As he spoke, Albert suddenly frowned and looked somewhere. It was obviously very far away, but it seemed that the whole city was clearly visible in his eyes. He suddenly realized:

"So that's it. Was the source blood of the experimental subject actually removed? Can such a thing really be done? What a pity. Beast blood is a good thing. Who helped you? The church? Moon Campbell is indeed connected to the church. ?”

King Indra remained silent and continued to attack Albert.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if you don't say it. Anyway, for me now, that experimental subject is useless. I originally planned to eliminate her afterwards. After all, the emperor of the empire cannot have such a stain as conducting human experiments, right? ?”

Albert raised the sword of king in his hand.

In an instant, countless light spots hung down from the branches of the giant golden tree, like golden catkins.

The entire Belland was illuminated, as close as day, and in this brilliant light, the majestic King Indra couldn't help but look a little small.

"Haha, come on!"

Albert laughed, "It's just right to use your King Indra's head to show my power as the new emperor of the empire!"

"It's really spectacular..."

Somewhere in the palace, Pink Bear looked up at the giant golden tree that covered the city and sighed.

The window glass in front of him reflected half of his face. The usually funny bear face seemed to look much more solemn under the golden light.

"As expected, it is something left by the First King. Haha, the empire really depends on that thing to survive for thousands of years."

"Can you still hold on?"

The former saint was standing aside, looking at him worriedly: "I can perform the baptism of holy light again."

"This simplified version of a single person's performance is no longer useful."

The pink bear shook his head. As he moved, there seemed to be thick blood flowing in his bear holster. The pungent smell of blood and the gurgling sound of blood flow continued to seep from the hair of the pink holster.

"Instead of wasting time and energy on such meaningless things, it's better to prepare first. I have to complete what I should complete."

"...Can it be done?"

The former saint turned her head and looked at the giant golden tree, with deep worry in her eyes:

"Compared to our side, that side is the most important, right? If that side fails, everything we do will be in vain, and you don't seem to have told her anything, right? Is this really okay?"

"If you tell me in advance, you will be sensed. There is nothing I can do about it."

The pink bear paused, as if recalling that cold face, he couldn't help but scratch his head, and then smiled:

"But don't worry, that girl... is smart. Besides, based on my understanding of her, she won't give up so easily."

"Old ghost, you lose."

Lower Town, Flanders Street.

Even the Lower City is a famous place of chaos. During tonight's turmoil, this place has basically been reduced to ruins.

There are burning flames and thick smoke everywhere, wailing murderers and mutilated corpses everywhere, blood flowing everywhere, and the stench of blood is astounding to your nostrils.

In this mess, the Rat King was still standing intact, with several clear wounds on his body, but his eyes were particularly bright, and the magic repeating crossbow in his hand was pointed at the half-kneeling figure in front of him.

"Do you have any last words?"

"Ahem...ahem, haha, I didn't expect that I would actually fall into your hands, Sam."

The old ghost is still wearing a windbreaker, but it is in tatters and stained with blood. One of his arms has been completely broken off. Several arrows are stuck in his body. The various negative attributes attached to it are constantly eroding his body. , making him miserable.

——In the melee just now, one side relied on excellent equipment and personnel quality, and the other side relied on the irrational beast-shaped monster, and they were in a stalemate.

But as the crying suddenly stopped, all the beast-turned-humans turned back to their human form and fell to the ground without strength. In an instant, the balance tipped over, and he was defeated under the siege.

All we can say is, was he ultimately defeated by God's will?

"It seems that your last words were just nonsense."

The Rat King smiled coldly, pressed his fingers a little harder, and pressed the button without hesitation...


At this moment, the dazzling golden light suddenly rose up, illuminating the night.

The Rat King subconsciously raised his head and stared blankly at the golden tree that made people want to surrender.

"not good……"

After being dazed for a moment, he suddenly came back to his senses and knew that his brief distraction had ruined something big.

Sure enough, at the moment when he came to his senses, with the old ghost holding his hands empty, the Rat King suddenly felt a violent suffocation, as if his neck was being pinched by an iron pincer.


The Rat King's men fired rapidly, and the old ghost's ferocious face flashed. In the end, he chose to save his life. He threw the Rat King towards his men, and he took the opportunity to quickly escape into the night.

"Chase... chase quickly!"

The Rat King quickly issued the order despite his violent coughing. However, at this moment, the old ghost had already disappeared into the intricate narrow streets.

196. The Arrogant King (4)

"Want me to die?"

In a remote corner, the old ghost was holding his broken arm, but his movements were not slow at all, and he skillfully walked through the alleys of the neighborhood that he had been away from for ten years.

