"You should be glad that they are enemies, not teammates, but whether they are enemies or friends... if this continues, King Indra will definitely not be able to sustain it for long."

Mu En looked at King Indra who was becoming more and more disadvantaged in the distance, and sighed:

"So, what should we do now? I am also incapable of doing that kind of thing. We can't just challenge him to a duel with one of us at level 4 and the other at level 5."

It can be said that it is indeed the sword of the king. With the peak strength of the crowned one, coupled with the legal principles of the emperor, now even the army does not dare to move around at will. Many people may even fall directly to Albert because of this. If Mu En is now in In Albert’s position, he didn’t even know how to lose.

"First...clarify your thoughts." Celicia said calmly.

"Clear your thoughts?"

Mu En turned around in astonishment: "Is there any need to clarify your thoughts now? Albert has already obtained the Sword of the King, so even if he knows his plan, it doesn't matter."

"Of course it doesn't matter what happens to Albert, but there are still important things now."

Celecia lowered her head and looked at her white arms:

"For example...the most essential question is, who is our real enemy?"

"The real enemy...isn't it the Li Council, Albert?"

Mu En frowned, becoming more and more puzzled.

Celecia didn't answer. She was still staring at her arms, holding her breath, as if she was doing something.

Soon, whether it was an illusion or not, Mu En felt that the chill that had always existed around Celecia was gradually dissipating.

"What are you..."

"I'm just trying to seal the divine family of the Ice and Snow Goddess." Celicia said softly.

"Can this be done?"

"I am born with this divine favor. Although I have never done anything like sealing off the divine favor, so many years of hard work and control are not in vain."

As soon as she finished speaking, Mu En felt the chill in Celcia's body completely dissipate. At this moment, she seemed to have transformed from the ice witch back to an ordinary girl.

But the icy lake in her eyes was still waveless. It seemed that this cold temperament was not due to the influence of the gods, but because of her own temperament.

"What on earth do you mean by doing such a thing..."

Mu En was confused when her eyes suddenly froze.

Because he keenly saw that as the coldness on Celecia's body completely dissipated, bloody lines suddenly appeared on the fair skin of her arms. At the same time, he could also clearly hear the sound of blood flowing, as if at this moment The blood in Celcia's veins was surging at an extremely fast speed.

Celecia's cheeks also began to turn abnormally red, and her breath gradually became disordered.

"This is……"

Mu En was shocked and quickly moved forward to help Celecia adjust her breath. She had just recovered a little from her injuries, so this would definitely hurt her body.

"Really, is that so?"

With Mu En's support, Celcia's eyes seemed to flash with pain, but the corners of her mouth curved.

"It seems that my guess was correct."

"What exactly is this?"

"Blood rush syndrome."

"Blood surge syndrome? Never heard of it..."

"This is a strange blood disease. It is extremely rare. People who have this disease have no control over their blood and essence. They surge wildly and are difficult to calm down. In the later stages of the disease, the blood in the body will even penetrate the skin and leak out. Body surface... You haven’t heard of this disease, it’s normal.”

Celecia paused: "But if I tell you that Pink Bear has the same disease, you should understand."

"In other words, this disease is...a royal curse?"

Mu En's pupils shrank.

"Yes, a royal curse."

Celecia turned her wrist and took her time to admire this disease that has plagued the pink bear for decades:

"It is part of the royal curse, or one of the most terrifying derivation, so it can turn the royal family's number one genius for thousands of years into the one who reads pornographic books and scratches his butt every day, and even has to wear that funny leather case every day Ghosts wandering around."

"I thought that leather case was Pink Bear's special hobby or something..."

"He really loved that bite, but although the pink bear leather sheath looks funny, it is a genuine ancient relic that can help him seal his blood. Otherwise, he would have lost all his essence and blood and died decades ago."

"But...since it is a royal curse, why does it appear on you?"

Mu En's expression became more solemn, "Didn't you say it before? In every generation of royal family, only the best will be cursed, and in your generation, it is Albert who is cursed."

"Indeed, I said it, but the sense of inconsistency from the King's Sword made me begin to doubt this, so I guess...it is not Albert who is cursed, but me. I am the most powerful person in this generation of the royal family. Excellent people.”

Celecia replied in a low voice, her beautiful face showing no emotion at all because of this boast.

"As for Brother Albert, it's very simple...he is simply born with a brain disease."


Mu En opened her mouth, but suddenly she didn't know what to say.

"Before, I thought this was just the sequelae of being rejected by the King's Sword... Oh, I didn't expect it to be like this. Now everything makes sense."

Celcia smiled, her smile a little weird:

"I am the one who was cursed, but because of the natural blessing of ice and snow, I suppressed the curse, so I didn't even notice it. I was confused just now, but now, I understand...

Why should that sword reject me? "


Mu En asked appropriately and said doubtfully:

"If the King's Sword is to choose a suitable successor to the throne, then no matter what you think, you are the better one, why should it reject you?"

"Because it's afraid of me."

Celecia suddenly tightened her hand, the ice condensed again, and the bloody lines were quickly dispelled:

"It's afraid that because of this extremely low probability of being blessed by the gods, I will not be shackled by the curse... to become the next emperor! It's afraid of me and hates me, so it doesn't choose me... Therefore, back to the question just now, what are we really doing? The enemy is not the inner council, nor is it Albert who doesn’t even know he has become a puppet...but the sword of the king, the ugly half of the imperial power under the bright light!"

