"So what?"

Cecilia did not hide and answered directly.

"Oh, it's an honor to meet you here."

The old ghost made a clumsy noble salute and grinned:

"Your Highness Princess is not in good condition, so I wonder if you are willing to do me a favor and go to a safe place with me?"

"Do you think I am weak and can be bullied because I am seriously injured? Do you want to use me as a bargaining chip to gain benefits?" Cecilia had a blank expression and bluntly exposed the old ghost's intention.

"Your Highness is really smart. In this case, I can't say anything more."

The old ghost stretched out his hand: "Please come with me, otherwise, I don't want Your Highness to get hurt."


The atmosphere fell into silence.

Cecilia was silent, not knowing what she was thinking.

And Mu En had already silently reached his hand behind his back and grasped the handle of the knife.

The old ghost was able to almost rule the lower city ten years ago, so his own strength must be strong. Although he looks a little embarrassed now, his pupils are slightly dilated, and there are signs of drug use, which should be more dangerous.

I am not in good condition, and Cecilia is seriously injured. For the sake of safety, let him show his flaws...

"What, Your Highness won't answer?"

The old ghost approached step by step, and his palm gradually clenched into a claw.

"In this case, I only have...who!"

The old ghost shouted, as if he noticed other people.

At this time, accompanied by a snap, something was thrown out from the darkness and hit the old ghost's shoulder.

"Is this...a stone?"

The old ghost gently shook off the debris on his shoulder, a little unbelievable, he turned his head and saw a timid middle-aged man hiding behind a low wall, secretly throwing stones at him.

"Stay away...stay away from Your Highness!"

The man summoned up his courage and shouted at the old ghost.

"You..." The old ghost couldn't believe it.

Ordinary people?

The untouchables in the lower city?

How dare these guys who usually work like slaves for him?

The old ghost, whose mind was worn out by drugs and pain, suddenly felt humiliated and was furious.

He immediately raised his hand and pointed his palm at the man who threw the stone.

But his palm did not hold it.


The moment his attention was diverted, the cold chill had spread to his body along the wet ground at night.

The light frost quickly froze his body.

At this time, more stones were thrown from the shadows, not only the middle-aged man, but also many people, including haggard women and children with fierce looks. They leaned out from the low wall one by one, not daring to approach, but just throwing stones that had no lethality at the old ghost.


When the flesh and blood were frozen, the stones became extremely deadly.




With a series of crisp sounds, first the hand that the old ghost stretched out, then the body, feet, head... one by one, was smashed by the stone, gradually becoming pink debris flying like snowflakes.

In the end, only half of his face was left, falling to the ground, desperately admiring his sad end.

The old ghost, the former "tyrant" of the lower city, died at the hands of the lamb he intended to use and control, and he had no chance to make a comeback.

While sighing, Mu En silently put away the knife and looked at the ordinary people who suddenly appeared.

After they confirmed that the old ghost was really dead, they looked at each other, and after several eye exchanges, it was the middle-aged man who staggered and came to Cecilia.

"Princess... Princess, are you okay?"

The man seemed very timid and narrow-minded, and he didn't even dare to look at Cecilia's face.

"I'm fine. Look up."

"Oh, oh."

Under Cecilia's command, the man raised his head tremblingly, revealing a haggard and old face.

"What's your name?"

Cecilia asked, "Who are you?"

"I... they all call me Old Luke. As for who we are... we are just ordinary people living in a nearby neighborhood..."

The man stammered:

"Last time, there was a riot in the lower city, and many of our family members turned into monsters, as did I. Several children and my wife all turned into monsters and died. If my wife hadn't saved my life before she lost her mind, I would have died and been eaten by my own children."

Old Lu's eyes were dim, but he couldn't tell the pain, more of it was just numbness like dead water:

"There was another riot tonight, and many people turned into monsters again, so we gathered together to protect ourselves. We just happened to see this scene, so... No, I didn't disturb His Highness."

"... No."

