"Is there no news for the time being?"

Albert leaned back in his chair and rubbed his temples.

"In that case, go and tell them and we will agree to their request."


The robin was surprised: "You mean...promise to give those guys the land of Campbell and get their support for you and the truce agreement?"...Your Highness, this matter has a great impact, it is better to think about it again. Bar?"

"There's nothing to consider, it's all for the sake of the overall situation."

Albert said: "The empire has thirty-nine territories. It doesn't hurt to lose one Campbell territory. When the empire was founded a thousand years ago, there were only nine territories. Didn't the surrounding countries surrender? But you have to know, if Celecia is allowed to Escape, escape to the lion, and get the support of him and his hundreds of thousands of troops, that is the most troublesome thing!"

"I do all this to prevent the empire from falling into internal strife! For this reason, a small sacrifice is also necessary! Of course, whether they can get it depends on their ability. After all, we can't take the initiative to give it away in name. , only Duke Campbell can take the blame!"

"...I understand."

After pondering for a while, the robin lowered his head and said:

"I'll bring the news right away."

"Go ahead."

Albert waved his hand slightly tiredly.


The robin did not stop and soon flew into the night.

But everything still has not returned to peace.

Albert suddenly held his forehead and felt a tearing pain in his head.

It was like some terrible force from afar, following some connection in the dark, to completely tear his soul into pieces.

Fortunately, as black lines like capillaries appeared under his skin, the pain was suppressed again, and the connection from the soul was directly cut off.

"You haven't given up yet? Bitch!"

Albert clenched his fist in anger and smashed it on the armrest of the throne.

"Do you need help?"

A voice came from the shadow of the throne.

"No, just do what you should do!"

"Don't worry, Your Highness... Oh no, I should call you Your Majesty right away."

The voice came out of a disembodied shadow and said with a sinister smile:

"Look, everything will be finished soon, soon, soon..."

Albert raised his head.

The throne hall was empty and lonely, but not bright.

All the lights were extinguished, making the entire space seem to be under a dome of darkness.

In the middle of the hall, a dozen figures sat side by side in a circular shape.

Wearing airtight black clothes, they raised their hands and chanted in unison.

The voice is hoarse, but the singing voice is like the neighing of a demon, the cry of an elf, the laughter of a child...

Weird and long.

In the center of them, there was a dead branch floating, as if it had been randomly picked up from a forest.

But under the chanting of the man in black, the branches slowly emitted circles of radiant ripples, and the gorgeous golden color, like waves, diffused and blended into the shadows of the entire palace.

It's like... searching for something.

"Yeah, soon..."

Albert stared at all this, and his originally peaceful and handsome face was now full of undisguised excitement and ferocity:

"Soon...I will find you..."

"Campbell! Come out and fight!"

"Trash! Coward! Do you really like to sit in your mother's arms and drink milk?"

"I don't think you should call me Lion King. Call me Little Meow Meow. Little Meow Meow, come out and fight!"

Outside the camp, there was blood.

There seems to be no boundary between day and night here, just a red curtain-like blood cloud covering the entire sky.

And behind the surging blood cloud, several huge figures loomed, speaking various provocative words in jerky human language.

But in the camp, Duke Campbell seemed very calm. He used the only low-level lighting technique he knew to read the letter sent from the center of the empire using expensive space magic.

This place is shrouded in the blood of the demons, and it is difficult to connect to the sound transmission stone. Therefore, this expensive method can only be used to deliver the message in a timely manner.

"Your Majesty the Duke."

The adjutant came over:

"Everything is ready."

"Preparation? What preparation?"

Duke Campbell put down the letter and raised his eyebrows.

"Of course... we are preparing for a temporary retreat."

The adjutant said: "I already understand the situation of Belland. Now the old nobles who are far away from us have the upper hand. To be on the safe side, it is better for us to retreat temporarily, otherwise we will inevitably be stabbed in the back."

