The guard was sweating profusely and thought for a long time: "If it is Master Campbell, it would be fine if he has the documents to enter the city. How many people do you have...wait, who are you?"

The guard was about to think it over again, but when he used the dim light to see clearly the man and horse hiding in the shadows behind Mu En, his expression suddenly froze.

Those shadows were continuous and spread all the way to the end of the road. For a while, they couldn't see the number clearly.

"You...what do you want to do by bringing so many people into the city?" The guard swallowed hard, and combined with some gossip he heard not long ago, he suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited."

Mu En patted the guard on the shoulder and comforted him: "Listen to my explanation. This is what happened. Wasn't it that I was sent to the north to provide disaster relief by His Majesty's order some time ago?"

"Yes, really?"

"Look, His Majesty's letter of appointment is still here."

Mu En smiled and handed the previous appointment letter to the guard and said: "But since it is disaster relief, it is normal for me to bring some victims back for resettlement."

"Disaster...disaster victims?"

"Yes, victims."

"But I see they are all wearing armor..."

"That's because I'm afraid they'll be cold, so I think it's normal to wear thicker clothes."

"And riding a horse..."

"It's such a long journey, can you just walk without getting tired?"


"How can you do it in the wilderness without anyone to defend yourself? What if you encounter bandits and rob you? We are all helpless victims and are very scared." Mu En spread his hands and looked like I was very weak. .


The guard looked at the ferocious looks of the group of people, and secretly thought that it was the gangsters who should be afraid.

"How about it? I'm doing official business. Can you let me in?"


The guard gritted his teeth, knowing that he had no choice at this time, but he still hesitated and refused to let go.

"Let me talk to him."

Just as Mu En was about to say something more, another calm voice came from behind him.

He raised his brows and moved out of the way without saying anything.

"Who are you……"

The guard stared blankly at the tall man who came out.

"Lord Earl Ayle?"

"it's me."

Border boy Elle Campo, who had helped Mu En both in the forest and on the border, nodded:

"I remember you, you served under me."


The guard seemed a little excited. He immediately put his feet together and beat his chest with one hand, making a very standard imperial military salute.

"My subordinates once followed you, Lord Earl, together with the Baron of Wales, and participated in two wars with the kingdom. I witnessed your bravery with my own eyes. However, I was later transferred to Belland garrison with the troops and was not able to see your final victory. It was a pity that the kingdom’s army was defeated in that war.”

"That kind of tragic victory with countless deaths is nothing to see, but are you just here to look at the gate..." Eller pondered for a moment: "Where is Wales?"

"The Baron is now responsible for the security of the entire city gate. He should be patrolling elsewhere now."

"Let him come to me."


Soon, a man smelling of alcohol came with a group of soldiers.

"Welsh, without my riding crop, have you fallen to this level now?"

"Lord Earl Ayle?"

When the man who was swaying just now heard these words, it was as if he had heard some kind of law that could not be disobeyed. His body suddenly stood up straight, and the alcohol in his body was quickly eliminated through cold sweat, and he was more than half awake in an instant.

"You, why are you here?"

"Come on this trip for the sake of the empire."

Ayler stood in front of Wales. He was obviously not taller than him, but the oppressive feeling that seemed to come from the depths of his soul had already made Wales's teeth tremble, recalling the terrible years when he was personally trained by the earl.

"Are you responsible for guarding the gate? No one is allowed to enter the city all night tonight?"

"Yes, it is!"

"Who gave the order?"

"Yes, it's Lord Charles."

"Charles? Is there an order from His Majesty?"


"No order?"

Elle's razor-like eyebrows rose: "Without His Majesty's order, Charles, a fat pig in charge of the upper city, can he also give you orders?"

"Bi...after all, he is the Earl."

Wales wiped cold sweat and bent down with a smile: "I can't either..."

"Who asked you to bend down? Straighten your back!" Eller suddenly roared.


Wales straightened up suddenly, and because the movement was so violent, Moon seemed to hear the whine coming from his bones.

"Without His Majesty's order, Charles suddenly came and asked you to close the city gates. Don't you think there's a problem? Belland is the center of the empire, and you won't close the city gates casually unless it's a big deal." Eller continued to say coldly.


Wales' expression flickered and his face was complicated, and he didn't seem to know anything at all.

But even if he knew a little inside information, he couldn't do anything with his humble status, so he might as well drink to numb himself.

