The bone spear that had been ready to go, pushed by those python-like muscles, was thrown at Mu En with the sound of wind and thunder!

Mu En took a deep breath, shouted, and did not dodge. He faced the bone spear directly - cut!

The alchemy core behind him was already hot, and the two cores resonated with each other, slowing down the time flowing through Mu En.

Therefore, this knife was actually many knives.

The knife light was like moonlight hanging down.

There was no moon tonight, and this knife light was the moon in the sky.

The bone spear was cut open in an instant, and Mu En took a step closer, pressing the knife light to continue slashing horizontally.

But at this moment, Mu En's mind moved slightly, and the death warning in his brain sounded. He looked slightly sideways, and realized the brewing death.

Several animal heads poked out from the surging flesh and blood, opened their bloody mouths, and the majestic magic power gathered crazily in them.

It's coming again...

Mu En's eyes sank slightly.

Just as he noticed in the last battle, the little girl now has lost all her reason, but the instincts brought to her by her ** bloodline are still strong and sharp. After experiencing the terrible power of Mu En's black flame, she basically tries her best to avoid close contact with Mu En.

This is actually the reason why Mu En was slightly defeated in the first round. Although her body is so bloated, with the blessing of the dragon wings that command the wind, the little girl can still move in the air at a very fast speed, constantly keeping a distance from the attacking Mu En.

And the floating scroll and flying scroll are difficult to control, which limits Mu En's flexibility. This natural disadvantage of hitting the air from the ground makes it impossible for Mu En to chase the little girl for a long time.

There is only a window of one breath for one attack.

After the breath is exhausted, you have to retreat again.

Before entering the fifth-level warrior and being unable to fly at will, facing this kind of enemy, it can be said that there will be this kind of helplessness.


What should I do now?

In the delay of time, Mu En thought quickly.

His sight fell on the upcoming torrents of magic power... Should he temporarily avoid them?

From a rational point of view, this is the safest way.


"If this continues, we will fall into an endless war of attrition."

The black flame jumped and surrounded Mu En, blocking all possible sneak attacks, and also caused the little girl to lose a large number of magical beast limbs.

But even though the black flame could allow Mu En to obtain the magic power to support the alchemy core for a longer time and help him recover from his injuries, the consumption of mental power was still extremely terrifying.

Every time the black flame jumped, Mu En felt as if an extra needle was added, piercing deep into his soul.

If this continues, his body has not been drained, but his mental power seems to be drained.

"We can't do this, then we can only..."

Mu En raised his head and stared at the torrents of magic power, and also at the monster that had become extremely terrifying.

The corner of his mouth... suddenly outlined a slightly hideous and crazy smile.

"Although I consider myself a flexible assassin who likes to play on the edge, based on my experience, at this time... I can only rush!"

Raise your hand.

The moon arc scatters.


The magic torrent fell and was instantly dispersed by the knife light, but the scattered magic flow swept over Mu En, still leaving a deep scar on him.

Blood splattered, but in the blink of an eye it was swallowed by Mu En's own black flames, which continued to sway and repair his injuries.

Mu En seemed to be unaware of his injuries. After cutting through the magic torrent, he continued to move forward!

The heavy limbs of the monster fell, and these claws covered with scales could easily flatten a three-story building. In front of it, Mu En looked extremely small.

But he still raised his hand and slashed.

The black flames attached to the pure white blade.

Like a flower of sin from hell, swaying in the holy kingdom of God.

The sharp blade that could cut through anything easily tore open the monster's armor, and then the black flames instantly invaded along the flat fracture, devouring large chunks of flesh and blood. The severe pain of the flames made the young girl cry with painful wails.

Mu En crossed the gap created by the black flames, crossing his two swords, and the moonlight was like teeth.

One after another, the limbs of the monsters were instantly crushed, burned, and devoured. Of course, in the face of such a large number, there were naturally bone spears and tentacles that crossed the blockade of the knife light and black flames and fell on Mu En.

If the bones were broken, they would be forcibly reset. If the flesh and blood were pierced, they would devour the other party's flesh and blood to fill it.

The mental pain had made Mu En's eyes red and bloody, but the madness of the hideous smile on the corner of his mouth, which was cultivated by many evil gods, was enough to make the monster with a huge body feel afraid.

Finally, with a cry of deep pain, Mu En realized that all the limbs of the monsters were retreating. He looked up suddenly and saw the huge dragon wings that covered the sky and the sun stretched out.

She was going to retreat!

