"That's right, it's the good deed done by your father... Count Boogard, who seems unwilling to do anything now."

Celecia casually handed a document to Ariel. Ariel took a closer look and found that it turned out to be a report letter.

The signature and seal of the report letter were all the emblems of the Bugard family that Ariel was very familiar with.

"Actually, it's just a report letter. It couldn't even distract me at first, but Count Boogard turned out to be cunning. He wrote three same report letters."

"Three seals?"

"Yes, in addition to me, there are also gifts for the Silence Agency and the Church of Life."

Celecia tilted her head and looked at the contents of the report letter: "Let's not talk about the other reasons for the report, which are harmless, but the only thing about colluding with the evil god is something that the empire cannot rule alone, and I cannot suppress it alone. Count Boogard probably wants to make a big deal out of it and put pressure on me, so although it seems that he is targeting Mu En, he is actually here for me."

"Hug... I'm sorry for causing trouble to Your Majesty."

Some didn't know what to say, and Ariel scratched her head in embarrassment.

"No need to apologize. This matter has nothing to do with you. Aren't you already divorced from the Bugard family?"

"No, that's right! That's right!"

Ariel's eyes lit up: "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Although she was happy to see that guy Moon Campbell suffer a little in the cell, she also instinctively sensed that this was a great opportunity to show off in front of Celcia!

"Need not."

Celcia shook her head.

"No one can help him in this matter for the time being. Even I can only wait and see how things develop."

"We'll wait and see what happens. If Moon Campbell is really convicted..."

"Huh, if you're convicted, you're convicted."

Celecia said expressionlessly: "Is it possible that he was really wronged?"

"Whoa whoa!"

Seeing Celcia's appearance, Ariel became more and more happy, feeling that she was doing well again, and even had a great success!

After Ariel left, Celcia's government affairs came to an end temporarily.

She picked up the report letter again and looked at it carefully. With a slight shake of her hand, a photo that Ariel had not noticed just now fell from behind the overlapped report letter.

It was obviously a photo imprinted by the photo-taking magic. Due to the dim light and the short casting time, it seemed like the photo was taken amidst countless galloping monsters, so the photo looked blurry and messy.

But it can be vaguely seen that the man in the photo is surrounded by very unknown... strange black flames.

Celecia picked up the photo with her fingers and looked at the photo more carefully through the light of the magic stone.

"You actually... did this to me?"

These are some details that Ariel doesn't know. This matter is not just a simple false accusation.

It has evidence.

Of course, this photo alone is not enough to prove that Moon Campbell colluded with the evil god, but it is enough to prove that people related to the evil god really exist.

Coupled with the report sent by the Bugard family to three parties in the name of the family, this matter will definitely be pushed to the public, and even make the whole city of Belland aware of it. Therefore, no matter what, Moon Campbell They all had to be dragged into this whirlpool, and even she couldn't hide it.

Besides, who knows whether Count Boogard, who can produce this photo, can produce new evidence?

"As expected of Count Boogard, he is still as old as he is old."

Celecia sighed softly, but the corners of her mouth curved into a sarcastic arc.

"However, the silence mechanism, the Church of Life... ha!"


"Yes, everything is set up."

The old butler bowed and said seriously: "This is all in accordance with your arrangements, Lord Earl, and there will never be any mistakes."

"very good!"

Count Boogard patted the old butler on the shoulder happily. This was the first good news he heard after the fall of the Parliament.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"No, this is what I should do."

"Alas, there are not many reliable people in the entire Bugard family. Fortunately, you are here. After this incident, no matter what, I will help your son seek a noble title!"

"Thank you, Lord Count."

"You're welcome, you deserve this."

Seeing that his arrangement was completed step by step, Count Boogard also seemed a lot more excited. He immediately came to the table to write and draw, and continued to plan for the next step of development.

"Lord Earl, actually I have something else that I don't quite understand..." The old butler came to the table and after looking at it for a while, he suddenly asked.


