"I see."

Mu En looked enlightened and murmured: "I think I know what to do."

"Is this...the First King and the Holy Tree?"

Celecia also returned to reality from the phantom, and the bright spots of light around her enveloped her, like thousands of fireflies flowing in the wild.

"Are you the ones who let me see those scenes?"

Celcia touched these light spots with great gentleness.

When the legal principles and status of the King's Sword were cut off, and when Albert lost his qualifications as emperor, the power drawn from the empire through the golden tree... was no longer under his control.

Likewise, he cannot absorb it again... This is the so-called cutting off the root system.

Imperial Emperor Aldrich Leopold III, through a series of plans and sacrifices, finally diverted that person's attention away from himself, giving him the opportunity to completely cut off this trait that had been attached to the royal family since the beginning of the king. Thousands of years of blessings and curses.

"Do you understand what you are doing? Albert."

The breeze lifted the hem of her skirt, and in the shroud of lights in the sky, Celcia looked sacred and solemn.

"Everything you did was not for the empire at all, but actually pushed the empire gradually into the abyss of destruction."


Albert was stunned, as if his cognition had been greatly impacted. He covered his head and let out a painful cry.

But soon, he raised his head, his eyes red.

"Then...so what! Even if the holy tree has fallen, so what? The King's Sword...the King's Sword was given to the First King before that, which means that the First King's oath is still valid."


"Shut up!"

He suddenly raised his voice and roared:

"Don't you understand? The order and glory of the empire will last forever. As the emperor, I am the order of the empire, and in my soul, that glory will always exist! Therefore, I am the person most qualified to control this country. !”



The King's Sword trembled again, but this time, the noble color and texture on the sword gradually broke away automatically, like a monster that had been hiding for thousands of years, finally tearing open its noble and holy coat.

The rich darkness flowed out along with the stench and pus and blood, and arms and legs like dead branches protruded from the hilt of the sword and wormed their way into Albert's body.

The King's Sword opened its ferocious pupils and roared together with Albert:

"Besides...why do you think the empire has lasted for thousands of years to this day? Why has the empire become stronger and stronger? Why can the status of the Leopold family be unshakable?"

"Do you think that all this comes from Leopold's wisdom?"


"It's me, it's me, it's me!!!"

"It's all because of me!!"

"Only I can ensure that the empire will continue forever, only I can make the empire stronger, and only I... can allow you, who were once untouchables, to let the name of Leopold... rule the empire forever!"

201. The Arrogant King (9)

"The reason that makes the empire last for thousands of years, makes the empire strong for thousands of years, and makes the Leopold family rule the empire for thousands of years... is me! It's me! It's me!!!"

The roar was deafening, like the roar of a wild beast. Albert's eyes were red, and his ferocious and twisted face no longer lost the scheming that it had endured for decades.

It's like the ridiculous fragility finally revealed after the rigid shell is continuously broken.

But what seemed to be broken together with the shell was his sanity and humanity, which were constantly disintegrating. A terrifying aura began to rise from this body that had no cultivation at all. The Sword of the King was raised high, Indescribable darkness and stench are flowing out from this sword that was once the supreme sword of the empire.

The silver figure flew past like a white dove, and while Albert was going crazy, the rapier had pierced his heart accurately.

Chills surged.

The divine power that froze everything instantly turned the still-beating heart into ice. At the same time, the large area of ​​flesh and blood on Albert's body was also frozen at the same time.


"You don't understand...you don't understand at all!"

Albert, whose heart had turned into ice, was unaware and was still roaring angrily:

"Everything Leopold has now is given by me!"

The fishy wind roared, and the sword of the king trembled slightly.

Celecia's mind moved slightly and she raised her sword to resist, but she still felt an almost unstoppable terrifying force coming towards her.

She staggered back slightly, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, but her eyes never looked at Albert again, but fell on the sword:

"Sure enough, is it the King's Sword?"

Celcia's eyes were slightly mocking.

Dion, who took away the eldest prince through brain-changing, is now controlled by the Sword of the King again. Is this a kind of retribution, or is it an inevitable cycle of cause and effect?

"Since the beginning of the first king, it was I who gave him the power to calm chaos and restore order. In the following thousand years, the imperial family has faced crises several times, and it is I who have allowed your Leopold family to maintain its existence until now!"

The giant bloody eyes on the King's Sword opened and stared angrily at Celicia, but the voice came from Albert's mouth:

"But how dare you betray me?! Abandon me?! Cut me off?! How dare you!!"

"Because you have done too much. Through the royal family and the imperial power, you have continuously eroded the foundation of the empire and continuously sucked the blood of the entire empire."

In the thousands of floating golden lights, Cecilia had a blank expression:

"So we have to resist, that's all."

"Resist? Shut up! What qualifications do you have to resist?!"

The darkness continued to flow, and the tentacle-like roots kept wriggling, deeply piercing into Albert's flesh and blood.

Just like the roots of the huge golden tree, which once took root in the entire empire.

"Don't you want to think about it... If I am lost, what will happen if the thousand-year rule of the empire is broken? What if Leopold is swept into the dust of history?"

