Cecilia tilted her head, leisurely appreciating Albert's appearance at the moment, then her mouth slightly curved, and suddenly said something without thinking:

"But, thank you."

Albert was stunned: "What do you mean."

"You are so considerate to help clean up the pests of the empire, of course you deserve my thanks."

Cecilia said sincerely: "After all, those guys hide too deep, it will not be easy to pull them all out later, you really saved me a lot of effort."


Albert was instantly furious: "Wait until I kill you, you won't thank me!"

The golden giant tree shook violently.

The whistling wind came, blowing the rotten emperor's crown flowing with pus and blood.

He held the completely twisted "Sword of the King" in his hand and raised it high. In an instant, the deep light swept like a tide, and the authority born from blood and curse was suddenly released here.

Countless branches extended upward, as if to pierce the sky.

The heavy dark clouds that covered Belrand were flowing. They were torn apart several times in the previous battle, but at this moment, they were gathered together by the magnificent power.

In an instant.

Those clouds seemed to be infected by decay and turned into a dead gray.

Unspeakable fear quickly grew in the hearts of everyone in this city. Most of the timid people had already collapsed to the ground involuntarily. In confusion, they could only follow their instincts and raise their heads blankly.

What they saw... was a hideous outline like a demon.

A city... an extremely huge city, hanging upside down, slowly falling from the gray clouds.

The shadow of Belrand!

The prototype of the kingdom of God on earth, once created by the Silent Moon, was destroyed in the anger of the previous king, leaving only broken fragments, and now, Albert, with the authority of the corrupt emperor, has derived it again.

But this time, it seems to be more than just a reflection.

The upside-down city slowly fell, as if it was really going to replace Belland—the criss-crossing hideous scars were densely covered in those streets and alleys, and at this moment, pus and blood that corroded everything were flowing, dripping down like drizzle.

As long as it successfully fell, it would be able to break through the blessing of Cecilia's "Empire" and turn this city into soil for the golden giant tree to absorb nutrients again, and then continue to pollute the entire empire!


The pus and blood that was enough to turn the life of blood into a very absorbable rotten thing did not fall after all.

It floated in the air and could not fall any more.

"In front of me, you want to eat my people as nutrients together."

Cecilia looked down at Albert indifferently, word by word, and the girl's graceful voice became more majestic and angry:

"Are you...looking down on me too much?"

Cecilia stretched out her hand and grabbed.

The raging wind and thunder that fell from the dark clouds were caught by her slender palm.

Then everything was quiet.

Everything that would threaten the empire, even the fear in the hearts of all the subjects at the moment, became the wind and thunder symbolizing destruction in Cecilia's tightly grasped palm with a light grasp like a girl playing in the water.

The brilliant crown rotated, and the brilliant light fell.

"I will flatten everything for the empire."

She whispered again.

Under the cover of the five fingers, the violent collision of the destructive wind and thunder, the light so bright that people could not open their eyes, formed the Spear of Judgment in the prophetic poem, symbolizing the coming of the end of the world!

Cecilia twisted her wrist, and a huge shadow emerged from behind her. It seemed to be another her, wearing the illusory imperial crown, which was more majestic.

The shadow held the Spear of Judgment and threw it suddenly, pouring the anger of the entire empire into the false reflection that intended to offend!




It was like thousands of thunders bursting, thousands of boulders colliding, and after the absolute silence, there was a terrible echo like the collapse of the world, ravaging everyone's eardrums.

Gray fog, collapsed city, pus and blood... everything was destroyed in the wind, thunder and fire. Cecilia raised her hand again, isolating the light and sound that ordinary people could not bear, leaving only silent annihilation, like a pantomime.


She didn't even pay attention to the destruction of the reflection, but just tightened her sword in her hand again.

The sword that was transformed by the empire... by her authority, the real king's sword.

Aiming at the false king and false sword that tarnished the empire... just like that, cut.

No moves are needed, because for her now, any moves are meaningless.

A sword light instantly passed over the entire city.

Without any mercy or reservation, Cecilia's sword will, which had already crushed her peers, was transformed into a death whisper after being blessed by the empire and her own realm.

So Albert's body instantly cracked, and the sword will tore through his body, and the roots were also constantly strangled.

The tall golden tree trembled violently, as if roaring silently, and a terrifying crack from top to bottom appeared on the huge trunk at the same time, almost cutting it in two.

"It's just relying on the power drawn from some parasites."

Cecilia stared at the broken and corrupt emperor and said coldly:

"Where do you get the courage to confront the 'empire'?"

"Hehe... hehe..."

Countless roots were reborn in the sword's destruction, and at the same time, they struggled to sew Albert's tattered body again. The corrupt emperor struggled to get up from the ground, and the words spoken from his leaky throat were harder to hear than the baby's babble.

But Cecilia raised her eyebrows, but she could clearly perceive that... he seemed to be laughing.

