"Now, the King's Sword is no longer a 'symbol' of the emperor. According to legal principles, you are not a legitimate emperor now."

Celecia said coldly:

"Get out of there, Albert."

"No... damn... how could you... how could you?"

Albert covered his head and roared furiously, and another sharp roar from the King's Sword overlapped with his. It was difficult to tell whether it was him who was roaring angrily at this moment, or the King's Sword in his hand.

In this mad rage, Albert raised his hand again, triggering infinite golden light.

"So what if the throne has been temporarily cut off by that old guy as emperor? He should be dead by now. As long as you die too, then I will still be the only legitimate heir and the emperor of the empire. I will be able to create the king again." The honor of the sword!"

The giant golden tree shook, and countless bright golden lights shone brightly.

Holding the sword of the king high, Albert will once again pour out the emperor's anger and let the blood of the disobedient people decorate the throne in front of the king.


At this moment, those golden lights did not follow Albert's instructions and became the killing power in his hands.

Star-like brilliance suddenly fell from the branches, one after another, as graceful as the fallen leaves in the autumn forest, no longer gathering with Albert's will.

The murderous intention was gradually eliminated by this beautiful and unusual picture.

Celcia was bathed in the light rain of falling stars, and suddenly raised her head, staring at something.

The giant golden tree swayed, the infinite light extended, and then enveloped her entire sight, gradually forming a phantom of the past...

"Fuck, where is this?"

Mu En suddenly opened her eyes and found that for some reason, she was in an inexplicable and strange place.

Under the soles of my feet was smooth, mirror-like lake water, clear, but I couldn't see the bottom of the lake, nor could I see any other living creatures.

Pure white spreads from one side of the sky to the other. It seems that that is the boundary between heaven and earth, and there is only this lake in the whole world.


Mu En raised his head and saw a very familiar golden giant tree growing in the center of the lake.

The tree was still so huge, with branches as thick as mountains, and branches and leaves as dense as forests, as if it were purely condensed by flawless golden light. In this invisible white lake world, it looked even more noble and holy.

"That tree... is weird. Why am I here? Hiss... it's not a dream."

Mu En twisted her face, hissed in pain, and then became even more confused.

It stands to reason that he should split up with Celicia now. Celicia should go to deal with Albert, and go to the palace to rescue the ministers who have stabilized the situation, in case Albert jumps over the wall in a hurry and really brings irreversible consequences to the empire. huge loss.

But before he had time to give those ministers a handsome hero to save the man... his eyes turned white and he was here.

"It can't be another conspiracy."

Thinking like this, Mu En observed her surroundings more vigilantly.

Suddenly, he focused his gaze and saw a silvery figure at the other end of the golden giant tree.


Mu En raised her hand and shouted:

"Hey, beauty——"

"Stop calling her pretty."

A lazy voice sounded:

"Although it's the same phantom here, the spaces between them are not connected. It's useless for you to scream."


Mu En was startled, and immediately lowered her head, and then saw a white-haired lolita wearing pajamas appearing not far from her.

"Meira... No, hey! Where did the monster come from? How dare you pretend to be an old loli and kill me!"

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then pulled out Elizabeth and aimed a skillful cross-cut at the white-haired lolita.

Then... the head flew away as expected.

"You boy, I haven't seen you for a few days, you are very brave."

Meera, who was eating a strawberry lollipop, glanced sideways at Moon with a half-smile, and manipulated his head to rotate in the air with her fingers.

"Why, you can't help but become a rebel disciple so quickly?"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding!"

Mu En's head floating in the air hurriedly shouted:

"I thought you were pretending to be Mr. Meira, so I took action! You see, you always have to be vigilant in this kind of confusing situation."

"Is this why you attacked the teacher?"

"Teacher Meira is a wise and powerful person with extraordinary strength, cute and handsome. If it is true, even if I attack with all my strength, how can I possibly hurt a single hair of yours?"

"Heh... just think that you kid is sincere."

Meila waved her hand casually, and Mu En's mind finally returned to its original position.

He quickly reached out his hand and touched his neck carefully. He found nothing unusual, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

I still don’t know what the principle of this move is. Can I only say that the origin level great mage is so terrifying?

"Why is Teacher Meera here too?"

Mu En blinked and then quickly reacted: "Did you pull me in?"



"I think, as my disciple... you should also take a look at this."


Mu En looked at the giant golden tree.

"Remember the legend about the First King?"

Meera walked on the lake with her hands behind her back, but there was not a single ripple.

"The First King...the founder of the Leopold Empire?"