In this storm, he was too small and could only drift with the tide.

"How many people can you mobilize?" Eller suddenly asked.


Wales was stunned for a moment and replied: "There are about two hundred city gate guards."

"Want to come together?"

Eller asked again.


Wales chewed the words under his breath.

Although he didn't know the details yet, he knew that what Earl Ayler was going to do next would definitely be very dangerous... However, when his eyes fell on that familiar and resolute face, and it fell in the shadows, there were obviously many people. However, when the team had been well-trained and even the horses neighed, some long-standing memories and feelings struck again...

"Ask me again, do you want to come together?"


Wales's eyes flashed brightly, and he held his head high, as if he had returned to a few years ago, and said loudly:

"I am willing to obey the Earl's command!"

"Then go and gather the troops, as soon as possible, don't let me see your slow look again, otherwise you will know how I will train you." Eller's tone was still cold, but there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Wales shuddered, but still answered energetically:

"Yes! I'm going right now!"

Wales led his men to gather people, but at this moment the city gate was opened and the team was moving quickly and silently.

"As expected of His Excellency Earl Ayler."

Mu En looked at the situation that quickly calmed down smoothly and praised:

"I was already in a lot of trouble, but I didn't expect it to be resolved like this."

"I learned this from the Duke, and there is nothing extraordinary about it. But, speaking of this..."

Elle turned to look at the team and sighed:

"Master Mu En, please forgive me for this. In order not to be noticed, and also to prevent the kingdom from deliberately causing trouble during this period, the manpower that can be mobilized is only two thousand knights. But don't worry, young master, they will all be able to offset it with one The elite of ten.”

"no need to say sorry."

Mu En waved his hand: "We can also mobilize troops from the outside. This is beyond my expectation. We are not trying to knock down the entire Bellland. These manpower are enough."

"If the purpose is to attack the palace, then these troops can probably only serve as a feint attack."

Eller's expression was a little solemn. He had just learned about the current situation in Belland from Mu En, and understood what an unfavorable situation the Campbell family was in now.

"A feint attack is enough. You are not the only one. If those people really reach the point of covering the sky with one hand, they don't have to be forced to use that method to seize the throne."

Mu En raised his head and looked in the direction of the palace:

"However... it won't be easy. Soldiers versus soldiers, generals versus generals, kings versus kings. The lack of strength on either side may break the balance of the entire battlefield. Tonight is destined to be a terrible melee, and this battle , will determine the future of the entire empire.”

"The future of the entire empire..." Elle showed a wry smile: "It's really heavy."

"What, are you scared?"

"Oh, Master Mu En's words are really humiliating."

As soon as he turned around, Earl Ayler had already climbed onto his horse and looked at the indescribably expensive building in the distance. Only determination remained on his face:

"The Duke can face hundreds of thousands of demons without changing his expression, and I'm just here to deal with some blood-sucking pests lying on the roots of the empire. What is there to be afraid of?"

184. Chaos returns

"Lord Rat King, letter, your letter!"

Somewhere in the Lower City, the door to a secret room hidden underground was suddenly pushed open, and a faint light and shadow disturbed the dust, shining on the short figure who was concentrating on wiping the crossbow in his hand.

"What are you yelling about?!"


The arrows were fired up and nailed to the wall, instantly calming down the subordinates who had been huffing just now.

"Sir...sir, Xin."

The subordinate carefully delivered a letter.

The Rat King used to work on models in Xiacheng District and was not literate. He started to learn after establishing the Rat Club. However, due to his uncertainty, he only learned bits and pieces, and it was difficult to read a whole sentence.

On the contrary, he later became Lord Bruce's "lackey" and settled down a lot. At the request of Lord Bruce, he was able to make up for his cultural shortcomings.

Of course, you can only read the text in the letter.

"Who sent the letter?"

"It's... that one."

The Mouse King perked up and quickly took the letter very solemnly, then opened it under the candlelight.

The letter was not long, and the Rat King read it quickly. After reading it, he burned the envelope directly on the candlelight, and then let out a sigh of relief.

His expression did not change, but his subordinates could clearly feel that his mood was slightly complicated at the moment.

"Is there any information coming from over there?" Rat King asked.

"There is no detailed information yet, but according to our intelligence, there is also all movement over there."


The Rat King raised his head, looked at the ceiling, and sighed: "This time, things are really going to change."

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