At this moment, Albert's face was terrifyingly gloomy, and his eyes were fixed on the old man, but Celcia was sitting next to him, greeting her with a very caring look, so he had to force a smile to deal with it.

Seeing this scene, Sharp understood it in an instant.

This was another one of the methods of the princess. After realizing that she could not rely on physical contact to harm Albert's soul, she immediately changed her policy and began to use old Dion's body to make a fuss.

This was something he had guessed last night about how Princess Celicia would respond to the pressure he put on him, but he still didn't expect it. He even couldn't figure out why Princess Celicia could make that body without a soul or even a brain. He started to move, so at this moment he was even a little confused and didn't know how to deal with it.

"Sharp? Sharp? Mr. Sharp!"

The pink bear woke up the dull Sharpe, then found a curly white wig from nowhere and put it on his head. He also took out a monocle, pretending to be an excellent justice, with round bear eyes. Read the letter in your hand carefully:

"Can you explain the question I just asked?"



How else to explain it?

It was said that it was just his father's body, and now it was used by Princess Celcia. Is his father's real soul now in the body of the eldest prince?


After a moment of silence, Sharp suddenly pointed at the old man and gritted his teeth and said: "This is a fake, he is not my father! My father has passed away!"

Even if he knew that it was not fake, and that it was really his "father" in a sense, Sharp also knew very well that at this time, he must not admit it, because once he admitted it, the other party could use that identity to do whatever he wanted. There are too many articles.

"Oh? Fake? He actually directly said that his father is a fake. What a surprising statement."

Pink Bear raised the single-frame glasses that reflected the inexplicable light: "So, Mr. Sharp, do you think that all of us here are blind? You can't even recognize whether it is Marquis Dion? Besides, I remember before entering the palace, You have to check your identity first, do you think a fake can sneak into the palace so openly and appear in front of us so openly? "

"This..." Sharp's tone paused.

"Ah, I understand!"

The pink bear slapped its paw and suddenly realized:

"Is this a touching story about a dead father who was too worried about his unfulfilled son, so he came back to visit him?"

"No, the palace is shrouded in a forbidden curse, so it's even more impossible for the dead souls to come in, okay?"

Where Pink Bear started, Marquis Angus had also been looking through the detailed documents in his hand about the attack on the Marquis' deputy last night and Sharp's lawsuit against Celcia. Seeing that Pink Bear was getting more and more out of tune, he had no choice but to interrupt him. He took the conversation and said:

"As for this matter, let's not mention the many contradictions and weirdness. Mr. Sharp said that his father, the old Marquis Dion, has passed away. But the question is, why are we not affected by such a big event as the death of a Marquis? Where’s the news?”

"This... this is because the situation in the empire has been too turbulent recently. If the news of father's death spreads at this time, it may be detrimental to the Dion family, so I blocked the news!"

Sharp suddenly looked at Celcia and said in a deep voice:

"Her Highness Celicia also knows about this matter. When she came to visit, I told this matter..."

"Feel sorry."

Celecia interrupted Sharp, took a sip of coffee, and Shi Shiran said:

"I'm the defendant now. It's hard to say anything at this time, so don't ask me."


Sharp's angry expression froze on his face, and his bloodless lips opened and closed, but it was difficult to say anything.

He looked around, looking at the suspicious faces, looking at the expressionless Celcia, and then looking at Albert who was silent from beginning to end, and suddenly realized that he had to prove that a fake was genuine. The goods were not genuine, especially that person was his father. This kind of thing was simply impossible for him.

Unless he has the courage to reveal everything at this time.

"About this, I'll let you explain."

The old Marquis Dion, who had been watching, suddenly stood up, nodded to everyone, and looked at his "son". The smile on his face suddenly turned into a mixture of anger, disappointment, and complexity:

"Let's start with the attack on the Marquis's residence last night."

"Please say."

The pink bear took out a large bucket of popcorn from nowhere and was ready.

"I believe you all have received the news. The Marquis Dion's residence was attacked by unknown thugs last night, causing heavy losses. Among them, there are rumors that Her Royal Highness sent people to attack the Marquis's residence."

"That's right."

Everyone nodded.

Although it had only been one night, the rumor that Princess Celcia personally planned the attack, perhaps driven by some thoughtful people, had already spread among many nobles in the upper city.

"Regarding this matter, I can guarantee with the face of the Marquis family... that it is true."

"Nonsense, this thing is obviously... Huh? What did you say?"

Sharp, who was ready to retort, was stunned and looked at the old Marquis Dion in disbelief.

"I say, this matter is true. Princess Celcia is indeed the mastermind behind the attack on the Marquis's mansion!"

Old Dion spoke resolutely, and when everyone was shocked that he dared to point his finger at the princess so directly, Celicia nodded:

"Yes, I did it, I can't deny it."


This time, even everyone else was really confused. Openly attacking the Marquis's residence was a serious crime, and even Her Majesty the Princess might not be able to bear it. Princess Celicia admitted it like this?

"As for the reason..."

"The reason is for me."

Old Dion took over the conversation, put one hand on his chest, and looked sincere and grateful:

"Your Highness, the Princess chose to attack the Marquis's mansion in order to save me, an old man who was imprisoned by his unfilial son. This is what I secretly asked Your Highness to do."

"Huh? Imprisonment? you?"

Sharp was completely confused.

Save you, are you kidding? You were a corpse at that time, how can I save you?

And what the hell is this imprisonment thing about? This is not a lie. Why should I imprison a corpse?

"is that so?"

Sharp was confused, while the others who were not yet clear about the facts nodded thoughtfully.

Looking at how incompatible the father and son are now, this kind of thing is really possible. After all, they are aristocrats. Throughout the ages, in such a large aristocratic family, there has never been any nasty thing like father and son fighting each other. It sounds nothing like it. The souls of the dead have returned, and the resurrection of corpses is much more reliable.

