Mu En looked at the complicated root system of the big tree buried deep in the ground, and suddenly squatted down:

"In this case, there should be another more troublesome thing."


Celecia knelt down, stretched out her white jade hands, and touched the newly grown leaves on the cross section of the tree stump.

"Now, the big tree has fallen, and those bad root systems have sprouts that can make them grow stronger."

"So, in order not to be dug up by the roots, and more importantly in order to allow this bud to replace the big tree, those bad root systems will start...desperately."

The white dove falls.

Celecia took out the letter that had been sent and read it quickly.

Then he closed his eyes and sighed softly without any surprise:

"Sure enough, has it started?"

"Sharp has been locked up."

The robin landed at the window.

"Do you want to send someone to take care of it?"

"Need not."

Albert in the room was pacing with his hands behind his back, without raising his head: "He is not that fragile yet, and these hardships should be regarded as the price of his mistakes."

"The Speaker is really a strict father."

The robin sighed, flapped its wings, and flew to Albert's shoulders. Its voice suddenly became much lower:

"There's news from over there that everything is ready."


Albert, who was a little anxious just now, had a gleam in his eyes, as if he had been waiting for the robin's words: "Very good!"

Outside the window, it was still dark night, as if all the nastiness and filth in the world should happen where the sun doesn't shine.

Albert was dressed in a luxurious dress, with golden patterns on the dress, which perfectly set off his noble status as the eldest prince. He walked out, his steps steady, without the weakness and staggering before.

The expressionless maid followed him, while the robin spread its wings again and disappeared into the night.

Soon, Albert crossed the unobstructed corridor and once again came to the door guarded by two sculptural knights.

"Get out of the way, I want to see... Aldrich."

176. Stinky man

"Ha, I'm so exhausted."

After a busy day of processing official documents, Phyllis Rossetti stretched her limbs lazily, stood up and looked through the window.

She has a beautiful face, a plump and gorgeous figure, and her dark red uniform highlights the blood-stirring curves of her stretched waist. Her every move reveals a mature temperament like a lady, which may have existed when she was young. The greenness has completely turned into a sweeter ripe fruit during this period of time.

It's a pity that no one appreciates it for the time being, and no matter how beautiful the flower is, it can only be admired by itself.

After feeling sorry for herself through the reflection in the window, her eyes fell on the night that was already so thick that it couldn't be melted away, and she continued to complain:

"I work overtime and work overtime. I work so late every day and I can't even get any sleep from my beauty salon. If I had known that the division leader of the Royal Magician Corps was so tired, I wouldn't have acted like this."

"Don't say such childish words at this time, division commander."

The door opened silently, and a figure walked in. He walked familiarly directly to Phyllis' desk.

"The entire Royal Magician Corps relies on you for support. You can't be so discouraged."

"Such a large division can be supported by a woman?"

Phyllis rolled her eyes:

"Becky, it's okay for you to fool around with little girls. I won't be fooled by you. I know that old guy from my ex very well. He's basically just an old bastard who works as a hands-off shopkeeper. He doesn't come to the division headquarters a few times every day. , Isn’t it the same as usual?”

"Times are different, how can we compare them like this?"

Becky conveniently placed a large stack of documents on Phyllis's desk. While Phyllis's eyelids were twitching, she smiled helplessly:

"During the period when Master Teacher was in office, the empire was in a peaceful stage, and the Royal Magician Corps guarded the palace. Normally, there were no major events, but now..."

"There's going to be trouble any minute now, right?"

Phyllis covered her head in pain.

You knew that the old bastard was in such a hurry to pass it on to you that it must be up to no good. As soon as he ran away, His Majesty the Emperor fell seriously ill, and then the whole of Belland was involved in the dispute caused by that position.

Naturally, the Royal Magician Group is not immune. These days, just rejecting the lobbyists privately sent by various forces and nobles has already made her miserable. Not to mention that as the incident develops, the Royal Magician begins to have internal problems. some problems.

They had just taken action to deal with a group of traitors a few days ago, but I knew with my knees that there could not be only those remaining poisons hidden within the Royal Magician Corps.

Learning magic requires a lot of resources, which is difficult for ordinary people to afford. Therefore, magic is also called "the trick of the nobles." Although the elite backgrounds who enter the Royal Magician Corps have been rigorously reviewed, it is difficult to guarantee that they will succeed in the deeper level. place, is there any other "context".

Just like the previous traitors, they were innocent on the surface, but the deepest connection could even be traced back to a full decade ago.

"It's difficult..."

When she thought about the various difficulties she was facing now, it seemed that even the complex documents she dealt with from morning to night every day were not a troublesome thing. Phyllis banged her head on the window like a mess, and her light eyeshadow was almost gone. Looking at the palace under the night with his dead fish eyes.

The night was dark, but the palace was brightly lit.

On the spacious road, you can see the palace maids and guards coming and going as usual, but a tense and strange atmosphere is clearly emanating from this magnificent palace.

"The second child is dead. It seems that the eldest brother is confirmed, but...our Majesty doesn't seem to think's really troublesome."