Albert's mouth kept opening and closing, but the question at this moment was the sword of the king that witnessed, maintained, and ruled the empire for a thousand years:

"What if the rules guided and designated by the first king are broken, if the royal family is usurped and ended in the future, if chaos falls on this empire again?! Without me, this kind of thing is bound to happen!! You also have royal blood flowing in your body, don't you care about that kind of thing?"

"The status of the royal family? Maybe I care."

Celica answered softly, then turned around and looked at the city in the distance, just like her father liked to do the most.

"But if there is such a day, I think... let it happen."

As far as the eye can see, there is the prosperous and magnificent upper city, and there is also the cramped and narrow lower city.

There are the noble and wealthy people who are indulged in luxury, and there are also the numb survival of the lowly and poor.

Some people stand on high ground, overlooking all living things.

Some people stand at the lowest point, looking up with longing.

This is all this city, and this country.

She is still full of vitality and strong at this moment. The ups and downs of thousands of years have made her far from being destroyed.

But under the prosperous appearance, there are countless rotten roots, and countless borers cling to the branches of the empire, swallowing the delicious juice in big mouthfuls.

The nutrition of a tree cannot come out of thin air, so those juices... are the blood of others.

"What did you say?" The Sword of the King did not seem to hear Cecilia's words clearly.

"I say, if one day, the empire is really corrupt, and countless ordinary people have begun to fear and hate the word Leopold... then the so-called chaos and end, let it happen."

Cecilia turned around and faced the Sword of the King again, and answered without confusion:

"Just like the soil needs to be turned over at any time, the saplings will grow better. When Leopold becomes the filth that hinders its thriving growth and is turned into dust and soil again, it is the best for most people, isn't it?"


"This is the so-called rule."

"No...no...shut up! Shut up! Are you worthy of royal blood with such words? Isn't it how to maintain the rule of the empire that you should think about most?"

"It sounds unworthy of royal blood, but as long as I can make the empire better, the royal rule will naturally continue. If my descendants do not do well, ...Then let's get back to the topic we were talking about just now. "

Cecilia's frosty eyelashes drooped slightly, and she said calmly: "Anyway, the new empire will be reborn on the ruins, so why should I care about that kind of thing?"

"No... shut up, shut up! ! !"

The dense veins on Albert's head were throbbing, and he didn't know whether they were really veins or roots deep in his brain:

"You... the royal family only needs to serve me obediently, and I will make the empire and the royal family last forever. Obviously... you only need to be like those untouchables and offer blood obediently! ! Traitor, you traitor to the royal family! You are the same as your foolish father, all..."

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of being treated as a pig."

The cold light interrupted Albert's roar again, and the sharp sword intent was swung out with Cecilia's moves, like a torrential rain, instantly cutting off Albert's sword-holding hand.

But in just a breath, the entangled roots pulled the broken arm back to its original position.

Cecilia still didn't give up, her silver hair was flying, and the more terrifying extreme cold came here.

The favor from the goddess of ice and snow was stimulated to the greatest extent, and the snow-white lines extended in the air. Every trace of moisture in the air was completely frozen.

Albert was no exception. The spread of darkness seemed to be finally condensed by the extreme cold.



Similarly, just like before, Cecilia's attack didn't work at all. The condensed frost quickly shattered and didn't last long. The terrifying and foul-smelling darkness gushed again. Under the reflection of Albert's pupils full of madness and anger, the sword of the king was gently swung.

In an instant, the earth trembled.

The invisible force rose from the ground, and it was unknown where it fell.

Only the clear sound of flesh and blood being torn was heard.

When the picture turned over, the silver-white figure had fallen to the ground, the bright red blood color dyed the white skirt, and the thin sword fell to the side casually, which had been pitifully broken into two halves.

Everything ended so suddenly... and naturally.

"I don't know where you got the courage to ask King Indra to retreat."

The blood-red pupils on the King's Sword were slightly curved. Seeing Cecilia fall to the ground, Albert regained some of his previous demeanor and calmness, and laughed coldly:

"But have you forgotten that even if the roots are cut off, the tree will not wither so quickly? Besides, I am a sacred weapon given by the gods. How dare you, a mere fifth-level warrior, face me alone?"

A cold wind blew in the night, passing through the broken low wall, sobbing and melodious, like a dirge.

But whose dirge is this?

"Yes... cut off the roots, but the golden tree still exists."

Cecilia slowly stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to break the giant tree with her hand ridiculously...

But if you look at it from her perspective, you will find that she is not dreaming of breaking the tree from a distance, but at this moment, she wants to hold something in her palm.

"But if I can't solve all the problems here in person, then everything before, everything now, and everything in the future will be meaningless, right?"

"So, I'm here."



"Brother... Brother, pass the ball quickly!"

"Hey, catch it."

The sun is shining, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

The flowers in the Royal Park bloomed earlier than anywhere else in the city. There was still some snow on the streets, but the flowers here were already in full bloom.

The rare good weather made us feel happier.

Albert, 10, and Andrew, 8, were running on the lawn, playing football with the noisy court maids who wanted to make sure the two princes had fun and were worried about them falling.

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