Ariel sighed, glanced behind her, and a cold murderous intent flashed in her eyes: "You are actually doing this kind of thing, you are worse than an animal!"

"I have set up a formation around here, and the person in charge here should not have escaped yet." Teacher Ariel said:

"But... it seems that it is not so easy to find him. I used the power of my soul to sense it a little bit. The terrain here is quite complicated."

"Well, you can find it slowly... That's what I said, but I don't have the patience."

Ariel scratched his head, looked around at the corridor with complex terrain, and suddenly clapped his hands:

"In this case, why not try your luck!"

Teacher Ariel showed an expression that it was as expected.

"Miss, Miss."

Ariel squatted down and gently pulled up the woman's palm that had become charred:

"If you still have resentment, please point out the location of the person who turned you into a monster!"

As she said, Ariel gently threw the weak and cold arm.

The arm naturally fell to the ground.

However, the hand that fell to the ground suddenly stretched out a finger and pointed in a direction very naturally.

"Very good, it seems to be here!"

Ariel's mouth twisted, and she suddenly drew out her sword:

"Look at me - the sky fire is unsheathed!"


The blazing fire mixed with the condensed sword energy instantly tore open the wall engraved with the protective magic inscriptions. The hard metal was melted and glowed red. Ariel looked through the huge hole cut by her sword and just saw...

The dull old face.

" is it possible?"

Yelul still murmured in disbelief: "How could the defense I carefully built be torn apart so easily by a mere fourth-level warrior? This is unscientific...this is unscientific!"

"Oh? It seems that you are the boss here?"

Ariel seemed not to hear Yarul's murmur, and clapped her hands happily: "Don't be afraid, I just want to ask you a few questions. Is it convenient for you to come with me?"

" are the real monster!"

Yelul pointed at Ariel with trembling hands, rolled his eyes, and fainted like this.

"Well, fainted like this? So timid?" Ariel said in surprise.

"It may be pretending to faint."

"It is indeed possible, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, now is not the time for interrogation, and he can't run away."

Yelul's eyebrows twitched slightly, and the fingertips hidden in his sleeves also moved slightly.

However, Ariel did not give him the opportunity to use any means. She took out an ancient bell and shook it casually. Yellul, a living person, was taken in just like that.

"It is worthy of being an ancient relic. It is really convenient."

"I remember you put a few monsters in it. Is it okay?"

"Don't worry, those monsters have been trained by me. They dare not even bark without my order. At most, they will just lick him a few times."

Ariel put away the bell confidently.

Then he looked around.

The laboratory was in a mess, with burning paper fragments everywhere.

"It seems that all the important information has been burned."

"This is expected."

"Then I'll trouble you, teacher."

"This is also expected."

Teacher Ariel sighed, knocked on the head of Ariel who looked embarrassed, and then the soul power spread rapidly.

An extremely complex formation was condensed in an instant, and Teacher Ariel pointed with her hand:


In an instant, the fragments were magically pieced together again as if time was going backwards, and even the dust that was burned to charcoal turned back into paper with words written on it.

"Fortunately, they are just some dead things, which doesn't take much effort."

"Thank you, teacher, I will definitely find you a treasure to repair your soul later!"

"We are related, so there is no need to say this."

Teacher Ariel handed the information to her, and then a light flashed and entered her body: "Next, it's up to you. I'll sleep for a while."

"Don't worry, there should be no place for the teacher to take action."

Ariel patted her open chest, and then her eyes fell on the information in her hand.

This is not a big talk. Although she encountered a lot of troubles all the way here, in fact, those troubles are still within her ability.

And now, it has finally come to this last step.

Through the various intelligence obtained before, combined with the clues revealed in these materials, she should be able to piece together the truth of the shadows hidden behind the inner council.

"Humph, you are too young to escape from my palm. Now Cecilia will look at me with new eyes, ahahaha... huh?"

Ariel, who was feeling proud, suddenly frowned and looked at some information in the data with a little doubt.

"Is this... a record error? No, this kind of thing can be checked to see if there is any error, there is no need to falsify it..."


As if she had discovered something, Ariel flipped through the materials faster and faster, but the more she flipped through, the more solemn her pretty face became.

"No way..."

Finally, when all the information gathered in her mind, her face was so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip.



Time passed, and three days had passed since the previous palace incident.

