

"Just like the blood of glory connected the inner council, the interests and the dissatisfaction of the suppressed old nobles with the emperor formed the Albert of today. Albert not only represents the eldest prince... How can she and the Campbell family fight against me alone?"

"That's why she used this trick. I'm afraid she was thinking of using this method to give it a try."

"It's ridiculous. My only weakness now is that body. Unless she can really..."

Albert and Robin looked at each other, and their eyes suddenly looked towards the nearly half-ruined mansion.

"How...how could it be?"

Dion House, cellar.

Sharp, who unsuccessfully pursued Bruce, returned and looked at the empty cellar, and the blood in his body almost flowed backwards at this moment.

"It's strange... Obviously the only guy who invaded here has been repelled by me. The other thugs have never invaded so deeply. Why... why?"

Sharp, who was still a little weak due to the side effects of becoming a beast, almost trembled and walked into the cellar, but no matter how much he rummaged in the already small cellar, he could not find the body of the old Marquis that should have been placed here. Body.

In the end, he only found a note on the ground, which wrote in cute font:

"Thank you for the hospitality. The steak is good and the wine is also very good. Grandpa, I will take it away first~"

The frivolous tone made Sharp's blood pressure rise almost instantly. His head was buzzing, and he only regretted that he had learned too much about the etiquette of nobles, but he couldn't say any dirty words at this time.


Albert, who entered the Marquis's residence from a secret passage, was also nearby. After seeing this scene, he immediately understood the situation and angrily shouted with an ugly face:

"If you can't even protect your body, what use do I need from you?"

"I'm very sorry, Father."

Sharp bent his knees and knelt directly in front of the same young figure in front of him:

"I was careless. I didn't expect that Bruce was just a bait. Please give me another chance. I will definitely use your body..."

"Shut up, you loser!"

The furious Albert slapped his hand, but unfortunately because his body was too weak at the moment, it only made Sharp's face slightly tilted.

Albert's chest was still rising and falling uncontrollably. Ever since he was born in the Dion family, he had rarely been so angry.

"Sir Speaker, please calm down."

The robin flew around the cellar, landed at the entrance of the passage, and said comfortingly:

"Now is not the time to deal with a family matter like this."

"I understand...it's just that this unfilial son made me too angry."

Albert took a long breath and gradually calmed down:

"Can you tell how long the other party has been gone?"

"Judging from the traces, we just left, no more than ten minutes at most."

"Ten minutes, it seems there's still enough time."

Albert murmured, seeming to be hesitating, his expression a little uncertain.

But in the end, he made up his mind and took out a sharp black cone from his arms. After taking a deep breath, he suddenly stabbed the cone into his chest.


The flesh was torn, blood flowed, and the severe pain made Albert's body tremble and his expression distorted.

The black lines spread outward from the cone, and finally merged into Albert's flesh and blood, as if forming a net, tightly entangling something in his flesh.


Sharp looked very worried and even wanted to pounce on him, but was held down by Robin:

"Don't move. This is a means to temporarily cut off the connection between his soul and his original body."

"Cut off contact?"

"Just in case, the other party gets the body. If there is a curse or some other method to directly attack the speaker's soul through the connection between the original body and the soul, it will be troublesome."

Robin explained:

"We have been involved in all of this. We are aware of the weaknesses and naturally have methods to deal with them. Of course, as I just said, this method is only temporary."


Sharp just breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately became nervous:

"But...if the other party gets the body, wouldn't he be able to..."

"Don't worry, it's just a body, it doesn't prove anything."

Albert raised his head with a ferocious face, black lines swimming under his skin, like an evil ghost:

"The soul transfer will leave no evidence, and an empty body can't explain anything. It's impossible to expose the fact that they took away the Marquis' body. Therefore, as long as there is no such absolute and irrefutable proof, The evidence that proves that I am not me and that the eldest prince is not the eldest prince is irrefutable. The identity and legal principles of the eldest prince are still unshakable.”

"Oh, they thought they could overthrow me by finding my only weakness. They were so naive. I have been planning for so long, how could I not think of closing all the loopholes?"

