Because after Albert showed that crazy look, the resistance of these people weakened significantly, and it can be known that before that, they had no idea what terrible things they were doing.

"In this case, there is no need to add more chaos and sacrifices. Register them and then arrange them to deal with the aftermath. Since there are not enough manpower, let them also help and atone for their sins!"


Unconsciously, Elle, a battle-hardened border clerk, became more humble in front of Celecia.


Celecia suddenly said again:

"As for those nobles who were swallowed by the evil tree...their lists will be compiled as soon as possible."


"It's a bit unlike you."


"I said before that those nobles will die when they die, and later I asked for their names to be compiled as soon as possible."

In the palace, the affairs hall temporarily opened by Celecia, taking advantage of the fact that there was no one else, Mu En approached Celecia who was handling official business and asked curiously:

"You don't seem to be inconsistent."

"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered something."

"What's up?"

"Li Council."

"Li Council?"

Mu En raised his eyebrows: "All the nobles with the blood of glory were eaten by the evil tree, and the inner council should be gone too."

"Not always."

Celecia said: "Although from the information we have received, Albert...that is, the Speaker, relied on the blood of glory as the umbilical cord to connect an entire aristocratic group, but if you think about it carefully, it has been since the first king. After thousands of years, except for those great nobles who still inherited those surnames, who should pat their chests and ensure that they really have the blood of glory in their bodies?

No, maybe those nobles who inherited the surname may not have it. After all, thousands of years have passed, and there are too many uncertainties. "

"you mean……"

"There are fish that have slipped through the net. In the council, there are nobles who do not have the blood of glory, or people who think they have the blood of glory, but in fact the blood is so thin that even the evil tree is too lazy to eat it."

Celecia handed the two documents to Mu En:

"Look, this is the range of nobles that I investigated and delineated before this incident, and this... is the nobles of the Council who are currently dead. If you match them one by one, you will find..."

"Some of them don't correspond." Mu En's expression became serious.

"Yes, it doesn't match, just like this..."

Celecia tapped her slender fingers: "The mouthpiece of the Council, the famous second-in-command under the Speaker... Robin, his true identity is still a mystery."


Mu En glanced at the mountains of official duties beside him: "It's obvious that all the ministers have been rescued, but you haven't used them for the time being? Do you suspect that the robin is among them?"

"I'm just afraid that they are old and frightened, so let them take a break."

Celcia's face was expressionless, "Before I completely uproot the inner council, after all, although I will show mercy to some people, if I just let some beasts go, they are not worthy of becoming the emperor of the empire."

"That's it..."

Mu En touched his chin, as if he was remembering something, and suddenly smiled: "But I think the truth should be revealed soon."

"Oh why?"

"Because, judging by the time, I think with that guy's ability, he should have followed the clues to a very deep place."

In Mu En's mind, a figure of a tablet protagonist who had been offline for a long time appeared.

5. Investigation results

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Yale angrily smashed all the information in his hand on the table in front of him and roared in a low voice:

"It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this... You promised me that you would always support my research, but now you..."

"That's not what I meant to do, Mr. Yale."

The black flying bird stood on the ventilated window sill, tilting his head to look at the now messy research room, and sighed:

"The speaker has lost, and so has the council. The most important thing for us now is to think about how to save ourselves. In this situation where we are in a difficult situation, I can come here to inform you that I have done my best to be benevolent and righteous. ”

"Hmph, I think you are afraid that I will be caught and give you some unfavorable information!" Yale sneered.

"You can think so, but it will not have the slightest impact on the results."

The robin flapped its wings: "Now everyone is just an inconspicuous brick and wood under the same collapsed building. Even if you ridicule me, you can't change the ending of being buried. Why don't you save some energy and think about it?" How to escape!"

"Ha... I said that with your temperament, you didn't kill people to silence them at this time. It turns out that it's like this. It turns out that you don't even have the ability to silence people."

Yale spat next to the robin: "The lost dog!"

"Whatever you say, I don't even dare to show my face now. I'm really just a lost dog." Robin said: "But I still want to remind you that the person who comes to kill you is already on the way."

"What's the meaning?"

"it means……"


Before Robin finished speaking, the piercing siren sounded throughout the entire research room, and the noise outside suddenly became even more chaotic.

"Are you here? It's faster than I thought."

