"You look very tempting, can you let me take a bite?"

2. Since we pay attention to stimulation...

Thousands of meters high in the sky, the sky and the earth are so vast that even the clouds that were floating lazily around just now don't know where they are hiding.

Although the shady curtain derived from the authority of the emperor still shrouds the city below, and no light or shadow will be leaked, this feeling of floating in the air and sitting on the ground will still bring great psychological stimulation to people.

What's more, at this moment, there is a beautiful girl with silver hair on her lips and a look in her eyes. She is usually as cold as an ice field, but at this moment she is rippling with spring water. She lifts your chin frivolously with her fingers like peeling onions and says: Some love words like you seem very delicious...

It was so exciting that my heart almost exploded.


Mu En tried hard to swallow, and relied on the mental strength that was still in the golden gun period to forcibly stabilize his will and reason, put out the evil fire that was rising, and then said tremblingly:

"I understand that you are already horny and thirsty now, but can we change places when we do this kind of thing? It's so exciting, even I can't..."

"Shut up!"

Celecia suddenly pressed Mu En's lips, and her charming expression instantly turned cold again.

She stared at Mu En displeased and said in an old-fashioned way:

"I am the new emperor of the Leopold Empire, how dare you call me by my first name?"

"No...it's not you..."

"Call me Your Majesty!"

"No, what exactly do you want me to call you..."

"Call me Your Majesty!"


Well, it seems that reasoning with a drunk person is totally unworkable.

"Your Majesty..." Mu En shouted obediently.

"very good."

Celcia finally nodded with satisfaction.

"Then...Your Majesty..."

Mu En continued to ask tentatively: "Can you first put away the power of authority you exert on me? I already understand the majesty of your majesty as the emperor, but you are still deprived of the ability to move at such an altitude of thousands of miles. , it’s really disturbing..."

"You actually ordered me?" Celcia's face suddenly became serious again.

"NO, I have not……"

"How dare you order the emperor of the empire, I will punish you!"

"Huh? Wait, I..."

Mu En shouted hurriedly, but it was too late. With a wave of Celicia's bare hands, an invisible breeze hit, and the clothes on Mu En's body suddenly fell off on their own.

What kind of punishment requires taking off your clothes!

And where did you learn this convenient way of taking off your clothes? Coach, I want to learn too!

Mu En, who was once tortured by Liya's complicated saintly clothes to the point of almost tearing her clothes off, shouted in her heart.

No, now is not the time to talk about this.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, what do you want to do?" Mu En was shocked and asked in horror.

"Didn't I tell you that I'm going to punish you?"

Celcia sat elegantly in the air.

She has a slender body and perfect curves, as if she were sitting on a queen's chair. She is holding her chin in one hand and crossing her two slender legs. She is looking down at Mu En, who is "blooming together" at this moment. If it weren't for her cheeks, The presence of that abnormal crimson color made people suddenly think that she had turned back into the ice queen she was before.

"Punishment? How to punish?"

Mu En's expression became solemn, and she was very worried about what kind of inhuman treatment she would receive next.

But there is no way, he doesn't even have the strength to resist now, so he can only passively accept it.

Alas, it was so miserable. When she thought of this, Mu En felt that her heart was so sad that her heart would jump out of her chest.

"I want...huh?"

At this time, as if she noticed something, Celcia suddenly raised her eyebrows, her slightly absent-minded eyes suddenly moved down, and saw...

"Why show off your strength?"

Celecia suddenly looked very angry, completely unable to accept that there was someone who would not bow down in front of her, the emperor of the empire, but looked menacing and held her head high!

It’s decided, this is the punishment!

Celecia suddenly stretched out her long, fair and slender legs with graceful arcs that were like a gift from the gods. Her five white bun-like toes contracted and stretched, and then just like this...

He stepped hard on Mu En's side.


Suddenly, Mu En looked up at the new rising sun and let out a moan that contained the philosophy of life, philosophy of life, and thinking about the boundaries between pain and comfort.

"How about this? This punishment?"

"It's... so exciting."

