Of course there are no traps.

Because if the emperor still had the energy to lay a trap, he shouldn't be here now, but staring at the guillotine and counting the heads of the Dion family.

After confirming that there was no danger, Albert approached again, took out a dagger inlaid with gems from his arms, and slowly approached Aldrich.

At this moment, Albert suddenly felt a little strange, because as long as he stabbed hard, the most noble emperor in the empire would die in his hands so easily.

But he stopped.



"Where is the King's Sword?"


"Don't try to act stupid!"

Albert brought the dagger closer:

"Thousands of years ago, in order to end the turmoil, the First King and the Glory Knights prayed for strength under a golden tree. In the end, God answered their prayers and gave them a sword that symbolized the king... Where is that sword?"

"Do you also like to hear fairy tales like this?" Aldrich asked.

"Fairy tale? You mean, the royal curse and the backlash on you are also fairy tales? Don't make people laugh. Aldrich! That sword can give every emperor of the empire far more power than ordinary wearers. Power, you relied on that King’s Sword to kill the projection of Silent Moon!”

Albert roared again: "Where did you hide that sword!"


Aldrich still didn't answer. He seemed to ignore the dagger that could take his life at any time, and just closed his eyes casually.

The veins on Albert's forehead throbbed, but there was nothing he could do about it, because for a person who was already about to die, or even actively begging for death, what could you use to threaten him?

"There's no use stalling, old boy."

Albert straightened his clothes, stood up and said disdainfully:

"I've been preparing for so long, and you think I didn't even think of this? If all you can do is hide that sword, then you are doomed to fail."


"How pathetic."

Albert lowered his head as if in mourning:

"The once emperor of the empire, the noble Aldrich III, can now only use such childish methods to make people laugh."

Soon, Albert walked out of here, the door closed, and the two knights once again squatted and crossed their axes and halberds, as if nothing had happened.

"Won't you kill him?"

The maid who had been silent suddenly came closer and asked:

"Now the palace is basically under our control. As long as the emperor is dead, no one can stop you from ascending the throne."

"You can't take action for the time being."

Albert said: "Although he is powerless now, he is still the master of the King's Sword and the real emperor of this country. If he touches him now, it will definitely cause the passive guardian of the King's Sword, and even identify me as an enemy. Then It’s troublesome.”

"is that so?"

"So the order cannot be messed up. Find the sword first."

Albert took one last look at the door that once felt so luxurious and unspeakably luxurious, he slightly curved his mouth, sneered, and said:

"Let's go, everything goes according to plan, and if we confirm that our Emperor is really unable to do anything, then there won't be any problems."

180. Symbol

"We need to get out of here quickly!"

Marquis Angus stood up suddenly and shouted to everyone.

Suddenly being able to use magic means that the forbidden curse that enveloped the palace has been temporarily closed.

But it was a forbidden curse specially built to protect the imperial palace. It is said that the emperor spent countless money to build it, and the wealth consumed was enough to buy a small country. And this forbidden curse is as expected, and it has brought many people to the palace for hundreds of years. The turmoil that has not yet occurred is eliminated in its infancy.

After all, if you can't use magic and fighting spirit, or even activate extraordinary miracles, no matter how strong the enemy is, it's impossible to have a fully armed knights, a partially "amnesty" royal magician group, and someone who is not affected by the forbidden spell. , what kind of trouble is caused in front of an emperor who is as powerful as a crowned one.

The fact that the fanatic attack launched by Silent Moon didn't even cause a single ripple is the ironclad proof.

But now... when the emperor is critically ill, the forbidden curse is suddenly closed. This shows that someone breaks through from the inside, and then it is possible to obtain the two "keys" that can turn off the forbidden curse. In this way, the Royal Knights and Royal Magic The division cannot be trusted, and coupled with the move of gathering important ministers of the empire like myself, the other party's purpose...

It's obvious.

Angus' old body couldn't help but tremble.

Outside the window, the remains of the little insect were swept into the endless darkness by the breeze. If they didn't hurry up, the fate of these important ministers who supported the empire would be like this humble and fragile little insect.

"Quick! Everyone move!"

Under the urging of Marquis Angus, several other ministers did not dare to neglect. Moreover, they also keenly felt that something was wrong, so they quickly moved out of the hall together.

But when the door opened, everyone stopped and no one took a step forward.

Someone is blocking the way.

"Everyone, it's so late, where do you want to go?"

Outside the door, there was a smiling face.

Young, handsome, peaceful, approachable, most of the words used to praise men in the world can be applied to the person in front of him. Of course, compared to these illusory things that belong to appearance and temperament, they are more important to him. The title on his head makes him even more awe-inspiring.

"The eldest prince...your highness."