The robin sighed, "Then please try your best, Mr. Yaleul. I really hope you can escape successfully. By the way, remember to burn all the information. It's no good for you to keep it."


Yerul slammed the table with increasing anger: "What do you mean I should try my best to escape? Who do you think caused all this?"

No one could answer.

Because the robin had quickly spread its wings and disappeared outside the narrow window.

"Damn it!"

Yerul scratched his remaining hair in annoyance, becoming more and more anxious.

I should have run away after achieving initial results.

In the end, I couldn't resist the temptation of the taboo and put myself in such a dangerous situation.

"Anyway, I have to escape first. My genius brain must not be caught by those rigid people in the Royal Institute. My research has not yet reached the ultimate!"

Yerul hurriedly put all the information on the alcohol lamp and burned them all.

"Mr. Yaleul!"

The door of the laboratory was suddenly opened, and his assistant with a thin waist, big chest, soft voice and body rushed in hurriedly, panicking:

"Yes, there is an intruder!"

"I know, I'm not deaf!" Yaleul said impatiently.


"No buts, hurry up and pack up...By the way, how many intruders are there?"


"Only one?"

Yelul looked up in surprise, and only got a positive answer from the assistant.

"There is only one person, so you don't take me, an old man, seriously?"

Yelul's eyes flickered, thought for a while, and suddenly waved to the assistant, "Come here."


The assistant came over timidly.

She was originally a person specially arranged by the inner council to serve Yaleul. Now that the inner council is completely on the edge of the cliff, she can only rely on Yaleul, who she originally felt a little disgusted with.

"Excuse me, do you have any instructions?"

The assistant's eyes were filled with tears, and her bra was lower than usual. Her delicate appearance made me feel pity for her, which could arouse the man's protective psychology.

Yelul's expression softened a lot, leaned over and said gently: "Don't worry, it's not a dangerous job."

"Really? That's too..."


The dagger pierced the flesh.

The assistant lowered his head in disbelief and coughed up blood: "Why... why..."

"So, women are big-breasted and brainless. Why do you think I would bring a burden with me when I run for my life?"

Yelul pulled out the dagger expressionlessly, letting the blood splash all over him, then he pressed the dying assistant under him, took out a pill, and forced it into her mouth.

"Um... Um... Don't... Please..."

"It's your honor to play a little role at the last moment."

The pill was stuffed into her mouth and melted in her mouth. In a flash, the drug power had flowed into her limbs along with the blood in her abdomen.

The assistant spasmed in pain, and the black meridians under her skin jumped like a group of snakes. Soon, her eyes turned red, and fangs and sharp teeth grew out.

"** disappeared. At present, we can only use this inferior product, but I think it should be enough."

Yelul ordered the assistant controlled by drugs to guard outside the laboratory, but he fumbled on the control console and pressed a button.

Accompanied by the harsh sound of mechanical hinges, the entire laboratory was blocked by precise steel. A faint light lit up from the corner, and a picture of monitoring the entire hidden building emerged.

"There are more than 30 researchers here, and they have already been drugged in advance. In addition to the more than 100 test subjects, there are a total of 200 people, and the opponent has only one person. Two hundred enhanced monsters against one person can definitely delay long enough for me to escape from the secret passage!"

Yelul quickly pressed a few more times on the control console, and soon, an extremely hidden passage appeared under the control console. This was the retreat he had prepared long ago, and even the robin didn't know about it.

He bent down swiftly, not like an old man, and was about to enter the secret passage...

At this moment, he subconsciously glanced at the surveillance screens.

Then, a terrifying picture was directly imprinted in his eyes.


Yelul froze in his tracks and screamed in disbelief: "How is this possible?!"



"One hundred and ninety-seven."

"One hundred and ninety-eight."

"One hundred and ninety-nine..."

"Two hundred!"

Ariel casually drew her sword, and the sharp flames illuminated the corridor, instantly tearing the humanoid monster that rushed over.

"It's exactly two hundred, it's really good news for people with obsessive-compulsive disorder."

Ariel clapped her hands, and with the corpses piled up in the background, she looked down at the charred face of the humanoid monster and said with regret:

"What a pity, it seems that she is still a beautiful girl, but I don't know who is so cruel to turn her into a monster."

"She is still okay, at least she doesn't look like she is in much pain."

A vague figure rose from Ariel's side:

"The pitiful ones should be those deformed children. They should have been used as experimental subjects when they were very young."


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