In fact, it doesn't matter if there is no connection, because as long as Albert can sit in that position, everything will become logical, and the blood of glory will be glorious again under the wisest emperor of the empire.


He hasn't yet.

He is still just the eldest prince.

And in that wonderful drama that almost fooled everyone, the Dion family, or the inner parliament, once helped Prince Andrew "assassinate" Prince Albert, this... is a fact.

An indisputable fact.

The Dion family did it.

The Dion family, really, fucking, assassinated, fucking, the eldest prince!!!

Thinking of this, Sharp's head buzzed, staggered a few steps, and almost stood up by holding the table. His whole body seemed to have lost all the blood, and became cold and weak.

Some things, if not put on the surface, are the "tacit understanding" tacitly agreed by everyone, but once exposed to the sun, the brains of the entire Dion family are not enough to fill the bottomless blood pit.

He also began to understand the other party's sinister intentions. In fact, this was not a loophole at all. After all, during that period, when the situation was not clear, most of the support was in secret.

But the other party used an identity that was enough to tear this membrane apart, and used the old marquis, a "fake" who became a "real thing", to make their "fake play"... completely become "real".

Sharp's body trembled uncontrollably, and sweat had wet his back. He subconsciously looked at Albert.

But at this moment, Albert still lowered his head, only his hands were tightly grasped into his knees, but his expression could not be seen.

There must be no reaction, absolutely no reaction. Once the "Grand Prince" has any connection with the "Dion Family", there are too many things that cannot be explained.

"Don't worry, brother."

Cecilia seemed to be aware of his psychological distress at the moment, and patted his back as if to comfort him:

"As your only sister, I will definitely help you get this justice back."


Albert said nothing, but the joints of his hands gradually turned pale.

"It seems that this matter needs to be investigated."

Sharp's abnormal reaction at this moment naturally could not be hidden from everyone's eyes. After another round of eye contact, Marquis Angus broke the silence:

"It is impossible to pretend that such a big thing as assassinating the eldest prince did not happen. Since both parties have their own opinions, the truth of the matter will ultimately depend on the evidence."

"Oh? That's the Marquis, do you want to investigate?"

Pink Bear touched his chin. Although his tone was worried, he looked like he was watching the fun and not minding the big things.

"This matter is not a small matter."

"It is precisely because of the Marquis that it needs to be investigated!"

The upright Marquis Morse slammed the table and said: "If it is unjust, then the truth must be returned, but if it is the truth... The Marquis family actually intended to assassinate His Royal Highness the eldest prince. This kind of thing must be severely punished to set an example, otherwise the entire empire will be in chaos in the future!"

"That makes sense, we have to investigate."

After idling for a long time, the others also responded.

Sharp looked at these people coldly, knowing that some of them were just following the crowd, some were helpless, and some really wanted to tear the Dion family into pieces.

The political arena of the empire has never been an iron bucket. A weak Marquis family will definitely attract the covetousness of countless hungry wolves.

But fortunately, he is not alone. Behind him, there is the ancient blood representing the glory of the empire. They will help him, they will.

"Do you have anything else to say about this?"

Pink Bear looked at Sharp again.


Sharp lowered his head: "The Dion family is willing to cooperate with the investigation."

Sharp, who had calmed down, had already understood that if he continued to object at this time, he would only push himself into the fire pit. The investigation of the Dion family was inevitable. Since opposition was useless, he might as well think about how to eliminate traces, operate relationships, and cover up the facts...

"Since the investigation has been confirmed, the person in charge of the investigation..."

"Regarding the candidate, I have a suggestion."


Sharp suddenly looked up and stared at Cecilia who suddenly spoke:

"Her Royal Highness has a personal grudge against my Sharp family. I don't believe that her people will conduct an investigation impartially."

"When did I say that I would recommend my own people?"

Cecilia had a blank expression on her face and didn't even look at Sharp:

"I also know that this position in charge of the investigation is very important, and it may even It may affect the so-called truth, but the relationship between the various parties in the empire is complicated, and it is difficult to find someone who can convince all parties. At least if I send someone, or my eldest brother sends someone, Lord Sharp, who hates both of us, will not be convinced, so..."