"Huh, can't you stand this?"

Celecia smiled coldly and continued to stretch her little feet: "It's not over yet."

Step on.




The soft little feet flexibly turned up and down, left and right, back and forth, like a queen, giving the most severe punishment to every part of this disrespectful courtier.

They even took special care of the particularly arrogant head above, not even sparing some ravines.

One foot couldn't take care of everything, so another foot reached out.

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In front of it, no matter how indestructible things are, they will gradually turn into soft objects in the wind and rain.

Under this torture, Mu En's entire face wrinkled together for a moment, and she kept moaning in pain. Her body, which wanted to struggle but was completely unable to move, became a little more sensitive for this stimulating feeling. .

A long time passed.


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With a low roar, the rising sun reflected the clear sky, and a rainbow suddenly hung on Mu En's lower body.


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Celecia snorted dissatisfiedly from her nose, raised her little feet, and then looked at Mu En with a slightly satisfied look:

"How's it going? Do you admit defeat?"

"Admit...admit defeat."

Mu En gasped: "Your Majesty, please spare me..."

"I told you, call me Thea!"


"It seems you haven't given in yet."

Celecia folded her arms dissatisfiedly. This action further highlighted the perfect curves of her body. Although the two were not as good as Liya, they were still heavy fruits, and they seemed to be about to come out.

"Look, he hasn't softened up yet."

"...There's nothing I can do about this. Who told me that I'm at the stage where a golden gun can't defeat me?"

"It seems I will continue to punish you."

"Inheritance punishment?"

Mu En suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Just the first round of punishment almost made him ascend to heaven. If this was the second round...

"And the second round is even scarier!"

"More terrifying?"

"Yes, because I hate slippery things, so..."

Celcia's expression became even colder. Amid Mu En's frightened look, she slowly took out... a black thread.


Seeing that black thread, Mu En almost breathed in a breath of global warming.

"Hmph, you must be scared. The friction of this is not comparable to that of skin."

Celecia sneered, bent her waist slightly, and leaned down slightly. Her skirt, which was already a little messy due to her previous movements, slid down, revealing a small half of the round fruit in front of her eyes.

Then, he opened the black stockings with his two small hands, put his little feet in, and slowly, bit by bit, wrapped the fair skin.

The boundary between pure white and smooth black kept rising. Mu En's eyes subconsciously followed it until it disappeared into the mysterious skirt, and then moved away as if there was something missing, with a long aftertaste.

"It's over."

Seeing this, Mu En couldn't help but murmur in pain: "I can't hold on anymore."

"Huh, I just woke up now, it's already too late."

After adding terrifying instruments of torture to both little feet, Celcia stretched out her feet again and carried out the punishment just now with even more fierce movements.

Wrapped in black silk, the touch brought to Mu En was several times stronger than before.

Even because of more proficiency, some difficult movements have been developed.

In addition, Celcia is obviously enjoying it at the moment, with a slightly excited expression, and the mysterious place that is revealed from time to time with her movements...

As time went by, more small rainbows hung in the sky, and Mu En finally understood that the so-called golden gun cannot be defeated, but it just did not meet the right whetstone.

"Why did you recover so quickly?"

After an unknown amount of time, Celcia was finally tired, and her forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat.

She looked angrily at Mu En, whose eyes almost turned white at this moment, and found that not long after, the thing that dared to disrespect her had regained its energy again.

Even black stockings can't make it surrender. What should I use next, high heels?

"Ahem...Your Majesty, oh no Thea...I have a suggestion about this."

Mu En finally came back to her senses and said to Celecia with a weak look on her face.

"Oh, what can you do?" Her Majesty the Queen raised her little head, still maintaining her majesty towards her ministers.

"Of course I do, but..."

Mu En struggled hard twice and said with a smile: "You have to let me go, so that I can teach you."

"……Oh well."

Celecia shook her head and thought for a while. In fact, with her current sobriety, she couldn't think of a reason at all, so she stretched out her hand and released Mu En's restraints.

"What method are you talking about?"

"Come here, I'll tell you."


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