
"That thing is... Although my brother is the so-called eldest prince, I think..."

Celecia raised her head and looked deep into the palace, with a slight sarcasm on her lips:

"He doesn't know much about the detailed structure of the entire palace."

Mu En dismounted and walked into the dark alley alone.

The crying became more and more obvious.


It was a sad cry, whimpering like the wail of a ghost.

Misty like fog, vague, but long but like the lament of a departed soul, echoing throughout the city.

Mu En flicked his fingers, and the light from the star points gathered together to form an even brighter brilliance.

The darkness is dispelled.

Mu En looked up.

He finally saw the source of the crying again.

The little girl, who was only seven or eight years old, was still dressed in tattered white clothes, with long hair disheveled, and the cute big eyes exposed in the messy hair had no pupils and were pure white.

She stood in mid-air, being held up by countless blood-red threads.

The slender pale hands and feet poked out from the loose robe, but they did not have the tenderness and beauty of a child, but were covered with hideous stitching marks.

Those blood-red threads came out of those suture marks, like the threads that controlled a puppet, wrapping the little girl around and around.

"Sure enough, you rely on your crying to induce the blood of those beasts."

The little girl crying in a place like this is definitely not waiting for Mu En, but has some other purpose.

Mu En looked in the direction where the little girl's pure white eyes were looking. In the dark outline, there were tiny lights on. It was still late at night, but the entire Lower City seemed to be gradually waking up amidst the crying.

But this awakening is not a good thing.

Because it was not awakened by gentleness, but awakened by grief and blood and fire.

Before the scars healed, they were uncovered again, and what they brought there was even heavier pain.

"In order to contain our manpower, that person really did whatever it took."

Mu En sighed.

At this moment, a large number of people in Xiacheng District also took action. Although their presence was not strong, there was actually a good force in Xiacheng District, which was on Mu En's side.

That is the guard in the hands of the lower city consul.

That consul had always been a staunch royal faction, or a staunch Campbell faction, because of his conflict with a certain big noble.

Mu En would rather take the risk and mobilize an emergency force from outside Belland instead of using the guard, because he knew very well that this kind of thing would definitely happen again.

The bottom line of those people has long been buried deep into the ground like the sewers of Belland.

"Of course, I also know that it is impossible for the guards alone to completely deal with the beast-like monster, but... it is enough for them to be able to hold on for a while."

Mu En slowly moved forward, gradually approaching the little girl, turning his hands over, and pulled out the two pure white blades from the space magic device.

The cold wind blowing from the ancient Rhine ruffled the corners of his clothes.

"Because Teacher Meira said that as long as the source of the animal blood dies, the separated animal blood will naturally lose its activity. Therefore, I have been waiting for you to show up, and I know that you will definitely show up."

At this moment, the little girl seemed to finally realize that Mu En was approaching, and turned her head, with nothing in her empty eyes.

But the arc light was like the moon, but it reflected Mu En's equally sad face.

After devouring part of the little girl's soul through the black flames, Mu En seemed to empathize with the pain from the depths of the little girl's soul.

Extreme hostility.

Extremely bloody.

Extreme despair.

These things should not be left to an innocent little girl.


Black flames jumped, and one of Mu En's pupils turned into pitch black, just like the rotation of the sun's corona:

"I'm here to save you again."

186. Blocker

The night breeze blows.

A light white mist has floated into the streets and alleys from the Rhine since ancient times, like a girl's gauze, covering the night scene. But before it could completely blur the rich blood color, it was scattered by fine silver threads falling from the sky.

"It's raining."

The old palms stretched out from the carriage, feeling the deep spring rain.

Watching the rain alone seems quite interesting.

But this person is not the only one enjoying the rain at night.

many people.

Along with the creaking of the old door, figures walked out of the house and came under the pattering rain.

The rain on a spring night is still freezing to the bone, especially if it soaks through clothes and touches the skin. People who are usually weak may become seriously ill after such a rain.

But these people seemed not to feel the chill in the rain at all.

Their clothes were shabby, and they were obviously just poor people who had the most miserable life in the lower city. But at this moment, with happy smiles on their faces, they walked to an open place, sang and danced, and happily welcomed the arrival of the rain.