Cecilia paused and said:

"I recommend a candidate who has no interest in most of the nobles in the empire because of his background and personality. I think that candidate will be very suitable for this investigation, and her identity should also convince most of you. "


Count Bugard became interested: "Your Highness is talking about..."


Cecilia's mouth corners slightly curved, and replied:

"She is..."



"Who are you?"

In the shadow of the street corner, Ariel clenched her palms and stared at the man in a black dress who suddenly appeared in front of her with a vigilant look.

"What do you want to do with me?"

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, I'm not a suspicious person. "

Mu En, who was still in disguise and dared not reveal his true face in front of the man in front of him, smiled and took off his hat to salute:

"I am just an envoy, representing the top leaders of the empire, and I have given you an important task."

"Top leaders of the empire? Task?"

Ariel frowned, still alert: "I don't know any top leaders of the empire, and I don't know who will give me any important task."

"Haha, look at this, you should believe it."

Mu En took out an exquisite letter and showed Ariel the clear royal seal on it.

"Royal family?"

"And this."

Mu En showed Ariel another emblem, which was a blooming ice blue flower, cold and elegant, and you could tell who the owner of this emblem belonged to at a glance.


Ariel's vigilance instantly decreased a lot, and she came over to carefully identify the emblem: "Are you Cecilia's man?"

"Well, I guess so."

Moon nodded, and then handed the letter in his hand to Ariel: "So, you should believe that this is not a suspicious matter. This is indeed an important task assigned to you by the highest level of the empire."

"But since the order came from the top of the empire, why didn't you notify me through the Bugard family, but had to notify me quietly in the middle of the night?" Ariel was still a little puzzled.

"That's because this was not issued to the Bugard family, but directly bypassed them and issued to you, Ariel Bugard."

Moon answered solemnly:

"Do you understand?"


Ariel was silent, but her expression became solemn in an instant. She quickly took the letter and opened it to check.

"Investigate... Marquis Dion?"

Ariel's eyes flashed:

"The riot in the lower city some time ago?"

"Did you really know about it?"

"...I don't know the details, but I killed a lot of those monsters at that time."

Ariel shook the letter and looked up at Mu En: "Is the Dion family the mastermind?"

"If you let me answer, then I say yes, the Dion family is indeed one of the masterminds, but this kind of thing requires evidence, so it's useless for me to say it." Mu En shrugged.

"Why are you looking for me?"

"Because you have no interests involved with most nobles, you will not be constrained, so you can investigate freely."

Mu En answered seriously: "Of course, the most important thing is that we believe in your ability."


"Princess Cecilia."

Mu En said:

"She believes in you."


Ariel fell silent, but in the dim light, Mu En could clearly see that Ariel's eyes were getting brighter little by little. Cecilia's trust was like a shot of chicken blood, making this guy who seemed a little bit insignificant recently and had no sense of existence shine again.

"Leave it to me."

Ariel's mouth slanted, and she answered confidently: "I will never let Cecilia down!"

"That's good."

Mu En smiled again, "Please."

"It's okay. I was going to catch the bastard who didn't even let ordinary people go, even without Cecilia's request. Now with official support, it will only be easier to accomplish.

However, compared to that matter..."

Ariel looked at Mu En in front of her seriously again:

"Have we met before? Why do I feel that you are very familiar..."


Mu En's expression became serious, and he answered decisively:




A few minutes later, looking at Ariel who disappeared behind the door, Mu En couldn't help wiping a cold sweat.

Ariel is worthy of her name. Her intuition is too terrible. She was almost recognized even though she was disguised like this.


"This is a good thing."

Mu En looked into the distance, and the corner of his mouth slanted:

"Let you see what the so-called son of destiny and the halo of the protagonist are!"

174. Oath

That night.

When what happened in the imperial meeting spread among the nobles, and even ordinary people heard about the anecdote of the father reporting his son, and were amazed and laughed at it, the dark waves were already surging under this seemingly calm city.

In the thousand-year history of the empire, the rise and fall of a marquisate may not make much splash.

However, at this corner of the historical divergence, it is enough to become a huge wave that pushes the entire empire's ship to a different path.

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