After a brief moment of astonishment, Marquis Angus quickly calmed down. After stroking his chest and saluting, he asked straight to the point:

"You must have done this."

"What did the Marquis say?" Albert was slightly confused.

"Gathering us here, or in other words, intending to imprison us here together."

"Ah...this is it."

Albert nodded and smiled without hesitation: "I did it."

"Please let us go."

Marquis Angus stared closely into Albert's eyes: "We all have important matters for the empire to deal with, and we can't waste time here. If this is your prank, then we can treat it as playing with you, but since Already played, please..."


Albert interrupted Angus:

"You can't leave. The palace was attacked by bandits and is currently under martial law. For your safety, please stay here for one more night."

His tone is still so gentle, giving people a feeling of spring breeze, but behind this calm and gentleness, there is no doubt that he is tough.

"Encountering bandits, haha, can Your Highness say this?"

The worst suspicion in Marquis Angus's heart became more and more true, and he said with a sinking face:

"Control the palace, imprison the ministers... If my guess is correct, Your Highness, are you trying to usurp the throne?"


Albert's eyes narrowed slightly, and he secretly thought that they were indeed the most oily old guys in the empire. They were so sharp.

Seeking power and usurping the throne.

This is a very heavy hat. Throughout the ages, many people have been crushed to death by this hat.

This kind of thing can be said in private, but never in public.

Because the empire is not a crumbling and decadent country. The rules of this country have been running for thousands of years and are almost difficult to change.

The most important thing that anyone who wants to ascend to that position needs to possess is legal principles.

Fortunately, he is now the greatest legal principle.

"You have misunderstood, how could I have such disrespectful thoughts?"

Albert forced everyone back to the conference hall step by step with his hands behind his back.

He raised his head and admired the heroic figures of the ancestor statues. He couldn't help but sigh seriously, then lowered his head again and looked at everyone:

"I am the eldest prince and the first heir to the throne. It is natural for me to inherit that position. How can there be any talk of usurping the throne?"

"But His Majesty has not yet passed the throne to you!"


Albert sat down on the chair where the emperor of that empire once sat, crossed his hands, held his chin and said:

"Your Majesty's health is getting worse day by day, but the position of Emperor of the Empire cannot remain vacant for a long time. In this case, besides me, who else is more qualified to inherit this position? You are too rigid, or say, You have a better way, why don’t you tell me?”


Angus' eyes suddenly condensed and he asked in a deep voice:

"Where is Your Majesty? Where is Your Majesty?"

"Your Majesty... my father is naturally in a safe place. As his son, I will naturally protect him very well. You don't have to worry about this." Albert's mouth curled up slightly.


Marquis Angus was shaking with anger, and the surrounding ministers also had gloomy expressions.

Everyone knows what this so-called "protection" means.


Marquis Angus glanced out of the corner of his eye and noticed that there were figures shaking outside the hall door. The terrifying Qi machine had completely locked onto this place. If there was even the slightest movement, he would probably be crushed to death like a small insect.

The powerful ministers who usually influence the direction of the empire are just a group of old people who have not touched anyone for at least 30 to 50 years. Breaking out by force seemed to be an impossible option from the beginning.

These old guys are also smart people. No one chooses to take action rashly, they are all waiting for the opportunity.

Or, at some critical moment, they will directly choose...

Marquis Angus's mind changed rapidly, and he became more and more aware of the extremely unfavorable situation he was in.

too suddenly.

The empire has been at peace for a long time, and I am afraid no one would have thought that someone would dare to choose such a path from which there is absolutely no turning back.

What is even more unexpected is that the eldest prince took control of the entire palace so easily.

Is it because there are some loopholes in the palace itself, or...is it because His Majesty has too much authority and has suppressed certain people for too long, which led to today's backlash?

But no matter what, the other party seems to be only one step away from the moment of success.

"Now it's only up to you, Your Highness."

With nothing to do for the time being, Marquis Angus could only close his eyes dejectedly and murmur in a low voice:

"And my useless grandson... I hope you can find a way to break the situation."

"How many steps do you think it takes for my royal brother to usurp the throne?"

Celecia raised her head and stared at the palace in the night.

The magnificent palace walls separated the inside and outside. The city outside was now in a deep sleep, but the huge palace was still brightly lit.

The bright light cast a majestic shadow on the ground.

"Usurping the throne?"

Moon squatted beside Cecilia, tilting his head, and seemed to be looking at the luxurious building in the night. However, the night breeze caressed him, and there were always one or two white skirts and shiny black silks that jumped into his eyes inadvertently.

"Ahem... It doesn't sound like a simple thing."

In Cecilia's cold eyes that seemed to be able to kill people directly, Muon inadvertently turned his eyes away.

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