"The Holy Tree is in charge of order, and it was struggling to support itself in that chaos. But the first king's overly grand prayer finally..."

Meera pointed to the wooden stick floating on the lake:

"It was the straw that broke the camel's back."


A sharp cry rose from the lake.

Countless corpses swarmed in and climbed up along the roots of the giant golden tree. The putrid flesh and blood intertwined into a coat of death and scattered randomly on the rooted soil.

The souls were wailing and crying, pierced by holy branches, hanging high, densely packed, staring at the void with godless and painful eyes, muttering curses on the living.

The holy light is still bright, and the crystal trunks are still sacred.

But the pollution derived from that huge prayer triggered the darkness that was already hidden deep in the bottom of the lake, and finally outlined this extremely ferocious reflection of the god.

Its name is——

Evil God: Fallen Evil Holy Tree.

200. The Arrogant King (8)

"Evil God?"

"Yes, evil god."

Mu En changed her posture, tilted her head and looked at the terrifying shadow under the lake more carefully: "The fallen evil holy tree?"

"Yes, the Fallen Holy Tree, this is his honorable name, but don't worry, nothing will happen if you shout in this phantom, but you have to restrain yourself outside."

Meera said with a half-smile: "Being so close to that sword is basically the same as punching him in the head and calling him by name. He is quite angry when he wakes up."

"I see, I understand."

Thinking about it, this is why now... no, the late king, who is probably dead, has to spend so much time planning.


"I understand the truth, but why is it an evil god?"

Mu En was puzzled.

He was chased by his own maid and met the evil god.

Rescue the kidnapped senior and meet the evil god.

Play a copy of Happy Pass with Miss Saint and meet the evil god.

Now, I want to help Celecia sit on the throne and benefit the people of the empire, not just to be a prince... How can I meet the evil god?

Has this world already turned into the shape of an evil god, or...

"Am I born to fight against the evil god?"

"Who knows?"

Meera crossed her arms and said in a pretentious tone: "But maybe...this heart-beating encounter is a part of your destiny?"

"Haha, then my fate is really as expected."

Mu Enpi hummed with a smile, then his expression became serious again, and he looked at Meira seriously.

"There is one more question I want to ask."


"What is the so-called great chaos?"

There was a trace of thought in Mu En's eyes: "I have consulted many historical documents and ancient materials, but there are very few records of that period. What I know so far is that it was a terrible disaster caused by the arrival of the so-called First Evil God... But Judging from the fall of the Holy Tree, it seems that that period was not that simple."

The golden tree shines brightly.

The shadow is very scary.

From the information in Teacher Mela's words, it can be concluded that although the First King was the cause of the fall of the Holy Tree, he had actually accumulated enough "darkness" before that.

Evil god.

Righteous God.

A nearly lost history.

An era of great chaos that has almost cut off the civilization of the entire world and set the world in reverse.

The more he wanted to explore, the more Mu En became aware of the terrible truth hidden deep behind it.

"About this..."

When Meira heard this, her eyes lowered, and a trace of reminiscence appeared on her fair face, as if she was recalling memories from a long time ago.

"You don't know the details yet, but I can tell you that the so-called great chaos... is caused by gods, but its fundamental cause... is human beings."

"...So, it was not a natural disaster..."

"It's a man-made disaster."

Meila's tone was low, and she helped Mu En complete the second half of the sentence: "Purely a man-made disaster."


Mu En was silent for a moment, then her eyes fell on the shadows on the soles of her feet: "Is it the same as this?"

"In a sense... almost."

"Could it be another cliché plot where humans touch some taboo that they shouldn't touch and draw the wrath of the gods?"

"Haha, if it was really that simple, that would be great."


It seemed that what followed really involved some secret that could not be disclosed, and Meira's words stopped abruptly.

She turned her head and looked at the giant golden tree. On her small face that did not show the traces of time, a touch of vicissitudes and depth that fit her age finally appeared.

"It's a pity, no..." Meera murmured inaudibly.

After a period of silence, the light and shadow here began to blur. Mu En looked up and could not see Celecia's figure not far away.

