Celcia leaned over obediently.

Then...he was pulled into his arms by Mu En.


The girl in her arms let out a soft groan, her body stiffened slightly, as if she wanted to struggle.

But Mu En had already kissed her familiarly, and his hand gradually reached down. [Modified here]

Her Majesty the Queen, whose consciousness was already vague, was quickly immersed in the tenderness and heat, twisting her delicate body, and her two tight and powerful long legs bit Mu En's palm, actively responding to his movements.

Perhaps it was no longer the first time, or even the second time, but the two people's movements already had a certain tacit understanding. When they intertwined with each other, they could feel each other's involvement and cooperation.

But eventually someone can take the initiative.

Mu En took advantage of the gap when Celecia's little head was still groggy, turned over, and pressed her under him.

He stood up and looked at her lovingly.

At this time, Celcia's silver hair was spread out and her dress was half untied. The perfectly shaped, naughty and cute white rabbit is trying to resist but is still shy. Large areas of mutton-fat skin are exposed, so smooth that not even a trace of hair can be seen.

She doesn't have Liya's abundant fruits, nor does she have the devilish arc of her senior sister, but every part is perfect and just right.

Mu En caressed every inch of it, no matter which part it was, it looked like she couldn't put it down.

Celecia also stared at him blankly, the spring water in her eyes seemed to evaporate into mist, completely covering Mu En.

"What a nice view."

Touching the corner of Celicia's lips, Mu En could no longer control herself, murmured softly, and pressed her whole body against her.

"There is no need for punishment. I have completely surrendered to you long ago, my dear Her Majesty the Queen."

3. The battle begins

"I didn't expect that our thirty-year friendship would eventually turn into this cup of bitter wine."

The Royal Palace, the courtyard of the headquarters of the Royal Magician Corps.

The golden irises are in full bloom, swaying in the wind like a flock of elegantly resting butterflies.

It can be seen that this place has been carefully taken care of, and each small flower garden is divided and arranged in an orderly manner. Although it is not as grand as the royal garden, its exquisite beauty still shows the good taste of the owner of this place.

It’s just that no one may take care of it in the future.

Phyllis sighed softly, spilled a glass of wine along the raised hill, and murmured to herself as if facing an old friend:

"I'm too lazy to help you take care of the yard. I'd better let this place follow you and slowly disappear into time."

The wine seeped into the soil, and the simple little grave didn't even have a name, but Phyllis knew that although she was her deputy, the fact that such a traitor who betrayed the royal family could be buried safely was something that she, the division leader, could strive for. The only mercy that comes.


After drinking the remaining bitter wine, Phyllis stood up and walked out of the courtyard.

Now the overall situation has been decided, but the follow-up of many things has not yet been dealt with, and she cannot relax yet.

After all, as the Royal Magician Corps that is supposed to protect the royal family, it accidentally lost the most important core of the forbidden spell. If something is not done to make up for it, the budget in the next few years may only be enough for the division to live with tight belts.

"Oh, I have to work overtime again."

Phyllis looked up to the sky and sighed bitterly.

Looking back, I realized that ever since I took over from the old man who had gone to nowhere and joined the Royal Magician Group, I have been working endless overtime every day.

I feel so bitter. If I could turn back time, I would really like to give myself a slap in the face when I was so happy at that time.

You were promoted so quickly, but if it were delayed for another two months, all this mess wouldn't be your turn.

Annoyed, Phyllis picked off an iris and gently twisted it between her fingertips.

Her movements were sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and often at the moment when she slowed down, she would suddenly increase her strength unexpectedly, causing the entire petals of the flower to tremble. After a while, the crystal dew on the petals began to flow with the slight trembling of the flowers. The branches and leaves seemed to have been greatly stimulated, curling up together, looking particularly pitiful.

After playing with it for a while, Felice was still not relieved. She suddenly pressed her fingers hard into the delicate stamens, and bit by bit pressed the entire flower under her fingers and ravaged it, from the outer edge of the petals to the very end. The mysterious heart was ravaged and crushed very carefully, not sparing any part.

Normally, this flower is not even afraid of the cold in early spring, but it could not withstand such bullying from Phyllis. Soon after, the fragrant sap splashed everywhere, and the whole flower seemed to have lost its support. Like a flower stem, it became soft and soft, and it was pulled weakly under Felice's fingers, but the dew drops on the petals looked even more crystal clear.

If Hua hadn't been unable to speak, she might have already begged for mercy by this time.

"Me too, why are you bullying Hua?"

Phyllis shook her head mockingly and inserted the flower back into the ground.


And the moment she lowered her head, water suddenly fell.

Although it wasn't much, with the powerful senses of a truth-level magician, Phyllis could clearly hear the sound of raindrops falling from the sky and falling into the dust beside her.

"Is it raining?"

She straightened up and looked up at the black sky still covering the sky. Suddenly, her brows were raised high, as if she had thought of something. The corner of her mouth curled up, and her bitter mood just now seemed much more exciting.

