"Changing the sky?" The subordinates were still a little confused about the Rat King's words.

"Don't worry about it, those things are too far away from you."

"So what do we do next?"

"How to do it... Haha, what else can I do? I, the Rat King, have been living in the lower city for so long. I thought I was doing well, but I didn't expect that from the beginning to the end, I had to put my life on the gambling table. Qualification for a big gamble.”

The Rat King stood up: "But since it's a bet, there will always be times when you win. I don't believe that I will always lose."

He reloaded the crossbow, opened the door and walked into the darkness of the lower city.

"Young men, take care of this guy. It's time to settle what happened before."

In the distance, the lights of the Upper City are bright, and the gorgeous firelight shines on the surface of the ancient Rhine River, like a gorgeous mural that was just excavated from an ancient tomb, writing about the prosperity and end of an era.

But the lower city area, which is only separated by a river, is still dark and quiet.

In the shadows of the low-rise roofs on both sides of the road, sparks of fire suddenly lit up.

Bright, dim, bright, dim, after the rhythmic rotation, the fire suddenly became brighter than ever before, as bright as if it was about to ignite... Then, it turned into pale ashes and fell into the deep night.

The old ghost threw the cigar under his feet, crushed it, took out his binoculars, and observed the team advancing silently in the darkness two blocks away.

"You can actually get an army into the city. What a great ability!" The old ghost raised his eyebrows.

"In order not to be discovered, the number of that army should be small."

Mr. Gro on the side said with a smile.

"It's not that many. There are probably around a thousand people. Well, maybe two thousand."

The corner of the old ghost's mouth slightly curved, and he sneered: "But it seems that this is a very elite army. Do you think I can defeat these gangsters who don't even have a complete set of equipment?"

"Are you scared?"

"It's a bit. I'm not a fool. I won't risk my death."

"Fear is not something you should say, old ghost!"

Mr. Gro's face, who looked kind just now, suddenly turned cold: "Don't forget who supported you. The once-lost dog has reached this position again. Your role is... ah..."

Mr. Gro's words stopped abruptly.

Because suddenly there were clear palm prints on the neck of this fat gentleman.

It was like an invisible hand, strangling him tightly.

"I'm really curious."

The old ghost approached and stared at Mr. Gro with some doubts:

"Why do you, a loser who only serves as a sounding board, suddenly dare to be tough on me? Could it be that in your eyes, you already look down on me, the former...'lost dog'?"

"Who gave you the courage? Those people behind you? Or do you think that victory is coming soon? Do you think that as long as everything is completed, you can abandon me at will?"


Gro even had his feet dangling in the air and struggled desperately, but to no avail. His fat face gradually turned the color of pig liver, and his eyes were so wide that they almost burst out of their sockets.

There was pleading and fear in his eyes, but more of it was disbelief.

Although he had lowered his head in front of the guy in front of him before, he didn't seem to have expected that this slightly more powerful pariah would have the courage to attack him.

After all, after all, he also has noble blood flowing in his body...

"I hate idiots."

There was a snap.

Gro's head rotated 720 degrees on his neck, and the noble blood flowed freely along the torn flesh and blood wound, as if it were free.

"Especially if you are such an idiot who can't understand the situation at all."

A subordinate came forward and dragged Mr. Gro's twisted body away without being surprised.

The old ghost took out his handkerchief and wiped his palms carefully. Even though there was no trace of blood on his hands at the moment, he still felt dirty.

"The next step will be the climax of the banquet."

The old ghost didn't pay too much attention to the death of an idiot. He turned around and looked down at the entire lower city.

Right now.

In the darkness, a light came on.

one place.

Two places.

Then came the cry of a child.

A sound.

Two sounds.

Then came the wail of a woman.


Two lanes.

at last……

It was countless curses, pain, screams... and the roars of wild beasts.

The entire city seemed to suddenly become lively at this moment.

"It's so beautiful..."