"It's the rules themselves that were woven by the First King thousands of years ago!"

"The King's Sword is the source of the royal curse!"

198. The Arrogant King (6)

Above the sky, the fierce battle between King Indra and Albert continued.

Thunder light scattered across the sky, golden catkins swayed, and the nine-layered black ring collided with the huge branches of the golden sacred tree. The fierce collision echoed like thousands of drums.

But in the seemingly indistinguishable collision, King Indra gradually fell into a disadvantage.

"King Indra, I admire you very much. If you are willing to surrender to me again, I can forget about what happened just now!"

Albert laughed loudly and sat high on the throne, allowing him to easily overlook everything in the world.

King Indra, the arrogant and powerful person wearing the crown who can crush the same level, is just a clown playing in front of his emperor at this moment. It is not a concern at all. From just now to now, he has just wielded this great power at will, raining down from the sky with a snap of his fingers. However, King Indra could not even get close.

How unrestrained and free this is. With just the touch of fingertips, there is endless light from the sky tearing through the darkness. With just the thought, thousands of subjects will bow their heads and kneel down, choosing to surrender.

This... is the emperor! The emperor of the empire!

"Did you see that? King Indra, that brat is not worthy of commanding you at all. Why should you give up a great future for a small favor? Or are you waiting for the support of others?"

Albert laughed freely, and his peripheral vision swept around, seeming to be sarcastic:

"No one will help you. Who dares to stop me, who dares to stop their emperor? The Campbell family? The royal faction? The Adventurer Association? The academy? Or the church?

Haha, give up, it's impossible... Those people are just making choices for their own benefit. Now that I am the confirmed emperor, how can they disobey me? Innocent! "


King Indra did not answer.

In other words, he has answered, in his own way... a punch!

The huge force hit the golden sacred tree again, causing the thick branches to tremble continuously.

"It's so stupid!"

Albert snorted coldly, and then the sky dimmed, thousands of thunders roared, and the entire country seemed to change with his emotional changes... This was the wrath of the emperor.

He raised his hand, and the branches of the golden sacred tree dropped, intertwined with each other, and twisted into a spear with a double helix structure. An even greater golden light gathered again and poured into the spear.

The spear penetrated the distant space in an instant, and scratches like ink stains appeared on its tail. It seemed slow, but King Indra had no way to retreat and could only block it with his fist.

But the spear coated with golden light was so powerful that it tore through King Indra's defense in just an instant, and even penetrated deeply into his flesh and blood.

"How about this move?"

Albert turned his anger into a smile again. After all, he has the heart of a true emperor. How could he be so easily angry? Of course he has a thunder in his chest now, but his appearance is still calm and calm. When he raises his hand, there is something big. Power.

Well, he feels that he is already an excellent emperor, and the empire will surely become more prosperous under his leadership.


...With blood flowing, King Indra turned pale, staggered a few steps, pulled out the spear from his chest, and then crushed it.

The golden light still remained in his chest, preventing his nearly immortal body from recovering.

He looked down... From tonight's attack to now, from the one-on-three, one-on-two, to the current one-on-one, the one who was really seriously injured... was now instead.

"I see."

King Indra's expression did not change at all. He stretched out his hand on his chest and held a golden light in his palm.

His turbid eyes looked around. In his gray vision, countless golden lights that were the same as those in his palms gathered from his feet, from this city, and even further... deep into the land of this country, along the dense root system, and finally , merged into the big golden tree, so bright that it was dazzling.

"Does your strength come from squeezing the people of this country? The Sword of the King... I thought it was so powerful. You squander the power from those poor people at will, and you are so proud of it. What about your face? ?”

"...Shut up! As the emperor of the empire, why not be able to use their power? That is the honor of those untouchables!"

When Albert heard this, his face suddenly darkened.

The ambition that he thought existed just now disappeared without a trace at this moment, and the golden light trembled in the sky, once again demonstrating his emperor's wrath.

But then, he realized that the second half of the sentence just now... didn't seem to be said by King Indra.

The turmoil of the giant golden tree subsided instantly. Albert raised his eyebrows slightly and looked behind King Indra in slight surprise.

"Oh? It's really surprising. I didn't expect you to have the courage to come back? My dear sister."

"Why not? This is a sea of ​​fire and swords where you can't return."

Cecilia was still wearing the light white dress. Her cold profile was shining in the golden light, as holy as if blessed by an angel.

"So, you finally choose to submit to me?" Albert stretched his neck and sneered.

"You are just a rat who has been usurping the throne. How can you be qualified?" Cecilia retorted.

"How dare you!"

Albert clapped his hands and grinned: "I just don't know if you will be so stubborn when I crush every bone of yours in a while."

"Let's talk about it after you do it."

In front of the golden giant tree that covered the sky, Cecilia's delicate body seemed so light and weak, but she came alone without any cowardice.

She turned to look at King Indra beside her:

"Thank you for your help, Lord Indra, you can step aside for now."

"Step aside?"

King Indra looked puzzled: "You want to face him alone?"


"You will die."



"This is also Mu En's order. I think you should not disobey his order for now."

Celica said: "Step aside first, leave this to me."


King Indra put his hands together and prayed for Cecilia sincerely: "Although I don't know what you can do, I hope you can live long enough for me to repay my kindness."

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