Albert gradually regained his composure and slowly straightened up.

"But to be on the safe side, we have to get my body back as soon as possible."

"What to do?" Sharp asked immediately.

"Suppress people directly with force."

Albert thought for a moment and said in a deep voice:

"Forcibly attack the Marquis's residence. This time, Celicia is finally on the wrong side. Tomorrow you will bring this matter directly to the Imperial Council and use the laws of the empire to force Celicia to hand over her body. I will assist you. At the same time, I will also take this opportunity to take some of the initiative of the Imperial Council away from that funny bear, do you understand?"


"This time, we must not miss!"

"Yes! Father."

Sharp lowered his head, his eyes flashing:

"I will never fail twice at the hands of the same opponent. This time, I will definitely wash away my shame!"

The second day.

Sharp, who had not slept all night, arrived at the palace early.

The Marquis's residence was still in a mess at the moment. Before dawn, Sharp spent almost all his energy on dealing with the knights and some nobles who seemed to have good intentions but actually had evil intentions.

After all, there are probably not many nobles in Belland who dare to openly ask others to help them "rebuild the mansion and track down the prisoners."

Many things would rather be completely destroyed than see the light of day.

What's more, Sharp already knew exactly who the so-called "prisoner" was, didn't he?

And now, what he wants to do is to make the prisoner regret what she did.

After entering the palace and walking all the way to the quaint gate, Sharp straightened his dress and applied several sobriety spells on himself to confirm that he was in the best condition. He then reviewed the manuscript he had prepared earlier and made sure. After he would never make any mistakes in this debate and pressure, he finally... pushed open the door of the Royal Conference Hall.

The gentle sunshine coated everything with brilliant gold. Sharp squinted his eyes and quickly scanned the conference hall.

Regent Olanliel, Prince Albert, Marquis Angus, Marquis Modor, Count Bugard... and even Princess Celicia, who was sitting calmly as if it had nothing to do with her.

Whether they are the protagonists or supporting characters of the story, the most powerful people in the empire are all gathered here at this moment.

This is his Sharp stage, the stage where he wants to wash away the shame of last night's defeat!

Sharp held his head high, and at the pink bear's signal, he walked towards the long conference table.

Then...his eyes naturally turned to the end of the long table, to the old man who shouldn't have appeared here.

Sharpe was stunned for a moment.

"Ahem, it seems everyone is here."

Pink Bear opened the document in his hand, "Although I feel that discussing this kind of matter in the Imperial Council is a bit fussy, but after all, it is a request from the Marquis family, so I must still deal with it... No, it can be solved soon."

"But, before that, I have a question."

Pink Bear raised his head and looked at Sharp, who was already stunned:

"Your Excellency Sharp sued Celecia for hiring people to attack the Marquis's mansion and take away your father's body, leaving him unable to rest in peace, but..."

Pink Bear also turned his head to the smiling old man at the end of the long table.

"Your father... isn't he here?"

172. Bite back

That was an old man who looked very ordinary.

His clothes were not as gorgeous as those of an aristocrat, and his temperament did not have the majesty of a high-ranking person. Although he was smiling, his eyes were cloudy, his momentum was weak, and his face was even slightly pale. He looked a little out of place compared to the other imperial ministers around him.

He was like an ordinary rich man who accidentally entered the political struggle field at the top of the empire.

But... the ruby ​​family emblem ring on the old man's finger and the familiar face that everyone present knew made Sharp, who was originally full of confidence and wanted to avenge last night, stunned in an instant, his momentum collapsed, and he was stunned.

"Father... Father?"

Sharp tried to open his eyes as if he had seen a ghost, and the old man who was just smiling and watching him was reflected in his pupils. It was impossible to see a ghost in broad daylight. Sharp thought he was under someone's magic and had hallucinations.

But then he thought, this is the palace, and the forbidden spell covering the palace blocks the use of all magic and fighting spirit. It is impossible for anyone to dare to use any illusion magic on him here.

But, this is what should be impossible, because the real old Dion should be...

Sharp turned his head stiffly and saw Prince Albert on the other side of the long table.

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