What's more, the Dion family, which has been rooted in the empire for a long time, is not a small splash.

Under the seemingly calm water surface, there are countless entangled, dark and deep terrifying whirlpools, and behind the whirlpools, there are whirlpools.

"Why is this happening!"

In the dimly lit hall, the long mahogany tables with steps are arranged in an arc shape, and the only bright light shines on the huge white tiger in the center.

This layout can highlight the majesty of the person in the center, and allow everyone's opinions to echo clearly in the hall, expressing respect for everyone... at least on the surface.

But it is precisely because everyone can express their opinions, so when everyone wants to express their opinions, it will become extremely noisy and chaotic.

"This is different from what we agreed before!"

"Dion family, how could the Dion family reveal such a big flaw, how could they be investigated?"

"If the Dion family is really investigated, what should our family do? Those things were done by everyone together, no one is clean, once they are implicated, no one will survive!"

"Damn it! Quick! Quick! Send someone to deal with the lowly illegitimate daughter of the Bugard family, and never let her investigate!"

"People have been sent, but the assassination group that was sent out is clearly known to have a 100% success rate, but there has not been a single reply until now, it should have failed!"

"Ah, waste! Waste! How could this happen! How could this happen!"

Behind the long table, those well-dressed animals have long lost their usual cultivation and elegance, and have been quarreling with each other. If those who came here to attend the meeting were not just puppets without any sense of pain, I am afraid they would have been fighting with red faces now.

The chaos now is like... a real zoo.

The white tiger at the center twitched his mouth without a smile, and then slammed his fist on the table in front of him.

"Enough, be quiet! Is it time for you to quarrel now?!"


The hall soon became quiet.

But not long after, a discordant voice sounded in the silence.

"The situation has developed to this point, and the speaker should bear most of the responsibility."

"What did you say?"

The white tiger's cold eyes swept over, and the bloated hippo shrank his neck in fear of the white tiger's majesty, but still plucked up the courage to say:

"Di... The Dion family is facing such a situation, isn't it because you, as the coordinator, left a loophole that the other party could exploit? You vowed before that you would lead all of us back to glory, but now, I don't see the glory, I only see a desperate future!"

"Desperate... future?"

The white tiger murmured, chewing on these two words, and couldn't help but sneer.

"Did I... did I say anything wrong?"

Hippo forced himself to stay calm: "The Dion family already occupies an important position in the council. If he is investigated, a large area will be implicated. Princess Cecilia has obviously been keeping a close eye on us. It is not impossible for her to uproot the entire council. By then, even your current identity will probably be useless!"

"Besides, as long as the council is exposed to the sun, the things you have done can no longer be covered up. Then we will all be finished, all finished! Mr. Speaker, didn't you say that you have at least..."

"Shut up!"

White Tiger was furious and smashed the table in front of him with one palm.

Hippo was so scared that he almost rolled himself into a ball and dared not say anything.

"It's over? It's over like this? You losers, do you think that the other party has found a loophole in the Dion family, so everything is over? Haha... It's because of losers like you that you are fooled by a woman who only knows how to keep a gigolo!

What's wrong with the Dion family? It's just a Dion family... Just a Dion family, that's right, it's just, a, Dion family, that's all! The Dion family is gone, so what, what?!"

Bai Hu's chest rose and fell violently, and every word he said seemed to break his teeth:

"The Dion family, just give it away. Sharp himself is not doing well. Anyway, for the entire council, losing the Dion family is not a serious matter. As for the involvement... It won't be so fast. It's precisely because there are too many things involved in secret, so it will definitely not be found out so quickly!"

"Mr. Speaker is right."

The robin landed at the position closest to Bai Hu, Looking around: "The other party's goal is to make us lose our composure. The more it is at this time, the more we must not panic. Everyone, think carefully, what does your back represent? It is not that easy to move you."

"Then... what should we do next?"

The "animals" looked at each other, and finally one who did not seem to be so afraid of the white tiger's power stood up and asked:

"Our plan has been disrupted after all. Judging from the current situation, the other party will definitely not wait so obediently for us to take that position naturally."

"Since the plan has been disrupted..."

The white tiger raised his head and pondered, and then in this deadly atmosphere, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a sinister and ferocious cold light flashed in his pupils:

"Then don't follow the original plan, use a more direct way..."

"You mean..."

As if they understood some deep meaning, most of the animals present changed their faces drastically.

"That's what I mean."

"But... isn't it too risky?"

"At this point, is there any way to avoid taking risks? Don't forget, why did we spend countless resources to obtain 'this'?"

In the light, the white tiger stretched out his hand, but it was not a ferocious tiger claw, but a white, young, human hand.

"This is our greatest weapon. We give up everything and make a desperate move, just for this reason... Everyone!"

Bai Hu waved his hand, and the light shining on him spread, making the entire hall completely bright for the first time.

When everyone turned around to look, they were surprised to find that there were lifelike and majestic sculptures standing around the hall.

These sculptures are somewhat similar to those in the imperial conference hall of the palace, but they are more realistic, with skin scars, broken armor, cracked swords... as if they will come to life again at any time and step onto the mountain of corpses. The battlefield of blood sea.

And behind these sculptures is the shadow of a giant tree, shining with gold and dazzling light.

"Thousands of years ago, our ancestors followed the First King and swore an oath to go to war under a big golden tree and established this great country. This is the origin of the Blood of Glory!"

"However, over the course of thousands of years, our glory has been gradually forgotten, usurped, and trampled on by some lowly ants. The most important thing is that even...the mediocre emperor sitting in that position also betrayed us!"