"Celicia told me... I remember that he was a character at the end of the great chaos era thousands of years ago. Although the chaos showed signs of being ended at that time, it was not yet completely over, so the First King He stood up and prayed to the golden sacred tree in the lake for strength, hoping to completely end the chaos. He finally succeeded and obtained the King's Sword given by the sacred tree, thus establishing the empire."

Mu En said for a moment: "Is this the one?"

"This is just a reflection of a thousand years ago, but if you have to insist... so be it." Meera replied softly.

On the tranquil lake, under the golden sacred tree, nine figures appeared at some point.

They were male or female, fat or thin, with different shapes, and even had inhuman features, but Mu En felt... they seemed familiar.

"This is... the knight of glory who once followed the First King?"

Those deep, vicissitudes, and battle-experienced temperaments make it easy to guess their identities. As for the familiarity... it is because their sculptures are still left in the imperial meeting hall of the empire, and the long table of the imperial meeting used to be The place where they discussed with the First King.

But compared with the beautified sculptures, these figures, all stained with blood and with tired faces, but still resolute, are a bit more real, making them not as halo-shrouded and flawless as the sculptures and legends depict.

In front of these knights, at the head, was a silver-haired man.

Rather than having silver hair, it was closer to deathly paleness, and his complexion was also very pale. The armor on his body was worn and dusty, but he still couldn't hide his handsome appearance and his seemingly innate leadership qualities.

"That...first king?"

"Yes, that is the first king. Not only the first king of the empire, but also the first king of mankind, if we count from the period of great chaos that almost cut off human civilization. He is also the first king after the end of chaos."

"So, the rumors are true."

"Of course it's true. After all, it's not a rumor, but the truth passed down from generation to generation by the imperial family. It's just..."


"Keep reading." Meira sighed softly and said no more.

Mu En's attention continued to fall on King Chu.

"Respected Holy Tree, O noble god of perfection, O organizer of order in the Immaculate Lake..."

King Chu half-knelt in front of the golden sacred tree and prayed sincerely:

"Please give me the power to calm down the troubled times and end the chaos."


The golden branches and leaves are light and diffuse, like a melodious song.

As if they had received some kind of answer, the First King and the Glory Knight behind him cut their wrists open at the same time, letting the blood flow into the clear lake.

[We, I swear this. 】

【Glory and order will be rebuilt with our blood. 】

[Life after life, thousands of generations, eternity. 】

【As long as my blood exists, order and glory will last forever! 】

This is...the oath of the first king.

The solemn vows echoed, and the infinite holy light descended from the sky.

The golden branches fell, the light condensed, and gradually changed amidst everyone's expectations...it became a sword.

The sword of kings.

When the First King drew out the King's Sword, it was like a ray of morning light breaking out of the darkness.

Looking at this scene, Mu En couldn't help but look a little solemn.

"The First King and these knights are amazing."

"Of course it's amazing. Being able to obtain the power of the Holy Tree shows that they are sincere enough, determined enough, and good enough."

Meera said: "The Holy Tree gave them a sword, but they are still the ones wielding the sword after all."

"It's like... a devout believer who gets power from gods? Is the sacred tree also a god?"

"Yes, a god." Meera curled her lips, which seemed to mean something meaningful.


Mu En shook his head: "The ancestors followed the first king to establish the empire, but the descendants of the Glory Knights have now become corrupted to this point. They seem to have misinterpreted the oaths made by their ancestors, thinking that the so-called glory will last forever. That is, their privilege and wealth will last forever.”

"After enjoying it for hundreds of years, it would be strange if they didn't degenerate into worms."


Speaking of this, Mu En frowned slightly, touched his chin and asked:

"But... I'm sorry, I still don't understand. Teacher Meira, what did you mean by 'just' just now? Could it be that you brought me in just to take a look at the majesty and handsomeness of Celicia's ancestor and let me kneel down in the future?" Is it more natural to be under Celcia’s pomegranate skirt?”

"Tsk, you kid, you are so impatient."

Meira rolled her eyes at Mu En, chewed the lollipop in her mouth, then twisted the wooden stick between her fingers and tossed it gently.

"Besides, are you missing the point?"

"What's so heavy..."

Just as Mu En was about to ask a question, her words stopped abruptly.

Because as the wooden stick fell into the lake, ripples appeared... the reflection in the lake changed.

Above the lake, the sacred tree is still sacred and noble.

But in the reflection of the lake, the blood that flowed from the first king and the knight just now turned out to be... gradually turbid and dark, with a foul smell.

No, it's not just a few touches of blood. At this moment, in this clear lake area, countless bloods appear out of thin air, and then quickly become dirty, gradually... covering the holy tree.

"In these thousand years, it's not just the blood of glory that has fallen."

Meera's amber eyes reflected the light and shadow of the past, and she sighed with a slightly complicated expression:

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