The old housekeeper hesitated and said:

"Based on what I think, these alone should not be enough to deal with His Majesty. She is not like a stupid and kind person. In the past few days, many nobles in Belland have been purged. Her The methods seemed even more ruthless and radical than her father’s.”

"Haha, of course, His Majesty can become the winner in the end, so how could he be fooled by such a small trick?"

Count Boogard sneered at himself and looked at the three letters he had just prepared on his desk:

"So, I have to use other means."

The palace is still grand and noble, but in recent nights, the atmosphere has become much colder and solemn. Even the palace maids passing by are in a hurry and dare not stop to communicate.

The Royal Knights and Royal Magicians who were guarding the place were temporarily dispatched to guard Belland to prevent some people from doing anything crazy when they were desperate. At the same time, they also took this opportunity to completely clean up some of the hidden secrets. mouse.

Her Majesty, the newly ascended Queen, is likely to take this opportunity to eliminate all the long-standing shortcomings in the royal capital.

Therefore, although the lighting cost of the palace has been reduced a lot recently, only the temporarily established affairs hall is still bright at this time.

Ariel walked out.

After reporting to Celecia everything she had found out during this period, and presenting a list that could be said to be able to catch all the remaining members of the Council who were still hiding, she had made such a great contribution, and obtained Celie. Sia's compliments and invitation to have dinner later... But she was not as happy as she imagined.

Maybe she did something that seemed extremely stupid to outsiders.

"Sigh... I really wonder why you would do such a **** thing."

Ariel clutched her chest with a painful look on her face, looked up to the sky and sighed:

"That's... more than five million Emile, all of it was given to Orlando. Damn it, why did I pretend to give it all at that time, secretly hiding hundreds of thousands and he didn't know, now... I Become a pauper again!”

In a blink of an eye, you can go from having savings since childhood to being extremely poor. The joys and sorrows in life are nothing more than this.

Fortunately, I am already used to black bread and so on, so it doesn't matter if I eat it again.

"Are you OK."


Ariel turned her head warily.

"It's me." A figure was leaning against the wall at the corner.

"Tsk, why is it you?"

Ariel clicked her tongue and showed a disgusted expression for a moment: "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to comfort you."

Mu En flipped up her strands of blond hair and smiled, "How could I sit idly by when a sad beautiful girl passes by?"


This time it's not disgusting, but disgusting.

"Okay, okay, who knows what bad intentions you have. I don't want to see you now. I will talk to you again after I snatch Liya back from your hands. At that time, I will appreciate your defeat." "Canine expression."

"So you already knew?" Mu En was stunned.

"Do you think I'm a fool?"

Ariel sneered, waved her hand, and left directly, not wanting to talk to this guy anymore.

Mu En looked at her back, suddenly sighed, suppressed his smile and said:

"Feel sorry."

"What's the meaning?"

"It was I who recommended Celiac to ask you to investigate this matter...but I didn't know that Mockingbird actually..."

Mu En finally understood why in the original work, there was no conflict between Ariel and the Li Council, because before the death of the late king, the Li Council would not jump out at all.

And as long as they didn't jump to the surface, in a sense, Ariel was actually a member of the Council, but even she herself didn't know this.

"What does it have to do with you?"

Ariel paused and turned around:

"I was the one who investigated, and I was the one who chose not to cover up this matter, and it was Orlando who did those things, and maybe even the entire Bugard family. What does these things have to do with you?"


Mu En opened her mouth, but for a moment she didn't know what to say.

Of course it doesn't matter, he really just came to comfort her.

But in fact, those things really didn't seem to affect the fateful protagonist... Maybe they did, but her strong heart allowed her to ignore this influence.

So now, the more important thing for her may be to think about how to live a good life without eating brown bread and having chicken legs every meal.

"Since it has nothing to do with you, then you don't have to be pretentious in front of me. Are you using this good person appearance to deceive Liya? Let me tell you, I, Ariel, have been in love for many years, and I have always only liked pretty little beauties. You will be deceived."

"...Heh, that's right."

Mu En suddenly smiled, scratched his head and said, "You don't seem to need comfort."

"What do you mean, you don't need to comfort me? I look like I'm made of steel." Ariel rolled her eyes.



"Tsk, don't tell me we are like old friends. I haven't forgotten what happened before."

Ariel shook her fist hard and said fiercely: "Don't let me catch the opportunity. If you don't let me, Liya will understand what the right choice is. I will not give up!"

