Although they were both crowned, as a friend of the young woman, he was not good at dealing with such pure reckless men.

A truly elegant person would be elegant even in a fight.

Adolf, who was running away, threw out a poker card.

The red king floated up, and the king on it seemed to suddenly come alive, turning into a giant 100 meters high, with unparalleled power, raising a sword that looked like a stack of diamonds and pixels, roaring and slashing at King Indra.

Then he was slapped to death by King Indra.

"..." Adolf ran away even faster.

But after the slap, King Indra lowered his eyes and looked at his palm.

A touch of bright red blood flowed down from the place where the sword had just slashed, along the deep palm lines.

After so many old wounds, the newly added scar was so clear and dazzling.

After all, he was also a crowned...

At the same time

From the beginning, the magic power in this area, which had been extremely quiet, suddenly became agitated.

King Indra looked up, and the light that burst out from the darkness was also reflected on his slightly gloomy face.

"Okay, stop shouting."

Professor Plan, who was standing at the end of the street, gently tapped his cane and comforted Adolf, who was still yelling and cursing:

"I'm getting ready."

The ethereal chanting sounded ups and downs, as if resonating with the heaven and earth.

Countless complex magic circuits were built layer by layer behind Professor Plan, unfolding like a gorgeous palace. Countless magics were connected to each other, and the precise patterns flowed like gears meshing, pushing the chariot called destruction forward.

Professor Plan performed the most basic joint matrix magic.

This is a magic that is recorded in detail in the textbooks of the magic academy. As long as you concentrate on learning, anyone can use it.

But the only problem is that the so-called joint matrix... that is a special magic used by the military. For such a large scale, at least hundreds of magicians must work together to perform it.

And Professor Plan alone chanted the magic of a hundred people.

King Indra's eyes condensed, knowing the horror of this attack. Even if the crowned man could suppress magicians of the same level, it was impossible for a truth-level magician to play freely. Therefore, he did not give Professor Plan a chance to continue to accumulate power. He clenched his outstretched hand, made a fist, and smashed it at Professor Plan through the air.

The entire block was torn apart in an instant, as if it was ravaged by a giant beast.

The bottomless ravine seemed to be plowed by an invisible giant claw, and pounced on Professor Plan in the blink of an eye.

"God said that this place should be a pure land."

In the dust and debris of waste that seemed to freeze time, Professor Plan did not move a step and continued to chant in a low voice.

In front of him, holy light descended from the sky, depicting a picture of the holy land.

Birds chirped, flowers bloomed, all creatures were alive, golden milk and honey flowed, naked men and women sat with smiles on their backs, and all troubles disappeared.

The scars on the earth were instantly smoothed, as if nothing had happened, and King Indra's fist turned into a harmless breeze in this world.

"God said, sinners go to hell."

The Archbishop of Canterbury's white robe rustled, and he once again issued God's decree.

Then the shadow of hell rose, bones and swords piled up into mountains, scarlet blood gathered into a sea, wailing people sank and floated in the sea of ​​blood, and King Indra was also deeply trapped in the sea of ​​blood, the chains that bound the dragon entangled him, and the blazing fire of karma burned him and all his sins.

King Indra was shocked, broke free from the chains, raised his palm and split the sea of ​​blood.

"God said, those who are disrespectful should bow their heads!"

The Archbishop of Canterbury's tone became more solemn and high-pitched. Under his declaration, the holy light shone in all directions, and the shadow of the goddess came from the endless distance. Anyone who was disrespectful should bow his head!

King Indra's body gradually bent, as if he wanted to worship under this holy light, but with the roar of the landslide sounding in every joint of his body, he slowly straightened his back, actually confronting the majesty of this god head-on.

"Only the head of the family knows how expensive oil and rice are. If the holy light continues to be consumed like this, it will be a loss."

The Archbishop of Canterbury touched the power ring with heartache and looked at Professor Plan beside him:

"So, is it done?"

188. Helper

"I told you, don't rush."

The silver staff stepped on the ground fiercely, and Professor Plan finally stopped the lengthy and excessive chanting for a great magician of the truth level.

It was as if the gears had reached their limit. Those complicated magic arrays were spread out in a terrifying form. If it weren't for the shadow of the sanctuary of Archbishop Canterbury that separated the inside and the outside, the people of the whole city would have seen this magic creation that almost ignited half of the sky.

"This is the flame of burning the world."

"This is the ice of extinction."

"This is the wind that tears the sky."

"This is the land of the end."

Professor Prang opened his five fingers and pointed at King Indra.

The huge magic power turned into the foundation of all things. Under those precise magic arrays, it quickly evolved into a terrifying power like a natural disaster.

The magic flow moved forward along the lines one by one, and the light of different colors flashed and lit up, piercing the darkness, like the gradual charging of some advanced weapons. With every byte of Professor Prang's solemn declaration, the power brewing in it was raised to a higher level.

The layers of magic construction were like the muzzles of a cannon with an astonishing caliber, and at this distance, the muzzle was almost facing King Indra's face.

There was no place to hide.

