From the tenderness in the swaddling clothes, to the babbling, to the toddler, to the jumping and weird spirit, to the beautiful smile when looking back.

Everything was constantly being corrupted and shattered, the hard shell deep in his heart.

Perhaps, as an ascetic, being so attached to the warmth and beauty of life is destined to be punished by the gods, but...

Even now, with his eyes closed, he would still recall the scenes from the past.





"Please step aside."

King Indra opened his cloudy eyes that looked like he was blind: "I'm going to save her!"

"That's not saving you!"

The Archbishop of Canterbury's face suddenly darkened:

"You just let a little girl bear the guilt after you were powerless. If you really did it for her own good, you should have freed her as soon as possible!"

"Shut up!"

King Indra's rare true anger, invisible ripples burst out from his body. The sky in the entire city seemed to have been wiped by an eraser, and countless raindrops disappeared directly.

"Get out of the way, Canterbury!"


"This is not a church. You can't stop me. When it comes to saving people, I'm not as good as you, but when it comes to killing people, you are not as good as me!"

"I'm just saving people!"

"If you don't let me, I will kill someone!"

The terrifying murderous intent seemed to tear the entire city apart. King Indra just stood there with his hands clasped together. Everything around him seemed to be enveloped in extremely compressed bubbles. Spider-web-like cracks, gravel and dust appeared on the walls and ground. Floating, completely violating the laws of physics.

"Oh, why bother? Since no one is a bad person, why don't we sit down and have a cup of tea in peace?"

Suddenly, a soft voice sounded, but it was like an inconspicuous needle, piercing this terrifying low pressure.

King Indra turned around and looked to the other side.

It seemed to be a hotel, and the second-floor window had just been pushed open.

A well-dressed, well-groomed old gentleman with a red rose on his chest and meticulously combed frost-white hair stood by the window, staring here with a smile. Behind him, there seemed to be a slim shadow. He dressed in embarrassment and ran away.

The old gentleman did not let this small flaw affect his temperament. Instead, he waved to King Indra in a familiar manner:

"Long time no see, King Indra. There must be some unresolved karma between us."

"Stargazer Adolf Lowes?"

King Indra's eyes narrowed slightly:

"You're actually there too? You're really haunted."

"Well, actually I don't want to get involved in this matter. After all, the internal affairs of the empire have nothing to do with me, the vice president of the Adventurers Association."

Adolf flipped up his hair coquettishly and said with a smile:

"But just like that old man with a white beard over there who doesn't know how to be charming, someone gives you too much, which is really heartwarming."

"It's better to lie to children for this reason."

King Indra had no expression on his face: "I don't believe that the chips he can give cannot be given by the other side. After all, this is still your own idea."

"Haha, that's true, but that guy's romantic skills are as good as mine, even though he's eight blocks away from me in terms of not getting involved, which makes me a little worried whether he will be cut into pieces by women in the future. …”

Adolf winked: "But after all, I once owed his father a favor. Before he was cut into pieces by a woman, I should help him as much as I can."

"What about you, also because of the favor of that Lion King?"

King Indra turned around again and looked at the fourth person who had been hiding here from the beginning.

"Lion King? When the Lion King sees me, he has to call me "Professor" in a polite manner. How can he be said to be indebted to me?"


The silver cane stepped on the stone slab.

From a place that originally seemed empty, a figure who had been there for a long time walked out.

This is also an old man. Although he is old, his waist is straight and his energy is still very strong.

And when that serious and old-fashioned face appeared, all the magic power that was surging around him due to the Qi movement calmed down at the same time, as if the master was coming in person.

"Professor Plan."

King Indra finally couldn't help but sigh:

"It's obviously just my private matter, but even St. Mary's College has to get involved?"

"Whether it is your personal affairs or the internal affairs of the empire, the college has no intention of getting involved. I am here just because a teacher is worried about the students."

"I don't remember you being so doting on your students."

"Of course, that teacher is not talking about me."

Professor Plann clenched his fists and coughed lightly, and said: "You should also understand that if it weren't for some restrictions, the one who came... wouldn't be me."

187. Fierce fighting

"What, can you go back now?"

Standing in the center of the road, the Archbishop of Canterbury asked slowly.

One street, two areas, three strong men of the same level.

King Indra had just entered this city, and before he even had time to appreciate the scenery of this majestic city, he hit the most solid wall.

It seemed that there was no possibility of moving forward.

Canterbury, who knew the inside story, couldn't help but sigh:

"Go back, King Indra. There is still a chance to turn around. If you continue to be stubborn and the truth does not make sense, we will have to use our fists."

"Tsk, tsk, six fists fight two fists..."

Adolf marveled: "I feel like my grandma has a chance of winning."

