"It's not that easy to usurp the throne."

"It's not easy. Normally, the chance of success is zero."

Cecilia flicked her hair lightly: "But for my elder brother who is now the first heir to the throne, he only needs to do two things to usurp the throne."

"One is to take control of the entire palace, which is the administrative center of the empire."

"The second is to announce to the world the legitimacy of his succession and let the world recognize it."

"...It sounds like how to put an elephant in a refrigerator." Mu En sighed.

The first step is to open the refrigerator.

The second step is to put the elephant in.

It sounds simple, but it is definitely not that simple.


Cecilia tilted her head slightly, and a hint of cute doubt appeared on her cold and pretty face.

"Ahem... I'm talking nonsense, don't mind it, don't mind it."

Cecilia's cold eyes swept over again, but seeing Mu En pretending to be stupid, she didn't say anything in the end, but just sighed as if she couldn't stand it.

"In short, according to the current situation, his first step should have been successful."

While talking to Mu En, white doves from the palace kept falling, constantly sending the latest news to Cecilia. Although Mu En didn't know where the news came from, judging from Cecilia's attention, the credibility should be no problem.

In other words...

"Your Majesty, and those ministers, are they in danger now?"

Mu En frowned, and couldn't help but worry.

It goes without saying that His Majesty is his future father-in-law. According to previous intelligence, his grandfather, the Marquis of Angus, is also in the palace now, and it seems that he has fallen into Albert's hands.

"It shouldn't be."

Cecilia said: "If Albert really kills all the ministers, the empire will definitely be in chaos. I believe he doesn't want to see this scene. There are too many variables. As for the emperor... I don't think we need to worry about him for the time being."


"Because Albert has to complete the second item. When the emperor does not explicitly pass the position to him, he must get the Sword of the King, which is the symbol of the imperial power of the empire."

"A sword... can represent the legitimacy of the throne?"

"It's a symbol."

Cecilia's long eyelashes drooped slightly:

"A vague symbol is sometimes the least important thing, and sometimes the most important thing. At least for Albert now, it is very important."

181. Fangs

"I see."

Mu En nodded in understanding.

In short, if His Majesty Aldrich III does not personally pass the throne to Albert, he must prove that he is the legitimate emperor of the empire in some way.

And that proof is the Sword of the King.

"So, his current priority is to find the Sword of the King and get its approval."


Mu En was surprised: "Does the Sword of the King have its own consciousness?"


Cecilia looked at him again with a look of idiot: "The two swords in your hands have living spirits. Why do you think the Sword of the King, which has guarded the empire for a thousand years, doesn't have it?"

"...That's right."

Mu En laughed awkwardly.

Although Elizabeth's foundation comes from one of the former holy swords, coupled with the personal smelting and casting of Teacher Mela, her style is not low.

But compared to Elizabeth's "characteristic of increasing combat power by 20% at any stage", the Sword of the King can directly "harden 50,000 combat power", making ordinary people a crowned strongman standing at the peak of humanity, which is definitely more awesome.


Mu En then remembered something and frowned and asked:

"But since the Sword of the King has its own consciousness, can Albert get its approval?"

Mu En pointed to his head, the meaning is self-evident.

Albert's brain and soul are not original. As long as he touches the Sword of Kings, the consciousness in the Sword of Kings will inevitably discover this. At that time, will it recognize a person who is not a royal family to become the emperor?

"Maybe... I think so." Cecilia lowered her eyelids.


"The intelligence of a living spirit is ultimately inferior to that of a real person. It is likely that it will only act according to established rules. As I said before, the most important thing for the royal family is not the brain or the soul, but..."

Cecilia raised her hand and stared at the back of her hand. Under the white skin and in the blue veins, hot blood was flowing at this moment.

"Bloodline, the royal bloodline, that is the most important thing."

"Bloodline... and this most important thing was held in the hands of the opponent from the beginning?"

"Yes, so this is where they are smart. Of course, if they didn't have this biggest trump card, they wouldn't even dare to go to the gambling table."

"But now they not only go to the gambling table, but also take the initiative, win a lot, and have countless chips." Mu En sighed.

In the previous round of playing, although he and others got back a little later, forcing the opponent to take action when they were not fully prepared, the loss was only a small loss, which could not hurt his bones at all, and his situation was still very bad.

But fortunately, it was precisely because of that small loss that everyone was still at the same gambling table, and the result was still unknown.

"Yes, judging from the current situation, Albert, who is only one step away from success, does have a very big advantage."

