Orlando leaned back on the wheelchair, as if he had let go of all his breath:

"I lost, and I can only be a waste forever, but, my dear sister, you are different."

Orlando looked at Ariel expectantly:

"You are now the heir of Bugard and the future countess. I don't care. If my death can end everything, then you can take my head now... But you know, this kind of thing is impossible. Ending because of the death of one person will inevitably involve the entire Bugard family!"

"Ariel, sister, I beg you, even if you don't think about me, you should think about the family! Think about the hundreds of people in the Bugard family!"

"Turn back!"

Orlando bowed his head.

This was the second time in his life that he bowed his head to the girl in front of him, so he was very skilled this time and seemed more sincere.

He felt that his sister was too rigid and made the wrong choice, but as long as he was enlightened, she would be able to turn back.

After all, that is the future high-ranking official of the empire, the brilliant earl...

"Sorry, no." Ariel replied.

"Huh? What...what?"

"I said, no."

Ariel stroked a ring on her finger, and her eyes suddenly revealed a deep attachment:

"In fact, I don't understand why my brother thinks...I really care about what will happen to the Burgard family?"

"Because you are the heir of the Burgard family, you are the future countess, as long as you look back, no one will compete with you, and no one in the entire Burgard family will oppose this matter!"

Orlando screamed with red eyes.

These were things he had pursued so much, and now they are placed in front of this girl, within reach.

And she looks...not caring?

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, no one can resist this temptation!

"Yeah... all this sounds very tempting, but... so what?"

Ariel said calmly: "Countess? To be honest, I never cared about the so-called earldom."

"Liar! Who would refuse..."

"I don't have to lie to you."

Ariel interrupted Orlando.

"You know, brother, I was born and raised in the lower city. My memory before I was ten years old was only a house that was so shabby that it couldn't shelter me from the wind and rain, and my gentle and strong mother who worked day and night every day. You who grew up in a wealthy noble family should not be able to imagine what kind of life this is. The black bread that is hard to swallow for me now was something that I could only eat once a week at that time, and it was something that could really fill my stomach!"

Ariel clenched the ring, her expression fierce, like an angry stray dog: "Then when I was ten years old, even my only relative, my mother, also passed away, I became completely destitute, and she told me before she died , I have a very powerful father. She gave me this ring and said that if I have no way to survive in the future, I can go to him. She told me that she doesn’t blame him, in fact, she still loves him... In short, these are some things in my opinion Extremely stupid words.

So after I buried my mother with the only money I had left in my family, I didn’t go looking for him. I started hanging out in the lower city, fighting with gangsters, and taking advantage of the gangsters. But it was still difficult for me to survive at that time, because I was very weak and could not help anyone. I couldn't beat him, and I was often beaten until I fainted. If I had not been killed, I would have died in the stinking ditch of the downtown area one day if I had not met a kind-hearted abbot who took him in.

Of course, that is why I met Leah... and many more important people. ”

Ariel took a deep breath, closed her eyes to calm down, and continued:

“Later, with my own savings and the help of my teacher, I was admitted to St. Mary's College and began to stand out in the college. It was at that time that the "incredible big man", my father, noticed me and took me back to the Bugard family. ”

“But you still came back, didn't you? You said you didn't care, that must be..."

“The reason why I I came back to this house and competed with you for the position of heir. First, you disliked me first and secretly attacked me. Second, it was... to clear my mother's name! "

Ariel interrupted Orlando and said coldly: "Do you understand? I don't care about the Bugard family or the title of earl! I just want to prove to you that the bitch you look down on and the bastard you secretly despise are much stronger than your so-called noble blood!"

"That's right, that's all!"

The cold wind blew, and the light night mist danced with it. Ariel stood alone in the wide road, and her figure was even thinner.

But the lights from somewhere behind her shone on her, casting a huge and hideous shadow on the ground.

At this time, Orlando seemed to be frightened and couldn't speak for a while.

He seemed to remember the time when he was defeated. He also sat in such an embarrassing way, and was looked down upon by Ariel with contempt.

After a moment of silence, Orlando shook his body, shook his head to get rid of his own gaffe, and begged humbly again: "No matter what, you have been taken care of by the Bugard family for the past two years. You can't..."


Before Orlando finished speaking, a space magic device in the shape of an exquisite bracelet fell in front of his wheelchair.

"This is..."

"Do you know why I found out about all this more than a day ago, but I'm only going to the palace now?"

Ariel tried not to look at the bracelet, and gritted her teeth and said:

"I've been collecting money for the whole day. Although it cost a lot, the little money you supported me before is all here!"

"This... How can this be..."

"I have a record of every penny of those funds, so there will be no mistakes. I won't owe you a penny!"

As she said this, Ariel didn't even look at it again, and turned away.

"I've finished talking, I'm leaving, goodbye!"


Orlando suddenly slapped the armrest of the wheelchair and said sternly: "Do you want to leave?"