So he was a victim of beastification? So killing the old ghost who drugged him can be considered revenge.

Although only part of it was reported.

Cecilia silently clenched her hands, lowered her eyelids, shook her head and said:

"Thanks to you, thank you."

"No, no!"

Old Lu waved his hands in panic: "We should thank you, Your Highness!"


"Yes, you saved our lives, remember? At that time on the bridge, I... and many of us were saved by Your Highness."

"Bridge... So it was at that time."

Celicia thought for a moment and finally remembered what Old Luke said. She should have ordered the bridge to be lowered before, allowing these people to enter the upper city to recuperate, and at the same time help them deal with the chasing beast shifters.

"There's no need to thank you, that's what I should do."

Celecia was not happy, but felt a little guilty.

Because everything goes back to the source, the source of these people's tragedies is the fight between themselves, the "people in power".

His hands may also be stained with their blood.

"Feel sorry."

"Huh? What do you have to apologize for, Your Highness? You are a good person, and all of us know it."

Lao Lu scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

But perhaps it was Celecia's attitude that made him relax a little and not be as rigid as before.

So as he spoke, he turned to look in the direction of the giant golden tree and asked:

"Your Highness, were you fighting that one just now? I saw you flying over there."


After hesitating for a moment, Celecia responded truthfully.

After all, the King's Sword is still a symbol of the emperor. If this happens, they will definitely think that they are traitors... Celicia thought, already prepared to bear the angry or frightened expressions of these people.

"That's definitely not a good thing." Old Luke suddenly said.


Celecia's cold and pretty face showed a rare surprise. She turned to look at Old Luke and asked:


"Because... such a big tree needs to absorb a lot of nutrients... If the wheat harvest is not good this year, the price of bread will rise again!"

Old Luke sighed: "It's rare that the price of bread does not rise in a year. I really hope it can last for a long time."


Celecia opened her lips, but said nothing.

There were just inexplicable emotions flowing deep inside her heart.

"Ah, by the way, speaking of bread, are you hungry, Your Highness? I still have some bread left with me."

Perhaps seeing Celcia's pale face, Old Luke took out a three-layered piece of bread wrapped in cloth from his arms as if offering a treasure.

But it was only a loaf of black bread, five Emiles a pound.

If you put it in a noble house in the uptown area, no one would even want to shine their shoes.


Old Luke also realized at this time that he actually wanted to let the noble princess eat black bread. This was really disrespectful.

He quickly stopped: "Yes...I'm sorry, I got a little carried away. Your Highness, please forgive me..."

However... his hands were empty, and when he came back to his senses, he found that the black bread in his hand had been taken away by Celcia.

Celcia took a small bite.

The rough, bitter taste fills your mouth instantly.

The unhulled wheat husks and fine gravel are all mixed in the bread, making it very difficult to chew, let alone swallow.

However, this kind of thing is what most people in this city are most concerned about.

He cares more about it than the king's sword, the giant golden tree, and the lofty position of the emperor.

"It won't go up."

After swallowing the whole piece of bread, Celcia raised her head and stared at the giant golden tree in the distance.

The golden light imprinted into her icy lake-like pupils, burning like fire.

"The price of bread will not go up, I promise you."

197. The Arrogant King (5)

"How handsome."

"What did you say?"

"Just now."

Mu En came over with a stern look on her face and rubbed Celecia's shoulder:

"I won't let the price of bread go up or anything like that. You're so handsome, okay?"

"Shut up."


The streets outside the palace were now eerily empty and quiet. Even the palace not far away seemed to have stopped fighting. Everyone turned their attention to the battle between Albert and King Indra.

"Quick, go escort and protect His Majesty the Emperor!"

The two of them watched with cold eyes and saw a paunchy nobleman running towards him panting with a group of guards. There was obvious excitement on his fat face, as if as long as he participated, he could stop the battle immediately and beat King Indra to pieces. , and have gained great credit since then.

"These guys only act so sluggishly at times like this."

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