Candlelight flickers.

White jade and gold carved the walls, and colored glass and precious stones adorned the lampstands. An indifferent air of luxury floated around like thin clouds, making the flickering and dancing lights look impressive.

Of course it will be good, because the oil burning under the wick is a kind of monster oil from the deep sea. The strong winds are not extinguished and the showers are continuous. It is warm and bright, and has a subtle fragrance. The same size of lamp oil can be purchased ten times as precious. Magic stone.

Albert raised his head, but his eyes did not reflect the slightest candlelight. Instead, there was deep darkness rolling in the depths of his pupils.

"Open the door."

He said:

"I want to see Aldrich."

The corridor is silent and deserted.

This is the palace. According to common sense, even late at night, there are still maids and guards from the palace coming and going.

However, at this moment, the night wind blew in from outside, bringing only a ray of coldness.

As a result, Albert's voice could echo in the corridor and spread far and wide.

"You...are brave."

Another low voice came from the tall statue guarding outside the gate... That was not a statue, it was a knight in thick armor.

The knight is much taller than a normal person, and since he is always guarding the gate, he is often considered to be a statue, or a golem controlled by a mechanism inside.

Only a few people know that these are the royal knights specially ordered to guard the emperor's palace. They have been guarding here since His Majesty succeeded to the throne. Maybe the people in the armor have been changed, maybe not, but it is irrefutable that their A loyal heart is as solid as that rock-like appearance.

"If you dare to call His Majesty by his honorable name, you are disrespectful... You should be executed!"

One of the knights moved, his armor screeching harshly. His tall body was as powerful as a demon. The thin Albert seemed like a weak insect in front of him.

The expressionless maid behind Albert took a step forward, but was stopped by Albert.

He looked at the sharp axe, which was raised high at this moment and could easily cut him into two pieces, with calm eyes.


The ax and halberd pierced the air, making a roar like dry thunder. When the ax and halberd fell, it seemed that the next moment, flesh and blood could be seen splashing out in this quiet and noble place.

But in the end no.

The ax suddenly froze just a few centimeters away from Albert's forehead. His eyes remained calm and unruffled, watching a few strands of hair fall from his forehead.

"Your Majesty orders."

Another knight also raised the ax in his hand. He was not disturbed by the scene in front of him, and his tone had no emotion:

"Let you in."

The door opened silently, and the corner of Albert's mouth finally made an inexplicable arc. He tilted his head slightly, bypassed the axe, halberd and knight, and walked into the emperor's palace, which was actually only his third visit.

The second time was not long ago, and it was also after that time that he carefully planned the arrangement and situation that he thought was foolproof, but it took a turn for the worse, and even... the woman took the fire out of the cauldron, forcing him to have a second time in a short time. Stand here three times.

As for the first time I came here... it was an extremely long time ago, measured in years.

At that time, the sun was dazzling, the emperor of the empire was high up, and the power of thunder was visible when he looked up, which still made him feel frightened.

but now……

Albert looked sideways slightly. Unlike the gorgeous and bright corridor, this place actually seemed a little dark. Neither the magic stone nor the candlelight was lit. The entire room was covered in shadows reflected by the bits of light leaking from the window.

The smell of medicinal materials was stronger than last time. The two maids held medicine bowls in their hands and saluted Albert before hurriedly leaving.

Albert watched for a while, and finally came forward and walked along the big bed with swaying curtains.

"I used to be very afraid of you."

He opened his mouth, as if telling a story, and said in a calm tone:

"You are the emperor of this country, you are high and you hold the power of this country."

"But you not only hold power, you are good at maneuvering, manipulating people's hearts, supporting the royal faction and suppressing the noble faction. In the decades since you succeeded to the throne, the great nobles who are the foundation of the empire have fallen in the blink of an eye. It has reached the point where we now need to fight for power with a group of untouchables.

But you cleverly maintain the balance between the two. The two forces fight back and forth, but they are just chess pieces in your palm, a tool for you to consolidate your power. "

"The territory inherited by the family has been gradually deprived of it, and the wealth accumulated over countless generations has been snatched away bit by bit and divided among the untouchables. The nobles are resentful, but they can only shake their heads and tails in front of you and pray for mercy."

"They fear you."

"I'm afraid of you."

"A lot of people are afraid of you."

"You are even afraid to the extent that as long as you are alive, many people will not dare to mess around. In order to convince those people, I have to spend more effort and divide more interests."


Albert suddenly stretched his head, widened his eyes, and stared at the old man on the bed with interest:

"I'm afraid no one could have imagined that the aloof emperor, the great Aldrich III, could actually... be so weak!"



There were two muffled sounds outside the door.

Then there was the faint smell of blood, mixed with the strong smell of medicine.

The knight hidden in the heavy armor watched coldly as the expressionless eldest prince's maid killed the two palace maids, licking the blood on his palms like a cat without making any movement.

Because there are no orders.

But at this moment, the old man on Yutanshang didn't even get up when he saw his eldest son, he was still lying in the golden quilt.

His eye sockets were sunken, and even though it had only been a few days, he looked far thinner than last time. The skin on his face showed dark spots, and the aura of decay and old age filled the air. The shadow of death seemed to be covering this man at any time at this moment. elder.

Faced with Albert's arrogance and disrespect, he just opened his cloudy eyes and his voice was hoarse like dry sand constantly rubbing:

"But not dead after all..."

"Ha...yeah, you're not dead. I originally wanted to be patient and wait for you to die."