Everything happened in a flash. Mu En's fighting spirit surged, and the gathered breath had not even dissipated. The little girl's reaction driven by instinct was not unpleasant.


"I said, this time, I won't let you escape!"

Mu En temporarily put away a blade, opened his five fingers, and pointed at the little girl.

Fighting spirit surged.

In an instant, the long-accumulated majestic power, like a torrent that passed through the gate, surged and continued.

Warrior, fourth level.

Before tonight, Mu En had already qualified to take this step.

But he deliberately accumulated it until now.

In order to make him gain more power at this moment.

And this more power is just for...


The magnificent and majestic bell echoed in the void, but only Mu En could listen.

Now that he has reached the fourth level, fully activating two alchemical cores in his body, and making the third one have faint traces of awakening, his connection with the artificial authority, the Eternal Clock, is finally one step closer.

Therefore, the bell is ringing, and here is the law of hooking!

The invisible realm, centered on Mu En, spread rapidly.

This area is very small, and now it can only cover Mu En and the monsters in front of him.

For him now, the role of this domain is to protect him from being directly squeezed into a mummy by the terrifying consumption.


The bell rings again.

Everything in the field came to a complete standstill.

Time stands still.

Two seconds.

The power that reached the fourth level could only stop the monster completely for two seconds.


"That's enough."

Mu En had already held the two swords in his hands.


"That's enough!"






Mu En waved the blade in his hand crazily, and the black flames kept beating and eating away. In these short two seconds, he could not tell how many times he had swung the knife, nor how many times he had activated the black flames. flame.

Finally, at the moment when the realm collapsed, amidst the countless splashes of flesh and blood, the little girl appeared.

It seemed that because most of the monster's limbs were cut off, her petite body connected by silk threads was sewn back together, but before she even had time to react instinctively to the situation... a figure covered in blood appeared. In front of her.

Mu En grabbed the little girl's slender neck, pressed her to the ground, then stared at the little girl like a perverted monster, and said with a ferocious smile:

" you!"

191. Apology

"I finally... caught you."

Raindrops, mixed with rainwater flow, soaked the clothes.

The petite little girl lay quietly on the ground, like an abandoned rag doll.

Mu En looked at that pale little face, the madness at the corner of his mouth disappeared, and he returned to calm.

But in this deathly silence, as the majestic sun wheel grinds, the dark flames have risen silently.

From Mu En's eyes.

It was also from the pale eyes of the little girl who looked at him.


The little girl seemed to realize the current situation and began to struggle fiercely. The suture marks on her body continued to break apart, as if she wanted to disintegrate and escape like last time.

But this time Mu En would not let her get what she wanted. The black flames spread around like a net. As long as you were prepared for this incomprehensible move, it would not be difficult to crack it.

Of course, the most important thing is that this time, Mu En firmly controlled the little girl's head.

Tsk tsk.

The subtle swaying sound of flames sounded, but it did not appear on this rainy night, but... on that fragile and immature soul.


The cries became sharper and more painful. Sometimes the little girl cried, and sometimes she bared her teeth at Mu En like an abandoned puppy, or let out a frightened whimper.

It's so pitiful that it makes people pity him.

But Mu En's hand tightening around her neck did not relax at all. While letting her endure the burning pain of her soul, she forced her spirit to overdraw and controlled several other black flames. From the seams on her body, bit by bit... …burrowed into the flesh.

It was as if he was going to burn her completely from the inside out.


The little girl struggled even more fiercely, even convulsing. Her limbs were swaying like a puppet with its strings cut off, and tears of blood flowed from the corners of her eyes.


Finally, thunder came with a terrifying murderous intent, and flew over from the other side of the city in the blink of an eye.

King Indra, who rushed over after hearing the cry, saw the little girl being gradually swallowed up by the black flames, the corners of his eyes cracked, and he became furious and punched her from the air.

A landslide-like force fell from the sky, and the ground cracked inch by inch toward Mu En like a magnitude 10 earthquake. Before it spread to Mu En, several city blocks were crushed to the ground.

But fortunately this is the upper city area, and the population is not as dense as the lower city area. Otherwise, the casualties caused by this attack would have been hundreds or even thousands.

"Hey, hey, suddenly running away in the middle of a fight is not what a real man should do."

Another Adolf walked out from Mu En, raised his hand and made a strange seal.

Countless stars floated up and connected to each other, forming a beautiful star map.

The star map is bright and the light is endless.

The mighty force that cracked the earth was not absorbed into the star map, and only ripples appeared in the dazzling river of stars. Adolf pressed the star map with his hand, flew past, and took the initiative to meet King Indra.

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