With laughter and laughter, even the palace was filled with warmth.

At this time, the prince is young, and all physical and character defects have not yet appeared. The emperor is in his prime, and the entire empire surrenders under his majesty. This is perhaps the most beautiful moment of all, a glimmer of family affection that rarely occurs. 's flickering within this palace wall.

And little Celcia, who still had some baby fat on her cheeks, was sitting on a stone bench that couldn't touch the ground, holding a white porcelain cup in her hands, slurping it, raising her little head, and drank it all in one gulp.

"How about it?"

Aldrich sat across from him, watching Celecia finish her drink, and asked with a smile:

"Your father, the coffee I brewed is not bad."


Celecia pondered for a moment: "It seems that my father hasn't had a dip in person for a long time. I suggest..."

"Okay, okay, I know what you mean, so don't even make fun of me, my father, in such a roundabout way."

Aldrich interrupted Celecia and waved his hand helplessly.

As the sun shone into the courtyard, Aldrich looked at Celcia, who seemed to be wrinkling her little face because of the bitterness just now, and then turned to look at the two brothers who were running lively on the lawn and getting along harmoniously. The smile on the corner of his mouth became thicker, as if he was worried about this moment. For him, this is already the most beautiful picture.

"Feel sorry."

Aldrich said suddenly.

"What does father mean?"

Celcia asked softly.

"Don't you think I should apologize?"

"No, there are so many things you should apologize for. I can't figure out which one it is."


Aldrich laughed heartily, and the white pigeons kept in the courtyard were frightened and flew into the blue sky with a cooing sound.

"That's the only thing I want to apologize for now."

Aldrich suddenly stopped smiling and said:

"I'm sorry that I suddenly have to bear so much on you."


"What's wrong? If you don't say anything, do you really think your father is going too far, so are you angry with him?"

"No... I'm just surprised. My father's apology for this kind of thing makes me a little unexpected. After all, I am your daughter, and my body is full of royal blood... So all of this is natural, isn't it? ?”

"...Yes, you are my daughter."

Aldrich looked at the two brothers playing football on the court with a gloomy expression. Then he thought about something, smiled with relief, and said, "I'm very relieved."


"By the way, this is for you."

"This is?"

Celecia took what Aldrich handed over, which was a gorgeous treasure chest with lifelike reliefs that symbolized the royal family.


Aldrich said: "My last edict is also my last order as emperor."


Celecia paused when she was about to open the box, but after two or three seconds, she still opened the treasure box under Aldrich's gaze.

The box was very heavy, but inside it was just a piece of rolled parchment, tied with a gold rope, which was priceless.

In fact, this piece of paper is indeed heavy in a sense, because everyone knows what an emperor's last order is. It can help Celcia make up for the legal flaws, allowing her to naturally...become the new emperor of the empire. emperor.

This is something that Albert has been pursuing but has never been able to find, so he can only find another way.

Now, right in front of Celcia.

But Celecia stroked the parchment, stared at it for a while, then suddenly shook her head and closed the box again.

"Thank you, Father, but I don't need this kind of thing now."


"Because I figured out that for an emperor, legal principles are indeed important, but they are not the most important."

"Oh? What does Celcia think is the most important thing for an emperor?"

Celcia didn't answer.

She just looked at Aldrich and asked seriously:

"Father...have you ever eaten black bread?"


Aldrich was stunned for a moment, and then... he laughed out loud again, and this laughter sounded ten times more fun than before.

"It looks like I have nothing left to teach you."

"Father didn't teach me much at all."

"Yeah... I'm not a good emperor, nor a good father."

Aldrich calmed down his emotions, finally looked a little sad, and whispered:

"Then, from now on, you will be alone."


Celcia chewed on this word, suddenly tilted her head and said:

"Actually...it doesn't really count."

A handsome face appeared in Celcia's mind.

Although that guy has always been unreliable, philandering, and mean-mouthed...but no matter what, she knew that he would stay with her until the end.

"However, even if it is for that guy to stay by my side obediently, and to completely get rid of some sneaky wild cats, I must step up and move forward."

Celcia stood up.

"Then, don't be distracted for too long. Goodbye, father."

"Well, bye, Celcia."

