The artificial sky was still blue, and the breeze was blowing like a warm spring, but Meira raised her head, as if she could directly see the crown falling from the sky.

" day, I will..."

Meera murmured softly and waved her hand casually.

The sea of ​​flowers parted, revealing a cold mechanical structure, with countless huge gears meshing to form a sophisticated and grand artificial creation.

Meira floated on it, looking so small, but the moment she raised her hand, it seemed as if she was trying to usurp the entire sky!

The radiance shines everywhere, and the bright crown is engraved with the morning stars, the sun and the moon, and surrounds the shadows of all living things. It is shaped like a diamond carving, but it has no weight at all. When the clouds break, the crown seems to be lifted up by invisible divine hands, gently fell on top of Celcia's head.

The golden light spots intertwined into a luxurious tiara, and the layered skirt bloomed like a peony. Celecia's beautiful side face was embellished by the flowing light, and the cold colors turned into a majesty without anger.

This is the majesty of the Queen.

Silver hair danced lightly, frost flowers fell, Celcia just stood there, but the light and shadow around her became much narrower, as if she was surrendering to the new queen.

"Long live Her Majesty the Queen!"

In the city, countless people looked at this scene and knelt down unconsciously, shouting with heartfelt reverence.

Celecia raised her hand and pressed it softly, and the countless shouts instantly subsided. She was not immersed in the kneeling of thousands of people, but lowered her eyes and looked in front of her.


Albert's eyes were dull, he shook his head, and staggered back. It seemed that he could not look directly at Celecia at this moment. He scratched his eyeballs with his hands and screamed in disbelief:

"How could could you...without my approval, how could you..."

"So, that's the sad thing about you."

Celicia's ice-blue eyes moved slightly, and Albert's ridiculous appearance was reflected in her pupils. At this moment, just like that time, the roles of the two were reversed, and it was Celcia looking down at Albert.

"You have stood at a high place for so long that you seem to have forgotten where your roots are!"

Celecia held the sword in her hand, pointed it at Albert, and swung it lightly.


In an instant, a crisp sound like tearing cloth sounded, and the world went dark.

Because there was a dazzling power that fell with the sword, like thunder piercing the deep stream. In an instant, Albert's body was cut in half from top to bottom, flowing from the sword of the 'former' king. The dark stench only lasted for a moment before being evaporated.

Under the power of the emperor, that trace of filth looked so ridiculous.

"'s not over yet."

But even so, Albert, no...should be the 'former' King's Sword, doesn't seem to give up.

The originally noble sword had not only its gorgeous skin beginning to peel off at this moment, but also cracks appeared with a creaking sound like a twisted iron, and countless roots once again surged out of the sword and penetrated into Albert. Very broken body.

He twisted and struggled to get up again, glaring at Celecia viciously:

"it's not finished yet!"


The earth shook.

Celcia also raised her head, her eyes temporarily moved away from Albert, and then landed on the... golden tree that had been standing there just now.

"Finally...are you angry with shame?"

This is an incredibly large tree. Its trunk is as thick as a mountain peak, and its branches and leaves stretch out to cover the sky and the sun. The entire Bellland is shrouded in it.

It can be said that this golden giant tree that has always stood here quietly is the source of the power of the 'former' King's Sword. It is the evolution of it being supported by the empire and extracting nutrients from the empire, and it is also the foundation.

And now, the tree that was the root finally moved.

The shaking of the earth was caused by it, and those thick and huge branches squirmed and intertwined, moving like giant living creatures.

Celecia pressed lightly with one hand, and the supreme light spread, quelling the earthquake caused by the movement of the giant tree. Then she raised the sword in her hand again with her other hand and slashed.

The terrible wound instantly tore the giant tree apart, and the giant tree trembled. The same smelly darkness flowed from the 'former' King's Sword, and a faint cry like a baby could be heard.

But that change is still continuing. A huge number of roots hang down from the branches, growing crazily, as if they are about to take root in the earth again and absorb nutrients.


Celecia raised her eyebrows slightly.

The connection between the 'former' King's Sword and the Empire has been severed. Therefore, in fact, the huge golden tree can no longer exert influence on the "Empire itself". It does not mean that it can grow again by growing some roots. Rooted in the Empire.

So...where is it going to draw nutrients from?

In the dungeon.

As the ground trembled, gravel fell again from the disrepaired ceiling, just falling onto the bread in Sharp's hand.

The bread was dark bread, mixed with wheat husks and gravel. It was hard to swallow, and now it was stained. Sharp finally couldn't bear it anymore, threw the bread to the ground, rushed to the cell door, and roared outside:

"Asshole, who do you think I am? I am the noble Marquis! I am the head of a wealthy family with the name of Dion. How dare you lock me in such a place and let me eat that kind of food... You... How can you …”

"Shut up!"

The jailer's cold and angry words came from outside the cell door:

"It's because of your status as a person that I let you eat bread. Prisoners who can be locked up here usually don't even have to eat black bread!"

"I am not a prisoner, I am the Marquis of the Empire, the true master of the Empire, I am..."


As he finished speaking, a dark steel rod swung out from outside the cell and hit Sharp's abdomen hard.

All of Sharp's strength was blocked, and his body was already weak. He was hit by this unexpected blow and was knocked directly into the inside of the cell. He shrank up like a prawn in pain.

"Bah, what kind of master of the empire? There are only prisoners here."

A mouthful of dirty saliva was spat on Sharp, and the jailer sneered, not bothering to bother with him at all, and just turned around and left.

The dirty and smelly cell became silent again.