"Haha, that's it. Let me just say, the sky is still there... As expected of a young man, he plays boldly."

But no matter what, I hope this rain will have a good ending.

After all, if I had been as fierce as His Majesty decades ago, how could I have had the turn of that coquettish bitch from the Angus family?

But it's useless to talk about it now. The past is in the past. With His Majesty's ability, it should be easy to subdue that dead yellow-haired son.

She waved her hand, held up her umbrella, and walked into the rainy day.

Above the sky, the fierce battle has come to an end.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when Celecia was drunk and lost her mind, Mu En was finally able to fulfill her long-cherished wish and suppress the new emperor of the empire under her and bully her severely.

At this moment, Celcia hugged him tightly like an octopus. Her once deserted face was already full of confusion, and Moon's sweat-dropped face was reflected in her moist eyes, as if she wanted to completely drown him.

"Well, I'm going to go..."

Finally, with a violent trembling spasm, Celcia's little feet, which had half of her black stockings falling off, straightened suddenly, her long and tight legs were raised high, her little head was raised high, and her neck was as slender as a noble one. The white swan is covered with red clouds.

Mu En also roared, sending the final ripple to Celicia.

"Huh..." Mu En let out a long breath.

First, there was a series of terrible punishments, and then there was a thrilling fierce battle. Even if he was invincible, he was already exhausted at this moment, so he stopped moving randomly and just hugged the girl in his arms, stroking the smooth and white plumpness, Generally feel this beautiful tenderness.

Tenderly, tenderly, Mu En suddenly sneezed.

"Haha, it's an illusion."

He smiled and rubbed his nose:

"With the sun shining like this, how could I feel cold?"


Mu En looked solemn and said sincerely:

"If I apologize in advance, can I be exempted from guilt?"

"...What do you think?"

Suddenly, the world turned upside down.

Before Mu En could recover, the dazzling sunlight poured into his sight unceremoniously.

He narrowed his eyes, finally adapting to the strong light, but a cold and beautiful face that was more terrifying than the strong light of the sun instantly froze Mu En's heart to zero.

Celecia raised her upper body and sat on him.

She was still naked at this moment, and her waist was tightly grasped as if to seduce people to wrap it tightly around her. The tall and round body seemed to be completely unaffected by gravity. Just glancing at it from the corner of his eye, Mu En naturally recalled the amazing touch and elasticity just now.

It was obviously this charming scene of nakedness, but her temperament was completely different from before. If she was drunk and looked like a delicate girl pretending to be old-fashioned, then what she showed at this moment was a natural cold temperament. .

With her silver hair hanging loosely and her eyelashes like frost flowers opening and closing, she is the elegance of an empress.

Unfortunately, for Mu En now, this coldness and chill are like a sharp knife, approaching his vital point.

"Tell me, how do you want to die?"

Celecia slowly leaned down, raised her hand to pin a strand of hair back, and looked into Mu En's eyes with a half-smile.

After all, the style is different. Although the coldness is freezing, it is not penetrating.


Mu En thought carefully and replied: "Is it okay to die happily? For example, those punishments you just did..."

Celecia's pretty face suddenly turned cold. Her two slender hands swept across Mu En's strong chest and touched his neck. Ice began to form in her tone:

"Have you become bolder and bolder lately?"

"No, I just don't want to die."

"Why don't you want to die?"


Mu En held Celecia's hand with her backhand:

"I'm afraid you'll be sad."


For a moment, Celcia showed a look of disgust, and then the disgust turned into helplessness.

She broke free from Mu En's hands, stood up and sneered:

"You are good at coaxing girls. How many ignorant girls did you gain this experience?"

"It's so pitiful, this is not just trying to coax a girl, this is all true!"

Mu En raised four fingers: "If what I said is false, let my teacher..."

"Okay, I don't want to hear your excuses."

Celecia gave Mu En a cold look, not wanting to tangle with him anymore, and just stepped on him to the other side to pick up the scattered clothes.

Celecia picked and picked, and finally sighed, took out a new dress, and began to cover her perfect body one by one.

Mu En chuckled and turned sideways, admiring the seductive figure that Celecia showed with every move she made and the arcs outlined by her clothes.

"Speaking of which, the scene just now looks a bit familiar."

"Deja vu?"

"It's you sitting on top of me, looking like you're going to strangle me to death."

"I should have strangled you to death so that you wouldn't go around causing harm to others again."

"Nonsense, what I did was to save the girl...how can I call it a disaster if I save the girl?"

Mu En muttered and couldn't help but smile.

"Speaking of which, I never thought that you would fall into the same pit twice, Celcia. After you got drunk last time, I thought you would never get drunk in front of me again. What a chance...here..."

As he spoke, Mu En's smile gradually disappeared.



With Cecilia's intelligence, would she not guess that there was something wrong with the potion?

Since he could figure out the connection through the pink bear, would Cecilia not think of it?

But why... did she still drink the potion?

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