Outside the reassuring wilderness that seems like a paradise, there are countless messy pictures that are constantly beating like broken monitors.

The whole world is divided into two. On one side is the most peaceful place in the little girl's heart, and on the other side is a terrible rift that cannot be healed.

This is of course, when something rooted in it is forcibly removed, scars will inevitably be left.

"Looking at that guy going crazy and using any means to save you, I thought... you two have experienced many touching stories."

Mu En looked at those pictures and gradually pieced together the past between King Indra and the little girl through the incomplete fragments.

"The result... is so ordinary." Mu En couldn't help but sigh.

There is no complicated cause and effect.

There is no reason to cry.

Except for the identity of the person who wears the crown and the person who awakens from source blood.

What those broken scenes show is just an old man, from being hurried with his hands and feet, to becoming proficient, from being reluctant at first, to being affected by his whole heart... very ordinary... the story of a father's clumsy way of raising his children. .

Stories like this happen every day in this world. Even if they are recorded and told, it would be too boring.

"Yeah, so ordinary. It couldn't be more ordinary."

The little girl also tilted her head and looked at the pictures with a smile.

"But for me, this is the best!"


Mu En touched the little girl's head: "You're right. Why does a father need too many reasons to save his daughter? But... putting aside these, he did do something wrong."


The little girl lowered her head and grabbed Mu En's clothes: "This is all my fault, it's me..."

"It has nothing to do with you."

"But those beastialities..."

"Beast nature is beast nature, that is not your nature."

Mu En comforted: "Someone told me that the harm of power is not in the power itself, but in the person who uses the power. You are just being used. No one will blame the knife because it is sharp and cuts your finger."


Hearing this, the little girl bit her lip, her eyes were red, and she thanked her again: "Thank you, big brother."

"You're welcome, Pinkie Pie."

Mu En gently held the little girl's afterimage into his arms: "I just did what I should do."


Mu En opened her eyes, the darkness in her eyes faded, the black flames dissipated, and she fell to the side slumped as if she had lost all strength.

A gentle breeze suddenly blew, holding Mu En up and slowly sitting down. The rain on the ground had long been evaporated, and not even a trace of dust was visible.

Mu En turned his eyes slightly and saw that King Indra, who was unstoppable just now, seemed to have turned into an ordinary old man, staring at him nervously.


There are countless top powerhouses in the world who can crush King Indra of the same level with one against two, but at this moment he seems a little narrow-minded. Facing Mu En, an enemy he once wanted to kill with his own hands, there is no clue what to do on his old face. What expression.

"That's right, my life is saved."

Mu En looked at the little girl on the ground.

At this moment, the stitching marks on her body were also swallowed up by the black flames. She no longer looked as ferocious as before, but everyone could see how weak she was at this moment.

Fortunately, her chest rose and fell slightly, which meant that her life was finally brought back from the edge of death.

"It's just that... the animal nature has eroded her consciousness too seriously, and her mental space has been obviously damaged. I don't know how much memory and intelligence will remain after she wakes up... In the worst case, she may have to go from the beginning to the end. A baby with a blank slate, starting from scratch.”


King Indra's lips twitched, then shook his head, sighed sadly, and said seriously:

"It's enough... it's enough. This is much better than I imagined. As long as she can be healthy and recover, it will be a do-over... Thank you. I apologize again for what I did before."

"You don't have to thank me. I didn't save her because of you, but because I wanted to save her. After being led by the council for so long, I have to really save something, right?"

Mu En first glanced at the heads of the two big guys on the ground, and the corners of his eyes twitched. Then he turned to look in the direction of the lower city. Judging from the brightness of the fire, the chaos there seemed to have calmed down a lot: "Since this, Those beast-turned-humans should be able to recover as well.”

"...It should be."

"But...apologies are not important, but your atonement is still important."

Mu En stared into King Indra's eyes seriously: "Although you did not take any direct action, you participated in this matter and indirectly caused many innocent people to be harmed. You must bear that sin."

"Don't worry, I won't shirk it."

King Indra clasped his hands together, as if he had returned to the ascetic man again, and solemnly promised:

"No matter how much time it takes or how much price I pay, I will atone for my sins... I just hope I don't take my anger out on her."

"What a good father..."

Mu En smiled, supported the wall, and stood up unsteadily. King Indra wanted to help him, but he raised his hand to refuse.

After calming down for a while, Mu En saluted the three people beside him.

"Thank you three for your help."

"Ashamed, ashamed, actually we couldn't help much."

The Archbishop of Canterbury sighed, twirling his beard.

This time, not only did he fail to kill any of the enemies, but he also failed to fight two against one, almost causing a catastrophe. This kind of thing was really embarrassing for him.

"It's easy to talk about, as long as the promised money is available."