"Hehe... Of course I know that I am not your opponent now."

Albert was finally able to speak a complete sentence, so the laughter was even more piercing:

"But now I am not your opponent, but it does not mean that I will definitely lose in the end, right?"

"Your roots are now cut off, and the last reserve food is also consumed. What other means do you have?"

"Hehe... Haha... Naive, the nutrients of the big tree do not only come from the soil!"


Cecilia narrowed her beautiful eyes, as if she had noticed something, and suddenly looked up.

At this moment, the gray clouds dissipated, revealing a clear night sky.

But the night sky had no stars or bright moon, but... nothing.

It was like a mirror that could not reflect anything.

Or, it was also hanging upside down above the sky, rooted in some kind of terrifying existence, so there would not be a ripple... a lake.

A familiar lake.

And the golden giant tree, which had almost completely rotted and destroyed, was trying to extend its countless branches and leaves upwards, all the way to the end of the sky, very close to the lake.

The shadow of Belrand that had just evolved, and the gray fog, seemed to be just to cover up its behavior.


Woo——there was a cry.

Babies, children, girls, women, men, old people... The creepy cries of countless people mixed together echoed over the entire city, as if a whole ghost country was about to cross that boundary.

Even Cecilia at this moment was affected by the cry and felt some inexplicable palpitations.

——Something was about to rise from the lake.

Cecilia's face changed slightly, and she immediately lowered her authority over the entire city, turning into a black curtain that covered everything, isolating this terrible influence, and slashed at Albert again.

"Haha... It's useless! You can't kill me!"

Albert laughed wildly, ignoring the sword intent that was still constantly crushing his body: "Although He can't really come, you can't stop Him! Do you understand? The ending of everything has long been doomed, just like the oath of the first king a thousand years ago!"

Cecilia ignored Albert's final madness.

Because, the unspeakable terrible outline finally... emerged from the depths of the lake.

It was... a tree.

A tree that looked no different from the previous golden giant tree.

It's just that His golden light looked more holy, brilliant, and more magnificent.

However, when the tree completely appeared on the inner side of the lake, with countless golden branches and leaves clinging to the thin barrier that was invisible to the naked eye, countless corpses, bones, and souls screaming in pain floated up from the depths of the lake, climbed up along the trunk, and finally fell on the barrier together.

Then, countless greedy and hateful eyes stared at this vibrant world.

Evil God·Fallen Evil Holy Tree!

"So that's it, your real purpose is to wait for His arrival?" Cecilia whispered softly, but it seemed that she was not surprised.

When she saw the phantom at the beginning, this kind of thing was within her expectations, but even so, she knew that even if she was now the emperor of the empire, she could not stop the actions of this high god in advance. This is the sadness of the weak creature called human beings.

Therefore... Is it the only way, forced to struggle with the last bit of strength?

"Ah... the great holy tree."

Albert knelt on the ground with joy and respect, having long since thrown away his "emperor" majesty, and stretched out his hands and countless roots to humbly pray to the fallen evil holy tree.

"Please... give me the power to reshape order again, just like... the first king a thousand years ago, let the empire return to your order and glory."

The fallen evil holy tree did not move, perhaps because of the thin world barrier that prevented it from moving as it wished, but at this moment, both Albert and Cecilia felt a terrifying sight from a higher level falling here.

[Yes. ]

The syllables that seemed to be there and not there, which humans could not understand, were mixed in countless cries.

So, the branches of the holy tree drooped lightly, and a drop of morning dew slowly fell from the golden leaves.

At the moment of dripping, the drop of morning dew expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it seemed to turn into a sun with infinite power.

That's right.

The nutrients of the tree come not only from the soil underground, but also from... the sun in the sky.

Although the evil god cannot descend, he can use the sword he once gave to infiltrate his power into this world.

This holy object given by him before he fell can also become an anchor for him to erode this world.

So, Albert was more and more happy and prepared to welcome this blessing.

Yes, as long as the tree is illuminated by the sun again, he can restore the authority of the first king. By then, even Cecilia will be just like those pariahs who dared to disobey the king and become the blood food of the new empire.

Albert glanced over, wanting to appreciate Cecilia's horrified expression...



Why does she still look so calm?

Could it be that this woman's emotions were so cold that she didn't even have the deepest fear?

Albert was stunned for a moment, and then he realized... he had not received the blessing from the gods.

The sky darkened.

As if he suddenly realized something, he raised his head suddenly, looking extremely terrified.

Because at this moment.

Above the sky, it was not the holy tree sun that could give him blessings.

But... a dark sun wheel surrounded by a holy light crown!

"I forgot to tell you."

Cecilia suddenly turned her head, without a trace of panic in her eyes when facing the evil god. She gently lifted her hair. At this time, the emperor's majesty actually faded a lot, and instead showed some of the girl's agility and charm.

She curved her eyebrows and said:

"You are not the only one who has the sun."

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