Aldrich waved his hand, but then suddenly remembered something and smiled:

"Oh, no, now I should say...goodbye, His Majesty the Emperor."

Celecia held her hands empty.

She didn't seem to be holding anything in her white and slender palms, but at this moment, the wind howled, and endless golden light spots gathered together, forming a sword in her hand.

The sword of kings.

But this is not the Sword of the King that demonstrates the imperial power, but... because it is held in Celcia's palm, it is called the Sword of the King.

The true sword of the king.

"I don't care whether the empire will still be named Ollie Porter after a thousand years."

"I don't care about the so-called eternal and noble status you talk about."

"I only care that at this moment, they...so many people chose me!"

Celecia stood up, stretched out her hand, and the light hanging down from the giant golden tree quickly jumped, danced, and condensed with her movements... It was like thousands of people shouting at the same time.

Shout...Long live the Queen!


Celecia's beautiful face was cold and stern, looking down at Albert who looked ugly and even frightened. Her majestic voice echoed, word by word, like an edict:

"At this moment... I am the emperor!"

"I am——the Empire!!"


The heaven and earth roared, and the bright crown fell from the sky!

202. The Arrogant King (10)

"Heaven-given crown? Damn it, the one who wears the crown!"

Somewhere in the palace, looking up at the bright crown falling from the sky, the pink bear's eyes widened, and his jaw almost dropped to the ground in shock:

"How old is she? Grandma must be less than twenty. Has there been such a young crown-wearer since ancient times?"

"I think should not be."

The saint of the previous generation stood by the window with her arms folded, and looked up as well. The light from the crown pierced the clouds and illuminated the sky. Under the brilliant light, the thousands of colors were still not as bright as that brilliance.

"However, she should have relied on the blessing of the 'Empire' to forcibly break through. According to common sense, it is impossible to directly jump to a large level to advance, let alone directly jump into the realm of the crowned one."

"But the one who wears the crown can't get up just by using a pile of strength."

Pink Bear tilted his head and muttered, obviously still doubting life: "The so-called crown given by heaven means that you must have the ambition or will recognized by God before the crown can be given. For a warrior, this is the most difficult step. Countless geniuses are stuck at this step, unable to take that final step throughout their lives.”

"So, you are also one of the geniuses who have been blocked?" The former saint glanced over with a meaningful look.

"I'm not okay!"

The pink bear slapped the table and got angry: "I had already stepped in, but I was only missing half a foot, half! Only! A foot! It was only because of that damn blood surge disease that I had to step back."

"Anyway, it's just a touch, you haven't really gone in, right." The former saint covered her mouth and chuckled.

"I just...forget it, I won't argue with you."

The pink bear said, then shook his head and retracted, sighing:

"It was only because I was halfway through that I realized how difficult that step was. In fact, I still don't understand what it means to be recognized by God... God, God, really has this Planting something? How does it compare to the gods? After all, you are also a former saint of the church, and you are also a crowned one. Don’t you have any inside information about this? "

"The so-called God..."

The former saint shook her head: "A person of His Majesty's rank may be able to get a glimpse of it, but I am not qualified yet."


"But no matter what, she finally got in. Even if she loses her strength and falls back in the future, that realm will be smooth for her. Maybe that's why she's standing there."

"That's right."

"What, are you jealous?"

The former saint looked at the pink bear and said teasingly: "It seems that your reputation as the number one genius in the royal family for thousands of years is about to change hands now."

"Huh, why am I jealous?"

A happy smile appeared on Pink Bear's face, but he pretended to hum:

"The curse of the royal family has disappeared now. When I get better from the blood gushing disease, it will be a matter of minutes to become a crown-wearer. By then, with my level of genius, it will be as high as the sky. Who else can do it? Block my freedom?"

"Oh? Once you become the crowned one, you can do whatever you want?"

"Joke! What does it mean to become a crowned one? I can do whatever I want now..."

The pink bear suddenly covered his mouth.

However, the modern saint has put on her finger tiger and walked over with a gentle face:

"Haha... So, you really secretly hid the photo again, right? Tell me, which saint is it this time..."

"God-given... a crown?"

Underground of Santa Maria College, sea of ​​flowers.

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