"What do you mean, you want me to give up the empire's territory and hand it over to those people and ghosts across the way?" Duke Campbell's face was slightly cold.

"No... what I mean is to at least temporarily retreat to Campbell Territory, which is the foundation. You can attack when you advance, and you can retreat..."

"Okay, stop talking."

Duke Campbell's tone was calm, but he immediately told the adjutant to shut up and lower his head.

"Do you know why the empire has been able to suppress those ghosts for so many years?" Duke Campbell asked.

The adjutant shook his head and nodded immediately.

"Yes, in addition to the elite imperial troops stationed here, there is another very important factor, which is the geographical location."

Duke Campbell put his hands behind his hands and looked at the huge map hanging behind him, and said slowly:

"Those ghosts are in the abyss, and they have been trying to climb out, but it is not that easy to climb out. The imperial army occupies a favorable location. As the saying goes, the high will fight against the low. As long as they occupy the terrain, I can suppress them with my feet. beat."

"But if we really let them crawl out, even if it's not the Campbell Territory, even if it's just a small piece of land, it will be difficult to drive them back... Those fat pigs in Belland who have never even seen the demons , won’t understand this kind of thing.”


The adjutant whimpered, as if he wanted to say something.

Duke Campbell glanced at him and said, "Say."

"Yes, but what about Bellander?"


Duke Campbell looked complicated and sighed softly: "I can only believe it. As for what happens next, we will talk about it later... Even if I will be scolded to death by the madam, I will kneel on a hundred washboards."

"Your Majesty the Duke..."

The adjutant looked at Duke Campbell, and rarely saw a hint of weakness in this lion-like man.

"So put away those little thoughts of yours."

Duke Campbell suddenly turned around with a stern look on his face. He drew out his sword and pointed at the monstrous blood. His mane-like beard trembled slightly, roaring like a lion:

"Pass my order. The whole army will put on armor and march forward. Push the front line ten miles further. If those ghosts want to fight, then fight!"


183.Old Department

Belland, at the city gate, a motorcade came silently.

The drowsy guard was awakened by the sudden shadow and shouted angrily:


"Convoy, enter the city."

A voice came from the shadows.

"No, the city gate is closed tonight, no one is allowed to enter the city!"

"Can...can you be accommodating?" The man seemed to want to take out something.


The guard pulled out half of the waistband and became more and more angry:

"Bringing the gate guards, you know this is..."


A bag was thrown in front of the guard.

The guard lowered his head slightly and swallowed when he saw a corner of the large stack of banknotes emerging from the bag.

But he soon woke up. No matter how much money the other party paid, if he let people into the city gate at will in his position, his head would be lost if anything happened.

What's more, it's especially so when the superiors specifically give instructions.

"No, take the money away, do you think I am..."


Another bag.

The other party seemed to deliberately let him know how tempting this amount of money was. Instead of using more convenient crystal cards or money orders, the stacks of the largest denominations were piled in front of him, which was particularly tempting.

"No, I..."




A few bags in a row would add up to enough to keep the guard from having to work for the rest of his life.

The guard's body trembled slightly and his eyes went straight, but he finally took a deep breath and forced himself to turn his gaze.


"Oh? He actually has more backbone than that guy from Senior. It's incredible."

There was a trade of approval from the shadows.

Then there was a glimmer of light, and an extremely handsome face and dazzling blond hair caught the guard's eyes.

It was a young man with a gentle smile who didn't seem annoyed by the failed bribe.

Of course, to the guard, the most eye-catching thing was not the face and the blond hair, but the family crest that the young man pinned to the chest of his luxurious dress trimmed with gold.

Dragon-slaying sword.

Duke Campbell's house!

"you are……"

The guard was shocked and quickly knelt down on the ground: "Young master from the Campbell family?"

"Yes, I am Moon Campbell, the heir to the Campbell family."

Mu En smiled.

"Now that you know my identity, can you let me in?"


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