PS: Ahem, I have experienced a lot this month, but at least I finished this volume as promised, so I shamelessly ask for a monthly pass.

Of course, I would like to express my gratitude again for your company. The content you want to read will still appear at the beginning of the next volume according to the old rules and will not be affected.

So, see you in the next volume.

1. A critical blow from the fathers

"Finally, it's all over."

Mu En relied on Celecia's authority to lie on her back in the air and look at the blue sky above her head.

The rising sun was reborn and the blue sky was as clear as a wash, making people feel relaxed instantly. The confrontation with the evil god just now seemed to be just a terrible dream.

"It feels so long. Even if you count the time, it doesn't take long at all. Don't you think so, Your Majesty?"

Mu En looked to her side with a smile, and deliberately called her this name without showing much "respect". She even disrespectfully took the opportunity to lean over and try to rub Celecia's smooth thigh, but of course she pushed her away with a look of disgust. open.

"It is true that it has come to an end for the time being, but it is too early to say it is completely over."

Celecia raised her hand, and a breeze came, but it was not just a breeze. Under the authority of the emperor, invisible ripples began to spread outward with her as the center. She checked the sky very carefully to see if there was any The remnants left by the evil god’s pollution.

This is the reason why the black curtain covering the sky has not dissipated, and the two of them are still in the sky. After all, an evil god has personally descended directly above Belland. At such a close distance, if you don't pay attention to him, If something is left unnoticed, the ordinary people of Belland may suffer another great disaster due to this deeply hidden pollution.

This is Belland, a city with extremely high population density. Any slightest bit of pollution may cause extremely terrible consequences.

Therefore, Celcia checked very carefully and would not remove the shady information until the safety was completely confirmed.

"Don't worry, when I recover, I can use the black flames to help you. Even if there is residual pollution, you can't escape the black flames. Ah, that's right."

Mu En comforted Celicia thoughtfully, but when it came to reply... He just remembered what he had received before, so he quickly took out two exquisite vials from his arms and threw one of them to Celicia.

"this is for you."

"This is?"

"What the head of the Royal Magician Corps gave me was a healing potion that she made herself."

"Division leader...Miss Felice?" Celicia raised her eyebrows and looked at Mu En with a slightly strange expression:

"She gave it to you?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

Mu En blinked and said: "Miss Phyllis is quite nice. She gave me the method of using the core of the forbidden spell and gave me such a precious potion. It's just our first meeting, so I don't know how to repay her." ”

"good for you……"

Celecia's eyes were puzzled, and she opened the potion and took a sniff: "It turned out to be just a potion for healing...could it be said that she has completely let go of what happened decades ago? Or is that kind of thing the way it should be? That guy made it up, a groundless rumor?”

"Any questions?"

Mu En also noticed something was wrong in Celecia's expression, so he checked the potion after himself.

But judging from the potion knowledge he learned from his senior sister, this is really just a bottle of potion for healing.

And if you think about it carefully, there can be no problem. After all, this medicine is for the empress and future prince of the empire. How could she dare to poison this medicine?

Unless she also wants to play some kind of Nine Clans Xiaoxiao.


Celecia suppressed the strange look on her face and said calmly: "I just heard someone mention that Phyllis and your father, Duke Campbell, had a good relationship when they were young. Maybe this is why she helped you."

"That's it."

Mu En, who had not been too high-spirited in the first place, suddenly felt relieved. In fact, he was a little cautious, fearing that Miss Felice had some unknown purpose for being so enthusiastic. Maybe it was because he had offended her accidentally, so I want to teach myself a lesson by adding something to the potion that will make me look embarrassed.

But according to what Celcia said, Mu En understood immediately.

It turns out it’s because of the friendship between my parents, so it’s not surprising.

Miss Phyllis is indeed a good person!

The last trace of grudge was eliminated, and Mu En no longer had anything to worry about. After all, it was indeed very rude for someone to be kind enough to give such a valuable thing to her, and to still be suspicious of this and that.

So Mu En raised his head and drank the potion in one gulp.

Celecia on the side saw this, touched her chin and thought for a while, and then her eyes suddenly crossed the black screen and fell very far away...

She also drank the potion.

Immediately, it was like swallowing a ball of fire, and the burning sensation spread along the esophagus and abdomen to the whole body. The potion had not even entered the stomach, and the huge potency had been integrated into the body, automatically flowing along the limbs and bones.

The powerful vitality begins to cause injuries in the body.

In fact, the two of them did not lack the means to recover from their injuries, but the potion's potency was slightly different.

It is not just an ordinary recovery of injuries, but goes deep into the most hidden parts of the body to recover hidden injuries that are usually difficult to detect.