In the distance, there were occasional explosions of fire and roar, as well as desperate cries and roars, but they seemed to have no influence on these people.

They dance happily, dance, dance, dance...

Until the accumulated rainwater on the soles of my feet turned blood red at some point.

The blood flowed, creating whirlpools and ripples, as if it was gradually taking these happy people singing and dancing to a happier place...


In an inconspicuous house not far away, a dull sound suddenly sounded.

One after another.

It was as if something was smashed directly.

There was no time to even cry out in despair and pain.

The rippling blood-red ripples stopped abruptly, and the dancing people stopped, panting, looking around in confusion, obviously confused about the current situation.

"Go back to sleep."

In the carriage not far away, the old voice sounded again.

The carriage had been here all the time, but it seemed that no one noticed it. It was the same now. The sound coming from the carriage was so thick and clear, but no one paid attention to the carriage.

Accompanied by the faint holy light, emanating from the power ring on the palm of the hand that stretched out, the coldness and fatigue in everyone's body were cleared, and they yawned and walked back to their houses.

As if nothing had happened.

I guess after waking up, I can welcome a new day.


Sister Therese emerged from the shadows:

"Everyone has been dealt with, no one has been spared."

"Thank you for your hard work."

Archbishop Canterbury lifted the curtain of the carriage, paused, and sighed slightly:

"Sister Therese."

"Hmm? What advice do you have for me, Archbishop?"

"As a nun serving the goddess, you should pay a little attention to your manners."

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

Sister Therese, covered in blood, blushed slightly. She hid the head that she had taken in her hands at some point, with fear still on her face, and said shyly:

"After all, when I was with the former Saint, I had no chance to purify so many evil believers by myself. I was a little too excited."

"It seems that you still need some time to adapt to this place."

Archbishop Canterbury shook his head and did not pursue the matter too much. After all, the most devout beliefs often breed the most terrible madness. There are many "weirdos" like Sister Therese in the church.

After crossing the courtyard wall that had been destroyed by violence, Archbishop Canterbury looked up at the messy scene that looked like it had been destroyed by wild beasts. By counting the number of hands and feet, he found that the number of evil believers buried here was more than he had imagined.

"After the Silent Moon incident, Belland made every effort to eliminate the evil believers. I thought it would be quiet for a long time, but I didn't expect that so much filth would accumulate so quickly."

Archbishop Canterbury shook his head:

"It just so happened that the Silent Agency's bunch of trash was distracted by the evil god incident outside, and they still needed us to help them clean up their asses. This feeling of being a spare tire in the position really makes people feel inexplicably angry."

"It's not too much."

Sister Therese tapped her lips and said cutely: "After all, it was gone in a few bangs."

"... The support work for the priest is also handed over to you, Sister."

Canterbury rubbed his temples and waved his hand as if he couldn't stand it.

"Eh? Isn't the Archbishop going with you?"

"I won't go."



The Archbishop of Canterbury looked to a distance:

"There is a troublesome acquaintance who really needs to be seen again."



"Please don't go any further, okay?"

King Indra stopped.

There was no one around, he raised his head and looked at the end of the road.

The old man in a pure white robe stood directly in the drifting rain.

The old man had white beard and white hair, a deep temperament, and a holy light. The rain fell into it and turned into a faint mist surrounding him, like a halo bestowed by the goddess.

"You are here after all." King Indra was neither happy nor sad, as if he had expected it.

"Why bother?"

The Archbishop of Canterbury, who had just arrived, sighed helplessly:

"We talked so much before, but you are still stubborn, which really bothers me."

"Then I told you before, I can't give up on her."

King Indra lowered his eyes, the wind and rain were cold, but many warm memories emerged in his mind.

He picked up the tiny baby, which was not even as big as his palm, in a carriage attacked by thieves. He rescued it just out of his own whim.

But who would have thought that the tiny, cute, tender baby, who was originally going to be given to other families to raise after being saved, would take root and sprout in his heart like a seed, with the warmth he had never felt before.

From unfamiliar to familiar.

From being in a hurry to changing diapers in five seconds.

From crying every night to that smile that was hard to melt.

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