"Don't worry about this. The scourge will last for thousands of years, and that guy's life may be long enough for you to repay the kindness and feel that you are losing money."

Celecia turned around and faced the giant golden tree fearlessly, "As for me... I haven't given up so easily."

King Indra retreated, and under the huge golden tree, only Celcia and Albert were left looking at each other indifferently.

"So... you just came back to die after telling me a joke that won't be easy to lose?"

Albert leaned on the throne, held his chin and sneered:

"I thought you would be smarter and quickly take Moon Campbell to find his father. Maybe you can survive for a while longer, or... you were hit by me just now, and your brain was damaged, and you became like you. "Brother"

"It's a pity that I didn't commit suicide, nor did I do anything stupid."

Celcia looked serious and said coldly word by word:

"Like I said, I'm here to kill you and get everything back on track."

"Oh? Why? Just a fifth-level warrior like you?"

Albert seemed to have heard some funny joke and laughed again.

"Of course it's because of..."

Speaking expressionlessly, Celcia suddenly changed her voice and turned her head to look in a certain direction:

"Having said so much, if my guess is correct, over there... it should start."

"Over there?" Albert frowned in confusion.


Celcia's eyelids were drooped, and for some reason, great sadness suddenly brewed in her slightly covered, icy lake-like eyes:

"Albert, you are immersed in the joy of becoming the so-called 'Emperor'. You think you have the chance to win and are omnipotent, but before that...have you forgotten something?"

Outside the quiet emperor's palace, there was suddenly a slight commotion.

But it soon subsided.

The faint smell of blood dispersed into the slightly cold wind tonight.

Dissipates quickly.

The bedroom door was opened silently, and a little light poured into this gorgeous room that now seemed particularly desolate and empty, casting a slightly funny bear-shaped shadow in it.

"Still holding on."

The pink bear covered in blood threw away the body of the maid in his hand, and then walked carelessly to the front of the imperial cave, making the sound of chirping footsteps.

He dragged a chair over and sat down with his legs crossed. Facing the old man who was once the most noble man in the empire, he picked his nostrils in an extremely indecent manner.

"It's so ugly, Aldrich." The pink bear flicked the dirt to where it went.


The old man who was too skinny to speak slowly spoke slowly, his voice hoarse as if two pieces of raw cloth were rubbing against each other, and he no longer had the majesty and domineering power he once had.

But in the dimness, his eyes looked very bright, without any trace of turbidity, as if they were reflecting back light.

"No matter how lofty the emperor is, at the moment of his death, he is just an ordinary old man. My current state is also reasonable. There is nothing to sigh about."

"But you didn't deserve to die so early."

The pink bear looked at him, with a vague light flashing in his dark eyes, which seemed to be pity.

"You could have lived longer than me, and you could have become a better emperor than you are now, but you still chose this path."

"What's the point of living longer than a profligate guy like you? After all, you can't escape the fate you deserve."

As he spoke, Aldrich III coughed violently again, and for a moment the only sound left in the room was his cough. Pink Bear was also extremely patient and waited silently.

"This is the only chance. After planning for so long, I finally have hope to end the evil fate of the First King thousands of years ago. Sacrifice of something insignificant is necessary, and it is not a big deal. I understand you, if you are in my The location will do the same.”

Aldrich turned his head with difficulty and looked at the giant golden tree outside the window:

"Besides, if that thing is not cut off, the empire will eventually be destroyed. Therefore, I, you, and Celcia... we all must complete the mission we should complete."

"This mission is too heavy."

"She'll do great."

"You know I'm not talking about her."

The pink bear sighed, and finally shook his head helplessly:

"Forget it, we've come this far. Any more nonsense will only be a waste of time. What about 'that'?"

"It was prepared a long time ago, don't worry."

"You guys really make me speechless."

Pink Bear scolded and scolded like an adult treating a naughty child, but at the moment he didn't feel any disobedience, because he was indeed the only one in the world who could blame this old man who, although forgotten by many, was still the true emperor of the empire. .

"Then, let's get started."

As the pink bear waved, another figure walked out of the shadows.

A former saint.

She had a solemn face at the moment, holding an exquisite long wooden box in her hands.

The wooden box was opened, and a black long sword that looked ordinary but could not be taken away appeared in front of several people.

"The name of the sword is Temperance."

The previous saint said:

"Except for the prototype that was smelted by someone and given to children to play with, this is one of the only three holy swords left in the church, and it is also the most complete one. There is still a 'miracle' given by the goddess herself. , has the opposite power to that prototype, and can cut off all invisible things in the world. "

"Thank you." Aldrich nodded gently.

"You're welcome."