"This traitorous son of mine imprisoned me while I was seriously ill and took sole control of the Marquis's family. It's really infuriating."

Old Marquis Dion clenched his fist and shook his head: "But in fact, if that's all, I'll accept my fate. After all, I don't have many years left to live. I'll just give him what I should give him."

"But... when I noticed something, I couldn't sit still anymore. I couldn't sit back and watch my treacherous son drag the entire Dion family into the abyss of destruction, nor could I sit back and watch him go on the wrong road. , Therefore, I took advantage of the last time Her Royal Highness Princess Celcia came to visit, and secretly contacted her to ask her to rescue me. "

"I see."

The pink bear finally became serious. While continuing to stuff popcorn into the bear's mouth, he asked seriously:

"Then what you are talking about means..."

"That thing is..."

The old Marquis Dion looked up to the sky and took a deep breath, then beat his chest and feet, and slowly said word by word:

"That treacherous son actually participated in the assassination of the eldest prince, His Highness Albert, that happened in the Lower City area not long ago!"




As soon as these words came out, even the ministers who had always been extremely well-behaved couldn't help but look shocked.

Although they were ready to eat melon... no, to face the truth, they did not expect that the mystery involved would be involved in such an important case.

It is needless to say how much the assassination of His Royal Highness Albert caused a shock to the entire empire last time, because even a prince was buried here.

We have been investigating the details of that incident. Although the mastermind has been identified as Prince Andrew, who is now dead, some of his supporters are still hiding in the fog. The recent investigation has also been under resistance from all parties, and there are also vague clues. The tendency to leave things alone.

After all, no one is willing to offend the many nobles behind the scenes for the sake of a dead prince. Most of the people currently being pushed out to block the attack are just insignificant little fish and shrimps.

But now, the culprit in that matter has been exposed under such circumstances, and it was the father who reported his son?

Is this some kind of fairy tale?

Supporting the prince, making bets from all sides, and physically eliminating competitors, although everyone is doing it, if you expose it, you will lose your head!

173. Person in charge of investigation

"Participate in...assassination...of the First Prince?"

After hearing what the old Marquis Dion seemed to be saying at this moment, which seemed to be very precise and affectionate, the others were only slightly shocked and secretly thought about how credible this was, but Sharp's eyes were really about to stare. Out.

Assassinate the eldest prince?

What kind of international joke are you kidding? That would be an unfilial act to assassinate his own father. Even if he was really stupid, he would never do such a thing.

Besides, why did he do that? He, and even the people behind him, really wore the same pants as Albert today. No, to be precise, everyone obeyed his orders. What is this, me killing myself?

"Nonsense, nonsense, this is absolute nonsense!"

Sharpton's eyes were suddenly red, he pointed at the old Marquis Dion and angrily shouted:

"That kind of thing has never happened. You are slandering, naked slander!"

"Oh, slander? You really would say that."

The old Marquis Dion shook his head and smiled sadly. The bitterness contained a bit of self-blame, and the self-blame also contained a bit of regret. It was like the look in the eyes of an old father looking at a son who failed to live up to his expectations. Sharp almost wanted to rush forward and tear him apart. That old face.

But his good self-cultivation and the deep-rooted fear of that face still made him endure it.

"You need evidence!"

"Of course I don't have any evidence, otherwise I wouldn't have gone out of my way to expose you as a traitor."

Old Dion sighed and continued:

"Whether it is slander or not, you will naturally know when the truth comes out. But let me ask you, do you dare to say that you... or the Dion family at that time, were not involved in that incident? Or... no Are you on the side of Prince Andrew at that time?"

"Of course not, my Dion family has no support..."

Sharp was so angry at these extremely shameless words that he was about to use factual words to righteously refute old Marquis Dion's lies, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly became stunned. live.

Because, at this moment, he suddenly woke up and noticed a huge loophole that was being dug deeper and deeper, gradually exposing the most filthy filth in the entire Dion family and even the entire council to the sun.

Yes, as he just said, neither the Dion family nor the inner council would really do anything like assassinate the eldest prince or kill myself.

The situation that night was always under Albert's control. The so-called council helped the second prince to assassinate, just to be justified, to deal with the second prince without hurting the eldest prince's reputation, and at the same time to attract Campbell, the leader of the royal faction. It's just an act of the secret power of the family.

The second prince is dead.

The eldest prince had no trace of dirt and became a pitiful victim.

The Campbell family suffered heavy losses and now can only lie dormant.

Judging from the results, everything went smoothly.

The eldest prince has cleared all obstacles. If there are no accidents, as long as the emperor dies, he will naturally become the supreme leader of the empire.

But, something happened unexpectedly.

Celecia suddenly stopped in front of the road and grabbed their fatal fate.

It is not the destiny of the eldest prince.

It's his, the lifeblood of the Dion family.

That's right... outsiders don't know.

Except for the inner council, except for the eldest prince, except for Celcia who is close to the truth...the other imperial nobles, various forces, and ordinary people...they don't know.

It is impossible to completely erase the traces of such a big incident before. The interactions and collusion between some nobles were also seen by those who were interested. Therefore, in their eyes, among the large group of nobles who secretly supported Andrew, there was the Dion family. , is a very normal thing.

They didn't know that the Dion family was the staunchest supporter of the current eldest prince. On the contrary, in the eyes of outsiders, the eldest prince had no connection with the Dion family.

Yes, what connection can there be?

A brain-dead prince who had only woken up less than two months ago and who was supposed to have no power. Faced with Andrew's pursuit, he could only flee in panic and almost died. What connection can there be between the influential old nobles?


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