Sharp roared in a low voice, digging his neatly manicured nails into the grass mats and soil that breed insects and ants on the ground. This contempt made him feel humiliated and angry like never before.

"You actually did this to me and killed you. I will kill you sooner or later!"

He staggered up and came to the other side of the cell.

There, high up in the wall, there was a small opening.

And it was through this hole that he could clearly see a huge golden tree rising from the ground and covering the sky.

Sharp had a certain understanding of the overall plan and a lot of inside information, so when he saw the giant golden tree, he already understood that his father's plan had been successful.

He mastered the Sword of Kings and became the emperor of the empire.

Next... is to use the position of emperor to open the back door to the Dion family and many other families who contributed to this operation, allowing them to return to their rightful positions.

Yes, let the glorious blood that coexists with the empire return to his rightful place and rule over those short-sighted untouchables again!

This is the right track to lead the empire to strength, isn't it?

Sharp's eyes flashed with excitement. He gradually stood up on tiptoes, clinging to the edge of the hole, and stretched his neck to look more expectantly.

He was still planning his future plans in his mind... revitalizing the Dion family, destroying the Campbell family, and getting rid of those guys who had been against him. The princess... The princess should have her father take action himself, but it's not his turn yet.

By the way, there are also those untouchables like those just now, those lowly guys who dare to stain the glorious blood of the nobles with dust, they all have to die!

All must die!

The more he thought about it, the more Sharp felt that that future was approaching, so he stretched out his neck harder, wanting to see that moment coming with his own eyes.

At this time, as if he heard his desire, in his delighted eyes, the light coming from the golden tree came closer and closer...


Flesh, pierced.

However, there was no blood flowing, only a gurgling sound, like the sound of swallowing, sounded in this dirty cell, which was particularly scary.


Sharp lowered his head in disbelief. He did not see a glorious future, but saw a tentacle that looked like a root system piercing into his flesh and blood, devouring the... indescribably precious blood of glory in his body.

203. The Arrogant King (End)

"Ah, no, don't kill me!"

"Go away, I am the noble blood of glory, you monster!"

"This is different from what the Speaker said. We, we should...ah!"

Cries of terror echoed over Belland again, but this time the chaos and killings did not come from the lower city with a mixed population and chaotic public security, but... the upper city with wide courtyards and gorgeous buildings.

Everything seems to be the turn of fate.

The paunchy aristocratic gentleman, the gorgeously dressed lady, the young man whose body was drained by wine and sex, and even the one who is still lingering in the lover's bed tonight, dreaming of the dream of soaring into the sky with glory tomorrow... In the blink of an eye, During this time, what greeted them was a disaster they had never imagined.

The dense root system fell from the giant tree that was gradually turning into pitch black, like thousands of raindrops falling, twisting and extending, like a hound chasing a certain scent, accurately finding those things that had been passed down from thousands of years ago. People of blood, then mercilessly pierced their bodies and devoured their flesh and blood.

Gudong, gudong, enjoy your meal.

As the great nobles of the empire, these people enjoy countless resources, so there are many strong people among them... But before they can use their unfamiliar magic, they are horrified to find that they can't even resist in front of these roots. None of the abilities.

It was as if they were destined to be raised in captivity since birth, and the pigs and sheep would be slaughtered at the right time. All their sharp teeth and claws had been completely corrupted by the thousands of years of extravagance and lust.

"Don't... spare me, please spare me..."

"I don't want to die yet... Wuwu..."

So the dream of glory came to nothing. Looking back suddenly, the once noble nobles had become numerous mummies on the root system. Their flesh, blood and soul were swallowed up in the blink of an eye, turning into the giant golden tree they admired. New nourishment.

" that so?"

Celecia watched this scene calmly, the horrifying scene of countless mummies hanging on the branches, but it never made her slender eyebrows jump:

"The so-called blood of glory is just the spare food you prepared for yourself. It's a pity that they were deceived by you for so long."

"Spare food? No... I didn't need them originally, you forced me to do it!"

Albert roared fiercely, but the face that looked particularly hideous because of the countless roots drilling under the skin showed a look of fear and despair at the same time.

"No... No... This is not what we agreed!"

"Shut up! This is the only use of you trash!"

"The blood of glory will last forever with the order and the empire. This is the oath of the first king. You can't break it!"

"Now, haven't you merged with me forever? As long as I live forever, you will naturally live forever!"

The face was sometimes hideous and sometimes terrified, and the tone of the words was obviously different, like two different souls fighting for control of this body.

But as the roots squirmed, the last bit of humanity in Albert's scarlet eyes was still difficult to resist the erosion of the gift of the gods.

"Ah... don't... I'm the emperor... the emperor of the empire... I..."

The faint screams and wails dissipated into the boundless night.

The soul named Dion finally became part of the giant tree's nutrients with his own regret and unwillingness.

"As long as I kill her, I can rebuild order and glory. You trash are only useful for this!"

Albert had no mercy on this, and his scarlet eyes flashed with excitement.

So the golden giant tree shook again, and countless roots extended and intertwined with each other, and finally turned into a creeping and hideous crown, which was blessed on the newly born Albert at this moment.

The crown with foul smell and black things also rose slowly and hung on Albert's head, as if it was deliberately confronting Cecilia's brilliant crown. Deep and dark light burst out here, like an abyss hanging high.

After completely devouring all the glory, in just a blink of an eye, Albert seemed to have regained his majesty and nobility just now, and once again became... "Emperor"!

A rotten emperor full of stench and filth.

"This look really suits you."

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