The first-generation saint's eyes were lowered: "After all, the church doesn't want that kind of thing to be resurrected, so some necessary help is necessary."

"Oh, why are you nagging so much? At this time, you have to thank me again and again. It's so annoying!"

The pink bear suddenly stood up impatiently, cursed, and took off the leather sheath on his body.

He was a silver-haired middle-aged man, with a handsome and cold look that was inherited from the royal family. His messy beard looked like it had not been trimmed for a long time, but it showed a different kind of vicissitudes of life.

Olanliel picked up the Holy Sword of Temperance, came to Aldrich's side, and pointed the Holy Sword of Temperance at Aldrich's chest.

It seemed like he was about to stab him.

But at this time, the tip of the sword trembled slightly, but suddenly stopped.

Olanliel stared at the old man below him who was much older than him, but he actually watched him grow up. His voice suddenly became trembling and hoarse.

He said softly:

"I don't know what to say, so just say goodbye."

"See you."

Aldrich nodded lightly: "Take care of Celcia for me, and keep an eye on that boy, Moon Campbell. Since he wants to become the royal wife of the empire, he can't be carefree."

"You are making things difficult for me. The women that boy hooks up with are more scary than the others. How dare I care about them?"

Olanli paused: "But don't worry, Celcia, I will watch carefully."

Then, the holy sword fell.

The holy light bloomed in Aldrich's chest, dazzling.

Invisibly, some bloody lines emerged...and then were cut off.

At the same time, what was cut off was the special connection between the emperor and something, and the special status of something created by this connection.

Yes, even Albert has forgotten that this old man whose vitality is gradually passing away is still the emperor of the empire until now, and...

The true master of the Sword of Kings!


A grand bell rang, seeming to commemorate this moment.

Olanlir closed his eyes and murmured in a low voice:

"Then... Farewell forever, the noble Emperor of the Empire, the great leader of the Empire... Aldrich Leopold III."

"May your soul find eternal rest."

199. The Arrogant King (7)

"Forgot something?"

When Celcia said these words, Albert immediately paid attention to his surroundings vigilantly, and at the same time reviewed his omissions in his mind.

Although he has now won the final victory and has the honor of the emperor, he also knows that the cold-looking woman in front of him is actually very insidious and cunning, and she might cause some disgusting stumbling blocks for him.


No matter how he thought about it, Albert couldn't think of anyone else who could threaten him now.

Every force has been eliminated in his mind. Even King Indra is no match for him, and it is even less possible for others... Could it be that the old emperor who can't even stand up is the one who can't?

The idea suddenly popped into Albert's mind, and then he shook his head with a smile.

How is it possible? That old guy is not far away from death. Is it possible that he can still jump out of bed...


But at this moment, there was a harsh buzzing sound that resounded through the sky.

No, it's more of a scream than a buzz, because the sound is so sharp that it can even tear people's eardrums.


Angry wails.

Albert tensed up for a moment, but when he looked around, he was shocked to find that the screaming sound... actually came from the Sword of the King in his hand.


The King's Sword first screamed, then trembled so fiercely that it was almost difficult for Albert to hold it. Then, there was bright red liquid flowing along the golden lines on the sword that showed the emperor's nobility.

The stench of blood hit his nostrils, and it was no longer sacred. The bright red color soon covered Albert's body.


Seeing this scene, Celcia's expression became increasingly sad. She turned around and bowed respectfully in the direction of the palace.

"Don't worry, I will fulfill your wishes, father."

The voice dissipated in the wind, and seemed to curl up into an indifferent and majestic outline. He nodded slightly, and then gently touched the girl's head.

"Last will? What do you mean? Did you do something? Or...that old thing? What did that old thing do?"

Feeling the vivid anger and pain in the King's Sword, Albert gritted his teeth and struggled to suppress the trembling of the King's Sword. However, at this moment, he was almost completely connected to it, but he was quickly swallowed up by the vivid emotions. , barely able to suppress his anger.

"Answer me! What did you do?"

"What did you do? Don't you realize it yourself?"

Celcia's eyes were filled with pity frozen to the point of freezing.

When Albert heard this, his face that had begun to distort froze.

Noticed, of course he had noticed.

Since he can clearly feel the vivid emotions in the King's Sword, he can naturally feel that the King's Sword at this moment is like a living being that has suddenly cut off some important part, with blood flowing across it and no longer complete.

He even suddenly realized that even the high and mighty feeling he had just had, which was that he was looking down upon the whole world, the whole Belrand, and even the whole empire, had disappeared.

It seemed that the King's Sword had lost its qualification to take root in the empire in an instant.

It lost its rightful position and fell from the throne.

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