"What do you want to say?"

Celysia was putting on a shawl with her back to Mu En. When she heard Mu En's words, she paused slightly.

"I want to say..."

Mu En covered his mouth suddenly: "No, I don't want to say anything!"

"Since you don't have anything to say, why don't you get up?"

Celysia raised her eyebrows and shouted:

"There are so many things to do next. How long do you want to be lazy?"

"Yes, I'll get up now, Your Majesty!"

Celysia's eyes were slightly slanted, watching Mu En hurriedly getting dressed and getting up, and then suddenly turned around and looked through the black curtain again, looking somewhere in the distance.



"Finally, we're going to Belrand!"

After crossing a hill, the shadow of the majestic city was vaguely visible, and Jin Ze couldn't help but say happily.

During this period of time, he has been dealing with the incidents of evil believers outside, and he is almost exhausted. Now he can finally return to Belrand, which naturally makes him excited.

"Hey, what is that?"

At this time, Jin Ze finally discovered the sky covering the entire Belrand, and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

"It looks like it's the traces of some kind of battle."

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a charming and beautiful face peeked out. The moon-like eyes raised their sights and also fell on the sky.

"Traces of battle?"

Jin Ze frowned and said, "Doesn't this mean that we just came back late?"

"No, it shouldn't be late."

Anna held her cheek, a silver-white figure reflected in her pupils, and whispered in a low voice with a smile:

"It looks like the real battle is just about to begin now."

4. Remnants

The dark flames swept across the sky, outlining some deep traces.

After every place was thoroughly checked to make sure that nothing was missed, Mu En retracted the black flames and rubbed his temples with a little fatigue.

"Finally the inspection is over. There shouldn't be any contamination left. If that person could really leave a power that was so hidden that even my black flame couldn't detect it, then we might have been in danger just now. It's impossible for us to hide until now."


Cecilia nodded gently. When she heard Mu En say the word "just now", a faint blush appeared on her cheeks, but she quickly returned to her original cold state.

"I didn't find anything abnormal here, so there's no need to worry."

Looking around with cold eyes, Cecilia waved her hand casually, and the brilliant crown rose. The authority of the emperor who descended here was lightly put away.

The black curtain slowly dissipated, and the sun, which had risen for several hours, finally descended on Belrand, where the night was too long.

Countless people who were still worried raised their heads and happily bathed in the late sunshine.

"It's amazing..."

Although he already knew what was going on, Mu En couldn't help but twitch his eyes when he saw the crown hanging on Cecilia's head, symbolizing the wearer of the crown.

I worked so hard and finally got promoted to the fourth-level warrior. I thought I was already very good.

But when I turned around... Cecilia had become the crowned person that I could never reach.

This gap really reminds me of the old saying that the gap between people is sometimes bigger than the gap between people and dogs.

Of course, the gap is not important. The most important thing is...

Cecilia is so fierce now. When will I, a real man, have a chance to turn things around?

Is it really only when she is drunk for a short while that I can experience the feeling of being superior to others?

"You seem to be thinking about something impolite?"

"No, I'm thinking, dear Majesty is so excellent and powerful, I am willing to worship you for the rest of my life."


Cecilia narrowed her beautiful eyes and snorted softly:

"I hope you think so."

"Of course, I really do..."

"Shut up, I don't want to hear nonsense."


Cecilia glanced at Mu En again, suddenly raised her hand, gently stroked the dazzling crown on her head, and said:

"In fact, strictly speaking, I am not a crown wearer now."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"It means that I have temporarily advanced to this realm with the blessing of the 'Empire'. As long as I cancel the blessing, I will return to the realm of a fifth-level warrior. There is no such thing as jumping a large step overnight to become a crown wearer in this world. Even for me, I can only say that I will not encounter the threshold in the future, but it still requires a long time of accumulation."

"I see..."

Mu En touched his chin and nodded in realization.

That's true. After all, it's the most mysterious and unpredictable realm of the crowned. It's impossible to be easy...

Huh? Wait?