Cecilius' tone was calm, as if she was describing something that had nothing to do with her.

There was naturally no ripple in her eyes like an ice lake.

"The only way we can win now is to regain control of the Sword of the King and the Palace, so that he loses the qualification to sit in that position, and then we can completely nail him to death."

"Is it difficult?"

"Very difficult."

"Are you scared?"

Mu En suddenly asked.

It was impossible for the two of them to chat casually at this critical moment. They basically communicated while they were on the road.

And now, the palace was not far away, lurking in the shadow of the night, like a ferocious beast with a bloody mouth open, choosing people to eat.

"Are you scared?"

Cecilius, who was flying, responded with a puzzled look.

"After all, we have come to this point, and there is no way out for everyone..."

Albert, no, it should be the old thing hidden in Albert's body. He is definitely not a kind person. When he succeeds in ascending the throne, no matter how much it costs, Cecilia and the Campbell family will definitely not let go.

These pests that have been sucking blood from the roots of the empire for a long time, for their own interests, do not care about the long-term future of the empire at all. As long as they can protect their power and wealth from being taken away, I am afraid that they may cede the territory of the empire to the demons.

"I thought you were going to say something bad again."

Cecilia suddenly chuckled.

She is a person who rarely laughs, but if you want to describe the smile of this iceberg beauty, it is that even this slightly sarcastic, slightly disdainful, and extremely indifferent smile makes Mu En feel that the deep night around him is bright for a moment.

"You actually asked this kind of question, then do you think I will be afraid?"

Cecilia did not answer, but just threw the question back with a smile.

It seemed that she just didn't want to answer, but the slightly sideways glance made Mu En understand that this didn't seem to be a question that he could easily perfunctory.

Is this considered throwing a stone to shoot oneself in the foot?

Not really. How to answer this kind of question is not a difficult thing for me who is now experienced.


"If you ask me... I think you should be a little scared."

Mu En thought for a while, stroking his chin, looking at the palace, and slowly said the answer that he knew was wrong:

"After all, in such a short period of time, my two brothers died one after another, and my father was seriously ill and his life and death were unknown. Even if the relationship with them was weak, no one could be indifferent."

"What's more, the pressure of the entire empire is now on you, and you are not a real iceberg who can withstand anything."

How could a girl who becomes very cute when drunk really have no feelings?

But it was precisely because of this fiery heart hidden under the ice that she couldn't ignore the scene she saw in the lower city at the beginning, so she stood here.

But she is still just a girl who is even one year younger than him.

"... Stupid."

Cecilia obviously sneered at Mu En's answer, snorted coldly, and turned her head away.


Mu En seriously guessed that Cecilia's pretty face seemed to be a little colder, and smiled:

"Still as arrogant as ever..."


The long sword was slightly unsheathed.

Mu En immediately frowned and said seriously: "How could the handsome and powerful His Highness Cecilia be afraid? I'm just talking nonsense."


The sword was pushed back again.

Mu En breathed a sigh of relief.

But looking at Cecilia's profile that didn't change at all, he didn't know what was wrong with him, and suddenly said:

"Actually... I don't seem to have no way out at all. At least a certain old loli will definitely give me shelter, so..."

"Hmm?" Cecilia's face showed that cute look of doubt again.

"Ahem... What I mean is, if we really fail by accident, why don't I secretly raise you?" Mu En said seriously.

As soon as he finished speaking, Mu En felt deep regret for his brain circuit that always committed suicide at critical moments. At the same time, his gluteus maximus tightened, ready to be kicked away by Cecilia.




Mu En was stunned, thinking that he had an illusion.

But the illusion could not be so moving. Cecilia gently lifted her long hair in front of her forehead. The silver-white hair was like frost and snow blown by the breeze. Her eyes flickered slightly and she replied softly:

"I said, okay."


The voice was clear and pleasant to the ears, and it was definitely not an illusion.

It was already late spring in Belland, so even when it was the darkest night, it was not as cold as imagined.

But Mu En seemed to be frozen in place, staring blankly at Cecilia's beautiful face.

That flawless face was still expressionless, without any emotion, like an ice sculpture by a famous master, but deep in those blue eyes like an ice lake, there were surging undercurrents, melting snow, and turbulent spring light...

The ripples spread on the lake, causing some kind of throbbing that seemed to resonate.

The lips were pink, like plum blossoms blooming in the ice and snow.

Mu En stared blankly. It was just a simple word, but he couldn't help but be attracted by the throbbing that connected their heartbeats, and then he subconsciously took a step forward...


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