During these three days, the entire Belrand was in a busy recovery period, and there was a shortage of manpower everywhere, so the newly ascended empress of the empire ordered a group of ordinary people to temporarily join the construction of the city.

Unexpectedly, there were many people who volunteered to join, which accelerated the progress of many things. According to some rumors, the empress had not even had time to prepare for her coronation ceremony, but she had already appeared in the lower city to personally investigate and supervise the situation of all parties.

In short, although a large number of people had just died, Belrand now seemed much more peaceful and safe, and even going out alone at night was not as dangerous as before.

And Ariel was walking hurriedly in the slightly quiet night of this city.


Suddenly, someone called her.

"Wait a minute."


Ariel turned around and looked expressionlessly at the figure that was slowly walking out of the street... no, it should be a figure that was slowly walking out:

"Big brother?"

"Ahem, it seems that you still care about me, your big brother."

Sitting in a wheelchair, Orlando showed a gentle smile on his slightly pale face and said:

"Where are you going in such a hurry?"

"Big brother, it's dangerous to go out alone so late."

"Haha, it's not dangerous. It's different now. Her Majesty the Queen is wise and powerful. In the current Belland, what monsters dare to come out and make trouble?"

Orlando gently stroked his shriveled body that was like a dead tree. thighs, his expression returned to seriousness, and he asked again:

"So, where does Ariel want to go?"

"The palace."

"The palace, it's so late, what are you going to do in the palace?"

"Nothing, just reporting something."

"Is that so..."

Orlando sighed, looked at Ariel kindly like an elder brother, and said softly:

"Then... for the sake of my brother, can you not go?"


"Do you need a reason?"

"Yes, for example..."

Ariel's eyes flashed slightly, and she said word by word:

"Should I call you Mr. Robin... or something?"

6. Rejection

Whether it is peaceful or not, the night wind in Belland is always slightly cold.

And in this breeze, the two brothers and sisters looked at each other calmly across the street.

It seemed as if time had stopped.

I don't know how long it took, and finally, the calm was broken, and a sigh came from the wind.

"Sure enough, you found it out after all."

"These things are not difficult to analyze, right? The Dion family, the Sunshine Food Factory, and the underground research institute. As long as you investigate in depth, you will find that they are connected by the same line, and following that line, you can see... the hidden channel belonging to the Bugard family."

Ariel's eyelids drooped slightly: "I have to say that you did it very covertly. No wonder the robin can still escape even though the inner council was destroyed. If I were not the heir of the Bugard family and knew a little bit about it, I think it might take some more effort."

"That's not what I want to say."

Orlando shook his head, his tone regretful:

"It was found out, everything was expected, and I never thought that these things could be hidden for a lifetime, but... why are you so smart? My sister? At this time, it's better to pretend to be stupid."

Orlando raised his head and stared at Ariel. His pupils were the most common dark blue of the imperial nobles, like a gemstone, which symbolized his mother's noble bloodline.

Ariel, on the other hand, had a pair of ordinary brown eyes. Although the brilliance and spirit contained in those eyes could blind people... her mother was just a maid born in the lower city and sold to the Earl's house at the age of eight.

"You should know, my dear sister, if this kind of thing is exposed to the sun, it will be a huge disaster for me, for you, and even for the entire Burgard family. You can obviously pretend not to see it. The council no longer exists. As long as you pretend not to see it and play dumb for once, everything will end with you. No one can find out the real inside story. After all, the new emperor must trust you to do this kind of thing."

"Play dumb... Yes, just play dumb..."

Ariel looked at her hands, and the scenes she had seen along the way appeared in her mind.

Those human experiments, artificial monsters, poor people who were casually used as consumables... After seeing these, can you really turn a blind eye to all the evil deeds?

She thought... she couldn't.

"Sorry, you've gone too far."


After a moment of silence, Orlando said, "So, you still want to go to the palace and expose the crimes of your own family with your own hands?"


"Don't you think about the Bugard family?"

Orlando suddenly grabbed his almost completely unconscious thighs with his palms, and suddenly said angrily:

"Since these legs were injured by you, I have become a laughing stock for everyone... I lost, which is understandable, but I became that damn robin so that the family can move forward one step, just to prove to the world again that I, Orlando Bugard, am not a waste!"

"But you lost again."

Ariel's eyes were calm: "And by association, the entire Bugard family was pushed into the abyss."

"Yes... I lost again."

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