Mu En was suddenly stunned, blinked, and looked at Cecilia in surprise: "So, you are... comforting me?"

"Don't get me wrong, I just hate seeing your lost face, it's annoying."

"Isn't this comforting me?"

Mu En, as if enjoying something delicious, came over with a red face and rubbed against Cecilia.

"Oh, in the future, just say this kind of thing directly, there's no need to beat around the bush. Of course, your tsundere attribute is also very... "

"Shut up."


Cecilia glanced coldly, sighed helplessly, and still did not stop Mu En's intimate behavior. Instead, she suddenly said:

"Hold me tight."

"Huh? Suddenly become so straightforward and bold?"

"We are about to land. This is 10,000 meters high... So as Mr. Mu En who can't fly, it would be normal for you to fall to death here."

"I'm very sorry, I was wrong, please don't abandon me."

"Hold on tight."


Mu En quickly hugged Cecilia's slender waist.

The touch is still so beautiful, making people unconsciously think of the beautiful scenery just now, and more importantly...

He seems to be unable to feel the coldness around Cecilia.

I don't know if it is the improvement of strength that makes Cecilia no longer need to use the power of God's favor, or...is it just like this for him?

Mu En's mouth curled up a smile, thinking that there is no need to pursue this answer, because the cold girl is in his arms at this moment, isn't it?

Cecilia and Muen landed in front of the palace.

At this time, the forces of various forces had already completely stopped attacking and defending the palace.

Although there were many people, it seemed very quiet. Everyone was waiting for their own fate, or...

to welcome the new emperor.

"Your Majesty."

Earl Eler was the first to half-kneel and bow his head.

And with his action, many soldiers behind him also knelt down like a tide.

"Your Majesty."

Then, it was the parties who came to help the battle, including the former royal faction, the forces betting on Cecilia, and the people she and Muen had won over before, all bowed their heads and loudly celebrated the birth of the new emperor of the empire.

Whether it was legal or qualified, Cecilia now could no longer let anyone find flaws.

Finally... those who had obeyed the Li Council or the eldest prince Albert. As early as when Albert died, these people had completely lost the will to resist. They were disarmed and surrounded by the knights under Eler, and their faces were already pale at this time.

After several struggles, these people all knelt respectfully.

"Long live Her Majesty..."

"Everyone, get up."

Cecilia's cold eyes swept over the crowd, and when she nodded gently, people could already feel the emperor's majesty that was beginning to be intimidating.

"How are the ministers trapped in the palace?"

"People have been sent to protect them, and they should be fine."

"What about the casualties?"

"Not many, after all, it is still Your Majesty who decides everything tonight...but many nobles have been..."

"Those people are no longer nobles, but rebels who threaten the empire. If they die, they die...What about the casualties of civilians?"

"This...is still being counted."

"Dispatch the city defense forces to go into the city to appease them as soon as possible."


Not too immersed in the emperor's power and prestige, Cecilia has begun to ask everyone about their situation in an orderly manner and issued orders one by one.

Soon, the hearts of the people, who were still a little shaken, gradually settled down under Cecilia's calm handling.

"Then... Your Majesty."

Earl Eiler glanced at the rebels who were still in panic not far away and asked: "How should we deal with these people? We are short of manpower now, and we can't seem to spare anyone to look after them."

"What's the Earl's suggestion?"

"My suggestion is..."

Eiler raised his hand and touched his neck: "Just deal with it now."

"It really saves time and effort."

Cecilia turned to look at Mu En again: "What do you think?"

"Me? Strictly speaking, I am just an ordinary citizen at present. It's not good for Your Majesty to ask me."

Mu En smiled: "According to Just do it according to your own ideas. I will always stand by your side. "

"Tsk, you are just a smooth talker. In this case, then..."

Cecilia pondered for a moment and gave an order: "Pardon them."

"This...can't be done. If they take the opportunity to cause chaos..."

"These people are just ordinary soldiers and civilians who follow orders. They may not even know why they did it tonight. Even if they know, they must have been deceived. They are just trying to survive, how dare they cause chaos?"


Eler couldn't refute.

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