Professor Plan has returned to the offensive posture, and said solemnly: "If we lose like this, then we might as well find a piece of land and bury ourselves."


King Indra looked at the three people in front of him silently.

If he fights any one of the three, he is sure to win, or even kill the opponent.

But after all, there are three people.

Even if they continue to fight like this, it will only be a replay of the scene just now.

So he raised his head.

"You two, how long do you want to watch the show?"


The three looked up in horror.

And then, they found out... Above the deep sky, at some point, there was a blood-colored cloud floating silently.

189. Blockage

The blood-colored cloud was floating in the sky.

It seemed to float from afar, just passing by with the wind, and it seemed to have been floating above the city from the beginning, overlooking this majestic city that was constantly turbulent in the center of the storm while several people were fighting fiercely.

But no matter where this blood cloud came from and when it appeared, before King Indra spoke, neither Adolf, who had the eyes of the stars, nor Professor Plan, who filled the sky with magic arrays, could have noticed its existence.

Those blood clouds were like mists lingering in front of the word "fate", obscuring all perceptions.

"Blood-colored clouds... are you..."

Archbishop Canterbury seemed to have remembered something, and his face changed slightly.


There was a laugh.

That laugh was charming, and the sound alone made people feel beautiful and their blood surged.

The blood cloud gradually spread, and a shadowy silhouette emerged. It seemed that there was a peerless beauty, who was lazily getting up behind the cloud, showing everyone a charming and charming figure.

When the blood cloud dispersed a little, the figure suddenly looked back. At this moment, even Adolf, who usually lingered in various flowers, couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and was stunned for a long time.

This woman... is so ugly!

In sharp contrast to the devilish figure that makes people's nose bleed is the face of the thousand-year-old female corpse that seems to have just been dug out from an ancient tomb.

The skin is dry and wrinkled, the eye sockets are deep, and the facial features are broken.

The mouth, nose and ears seem to have rotted, and the traces of white bones can be clearly seen. There is nothing in the eye sockets, only the swaying red flames. Bloody worms crawl between those holes, and a few pieces of rotten meat sway in the wind, and it seems to emit a faint nauseating stench.

"Hehe... It's obviously just a one-time encounter, but the archbishop still recognizes me. It's really an honor."

The figure in the blood cloud smiled and picked up a worm and put it in her mouth to chew it. The fishy juice splashed everywhere. The voice she made was still extremely charming. Just looking at that face, I'm afraid that even the most experienced old pervert would not have any distracting thoughts at this moment.

"Oh my god... Where did you know this stunning beauty?"

Adolf ran to the Archbishop of Canterbury at some point and asked with a gossipy look on his face.

"Fool, can't you see her identity?"

Archbishop Canterbury had no intention of joking, and said in a deep voice:

"She is a demon! One of the eight grand dukes of the demon clan, Demon Blood Princess Alshabas!"

"Demon clan?"

Adolf's pupils shrank, and he reacted:

"Those people dared to collude with the demon clan? Are they crazy? If this kind of thing gets out, I think that even if the prince sits on the throne, he will be condemned by all countries and even the people of his own country... Can he really sit firmly in this position?"

"Hehe, I don't know if he is crazy, but..."

Professor Plan on the side stroked the silver staff and sneered: "It seems that our wise and powerful prince has chosen to collude with the demon clan... Am I right, the former dean of the Royal Magician Academy of the Kingdom, Herman Sayan Luo."

Another figure emerged in the blood cloud.

It was also an old man. Just in terms of temperament, he was very similar to Adolf. He also wore a straight suit, his silver-white hair was combed meticulously, and he had a flashy red rose on his chest.

But this old man looked older than anyone here. His exposed skin was covered with age spots, and he exuded the aura of a dying person, as if he would really step into the coffin at any time.

"Professor Plan is joking."

The old man hunched over and smiled, "This is just an old thing with half of his body buried in the ground. Before he died, he just wandered around. It has nothing to do with colluding with the demons, let alone the kingdom."

"I said, you are a useless old guy who has accomplished nothing in his life, and the academy he is in charge of has been suppressed by the Saint Mary Academy all his life. How can you still have the face to show up here? It turns out that you have been thrown out by the kingdom as a discarded child to stir up the storm?"