Phyllis sighed: "It would be great if I could go back in time. I would definitely go back and give myself a slap in the face a month ago to tell her not to be so stupid and to be more careful."

"Okay, regret is useless, division commander."

Becky took out an exquisite tea cup from the cabinet on the side and fiddled with it several times. Her movements were skillful and elegant. Soon, a cup of hot tea was handed to Phyllis:

"Would you like to try the medicinal tea I brought from Old Delvin's?"

"Herbal tea?"

"It is said that it is mixed with a lot of precious medicinal materials, which can restore the lost spirit. With old Delwin's medical skills, it should not be a simple thing. I spent a long time to get such a small amount."

"Thank you, I'm very considerate."

Phyllis took the tea cup, shook it slightly, and watched a few floating tea stalks swaying with the brown tea. She couldn't help but smile, and then drank the hot tea in one gulp.

"Ha... I feel comfortable. Fortunately, you are with me, otherwise I will die of overwork sooner or later."

"As your deputy, I should."

Seeing that Phyllis drank the medicinal tea that helped her recover, Becky quickly used magic to clean the tea cup and put it away, and then helped organize the thick stack of documents on the table.

"Leave the rest to me, you can take a rest."

"Okay, I'll close my eyes for a while and collect myself. Thank you for your hard work."

Phyllis is not pretentious. Although she is quite advanced, she is a pure magician after all. She is not strong in physical strength. She is indeed tired after working all day and is even more mentally exhausted.

She just held her chin and closed her eyes to rest.

Soon, the only sound in the room was the sound of paper being turned.

Becky was processing the documents quickly, but as he was flipping through them, his movements suddenly stopped.

Because he heard a slight snore.

When she raised her head, she realized that Felice had been lying on the table without knowing it, her beautiful face buried in her arms. She had just said she was resting her eyes with her eyes closed, but now she was sleeping very soundly.

It seems that he is really tired.

Becky smiled helplessly and shook his head, temporarily stopping what he was doing and letting the whole room become completely silent.

"Get some rest, the weather will be nice tomorrow."

Becky whispered goodbye, then picked up some of the unfinished files and walked out of the room.

Although it is the headquarters of the Royal Magician Corps, the decoration of this room is not luxurious and the room is not large due to the inconspicuousness of the previous head of the Magician Corps. Bell walked to the door in just a few steps, just like he once did. As he had done countless times, he reached out and grasped the doorknob.

However, the door failed to open.

Because the moment he exerted force, the doorknob in his hand turned into fine sand that continuously flowed down between his fingers.

The fine sand was flying everywhere in the wind, but Becky's eyes remained calm.

"Becky, how long have we known each other?"

"Almost thirty years."

Becky replied without looking back:

"Ever since you became a member of the Royal Magician Corps, I have stayed by your side as your partner, or deputy."

"More than thirty's so long."

Although he couldn't see it, Becky could already imagine her leaning back on the chair with a sigh.

"It's very long. I remember that thirty years ago you were a weak girl who cried every day because you failed to win a man. Now you have turned into a shrew who points at people's noses and scolds them when we meet."

"Really? I had forgotten. Thirty years will indeed change a lot of things. Even you, who was once clean, actually..."

Phyllis sighed: "What benefits did they give you? Or are you just like the people before you? You had the same connection with those guys who didn't dare to see the light a long time ago?"


After a moment of silence, Becky shook his head:

"The benefits are out of the question, contact...I don't have any hidden contact with anyone."

"and you……"

"I just think it's the right thing to do."

Becky finally turned her head, her expression calm and firm:

"For the Royal Magicians, this is the best choice."

"The best to betray me?"

"If we can bring everything to an end and stop the unnecessary disputes and bloodshed..."

Becky's eyes were as clean as they were thirty years ago:

"Then this kind of betrayal is also necessary."

"That's it..."

Phyllis lowered her head, chuckled, and shook her head as if mocking herself. Everything in the room shook slightly, and with the roaring sound, majestic magic power rose up like a huge wave.

" guys who are sanctimonious and always insist on some inexplicable truth are really not good people."

177. Gradually falling

Phyllis stood up slowly.

The waist-length hair moved without wind, like fine algae floating in the sea. The whole room felt like it was in the deep sea, with majestic magic rolling around, cold and suffocating.

The walls, doors, windows, floor, and ceiling of the entire room began to twist in strange ways, and different tones were mixed together, like abstract oil paintings painted by a drunken wandering painter with big strokes of his brush.

The magic has not yet been chanted, and this is only the terrible pressure of a great magician of the truth level.

Although from brilliance to truth, there is no rebirth and life level improvement like a warrior ascending to the crowned one, but there is still a huge gap between the two. This is why the Royal Magician Corps has had a rigid requirement for the realm of the division leader since its establishment.

Because only the truth level that has reached the peak of magic can shock the group of arrogant elite magicians under his command.

And now, this is a truth level who is furious after being betrayed.

Becky, who is still a member of the elite magician, has no possibility of direct confrontation at all.

"Any last words?" Phyllis asked softly:

"I think with your temperament, even if you fail, you will not allow me to capture you alive."

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