A sound like something breaking appeared in Albert's ears.

His eyes suddenly fell into darkness, and then he felt a severe dizziness. He seemed to have fallen from the clouds, and was picked up by the strong wind, floating in the endless void.

With great difficulty, Albert calmed down the discomfort and got up from the ground with difficulty.

Opening his eyes and looking around, he suddenly realized that he seemed to be no longer in the throne room.

No, that's not right.

This is still the throne room.

Because those beams and pillars that look like reaching the sky, those magnificent walls and domes, and the supreme throne that stands high above, overlooking the entire empire, are undoubtedly...the throne hall.


A place of dilapidation.

Albert rubbed the dusty floor... It was as if a hundred years of time had suddenly jumped. Everything here had become old and dilapidated. Even the surrounding walls were in tatters, and there were huge holes that could be passed through. , looking out at the pitch-black Dark City.

And...the billowing gray mist.

"Is this... the shadow of Belland? The fragment that represents the royal palace? I am the only one coming in. In other words, are there restrictions on the royal bloodline?"

Albert looked around, with a sarcastic curve at the corner of his mouth:

"The old thing is really good at hiding. I should have thought of it earlier. After all, I once had the same idea. This kind of place that is completely isolated from the outside world is the safest, right?"

"It's a pity...it's useless to hide it."

Albert raised his head and looked at the throne.

That is the only place that is still luxurious and majestic in this gradually abandoned Belland Shadow.

The throne is high up, as if there once was a noble king sitting quietly on it, holding his chin in his hands and meditating.

Every time he meditated on a critical moment, he would subconsciously reach out and touch... the sword at his side.

Therefore, next to the throne, a very ordinary-looking sword was leaning there casually.

The sword of the king!

"Ah...ah...finally...I finally found you."

Looking at the sword, Albert was shaking with excitement.

Spending so much thought, planning for such a long time, and taking such big risks... In everything he has done to this day, isn't this the last piece of the puzzle missing?

And now, he finally found this puzzle piece, right in front of him, not far away...at his fingertips.

"Haha, it's really disrespectful to treat the symbol of the emperor with such contempt."

Step by step closer, Albert found that the sword seemed to be just placed casually next to the throne, and he couldn't help but once again express his disdain for the old guy who was about to become the former emperor.

"Don't worry, soon, soon I will be able to correct the situation and get everything back on track."

Albert reached out his hand and held the sword of the king...

"To put things right?"

But at this moment, as if deliberately contradicting him, a second voice suddenly sounded in this dead and ruined place.

"You are saying the opposite, Brother Albert, you are the one who is in trouble, aren't you."


A biting chill suddenly emerged, directly freezing Albert's steps. He was obviously close at hand, but he could not take another step forward towards the Sword of the King.

"You... Celcia?"

Albert first lowered his head and looked at the ice that froze everything, then suddenly turned his head and glared at the silver figure in disbelief:

"Why are you here? How...how is it possible?"

"Are you surprised that I show up here?"

Celecia walked out of the shadows, her pure white dress swaying slightly and her black stockings flawless, as if her feet were stepping on darkness.

She flipped her hair lightly, her icy lake-like eyes reflected Albert's angry face at this moment, and a cold smile rarely appeared on his cold and beautiful face:

"It makes me happy to see your funny face now, brother A.B.T~"


Albert's face was gloomy and he growled: "My arrangement is so perfect. Now the entire palace is my people. How could you break through the palace guards in such a short time? Even if you have foreign aid, it is absolutely impossible. The palace gate is strong. According to my calculations, even if you gather the entire Belland army today, you will have to wait until tomorrow morning at the very least to..."

"Yes, if we attack by force, it will take at least tomorrow morning, and by that time, everything will have already settled."

Celecia tilted her head slightly, with a hint of sarcasm on her lips:

"But...brother, you don't seem to know the details of the palace very well. Even those details are related to 'you'."

"What do you mean?" Albert was stunned.

"It's very simple. A long time ago, my dear eldest brother, Prince Albert, as the first heir to the throne, still had high hopes when he was still young."

Celcia nodded her head:

"Everyone knows that Prince Albert suffers from brain disease, and his IQ is only that of a seven or eight-year-old... But at this level, abnormalities would not be noticed when he was young."

"At that time, Brother Albert had the aura of the eldest prince, and everyone had great expectations for him. Many people surrounded him, but the playful little Albert hated this depressing atmosphere. Always wanted to escape.”

"So, he secretly took his younger brothers and sisters and actually wanted to dig a tunnel to escape from the palace... It's very ridiculous, isn't it?"


Albert's face changed: "Could it be..."

"Yes, the tunnel was actually dug out, and it took several months... But although it is called a tunnel, in fact, it only dug through a few palace walls. It is not a great thing, and it was soon discovered by the emperor."