Professor Plan's eyelids drooped slightly, and no other emotions could be seen on his solemn face, but the joints of his hand holding the silver staff were slightly white, revealing the old man's uncontrollable anger.

Originally, he came here just to complete the mission of protecting a certain unnamed great mage. Now, the two guys who shouldn't be here appeared in Belrand at this time, which made him roar with anger.

Colluding with foreign countries, even colluding with the demons who have a blood feud with the empire... Is this the way of the king?

Of course, since the other party dared to show this, he must have something to rely on. After tonight, I'm afraid no one can prove the connection between these two people and the current prince...

What a good plan. For that position, he would not hesitate to use all the power he could use. He had not learned the mind of a king, but he was extremely proficient in using any means!

"It seems that this time the trouble is really big." Archbishop Canterbury sighed.

In fact, neither the Demon Grand Duke Ghost Blood Princess nor the old dean of the kingdom, Hernan, could have a fundamental impact on the current situation in Belland.

Because one of them went deep into the empire alone for thousands of miles, which was not light, and the other was a dying man who was able to extract the kingdom from this matter at any time...

But, it was like a scale that was originally slightly biased towards them, and suddenly two weights were added to the other side...

Three to one, it became three to three.

Then the key factor that played a decisive role... will be completely free, without any shackles!

"Here it comes!"

Without giving any opportunity to reminisce or communicate, the silent King Indra once again exploded in the sound of thunder!

Nine layers of black rings suddenly expanded, and demonic patterns appeared on King Indra's cast iron body. He chanted a few strange syllables, and black characters flashed around him, like the protection of a demon god. Then King Indra's figure flashed and disappeared directly on the spot.

He had never made a move like before, suppressing people with force from a distance. This time, King Indra rushed towards his opponent, and his goal was...

"You are addicted to pinching, right!"

Adolf almost cursed and threw out a red queen.

The majestic queen rose from the card, with a beautiful face and a solemn expression.

However, the wide robe suddenly fell down, accompanied by the lascivious music, and the mutton-like skin was revealed, and the enchanting dance posture floated in the pink mist.

But the queen was still high and mighty. The gap between aloofness and enchantment, the temptation of peerless beauty, the occasional soul-sucking teasing, and the strange power exerted on her, even the distant ghost blood princess would be aroused by desire, with red light flashing in her eyes.

But King Indra didn't care and smashed the queen with one punch.

"Damn old virgin, you deserve to be single until now!"

Adolf screamed a few times, not caring about the pain of losing his treasured queen card, and dodged in a hurry, then waved his hand, and infinite starlight gathered and turned into the Milky Way on the ground, temporarily separating the two.

King Indra took a big step, punch after punch, and was actually going to directly drill through the Milky Way.

"God said that those who are conceited should fall into the abyss."

The holy light evolved, and an abyss was in front of King Indra, blocking his way.

Archbishop Canterbury naturally couldn't sit idly by and watch Adolf being chased and beaten by King Indra, so he chose to help.

But the decree borrowing the power of the gods had not even been fully formed, and the thick blood mist floated from nowhere and began to quickly pollute the holy brilliance, causing the abyss phantom to fall, and was defeated by King Indra in a blink of an eye.

"Hehe, it's such an important reunion after a long time, but the archbishop didn't even look at me, which made me very sad."

The ghost blood princess wiped the tears that didn't exist at the edge of her eyes, and her tone was as gentle as a reunion between lovers.

But that face really doesn't make people feel charming.

Canterbury's face sank, and he wisely turned around and temporarily gave up supporting Adolf. The holy light surged, and the phantom of the sanctuary descended, eroding each other with the endless blood.

On the other side, Professor Plan and Hermann also collided with each other, and the whole sky was lit up again. Various exquisite magic arrays spread out layer by layer, and the gorgeous magic bombarded. The whole Belrand seemed to tremble slightly in the roar.

In the battle situation on both sides, both Archbishop Canterbury and Professor Plan had obvious advantages, and it was clear that victory was only a matter of time.