Albert lowered his head:

"But who told you to have a good daughter? She pushed me to this point and made me have to do this. Of course... I was still afraid of you, but I suddenly figured out something not long ago. ”


Aldrich seemed to have finally found the focus of his eyes and looked at him.

"Yes, it was you who made Pink Bear the regent... This was a great move. It easily interrupted my plan and forced me to pretend to be dormant again."

Albert smiled, like a filial son slowly telling his father recent interesting stories:

"But, if you think about it from another angle, doesn't this clever move also reveal that you...are really so weak that you can't completely control the situation? That's why you let that funny stupid bear help you stabilize Political situation, because you must have someone who can stand up and help you without directly intensifying the conflict. That person is not me, and it cannot be my sister who is well-known, smart and alert, so I can only go deep into the world as usual. Olan Lier is a man of royal blood."


"No answer. It seems I was right."

Albert gently opened Aldrich's brocade quilt and saw his hands hidden in the quilt at the moment. They were covered with cracked lines, making his limbs look like a piece of porcelain that was about to be broken. These The crack extended all the way to his chest.

"It's so scary. This must be the consequence of your trying to break through the royal curse. It must be because of this that you have fallen to this point."

Albert lamented that this emperor who had not been defeated by anyone would eventually die in the hands of his own arrogance.

Trying to fight against that curse is simply overestimating your own capabilities.

"So, you want to force me to have a baby?" Aldrich's eyes were cold.


Albert leaned down and answered softly:

"I want to... usurp the throne! After all, isn't the identity of the eldest prince meant for times like this?"

179. Sword of the King

"Usurping the throne?"

In a room so quiet that one could even hear breathing, Aldrich's voice was still hoarse and low, as if he was chewing the word carefully.

"How courageous."

"Yes, it takes a lot of courage to do this. After all, if you fail, you will lose everything completely, but I still did it, didn't I? Even if it was forced."

Albert took out a delicate gem from his arms and threw it away.

The gem floated up, and then a bright and soft light bloomed from the gem. Under the illumination of this light, the dim room was once again dyed with noble colors.

This is a high-purity magic stone for lighting, and since it can bloom, it means...

"Has the forbidden curse been lifted?" Aldrich's cloudy eyes also reflected the brilliance of the magic stone.


Albert tilted his head, wanting to admire the emperor's regretful face.

It's a pity that it's hard to see any expression on that skinny and extremely weak face.

"You are too conceited, Your Majesty."

Albert stood up and admired the magic stone floating above his head with his hands behind his hands. It was just a magic stone, but he seemed to be admiring a bright crown.

"You think that the palace has a forbidden curse and is guarded by the Royal Magicians and the Royal Knights. All of us are just clowns in the palm of your hand. That's why you want to watch in secret, just like you once sat and watched the royal family. Factions and noble factions fight like that.”

"But I'm afraid even you didn't expect that your body would deteriorate so quickly that the situation would be almost out of your control. After all, what power can an old and dying emperor have? "

"Of course, more importantly, you got one thing wrong."

"..." Aldrich listened silently. Of course, it might be that he didn't even have much strength to speak.

Albert's tone became even higher when he saw this. A certain kind of flame that had been brewing in his body for who knows how long finally broke through the suppressed disguise and began to burn blazingly.

"You don't understand that the foundation of this empire, this huge empire, is the glorious nobles among the nobles! You are the emperor, you are the master of the empire, you should be on the same line as us, but you But you turned your back on us! In order to prevent anyone from threatening you, you did not hesitate to let some dirty untouchables climb on top of us and let them tarnish our glory, so you deserve to die."

"Do you still remember the agreement between the First King and us? The First King and the Blood of Glory laid the foundation of the empire together. They agreed to share the prosperity of the empire together, but you..."

Albert gritted his teeth: "But he wants to kick us off the ship when the empire is at its most prosperous!"


There was still a long silence, and Aldrich had no answer.

"those people……"

Albert noticed his gaffe, calmed down his emotions, his expression returned to calm, and he lowered his eyebrows and said: "Those knights, magicians, neutrals, and nobles, they are the most loyal people in the empire, and they should also be loyal. For you, yes, we should all be loyal to you, but you are so stupid, stupid, selfish and arrogant, which forces them to make the right choice. "

"The ending today is not because of anyone, but because of you, your Majesty!"


Albert's every word was like an indestructible battering ram, intending to shake the dying old man's heart.

But from the beginning to the end, Aldrich's cloudy eyes did not change at all. He just listened to Albert's words quietly, and then... raised his hand.

Albert, who had sounded arrogant just now, suddenly showed a vigilant look and took several steps back.

Aldrich didn't do much.

He just stared at his hand that looked like it was about to break at any time, and it was difficult to even lift it. He didn't know what he thought of, and sighed softly:

"Indeed, as you said, I am a fatuous and incompetent emperor. I have only two identities in my life, but I failed to fulfill either of them, which led to this ending."

"Do you understand? Since you understand, please..."

"Just kill me."


Albert was stunned: "What did you say?"

"I said, kill me."

Aldrich closed his eyes:

"As long as I die, you can get everything you want, right? Come on, kill me. I won't resist, and I can't resist."


Seeing Aldrich so magnanimously asking him to take his life, Albert became suspicious.

He didn't even dare to get close to Zhang Yutao for the time being, pacing around the room while vigilantly observing the surroundings to guard against possible traps.

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