Ariel turned back slightly, and the shadow of the greatsword appeared behind her, and a dangerous aura began to gradually emanate from her thin body:

"You mean... do you want to fight me?"

"..."Orlando was stunned.

"You were not my opponent a year ago, and even less so now. You should save some strength and think about how to deal with the trial later... Brother Orlando."

After chewing on those words more heavily, Ariel waved her hand casually and completely disappeared into the night street.

Orlando stared at her back dully, his palms with throbbing veins clenched and loosened several times, but in the end... he still failed to take action, even though he had made sufficient preparations before coming here, and the ambushes around here were enough to surround and kill ten fourth-level warriors.

But he still chickened out.

It's not because the movement here might soon attract the strong men of the palace, making everything completely irreversible, but...

Orlando looked down at his trembling legs and suddenly realized that he had been afraid of Ariel from the beginning.

This beginning does not refer to just now.

But, from the moment Ariel stepped into the Bugard family.

She was afraid of her sister, who had nothing to do with the word "noble" and acted like a beast.

7. Direct arrest

Bugard's house, mansion.

Count Bugard, who had just returned from the palace, was lying on a rocking chair, trying to calm down the mental torture he had suffered before.

During this period of time when they were forced to stay in the palace, the Queen seemed to be afraid that they would be bored, so she called the bastard Pink Bear to accompany them to relieve their boredom.

Haha, Pink Bear, relieve boredom...

The boredom was indeed relieved, but the price was that the bastard dragged several ministers to talk about big breasts and hips all night, and evaluated a whole book of indescribable art photos that he took out from nowhere.

What's the use of evaluation? Who sitting there is not a rotten old man in his 50s, 60s, 70s or 80s, can he regain his vigor?

If the former saint hadn't come to kill him later, I'm afraid half of these old men would have died of blood pressure bursts.

... However, torture is torture, and Count Bugard at this moment cannot rest for the time being.

He suddenly opened his eyes and said calmly:


"... Sorry, father."

Orlando, who came to the room in his wheelchair without being pushed by others, lowered his head:

"That bastard is stubborn, and I am afraid of committing a crime if I take action. Besides, I also think of the brother-sister relationship, so..."


The teacup was thrown over, and the maid had just brought it up, and the still hot tea splashed all over Orlando.

Count Bugard looked at his only son coldly, with disappointment in his eyes:

"Why are you always such a waste? You can't do such a small thing well, and you still dream of inheriting the Bugard family?"

"I'm really sorry..."

Orlando buried his head even lower, letting the tea flow.


Count Bugard snorted coldly, suddenly turned his head to look somewhere outside the window, and whispered:

"Even the entire Bugard family did not impress her. She is really the same as you."

Hearing his father mention that bitch, Orlando's eyes twitched, but he still did not dare to say anything, just asked:

"Then... Father, what should we do next?"

"What should we do... Colluding with the parliament is a capital crime, and the whole family must not be implicated. The entire Bugard family has gone through several generations to climb step by step to the current high position. It cannot be destroyed in my hands."

Count Bugard The Count pondered for a moment, looked at Orlando, and his voice suddenly became much gentler:

"So... I can only sacrifice you, my son."


Orlando was stunned, and then his face suddenly changed: "No... No, father, you can't do this!"

"Why? Orlando Bugard is a robin, but a robin is not Bugard. As long as this is proved, the current Queen is not a bloodthirsty person. In addition, she has just succeeded to the throne, and the first thing she considers is the stability of the empire. She should not kill the entire Bugard family at this time." Count Bugard said expressionlessly.


Orlando was so excited that he almost jumped up from the wheelchair. He pointed at Count Bugard and shouted:

"The robin disguise was obviously given to me by you, father. Otherwise, with my identity, how could I..."

"Shut up! You are a piece of shit and you have no right to bargain. Who do you think you are?"

Count Bugard's face turned cold, he interrupted Orlando, and waved his hand not wanting to listen to his nonsense:

"Come here."

"Here." On the side, the white-haired old butler bent forward.

"Break the hands of this rebellious son who disobeyed the emperor and send him to the palace to apologize!"


"That's right."

Count Bugard stopped the old butler who was dragging the struggling Orlando out, and pointed to his Adam's apple:

"Pay attention, don't let him talk too much."

"I understand."

The old butler nodded in understanding. Although he looked very old, he dragged Orlando, who was not weak, out easily.

Orlando cursed, but Count Bouchard turned a deaf ear to him. He just sighed and looked at the other side with a look of pity:

"Alas, my family is unfortunate. I believe your Majesty will understand me."

Soon, after a scream outside the door, everything calmed down.


After a while, the old butler came back, still as clean and tidy as ever, without a trace of blood.

"Have you dealt with it?"


"Nothing is left behind."

"All the evidence related to the Bouchard family has been dealt with, Miss... Ariel's act of collecting money did give us time to react. But..."

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