Only Adolf was chased by King Indra with his fists clenched, and he ran away with his head in his hands.

Adolf wanted to cry but had no tears. If he had known, he would not have agreed to the boy's request to "renew the old relationship". Now he knew what kind of fucking experience it was to fight against an enemy like King Indra whose moves and abilities almost completely restrained him.

But rabbits will bite when they are forced. Facing the King Indra who was pressing step by step, Adolf also gritted his teeth secretly and secretly took out the one hidden in his sleeve...


At this moment, the cry echoing in the lower city was interspersed in the background sound of the battle, and it even seemed higher, and even in such a fierce high-level collision, it seemed extremely clear.

Although it was high, anyone could hear the pain hidden in the cry.

Heart-wrenching... pain.

It is hard to imagine that this pain really comes from... a little girl who is less than ten years old.

King Indra's expression was slightly condensed, and his expression finally showed a slight change that had never happened since the beginning of the battle. His turbid eyes passed through countless streets and alleys, and seemed to lock on the pitiful and crying petite figure almost on the other side of the city.


His lips moved, as if calling for something, and the indestructible heart that could not be shaken even by the magic that could destroy the city softened a little at this moment.

He punched again and knocked Adolf back, but this time he did not continue to chase him like before, but slightly bent his body and suddenly rushed to the other side of the city.

"Not good!"

Archbishop Canterbury glanced at him and shouted:

"Don't let him pass, otherwise the boy will die!"

190. Caught you

The cold wind blew, blowing the corners of Mu En's clothes.

The foul-smelling air penetrated into the lungs, but before it could cause the instinctive nausea, it was covered by a stronger smell of blood.

In the spacious streets, there were broken limbs of monsters everywhere. These mixed flesh and blood that even Mu En was too lazy to burn with black flames were flying around, attached to the ground and walls, making this place look more like a purgatory on earth than a slaughterhouse.

The sticky blood flowed along the street into the Ancient Rhine River, and the river was rippling. A large number of fish swarmed in, competing for these delicious flesh and blood with magnificent vitality, and then... the fish grew hideous claws and teeth in various uncontrollable changes, and struggled to die in cannibalism.

The winner did not survive for long, and died from the uncontrollable terrible ** in the body.

"Sure enough, it's still as difficult to deal with as last time."

Mu En temporarily stopped on a wall to breathe slightly, wiping the blood on his forehead that he didn't know who it belonged to.

The surroundings were very quiet for a while. He tapped the hilt of the knife and stared at the little girl in the air not far away with a serious expression.

No... the little girl at this moment should not be called a little girl, but should be called... a monster.

All the suture marks have been torn at this moment, and the petite limbs that originally belonged to her were stretched very wide, like pitiful remnants hanging on a spider web.

The hideous and terrifying tentacles of the monsters rushed out from the suture cracks, suddenly expanding and wriggling, and the limbs of different colors and shapes were pieced together, like all the species of anemones in the world with a tentacle, forming a weird picture that even the most crazy fantasy painters would be afraid of.

The huge dragon wings stretched out, and the strong wind went against the current, completely contrary to common sense, lifting up the huge and bloated body composed of countless monster limbs.

Countless blood-red silk threads hung from the body, actively drilling into every shadow in the streets and alleys, while retrieving some blood food, like a net set by a predator, holding their breath and waiting.

From the split flesh and blood, six more bone spears were pushed by the wriggling limbs, wrapped in flames and lightning, aiming at Mu En.

All of them... Only the pale face of the little girl was so out of place, her eyes without eyes were gathered in an unknown place, and the long cry echoed like a song.

But that face only met Mu En for a moment before it was covered by the wriggling limbs of the monster.

—— Having learned the lesson from last time, she did not give Mu En a chance to look at each other, so she could not burn the black flame on her soul through the air.

"No, should it be said that it is more terrifying than last time... At least from the outside."

Mu En stopped knocking, and his hands suddenly grasped the handle of the knife.

"But even so, this time... I will not let you escape again!"


In an instant, a sharp object pierced the air.

The little girl took the lead in breaking this rare peace and pushed the battle into the second round.

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