"All right……"

Mu En waved helplessly.

It seems that I really need to stay away from this destined protagonist now. If she knows that not only Liya, but also her future target Cecilia, is now in love with her so-called fiancée, she might kill her if she finds a chance.

I still have to be in awe of the protagonist’s power.

"Oh, right."

Unexpectedly, Ariel, who was about to leave, suddenly turned back and said with a sly smile:

"Since you have a little kindness, I have something to remind you."


"You are... in danger now!"

Ariel pointed at Mu En and did not hide her gloating: "According to the information I have, my father will not admit defeat so easily. In order to protect the Bugard family, he is very likely to attack you."

"To me?"

Mu En also pointed at himself and said strangely: "Where is this? This is the palace, Cecilia... Your Majesty is still my fiancée now, why did he attack me?"

Will he come over and drown himself with spit? Or hide at home and draw circles to curse himself to death?

"About this..."

Ariel was about to say something, but suddenly glanced to the side, and the smile on her face became more intense: "It seems that they are here."

Suddenly, there was a sound of neat footsteps. Mu En frowned and looked over, and found that it was a team of royal knights walking towards this side.

"Mu En Campbell! You are arrested!"

The leading knight picked up a document and showed it to Mu En, then his expression was serious and his tone was sonorous:

"Someone reported that you colluded with the evil god, bewitched the king, and debauched the harem. The crime is extremely serious! Please come with us!"


Mu En was stunned: "Colluded with the evil god?"


Ariel, who was about to watch the fun, was also stunned: "Debauched the harem?"


8. The Earl's Opinion

"Wait! I misunderstood. Colluding with the evil god must be false!"

Mu En was shocked. He was now recorded in the little notebooks of several evil gods, and they wanted to tie him to the altar and light a sky lantern. What evil god did he collude with?

As for Brother Weizi... can that be called collusion? It can only be called mutual benefit, and now that I have given him some of his favor, who knows, after he wakes up, he might come to me for a righteous counterattack.

"Yes, yes, I also think he must have misunderstood!"

Ariel was also shocked. Promiscuous harem? Harem? Whose harem?

... The current emperor is Cecilia, so of course it is her harem, but during this period of time, she saw Cecilia busy with political affairs, and there was no intimate action between her and Mu En. Promiscuous harem, it must be fake!

Besides, how could the arrogant, cold, iceberg-like Cecilia be described as "promiscuous"?

With her temperament, if she met someone who blasphemed, wouldn't she just break everything off?

"Did you make a mistake?"

"We are only responsible for arresting people. Whether the charges are true or not, we have to wait for the trial of the empire!"

The leading knight looked ruthless and did not give Mu En a chance to continue explaining. He waved his hand behind him: "Take him away!"

The two knights stepped forward and approached Mu En.

"Sorry, Master Mu En."

Mu En frowned slightly, thought about it, and still did not resist, allowing them to handcuff him.

Although I don't know why there is such an unexpected development, the arrest document just now is obviously true. If I resist at this time, it will give the enemy a handle.

We still have to wait and see what happens next.

Besides, if it operates within the specifications, I don't have to be afraid of anyone now.

After all...

I have someone above me.jpg.

So Mu En was taken away obediently.

Ariel on the side watched Mu En being taken away by the royal knights, blinked, and suddenly turned around and ran in another direction.

"What do you mean?"

In the government hall, Cecilia was still reviewing official documents. After hearing Ariel's question, she slowly put down the coffee in her hand and said without raising her head:

"As you think, that's what it means. I issued the arrest warrant."

"You issued it yourself?" Ariel's eyes widened.

"Of course, now that I have gradually taken control of the empire, I think no one can bypass me and issue an order to arrest the emperor's fiancé."

"Not so good."

"What's wrong with it? It just so happens that that guy has been too arrogant recently and doesn't take me seriously. It's time to teach him a lesson."

At this point, Cecilia snorted coldly from her nose, sounding full of disgust.

"Is that so..."

Ariel breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not that she was relaxed because there was no deep conspiracy in this matter, but...Since Cecilia was willing to arrest Muen Campbell, it means that the harem is definitely fake!

Judging from Cecilia's disgusted look just now, she is still maintaining a relationship with Muen. It must be because she still cares about her reputation and the help the Campbell family gives her, so she compromised temporarily!

Yes, it must be like this!

Based on my rich experience in relationships, this is 99% likely to be the case!

Ariel thought firmly.

“So, this matter…”

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