This is the power of this potion. The more times the body heals and recovers, the newly recovered areas will always be different from the "original", causing hidden injuries caused by this recovery distortion.

This kind of hidden injury is often difficult to detect, but once too many bursts accumulate, it will cause irreversible damage to the body.

This is why many warriors have physically strong bodies, comparable to steel, but in their later years they always suffer from physical deformities and unbearable pain.

"It can only be said that it is a magic potion made by a truth-level magician. This powerful effect of eliminating the accumulated dark wounds of the body in one go is not comparable to those extremely expensive potions purchased on the market.

You think so, Your Majesty? "

Mu En sighed and asked Celecia beside her.

But... there was no answer.


Mu En turned her head in confusion, and found that Celecia was exposing a large area of ​​white thighs, sitting there cross-legged, her little head hung slightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

"His Majesty?"

Mu En shouted again tentatively.


"His Majesty?"


"My dear Majesty, you sleep..."

"Don't call me Your Majesty!"

Celecia suddenly raised her head and said loudly.

Mu En was startled, and after being stunned for a while, she tentatively shouted:


"Don't call me Celcia either!"

"Huh? What did you call me?"

"Call me... call me... call me by my nickname, Thea!"


Mu En was stunned again. That arrogant Celcia would actually let others call her by her nickname?

what happens? Could it be that she had a fight with Albert just now and she accidentally hurt her head?

No, no, this is a recovery potion. If she was really injured, how could she become ill after drinking the medicine?

Could it be...

Thinking of something, Mu En's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly picked up the potion bottle and took a sniff.

Still didn't find anything special, just a strong and pungent medicinal smell.

But... Thinking about it carefully, it is precisely because of such a pungent smell of medicine that if something like that is added to it... I wouldn't be able to detect it no matter how skilled I am in potions.

No way.

No injustice, no hatred, why...

"Call me Thea!"

At this time, Celcia suddenly turned her head and looked over.

Her face was still beautiful, more beautiful than the blue sky and the flawless morning sun, but at this moment, two abnormal crimson masses appeared clearly on that fair face.

And those eyes that should have been as cold as ice lakes have already melted at this moment... not only melted, it was as if they had been exposed to the warm sunshine all day long and turned into the warmest spring water.

Just the look can make people numb.

All right.


There was indeed no poison in the potion, and there was nothing that would make Mu En look embarrassed.

Just a little bit of the only weakness of the all-powerful Queen Celcia...

That damn alcohol! ! !

In other words... Celcia is drunk again now.

"S... Thea?"

Mu En said with a trembling voice: "Can I ask, you just said that someone mentioned that Felice and my father have a good relationship. Who is that "someone"?"


Faced with Mu En's question, Celecia, who has always been smart, shook her little head and thought for a long time before uttering one word:


Okay, got it, Pink Bear.

And the past events that can be mentioned by that mean pink bear are definitely not about passionate youth and friendship.

Pure love is invincible... There is a high probability that it is some bullshit Ying Bubu, a chance, I was the one who came first...

That is to say...

Dad, you tricked me!

Mu En was so angry that she was twisted. Before, she thought it was something she had accidentally caused. Now the truth is revealed. I didn't expect that a father like you, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would leave such a bad fate!

Pooh! Scumbag!

I must report you to my mother when I go back, otherwise...

"what's on your mind?"

Suddenly, heat and fragrant wind hit her at the same time, and Mu En felt a warm body slowly approaching.

After regaining consciousness, Celcia was already leaning very close to him, staring at him, her long eyelashes like frost flowers brushing against his forehead, tickling.

It's itching inside too.

At this moment, Celecia still has her white dress and slightly messy hair. With the blessing of alcohol, she looks cute and charming. Her sanity is reduced by 100, her pride attribute is reduced by 100, her coquettishness attribute is increased by 100, and her astringency is increased by 10 million. .

I don’t know if it’s because of the increased favorability, but he seems to be softer than the last time when he was drunk, and not as difficult as the last time.

Therefore, the caress of the lonely man and the widow naturally aroused the heat in the heart.


Mu En glanced behind her and swallowed subconsciously.

No matter how you think about doing this kind of thing at an altitude of 10,000 meters, it is probably too exciting.

what to do? Want to resist? Take advantage of Celecia's lack of attention and strike first, knocking her unconscious?

Mu En thought so.

Then, before he could take action, he felt stiff all over.

The authority from the emperor pressed "gently" on him in an instant, making him clearly understand that it was absolutely impossible for a fourth-level warrior to resist a crowned person with his strength.

He doesn't even have the qualifications to say no.

"My beloved concubine~"

Celysia extended her finger and lifted Muen's chin frivolously, her eyes moving:

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