"Fighting with more and less is indeed a bit ineffective." Pu Lang stroked his cane: "If possible, I still hope you can retreat despite the difficulties. If you want to seek death, why not go directly to the academy to challenge that person."


Faced with the dissuasion, King Indra did not answer, but remained silent.

Those turbid, unfocused eyes slowly scanned the three people in front of them.

Then close your eyes.

Everything falls into silence.

Everyone was silent and waited patiently with bated breath.

It seems like a century has passed.

It seemed that only a moment had passed.

He opened his eyes again.

"I said."

King Indra finally spoke.

The voice was calm, without any fear or cowardice.

Or maybe it was just to express the decision he had already made.

"I will kill anyone who stops me."


A dazzling light suddenly illuminated the neighborhood.

A brilliant crown rose from the head of King Indra.

The crown seemed to be made of diamonds and glass, with the inscriptions of the sun, moon and stars surrounding it, and the shadows of all things in the world flowing back into it.

As the brilliance bloomed, endless majesty suddenly rose from the body of the old man in tattered robes. Although he didn't seem to have changed at all, he seemed to have taken a step beyond human beings at this moment, towards a higher existence. Extremely sublime.

The shadow was so bright that the whole city seemed small under the old man's feet.

He raised his hand, pointed it at Adolf, and pressed lightly.


It's like the midnight bell, and like the trembling of the heart.

In an instant, the entire space suddenly froze, as if everything in it was held in his palm.

Everything in that area seemed to be stagnant, strangely like it was embedded in the photo, and Adolf seemed to be frozen, with the frivolous expression just now still remaining on his face. .

And then, with a crunch and the sound of something breaking, the hotel where Adolf was located, and even the vast surrounding blocks, instantly collapsed like a sandcastle hit by the waves, turning into powder flying in the night wind.

Including Adolf himself.

Everything is annihilated in the infinite power.

But seeing this scene, King Indra was not happy at all, as if he had noticed something.

"Damn it, there are three people and a magician, but you are staring at me first. Are you picking on the weak?"

The same dazzling crown rose, and the "other" Adolf stepped out of the space while stamping his feet in anger, unscathed.

He casually threw the flowers that had only buds left into the cold night wind, and looked at King Indra with a sneer. Colorful brilliance brewed in his eyes, like a silver waterfall in the entire starry sky, gathering in it.

Starry Eyes.

These eyes carry the special ability to see through any flow of power. It is said that they are also blessed by a certain god. This special power gave Adolf the title of "Magician Killer" when he was still young. It is said that anyone over the age of No thirty-year-old female magician is his enemy. This also allows him, a pure warrior, to gain great respect in the magician world.

And when Adolf stepped into the realm of the Crowned One, those eyes were no longer just for seeing through.

Under the gaze of these eyes, the fighting energy surrounding King Indra, which had gone through decades or hundreds of years of hard work and was operating in some mysterious way, suddenly seemed to turn into headless flies and scattered messily.

King Indra's moves began to disintegrate directly from the source and could not take effect again.

Everything falls apart.

This is the scary thing about these eyes. Any power that is carefully "constructed" can be affected from the most basic place. The more sophisticated and complex it is, the more it will be affected, as if it is being taken away. A house built on a foundation, no matter how magnificently it is built, will eventually collapse into a pile of loess.

Most magicians couldn't even use magic in front of Adolf.

This is the terrifying thing about this "Magic Killer", Adolf the Stargazer.

But...faced with such influence, King Indra still looked calm.

Because he is not a magician.

He is the purest warrior and the one who wears the crown.

Since you can't use too many moves, then...

King Indra stepped forward and the ground suddenly trembled.

Then he stretched out his palm, still as straightforward as before, and pressed it towards Adolf.

That hand was thin and yellow, like an old farmer's hand that had been exposed to the sun while plowing the fields. The deep ravines between the palms told the vicissitudes of time.

But under the pressure of this ordinary, scarred hand, the breeze, air, dust, earth, rocks, ground... and even the entire space were constantly compressed, compressed, and compressed again.

It seemed like a large pile of messy clothes was being forcibly pressed into standard tofu pieces and packed into a small suitcase.

There aren't any complicated techniques, it's just the ultimate in sheer force.

Compared to the clone that Mu En faced before, the pressure exerted by King Indra's body at this moment is not just like a mountain, but it seems that the weight of the entire world is condensed in that palm at this moment. superior.

"Asshole, if you two watch the show again, your labor and management will be filmed into patties!"

Adolf was actually crushed by this palm.

However, another Adolf appeared in another building, this time looking a little embarrassed, with his dress in disarray. Seeing King Indra's lingering gaze sweeping over him again, he held down his hat, said nothing, and ran away in small steps.

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