Cecilia's eyelids drooped, and her memory suddenly returned to the conversation with her father before she was imprisoned, which was also the reason for the quarrel between her and her father.

[Cecilia, are you interested in the throne of the empire? ]

[No. ]

That was her answer before.

For her at that time, the throne was undoubtedly a very troublesome thing, and she did not want to be involved in the dispute between her two brothers.


In her mind, countless images turned around, there were crying children, grieving women, and pitiful people who turned into hideous monsters.

Cecilia looked at the reflection of the huge city hidden in the gray fog. Those images were deeply engraved in her mind. Now, her determination and obsession should not be inferior to anyone.

Why is that?

"Forget it."

Since she could not get an answer just by thinking, Cecilia temporarily restrained her thoughts, pulled out the rapier from the umbrella handle, and walked towards Albert again.

"Since I can't master the sword of the king, I'll kill you first. It's just a matter of order."

"You can't kill me!" Albert's face stiffened and he said in a deep voice.

"It's temporary, but not forever. The magic device can't protect you for too long."

The coldness condensed again.

Cecilia's silver-white hair was blown by the wind and snow.

Frost flowers condensed on the tip of the sword, and the snow was flying. Every snowflake was stained with the cold sword intent at this moment.

The snow fell heavier and heavier, and the sword intent became more and more terrifying. The whole hall was shrouded in sharp wind whistling, like a ghost cave.

The protection around Albert was gradually weakened by the sword intent, and the brilliance became dimmer. He himself shivered in the cold.

When everything condensed to the extreme, Cecilia did not hesitate, and stabbed the sword with an elegant posture.

So all the snowflakes, wrapped in those long-brewing and extremely huge sword intent, rushed to Albert at the same time.

Puff puff

The radiance of the magic device's protection was finally torn apart.

Then, the fragile human body was torn apart, and blood splattered.

Albert fell to the ground.

The bright red blood flowed, dyeing the snow-covered ground red.

Like a blooming rose.

It was over.

Everything calmed down in silence. The "Grand Prince" who had stirred up so much wind and rain in the entire empire ended so peacefully.

"Is this the feeling of killing your own brother with your own hands?... Although you are not my real brother."

Cecilia lowered her eyelids: "It's really unpleasant."

The wind and snow whistled again, like a dirge.

Cecilia turned around and walked to the King's Sword. She pondered for a while, and finally did not try to control it again, but leaned down and grasped its scabbard.

But at the moment when she was about to touch it again... Cecilia's hand suddenly stopped.

Ripples appeared in her silent eyes like an ice lake...

No way...

These three words flashed briefly in her mind, and before she could think about the possibility, she turned around again without hesitation... and swung her sword.


This time, blood did not splash.

But there was a sound of metal colliding.

Points of golden light rose, floating like fireflies, illuminating the dilapidated throne room.

On Albert's body, there were golden threads that were delicate and graceful, but indestructible, and easily blocked Cecilia's sword.

And these golden threads came from...

The Sword of the King.

In the scabbard that Cecilia had just pulled out, which was only two fingers wide, dense golden threads flowed out, and quickly drilled into Albert's body along the bright red marks on the ground.

His fingers moved.

Then his arms.

Then his feet suddenly bounced.

Finally, his whole body spasmed for a while.

The golden thread, like a root system, shuttled through his body, like the thread to mend a rag doll, and soon, all the injuries recovered quickly.

The remaining fear and pain on his face gradually dissipated, turning into a proud smile.

Albert opened his eyes, stood up suddenly, laughed, and looked at Cecilia crazily:

"Ha...haha! I said, Cecilia...you can't kill me!"

The sword of the king trembled, Cecilia's eyes condensed, and she swung the sword suddenly to press it...but was bounced away by a terrifying force.

Cecilia staggered back, unable to fight against this powerful holy object, and could only helplessly watch the sword of the king, which symbolized the imperial power of the empire, automatically unsheathed and flew into... Albert's palm.

On the sword, there are mysterious inscriptions carved, which are said to be the oath of the first king.

"Do you understand? I am the chosen one! I am the qualified one! I am... the emperor of the empire!"

Albert raised the sword of the king, and in an instant, the golden light became countless times brighter.

A golden tree, at this moment, rose from the ground behind him, breaking through the shadow of Belrand that separated the inside and the outside, and its vast branches and leaves instantly covered the entire city.

Albert sat on the throne under the tree, looking down at Cecilia at his feet indifferently:

"Rebellious people, why don't you kneel down and kowtow to the emperor of the empire!"

195. The King of Arrogance (III)

The huge golden tree directly broke through the boundary of Belrand's shadow and stood between heaven and earth. Its trunk was as thick as a mountain, and its branches and leaves covered the sky and the sun. Countless golden streams fell from the crown. For a moment, everyone in the city couldn't help but be shocked by the grandeur and sacredness of the golden giant tree.

And under the golden tree is the extremely luxurious throne.