"No one could kill me ten years ago, and no one can kill me now!"

The old ghost took a deep breath, and after making sure to get rid of his pursuers, he took out a pill from his arms and swallowed it.

After the medicine is digested, the breath suddenly becomes much smoother.

"Then what should we do next?"

After the life and death crisis was resolved, he began to think about the next step.

"The situation is not clear yet. I still have a few hidden hiding places where I can wait for the situation to develop."

The old ghost stared at the golden tree in the distance and thought, but at this moment, he raised his brows, as if he suddenly discovered something.

"Huh? That's..."

"Hiss, it hurts."

Mu En held Celiacia in her arms. Although she had soft and fragrant nephrite in her arms, she had no time to appreciate her and could only rub her waist painfully.

He had just rushed forward to help Celecia offload the force, but he did not expect that the force acting on Celecia was more terrifying than he had imagined. She was actually knocked away by the palace for less than half of the city, and fell to the ground all the way. In the urban area, this is the time to stop.

Fortunately, I have rough skin and thick flesh, and I still have the means to recover, otherwise I would have been turned into a pulp like this.

But compared to myself...

"It's okay, Celcia."

Mu En looked into her arms.

Celecia's breath was weak, her face was pale, and she seemed to be injured. When Mu En asked, she just shook her head weakly.

Mu En quickly took out the magic scroll for treatment.

As the soft green light surged, Celcia's pretty face obviously regained its color, but...

Even though the injury was still recovering, it should be nothing serious, but her eyes looked a little dim, and she was obviously absent-minded and distracted. She didn't react at all to him holding her in his arms.

"This is……"

Mu En turned her head and looked towards the palace.

The battle between King Indra and the Golden Tree is still fierce, and the radiance caused by the collision of moves is like several suns rising at the same time. Looking at this scene, Celcia, as a witness, may feel her own powerlessness and weakness even more...

In this case……

Mu En thought for a while.

Jiuche took Celcia out of his arms and placed her under the wall beside her. Then he stood up, bent down, and supported the wall with one hand.

Under the golden light, there was no such quiet and charming atmosphere at all, but it reflected Celecia's pretty face, which made it even more beautiful.

Mu En gently lifted Celecia's white chin, and before those cold eyes looked over, she suddenly leaned down...


The lips are cold.

It feels soft and numb.

It has a faint smell of blood and a different kind of sweetness.

Just taste it and stop.

Mu En raised her head without finishing her thoughts, and as expected, she met a pair of indifferent eyes.


Before Celcia could speak, Mu En took the lead and answered seriously:

"Don't get me wrong, I am here to encourage you, just like you encouraged me before. I have absolutely no other intentions."

"Yeah, encouraging."

"Yeah, encouragement, I see you look very disappointed."

"But I'm just thinking about things."


For a moment, their eyes met, and the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

"Come here." Celcia said coldly.


Mu En scratched his head, laughed a few times, and then obediently approached.

Closing his eyes, he began to guess whether what greeted him was the top of his knees or his jade feet. He hoped it wouldn't be too heavy. After all, his body was still injured.

But neither.

When Mu En came closer, Celcia grabbed Mu En's collar, raised her swan-like long and white neck lightly, and just like that... kissed her back hard.

Celcia took the initiative and took what she wanted.

This kiss was so overbearing that Mu En didn't even have the strength to resist. By the time he reacted, Celcia had already wiped the corners of her mouth and returned to her original position with an expressionless face.



Mu En twitched the corner of her mouth. As a grown man, why did he feel like he was being eaten dry?

No, I have to regain the initiative.

"By the way, about..."

"Oh? I just came here following the movement, but I didn't expect to see something interesting?"

Just when Mu En was about to ask something, a third voice suddenly sounded in this remote neighborhood.

Mu En and Celcia turned their heads at the same time and looked to the shadows to one side. They saw a one-armed man wearing a tattered windbreaker walking out of the shadows step by step. His hungry wolf-like eyes swept over the two of them, and then he smiled coldly. , the scars running up and down his face looked particularly hideous.

"Old ghost?"

Mu En frowned slightly, she didn't expect to meet this former gang leader in Lower City here?

strangeness? Didn’t the Rat King go to settle accounts with him? Looking at it like this, can you still let him run away?

"Oh? I'm so lucky that this noble young master actually recognizes me. But I'm sorry, I'm not interested in you."

The old ghost just looked at Mu En. Although he felt a little familiar with him for some reason, he didn't care. His attention quickly fell on Celcia. His eyes swept around, not hiding the heat in his eyes, as if he was sizing up the goods. the value of.

"This lady, you...are Her Royal Highness Princess Celcia."

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