Adolf didn't have the idea of ​​doing something embarrassing, so he hooked up with Mu En without any age gap:

"But boy, that black flame you just made... seems a bit extraordinary, tsk tsk... I haven't seen such a powerful thing in a long time."

"Please also ask Your Excellency Adolf to keep this secret for me."

Mu En smiled bitterly.

"Of course it's okay to keep it secret, but..."

Adolf's eyes moved, planning something, but when he turned his eyes, he suddenly saw King Indra staring at him silently, his expression stagnant, and he suppressed his words with a smile.

"Haha, I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding."


"Since you're fine, I'll go back first."

Professor Pu Lang came over with a silver staff, looked at Mu En carefully, stretched out his hand, and a large amount of pure magic power poured into Mu En's body, making Mu En, who was still a little weak, let out a sigh of relief.

"Do you have anything else to do, Professor?"

"The turmoil has subsided, I have to go back and take charge of the academy."

"...Yes, the turmoil has not subsided yet."

The smell of gunpowder smoke carried by the cold wind drifted into the majestic palace wall.

No matter what happened in the Lower City, or what happened here, the outcome inside the palace would really matter for the future of the entire empire.

"But...since it's Celcia, there should be no problem."

Even though the current direction of events has already deviated from the plot of the original book that she knew, Mu En is very reassured about the abilities of the princess.

"Okay, no matter what, I have to... huh?"

As if she noticed something, Mu En suddenly focused her eyes and raised her head.

Professor Plann, who was about to leave, also stopped and looked up.

"This is……"

In fact, it's not just Mu En, and it's not just Professor Plan.

At this moment, everyone in this city couldn't help but raise their heads and look at the sky in shock.

The golden light was bright, illuminating everyone's dull faces.

In this late night when the dawn is still early, the infinite light rises up, illuminating everything as if it were daytime.

First, huge pillars of light rose up from the palace, and then those streams of light branched off into countless tributaries like rivers.

Then, on that tributary, countless indescribable and mysterious star points and lines outline the outline, forming lifelike flowers and leaves...

Trunks... branches... flowers and leaves...

This is actually a tree, a giant golden tree that covers Belland, the capital of the entire empire!

"what is this."

Mu En watched blankly as the tree grew and stretched, spreading its light throughout the city. This completely unexpected unfolding made his brain shut down for a moment.

Then, for some reason, he suddenly remembered Celcia's words.

"This country... is like a tree..."

A tree whose roots are partially rotted but whose branches and leaves are still lush.

"No, Comrade Gillian..."

The corners of Mu En's mouth twitched and she murmured: "Are you serious..."

193. The Arrogant King (1)

Royal palace, throne room.

The once majestic and glorious hall is now covered by deep shadows. The royal knights guarding here have long since disappeared. Only a few traces of blood remain on the splendid walls and beams.

At the highest place, Albert, dressed in rich clothes, sat on the throne, his side face divided into cold arcs by shadows. While listening to something carefully, he groped the gold and jade-inlaid armrests of the throne in fascination.

At his feet, in those places where countless people once bowed and knelt, long chants echoed, like ghostly whispers, which made people feel chilly, but also carried an extraordinarily confusing meaning. It made people unconsciously feel as if they were immersed in in it.

A group of people in black robes sat side by side and gathered in a circle. On top of the mark made of complex bright red patterns, they raised their hands in strange postures, chanted words that were difficult to describe in words, and stared fervently. The floating dead branch between them.

It looked like just a very ordinary dead branch, as if it had been picked up anywhere.

However, under the enthusiastic service of many men in black robes, the charred and wrinkled outer skin of the branches gradually fell off, and bits of bright golden light also flowed out from those cracks.

The gold shavings were flying and flowing, and suddenly disappeared somewhere in the dark space, without knowing where they were going.

"Looking for... found it!"

Suddenly, a man in black robes shouted enthusiastically: "I found it!"

"Found it? Okay, great."

Albert's eyes flashed, and after decades of cultivation, he could not hide his excitement at this moment.

"Quick, take me there!"

As a result, the pious chanting became even louder, the branches peeled off their bark little by little, and the golden light became brighter and brighter.

But Albert was impatient, stretched out his hand, and another man in black robe came holding several exquisite utensils.

The bright red viscous liquid was poured onto the mark, and majestic power surged with it. The rootless wind came from nowhere, making it even more gloomy.

Many men in black robes gradually trembled while chanting, their orifices were bleeding, and their bodies were getting thinner little by little, but they were completely unaware of it. They still held their hands high and their eyes were wild.

Finally, all the outer skin on the branches fell off, revealing the holy golden color. In an instant, all the darkness and weirdness seemed to be driven away.

The branches trembled, making a low hum, as if resonating with something somewhere.

Albert walked closer quickly.

He passed the bodies of the black-robed men who had fallen on the ground, followed the instinctive attraction, and grabbed the branches with excitement without the guidance of others.



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