Albert sat on the throne, holding the sword of the king, with a solemn and majestic face. His temperament seemed to have been sublimated at this moment. He was high up, overlooking Celicia and even the entire Belland, just like a real of the emperor.

"Rebellious people, why don't you come and kneel down!"

The brilliant sound shocked everyone, and the terrifying pressure came like a tide. Under this terrifying pressure, Celecia's body began to bend and bend uncontrollably, and was forced to surrender.

This is the sword.

The sword of the king, which symbolizes the supreme status of the emperor.

When one masters this sword, there is no doubt that one will have the ultimate honorable status of an emperor in terms of legal principles and rules.


Something is wrong.

Still something is wrong.

Celecia's body trembled slightly, and she forced herself to straighten her waist, forcing herself to look directly at the bright golden light that seemed to burn her and make her blind.

She stared at the King's Sword. The King's Sword trembled slightly and seemed to be staring at her indifferently.

Albert has been recognized by the King's Sword. No matter from which angle he looks at it, he seems to have lost everything and there is no possibility of a comeback, but before that...

What's going on with this strong sense of disobedience?

Yes, a sense of dissonance.

Obviously I am genuine, a true royal bloodline, but why don't I feel any closeness to that King's Sword...

There is only malice.

Sword of the King...Why do you hate yourself so much?

Just because... you don't approve?

Suddenly, Celcia felt another stab of pain. She frowned slightly and looked down.

Perhaps the forceful resistance at this moment caused the injury just now. The bloody lines on her arms flashed again, and at the same time, a subtle noise of surging blood rang in her ears.

Celecia's eyes flashed slightly, the coldness gathered, and those bloody lines disappeared again.

"What, why don't you kneel down?"

Seemingly seeing Celcia still stubbornly resisting, Albert couldn't help but laugh out loud:

"Haha, Celcia, my dear sister, for the sake of the 'blood connection' between you and me, if you kneel on the ground and kowtow in surrender now, I may spare your life. After all, I am a good person. The emperor would not kill his own relatives with his own hands like that idiot Andrew, do you think so?"


Celcia did not answer, or rather, she already answered.

The moment Albert finished speaking, Celcia raised her hand without hesitation, a thin sword that was extremely weak compared to the King's Sword, and then without hesitation, pointed towards the giant golden tree. Albert underneath... thrust out!

The wind and snow howled, mixed with the terrifying sword intent, and Celecia unreservedly poured out what she had learned throughout her life. The sharp sword light almost separated the dome of the entire hall.

But this is still just...a mayfly shaking a tree.

Holding the Sword of the King, Albert, who was once just an ordinary person, now possesses terrifying strength comparable to the peak of the Crowned One.

Therefore, facing Celcia's sudden sword attack, he just raised the corners of his mouth in disdain and waved it casually.

A branch of the giant golden tree seemed to sway slightly with this wave.

Then the majestic golden waves swept across the space. Celecia felt as if her sword was piercing the stormy sea, adding another ripple to it in vain, and then... a huge wave came.

Celecia groaned, and her delicate body was immediately knocked away like a sandbag. Facing this blow, she had no power to resist. Her fighting spirit and chill were defeated almost instantly, and a faint blood spattered as she fell. Into the eternal deep night.

This is the difference.

Albert, who holds the Sword of the King, is almost invincible as long as he is on that throne.

"act recklessly."

Knocking Celecia away, Albert sneered, not giving Celecia a chance to escape. He seemed to have forgotten what he just said and wanted to avoid future troubles, so he stretched out his hand again and crushed someone to death. Like a small insect, he pressed lightly on Celecia.

The terrifying pressure that almost compressed the air into a solid state suddenly struck, and Celecia was even more unable to resist and flew backwards. Her face instantly became as pale as paper, blood oozed from the corners of her mouth, and her consciousness quickly began to blur.

However, in the blur, she heard a familiar voice.


The voice quickly approached, and then came an extremely warm embrace, hugging her tightly.

She was held in this embrace not many times, but every time, it left a deep impression on her.

This time, it’s peace of mind.

"King Indra!"

Mu En, who rushed over in a hurry and finally arrived at the critical moment, hugged Celecia, flew upside down with her to offset the huge force, and roared loudly.

Then the nine-layered black ring stirred the thunder in the sky, and the thin and lean old man came with a crash. He obviously set out much later than Mu En, but in an instant he crossed the distant space and punched the thunder light into the giant golden tree.

"King Indra?"

Albert was stunned, and then roared angrily:

"Are you going to betray me?"

"I have never surrendered to you, so how can I betray you?" King Indra had no expression on his face and raised his hand to punch again.

The giant golden tree shook under this punch, and its countless branches trembled as if swept by a strong wind.

King Indra's original intention was to attack Albert directly, but at this moment Albert seemed to have become one with the golden tree behind him, and any of his attacks could only fall on the golden tree.

"How dare you attack me? Aren't you afraid of me..."

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