"Okay, the phantom is going to disappear, and I won't talk to you kid anymore."

Meira clapped her hands, not giving Mu En another chance to ask questions, and took the initiative to end the question and prepared to leave.

But before leaving, she suddenly threw a disc-shaped object to Mu En.

Mu En, who was still thinking about the profound meaning of Meila's words, hurriedly took it, looked at it carefully, and said doubtfully:

"What's this?"

There seemed to be something missing on the bronze disc, with an obvious depression in the center, but Mu En could still feel the simplicity and heaviness of it when holding it in both hands.

"This is the third core of the palace's forbidden curse."

"Forbidden Curse Core?"

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted and took out a similarly simple and inconspicuous metal component from the space magic device.

This object was obtained by Mu En from a little girl. It is in the shape of a crescent. Now it is inlaid on the disc, and it actually fits perfectly. It can be said that it was made according to the grooves on it, but unfortunately it is only half of it.

"Everyone thinks that the palace's forbidden curse core only has two pieces, but it actually has three pieces."

Meera said casually:

"By gathering all the cores, you can completely activate the power of the palace's forbidden curse. It should be helpful to you."

"This kind of thing..."

Mu En was dumbfounded: "Why are the important items for protecting the palace in your hands?"


Meera curled her lips in disdain: "Who do you think designed this forbidden curse? The emperor who asked me to do things at the beginning was so picky, what happened to me secretly leaving a backdoor?"


Mu En's eyes twitched: "As expected of you."

"Hey, where do you think I get the equipment I usually upgrade for you? It's hard for a prodigal apprentice to lead a family."

Meira shook her head and sighed, and then said: "Then I'll leave first, and you can handle the rest by yourselves."

"Walk slowly...wait!"

Mu En raised the disk in his hand and glared: "You haven't told me yet, what is the use of giving me this? This kind of sudden props but no usage is like being suddenly given a rusty broken weapon." Sword, it’s as uneasy as asking me to challenge the Demon King!”

"How to use it? Figure out such a small thing yourself."

Meera waved her hand impatiently: "We are not your mother, so why should we chew up everything and feed it to you?"



Before Mu En could hardly help but slap the disc in her hand onto Meira's face, Loli Tran nodded her lips in a pretentious manner:

"Who told you? You are my beloved disciple after all. I will give you some hints."


Mu En's eyes lit up, and she secretly thought that she is indeed Teacher Meira. She is wise, powerful, and adorable. Although her personality is a bit unflattering, I will never call her old again in my heart...

"Do you want to experience 'cut into pieces' again?"

"I'm very sorry. Teacher Meera, please speak."

"...The so-called tips are actually very simple."

Meera raised her head and looked at the tall and holy golden tree.

"How do you think it would take to completely destroy a tree that big?"

"Total destruction of such a big tree?"

Mu En thought: "Cut off the roots?"

"That's one, but it's not thorough enough."


"Well, this is barely the second one, but you can't do it at the moment. This kind of thing that the evil god is personally watching is not at the same level as the millions of ownerless souls you burned before."

"Then...I couldn't have imagined it."

Mu En frowned.

He knew what Teacher Meira was guiding him to do, but these were the only methods he could think of right now.

After all, he is just a newly promoted fourth-level warrior, can he really cut down the evil god's body with a face?

"Actually, the reason is very simple. Just don't care too much about the tree itself. You must know that its vitality does not only come from the root system."

"More than... from the root system?"

Mu En chewed on these words.


Meera raised her hand, as if to block the non-existent but too dazzling sunlight.

"The things outside are also very important."

The phantom from a thousand years ago disappeared, and Mu En came back to her senses and found that she was still in the palace.

The fire outside the window soared into the sky, highlighting the originally majestic and gorgeous palace, making it even more eerie and quiet.


Mu En turned her head and looked at the sky, which had not yet arrived, but was only illuminated by the fires ignited by the commotion and the bright light brought by the golden giant tree.

He stretched out his hand and followed Teacher Meira's example just now, covering his sight with his palm, as if he wanted to hold the light in his palm.

Then, all that was left was what he could see through his fingers... the deep night.

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