"We all thought that we would be punished by the emperor, but..."

Cecilia looked at her hands, with a look of nostalgia: "The emperor not only did not punish, but was very happy. He thought that the tunnel was a symbol of my brother's intelligence and tenacity. After praising my brother Albert, he kept the tunnel."

"Unfortunately... That was the last time my father praised him."

Speaking of this, Cecilia chuckled again and said: "It seems that my brother Albert... has really forgotten everything."

"... Did you get in through that tunnel?"

Albert gritted his teeth.

"Although it's just an insignificant tunnel, it's enough for me to break through the extremely tight blockade by myself."

Cecilius's jade hand gently stroked, and the umbrella gently rotated in her palm, delicate like a plum blossom blooming in the snow.

"After all, just like the previous dispute between you and Brother Andrew, the essence of this storm is the dispute between the two of us. In fact, it has little to do with everyone else.

So, I alone is enough."

Cecilius walked forward and came to the throne.

Albert...or this body, it is just an ordinary person, and it is simply unable to break free from the freezing of ice.

Cecilius raised her hand and stabbed Albert with a sword.

Unfortunately, a bright light suddenly bloomed, blocking Cecilius's sword.

"Is it for saving your life? You are really a coward."

Cecilius, who wanted to deal with Albert first, was not distressed by this and continued to move forward.

Since it is impossible to kill Albert directly, then getting the King's Sword will have the same result.

Albert wanted to seize that position, and the Sword of the King represented the legality and qualifications to take that last step, and these could be replaced by Cecilia, who also had royal blood and inheritance rights.

Moreover, as long as the Sword of the King was mastered, the current unrest could be instantly quelled through the power of the Sword of the King.

So, everything was actually very simple.

"Stop... Stop... That's mine, that's mine!!"

Ignoring Albert's crazy roar, Cecilia lowered her eyes, stretched out her hand, and finally grasped the sword completely in her palm.

It was cold when she took it in.

The scabbard that contained the Sword of the King did not look special, except that a few noble patterns symbolizing the royal family were carved on the black surface.

Then, it was the sword itself.

Cecilia exerted a little force, and with a clang, the sword symbolizing the emperor of the empire was easily unsheathed.

The cold light reflected Cecilia's face.



The Sword of the King fell to the ground.

Cecilia opened her beautiful eyes slightly in disbelief, looking at her slightly trembling hands.

This is...

"Ha... Haha..."

Albert on the side was stunned for a moment, then seemed to understand something, and then laughed:

"As a princess of the empire, you were rejected by the Sword of the King! Haha... I understand, so that's it, so that's it!"

194, The King of Arrogance (II)

"I was... rejected?"

Cecilia looked at her hand in disbelief.

As the Sword of the King symbolizing the emperor, anyone with royal blood should be qualified to control it. As for whether it will be recognized... She has confidence in herself and thinks that she is better than the fake one next to her.

But... Such a dramatic fact is right in front of her, and the tingling pain still remaining in her palm shows that she was indeed rejected by the sword with a living spirit.


Because of bad blood?

Cecilia was the first to think of this, but her silver hair fell down the corners of her eyes, and at the same time, the beautiful face that was somewhat similar to Albert was reflected on the cold ice. These features all showed that she had the purest royal blood in her body.

But since there was no problem with the blood, why?

Cecilia's eyes condensed slightly, and she saw a few blood-colored lines flashing under her fair skin, but as her subconscious chill condensed, those lines were instantly dispelled.

"Is this... the side effect of being rejected? That sword hates me to this extent?"

"As the holy weapon of the empire, the Sword of the King certainly doesn't hate you, but in its eyes, you are not qualified to be king."

Albert sneered at first, and then laughed more and more happily, laughing so hard that he fell backwards and forwards. Looking back on his decades of life, it seems that he has never been as happy as he is now.

This is the joy of thinking that he has fallen into the abyss, but finding that the light is still shining! In contrast, he couldn't wait to see Cecilia's sad and depressed expression.

"That's right, you are not qualified. In the eyes of the Sword of the King, you are not worthy of being the emperor. It's that simple, so... it rejected you!"

"The qualification... to become the king."

Cecilia murmured in a low voice, and her cold expression still couldn't tell whether she was sad or happy.

"What is the so-called qualification?"




Mind and tolerance?

No... these things are too general. Moreover, if every generation of emperors had to go through such a strict screening and approval by the Sword of the King, the empire would have ruled the continent long ago under the leadership of successive wise rulers. But if you look back at history, there have also been many incompetent emperors in the empire over the past thousand years.

In other words, is there any invisible condition that I don't know about?


After thinking about it, Cecilia only thought of this point that she couldn't change or do.

But thinking carefully from another angle...


If the empire could not allow a female emperor, then my father would never have said that to me.

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