"They have forgotten the glory, the blood of glory, and that we are the real masters of this empire! At the same time, they have also forgotten...why the blood of glory is so powerful!"

"Therefore, they will definitely pay the price for this forgetfulness and contempt, and we will eventually, under the glory, set this country right again and return to its rightful track!"

"Since they won't give it to us, we will take the initiative to get it!"

Bai Hu looked solemn and said:

"This is the oath that the first king promised us, and no one can change it!"

175. Beginning

"I was wronged! I was wronged!"

"Asshole, do you know who I am? I am the son of the Marquis family. If you dare to treat me like this, be careful I will kill you!"

"Let me go, wuwu...I didn't participate in those things, I didn't..."

The residence of Marquis Dion was in chaos at the moment, no longer as elegant and peaceful as before. Sharp and several sons of the Dion family were being roughly dragged into the carriage by the royal knights, and they were shouting and cursing.

Sharp looked calm and didn't struggle much, but his younger brothers were completely frightened. Their greasy flesh was trembling, and they were wailing and threatening and cursing the knights around them.

The periphery of the mansion has been completely cleared, and no one is allowed to watch in name. However, in a corner where no one noticed, under an ordinary umbrella, there are still two figures looking side by side silently.

"You're moving so fast. Is an arrest warrant issued now?"

"Thanks to Ariel, it didn't take long for her to dig up a lot of dirty information about the Dion family, including embezzling private property, smuggling, selling banned drugs, and raping civilians. Even though no evidence of assassinating the eldest prince has been found yet. But this is enough to arrest them first.”

"As expected of Ariel."

Mu En touched her chin and said with some pride: "I knew it would be perfect for her to do this kind of thing."


Celcia glanced at him sideways: "It sounds like you know Ariel very well."

"Is there any?" Mu En skillfully pretended to be stupid.


Celecia didn't say anything more, nor did she linger on the scene in front of her. She turned around and left.

Mu En quickly caught up.

"Stop staring?"

"As you said, Ariel is here, so there's no need to keep an eye on her."

"That's true, but with what we've discovered so far, is it enough to make the Dion family disappear?"

"It's hard."

Celcia said:

"I'm afraid those sons of the old Marquis Dion will not escape death, because they are the ones who did the things I just said, but Sharp is very clean at the moment, and I don't think he will get involved in that kind of thing himself. Need to dig deep.”


During the chat, Mu En turned around to look.

Sharp, who was being tied up by the knight towards the carriage, seemed to feel something and suddenly looked towards Mu En.

The "single resentment" eliminated the sense of existence, so Mu En didn't know why he felt something in his heart at this time, or it was just a coincidence. But at that moment, Mu En saw hatred and anger deep in his eyes, and there was no despair.

"It seems he hasn't given up yet."

"Of course, as long as the council remains and the eldest prince remains, he will still retain hope, so it is also very difficult to pry something out of his mouth. He is not his younger brothers who can be defeated by the old Marquis Dion. Those who are trained as heirs will not be some useless snacks.”

"I feel it deeply."

Mu En touched her chest, which still seemed to be aching, and nodded seriously.

Although he did escape from the beast-turned-Sharp before, the process could be said to be extremely embarrassing. The last time he was made so embarrassed was the last time.

"Fortunately, this time, the parliament suffered a major blow."

Using the body of the old Marquis Dion as a sharp blade to unravel the membrane above the darkness, now the filthiness of the Dion family has been laid bare. As long as Ariel continues to dig all the way, sooner or later the evil behind it will be revealed. The council will dig it out.

Next, whether they cut off their tails to survive or use other tricks, they will inevitably pay a huge price.

It seems that Mu En has avenged the previous teasing.


"Don't let your guard down. The Council is not as simple as we thought."

Cecilius suddenly said.


Mu En raised his eyebrows, "Such a fierce blow can't seriously damage the Council?"

"Of course, but..."

Cecilius changed the subject and looked at Mu En and asked:

"Do you know why emperors of all dynasties trust your Campbell family so much?"


Mu En was stunned, and then responded without thinking, "Because there are few children?"

This is not a profound question.

For hundreds of years, the Campbell family has been passed down from generation to generation, and there has never been a scene of flourishing branches and leaves. It seems that they have been cursed more viciously than the royal curse and will never prosper.

But this is both a sigh-inducing shortcoming and an advantage in a sense.

"Because of the scarcity of offspring, it is difficult for the Campbell family to have too close a connection with other great nobles. No matter which emperor, it should be difficult to doubt this family that has both status and power but can never become truly great and invincible."

"Yes, although the Duke of Campbell is nominally the leader of the royal faction, this force is actually dependent on the power of the emperor. The Duke of Campbell is only a leader, not a creator. Throughout history, most emperors like the Duke of Campbell, a 'lonely high-ranking person'."

Celica spoke very bluntly, and she didn't seem to care at all that the person who was listening was the only son of the Duke of Campbell she was talking about.

"On the contrary, it is what we call the inner council."

"It is a combination of many ancient nobles, and it is the countless roots hidden deep inside the empire. In the millennium of coexistence with the empire, through marriage, blood, mentorship, and interests, the nobles of the inner council have continuously extended their roots through various means, extending their tentacles to all aspects of the empire and closely integrating with the empire. Although they have been constantly suppressed by the emperor, what can be suppressed is always only the things on the surface."

Celica stretched out her hand and pointed to a tree that might have been broken off in the previous turmoil:

"The roots hidden deep inside are difficult to suppress, because the big tree has too many roots, and we don't know which are good roots and which are bad roots. This is the most troublesome part."

"... Indeed."

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