"This is... the end of your road."

Then, it was the declaration of the end of everything.

The magnificent rainbow light finally descended from the sky, covering King Indra.

The blazing sea of ​​fire covered the sky and burned flesh and blood.

The icy cold that annihilated everything came and froze life.

Then there was a strong wind that tore through the space and shattered everything.

The huge rocks were like falling planets, and the red lava condensed into a dead place where life was forbidden.

—— Countless phantoms emerged, just like the end of the world.

However, within this area covered by the holy light, it was no different from the end of the world. If it were not for the forcible maintenance of the holy domain phantom, half of Belrand would be flattened by this move.


Archbishop Canterbury let out a long breath, waved his hand casually, and the crumbling holy domain phantom finally dissipated, along with the horrific scene of the destruction of all things.

King Indra, who was hit head-on, finally appeared in the sight of the three people.

He still stood there.

But the whole body has been completely charred, like a dead tree carbonized by thunder, with no vitality.


Adolf appeared out of nowhere again, looking curiously:

"What should we do next? Do we need to finish him off?"

"Of course."

Professor Plan clenched his fist and coughed a few times: "The crown wearer has a strong vitality, it will be very troublesome to let him recover."

"What a pity."

Archbishop Canterbury also sighed and shook his head: "King Indra has never done evil in his life, but he was blinded by obsession after all. It's pitiful and lamentable."

"Who will come then?"

Adolf asked again.

But after waiting for a while, he didn't get a reply, so he turned his head stiffly and found that the other two eyes were all focused on him.


Adolf pointed at himself and said with wide eyes: "Let me do it?"

"What else?"

The two looked as if it was a matter of course: "Sir Stargazer who contributed the least?"


Adolf shrugged helplessly.

In fact, he didn't want to be the bad guy, but since the feud had already been made, there was no reason to be so kind as to let the tiger go back to the mountain.

"The famous King Indra of the continent died in my hands. This can be regarded as the impermanence of fate."

Adolf took out an Ace of Spades, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a dark spear that seemed to be able to swallow light appeared in his palm.

"However, with the assistance of Archbishop Canterbury and Professor Plan of St. Mary's College, the wise and powerful stargazer Mr. Adolf Lovis killed King Indra who intended to cause trouble in Belrand. This seems to be very suitable for tomorrow's front page headline."

Adolf smiled, then tightened his spear, and aimed at the vital point of King Indra.


Suddenly, there was a sobbing cry, echoing in the quiet city of Belrand.

Everyone subconsciously listened attentively and frowned slightly.

In fact, with their senses, they naturally noticed that the cry had been wandering in the city with the night wind half an hour ago.

But at this moment, the cry suddenly became loud and clear.

It was like... the little girl who was crying pitifully because she lost her lollipop was beaten up by a scumbag bully who came from nowhere. She was miserable, pitiful and helpless, which made people angry at the hateful scumbag bully.

"Tsk tsk, that kid was so cruel to the little girl."

Adolf shook his head, muttered something, and then stopped caring and prepared to continue his unfinished work.


Just after his attention was distracted for a second or two, his peripheral vision suddenly glimpsed... King Indra's almost completely carbonized blackened fingers seemed to... move.

"So fast?"

Professor Plan also noticed the abnormality at the first time, and his pupils shrank while shouting: "Adolf, hurry!"

Before Professor Plan shouted, Adolf had already taken action.

The pitch-black spear was wrapped in lightning, leaving a black scorch mark in the space. The deafening roar was like the roar of a thunder dragon, and it swallowed up King Indra in an instant...

Failed to swallow.

Because the black thunder dragon stopped moving less than 20 centimeters away from King Indra...It was strangled by a charred palm and could not move.

Adolf's face changed slightly, and he quickly pulled back, but the fist had already smashed over, carrying the lightning that originally came from Adolf, like a turbulent drum in the sky.

"Damn it, I just wanted to stab you, is it necessary to be so angry?"

Adolf cursed in a low voice, and at the critical moment he took out a poker card and disappeared on the spot.


After the lightning dissipated, King Indra's charred body surface began to crack, revealing new skin like a baby.

However, after only a few breaths of contact with the air, the color of those skins gradually deepened, turning into the majesty of cast iron.

King Indra opened his eyes.

Black streams of light rose up, connecting to form nine circles around the dazzling crown.

All the dead silence disappeared, and what came was endless vitality. He was naked, and his strong muscles were like bronze cast on his bones, ferocious and hunched.

The three people had solemn faces. They had just experienced a fatal injury, but King Indra felt even more oppressive than before.

"A nearly immortal body, is this the ultimate ascetic?"

Archbishop Canterbury sighed: "So you have reached this level, I still underestimated you."

"Hey, how do we play this? We've been fighting for so long, and this guy actually has a second stage?"

Adolf came out from somewhere with a bitter face, rubbing his chest with a bitter face: "I don't know if that guy will reimburse the medical expenses. I feel like I've lost a lot this time."

"So what if it's the second stage? After all, it's three to one, and it's exhausting."

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