"Oh, I understand, that's what it is."

Mu En moved left and right, sweating profusely, and finally completely integrated the two forbidden curse cores into the third core given by Teacher Meira, and thoroughly understood the effect and activation method of this forbidden curse. .


This is the effect of this forbidden spell.

To put it bluntly, the forbidden curse itself is used to forcibly fix the fighting spirit and magic power in this area to the most basic state, so that any martial arts, magic, and even various miracles cannot take effect within the scope of the forbidden curse.

And knowing the effect, Mu En finally understood why Teacher Meira said this thing would be helpful to her.

"Thank you."

After thinking about this, Mu En quickly stood up and thanked the lady on the side.

"no need to thank me."

Phyllis Rossetti, the head of the Royal Magicians, waved her hands expressionlessly: "I'm just following His Majesty's orders."

"Ah...haha, but you did help me, I want to thank you."

Mu En scratched his head and continued to thank him with a slight embarrassment.

For some reason, the division leader seemed to hate himself very much. Although he had helped him a lot, he always kept a bad look on his face, as if he owed her hundreds of millions of Emiles, or was cheating on her beloved daughter. Same.

Mu En thought for a long time and felt that with her level of concentration, she would not inadvertently flirt with this girl's daughter again.

Probably... I don't even know who her daughter is.

"Hmph, well, you men are all liars, there's no need to say such nice things anymore."

Felice glanced at Mu En's blond hair coldly, leaned down and picked up the head she had just placed here:

"Next, I have to bury my assistant. Besides, I can't get involved there. I'll leave it to you to support His Majesty."

"Don't worry, we will definitely fulfill our mission!"

"That's good, by the way, this is for you."

Before leaving, Felice threw two delicate vials to Moon.

"What's this?"

"The ultimate healing potion."

Felice curled her lips and said, "It is personally trained by me, a truth-level magician, and it has a great effect on mental and physical injuries. I think that both you and your majesty will need it very much."

"Really? Thank you so much!"

Mu En's eyes lit up.

Although he is not short of money to buy various healing medicines, good things from the hands of truth-level magicians cannot be bought with money.


After delivering the medicine, Feili didn't hold back at all and disappeared directly.

Seeing this, Mu En finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this truth-level aunt hates herself and so on, which is all her own illusion. She is still pretty good to herself!

"let's start."

After eliminating all distractions, Mu En focused all her attention on the core of the forbidden spell in front of her.

Gently press your fingers on the inner side of the forbidden curse core disc, and slowly rotate it like using some kind of honest telephone dial.

"First, reduce the solidification range of the forbidden spell to the minimum."

"Then, it doesn't work here. My position needs to be closer to Him."

"Finally... connect the remaining magic interface of the forbidden curse to me."

In the mental space, Mu En suddenly realized that he was in a huge crystal.

Of course, this is not a real crystal, but... a spirit solidified by a forbidden curse.

As long as the forbidden curse is in effect, no matter how crushed and ravaged his spirit is in the future, there is no possibility of collapse.


"I can finally try and completely control you."

Mu En raised his head and looked at the dark sun disk suspended above his mental space.

Although it may only be a short time, it is enough.

Mu En had already prepared all the props and magic scrolls that could enhance his mental power. At this moment, he activated them all. A terrifying mental storm swept through the depths of his consciousness. Anyone with a dead mind could lose his spirit here. Crash directly.

But due to the effect of the forbidden spell, Mu En's spirit remained stable.

"Hehe, now I can be regarded as an invincible hunk!"

Mu En chuckled, forcibly gathering as much mental power as he could control, and slowly began to push the dark sun wheel.

Mu En opened her eyes.

Across the barrier of the world that is almost imperceptible to the naked eye, he looks at the countless corpses, bones, wailing souls, and even the golden sacred tree outside.

At the same time, he also felt a terrifying sight that could tear him into pieces almost instantly, falling on him without any obstruction.

Crazy murmurs echoed in his ears, and terrible mental pollution infiltrated into his soul almost instantly.

With such close contact with the evil god, even a crowned person may inevitably be corrupted and driven towards complete madness.

But Mu En just grinned, ignoring his nosebleeds, revealing his eight standard front teeth, and then stretched out his fingers and pointed them at the evil god.

"First meeting, Your Excellency the Fallen Evil Sacred Tree."

Mu En said: "I don't know what gift to give. Let me give you a middle finger first."

"Huh? The great... holy tree?"

Albert opened his eyes hard, trying hard to find the grace that would allow him to regain his authority.

But, no.

There was no sun in the sky that could nourish him again. There was only a fierce, silent, dark sun surrounded by a holy corona!

The dark sun stared at him, as if grinning at him mercilessly.

For the first time since he was born a thousand years ago, he felt the feeling of being looked down upon like an ant.

It was really... unpleasant.

"It's over."

Cecilia raised the King's Sword, and the brilliant light symbolizing the emperor's authority condensed again, turning into a scorching fire that could burn any decay.

A ray of fire hung down from the dark sun, like ink, instantly dyeing the flame with a strange color, making it even more ferocious.

"Any last words?" Cecilia asked softly.


Albert stammered, wanting to say something.

"Oh, right."

Cecilia suddenly interrupted him:

"You are not even a human being, and what you did is not worthy of being a human being, so... you are not qualified to leave a will."

So, the scorching fire fell, and instantly devoured Albert completely, without even a wailing sound, and then spread rapidly along the infinite root system, quickly covering the entire golden giant tree.

Above the sky, there was a faint roar of anger, but the infiltrating power could not pass through the blockade of the dark sun in a short time, and was even swallowed up partially. In the end, after a look that seemed to remember that face deeply, the Fallen Evil Holy Tree could only retreat.

All the strange phenomena disappeared, and a pure glimmer of light symbolizing dawn floated on the edge of the horizon.

The huge golden holy tree gradually turned into ashes in the flames, and the rotten parts were completely removed, and finally these ashes would fall to various parts of the empire with the warm spring breeze to nourish the land.

I think there will be a good harvest in autumn, and the price of bread will not rise again.

"It's over."

Cecilia let out a long breath, and the dazzling crown and robes disappeared, and she turned back into the girl in white dress and silver hair.

She looked up and glanced, and suddenly stretched out her hands.

With a snap, a heavy and slender figure just fell into her arms.


The blond man wiped the blood off his face, hugged the girl's waist, showed a handsome and bright smile, and asked:

"Dear Majesty, how was I this time?"


"Ah? Why is it still average? Don't you have a better evaluation here?"


Cecilia pondered for a while and said, "Raise your head a little."


In doubt, Mu En still obediently raised his head slightly.


Ignoring the strong smell of blood, Cecilia took the initiative to lean down and kissed her lips.

The familiar breaths intertwined with each other, and the wonderful gentle touch brought Mu En a more comfortable feeling than giving the evil god the middle finger.

The only drawback is that the girl's actions are still as strong as ever, and coupled with this princess hug action, it makes him look like the little wife who is being taken advantage of.

This is intolerable, Mu En is determined to get back at her later!


The lips parted.

"This time... it's not bad."

Cecilia looked at Mu En and smiled sweetly, the ice and snow in her eyes melted, as soft as spring water,

Mu En was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, then the corner of his mouth twisted:

"Hehe, dead arrogant."


"Wait, I'm a wounded person!"


Mu En was in pain and happy.

Although the physical pain was not as beautiful as the spiritual pain, it still made Mu En clearly realize that... the melting and condensation of ice was just a matter of thought for the silver-haired girl in front of him.

Of course, it was only for him.



[Arrogance Progress: 100%]


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