The old ghost admired the light and sound that burst out in the middle of the night, as if he saw a beautiful drama unfolding before his eyes, so he couldn't help but admire from the bottom of his heart.

Block the army?

Of course he couldn't do that kind of stupid thing. He had been silent for ten years, and he was not here to be cannon fodder for those idiots.

And the hand he had left behind before finally became the most appropriate embellishment of this feast.

"It doesn't matter who wins or loses."

In the final analysis, the competition for that position is too lofty for Xiacheng District.

But as long as there is enough chaos, he can seize greater benefits from this chaos.

The old ghost's eyes reflected those firelights, and he suddenly stretched out his hand, habitually, wanting to hold the entire lower city that belonged to him...


The old ghost paused because he heard a familiar voice in the darkness.

The crossbow is cocked.

"Did you really come after all?"

The old ghost didn't seem to notice the biting cold chill, so he took out a cigar, lit it, and took a deep breath.

"You're such a pain in the ass, Sam."

"I should be the one to say this."

The Rat King steps out of the shadows:

"The ghost from ten years ago should just go back to hell, old ghost."

185. Rescue

Elite cavalry galloped through the streets of the city.

Apart from the sound of horse hooves and the scraping of scales, no noise could be heard.

The journey was smooth, and soon the cavalry passed the famous bridge and the famous street and arrived at the outskirts of the country's most famous building.

Smoke is filling the air, and the preliminary offensive has begun.

The two men who arrived earlier met in front of the palace gate, and the fight began against the clock. The rich blood and gorgeous magic light had already illuminated half of the sky behind the palace.

Mu En suddenly pulled the reins and stopped.

Turn your head and look in a certain direction.

Because in this heavy atmosphere where blood and fire were burning at the same time, he heard a certain sound in the chaos.

Some kind of familiar cry.

"Earl Ayle!"

Mu En called to Aile at the front of the team:

"I don't know how to use troops, so it's up to you to lead the attack."

"Master Mu En, won't you...come with us?"

"I have other important things to do."

Mu En reached out and threw the family crest on his chest to Earl Aile:

"As for Celcia, just tell her the truth. She won't say anything."

"But at this critical moment..."

Eller's face was slightly confused.

He knew that the purpose of this army, and even other personnel from the royal faction or the Campbell family, was to open a way forward for Her Royal Highness the Princess.

But moving forward alone requires great courage.

At this moment, if Master Mu En, whom Her Royal Highness the Princess most trusts and is closest to, is not here...

"Don't worry, that's Celcia."

Mu En looked away and seemed to have accurately found the silver figure in the chaos, so she couldn't help but smile and said softly:

"She won't feel uneasy just because someone is missing from her side..."


Earl Ayler was slightly stunned, and then he seemed to understand something and smiled:

"I know, I'll bring the words to you."

"Really? Is that guy really unable to come back temporarily once he runs away?"

After receiving the news from Earl Ayler, Celecia just nodded slightly to show that she understood, and there was no change in her cold and pretty face.

It was as if it had been expected.

But even so, everyone surrounding Celcia couldn't help but shudder.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but I always felt that the temperature around me suddenly dropped a lot at that moment.

"If he doesn't come, don't come. It doesn't matter if he's missing."

In the temporarily established meeting room, Celecia spread out the map of the palace.

"The important thing now is to discuss which one is better to launch the attack from. The opponent moves quickly and must be prepared now. If we launch the attack rashly like just now, it will only increase casualties in vain."

"What do you think, Your Highness the Princess?"

Earl Aile, who had long been accustomed to analyzing maps, asked.

"I think……"

Celecia stretched out her slender white fingers and pointed at a location:

"It's nice here."

"West Gate? But the West Gate is not the main gate. To be honest, it is far away from His Majesty's palace and the Imperial Council Hall. Even if it is breached, the other party will have enough time to react..."

Elle frowned and said, his excellent military qualities told him that that was not a good position.

"This is indeed not a good position, but there is one thing I think His Excellency Earl Ayler needs to know."

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