"Isn't it too dangerous for us to continue to persecute His Majesty like this? Your Majesty is your Majesty after all, and is the master of the current empire. If she keeps resenting my Bukal family, I am afraid that even if she survives this time, she will not be able to follow up. There may be good results.”


Count Boogard wrote vigorously for a long time, and then he sighed:

"Of course I know about this kind of thing."


"But do we have any choice now? His Majesty is already sharpening his sword against the Bugard family. Sooner or later, the robin incident will involve us."

Count Boogard's eyes narrowed: "So, we can only take the initiative to take a step forward before that."


"Yes, colluding with the evil god is of great concern. In addition, I have also implicated the Silence Agency and the Church of Life. Both parties are extremely disgusted with the remnants of the evil god and will definitely urge your majesty not to be perfunctory."

"She and I both know that Moon Campbell's strange black flame must be related to the power of the evil god, so as long as she still cares about Moon Campbell, she will never fight me to the end."

"So this is actually not an advance or a coercion, but an advance followed by retreat. Your Majesty is a smart person. She knows that as long as she compromises, takes a step back, and promises not to pursue the Bugard family again, then I will also retreat. , drop this complaint.”

"This is also the reason why I first sent my son to apologize, then reported Moon Campbell, and finally sent a photo that could not convict Moon Campbell. While taking the initiative to press hard, I left room for everything. Be tough when it’s time to be tough, compromise when it’s time to compromise, be relaxed and appropriate, and advance and retreat appropriately... This is the so-called art of politics.”

Count Boogard let out a long breath. This was just a few moves, but it already contained the essence of his many years of hard work in the imperial political arena.

"...So that's it."

After hearing all this, the old housekeeper could not help but sincerely admire:

"Your Majesty, thanks to your plan, we can easily overcome the difficulties this time when we come to Bugard's house."

9. People from all over the world

A small shop in Xiacheng District.

Anna walked into the store under the sunshine, glanced around the small store that seemed to have not changed, and stretched out her hand to shake the bell on the door.

But the old man in the rocking chair was still drowsy.

"I haven't been back for so long, why don't you say hello?"

"After you come back, the first thing you do is not come to see me as your adoptive father, but go find your lover. Do you still have the nerve to ask me to greet you?"

The old man seemed to be babbling, but he deliberately said sarcastically:

"Why, you came back in despair and didn't see me? Haha... It seems that you, the sword wielder, can't compare to His Majesty the Empire after all."

"You are already old, so don't say such things that will make you angry."

Anna found a chair, sat next to the old man, stretched out her hand to hold his arm that was already covered with age spots, the darkness behind her flowed slightly, and the invisible force sank into the old man's body.

After some careful inspection, Anna's beautiful eyebrows relaxed and she said with a smile:

"It seems that you are in good health recently, and you haven't wasted so many precious potions I gave you."

"Haha, it's like a magic potion, but now I feel relaxed and relaxed. I usually play cards and chess with my old friends who retired together, and my health will naturally get better."

The old man finally showed a slight smile. He did not want to be as cold and rigid as when he was in the position of sword holder. He opened his cloudy eyes and glanced sideways at Anna:

"What, are you worried?"

"Trouble? Not really, just another sigh of relief at someone's ability to cause trouble."

Ana flipped her hair slightly helplessly.

Outside the shop, under a big tree not far away, several old people were chatting. Although they were whispering to each other and consciously speaking in a hidden way, the content still clearly fell into the ears of Anna and the old people.

"Oh, yes, you heard that the son of a certain big noble in the upper city, someone named Mother Campel, seems to have had an affair with the evil god!"

"I know, I know. It is said that it is still a love triangle! The evil god at the beginning was abandoned in the end, and now they are clamoring to kill him!"

"I've heard of this too, but isn't it called Mother Danbel? I heard that that guy stepped on a few boats, and the stomachs of several evil gods were enlarged!"

"Huh? Horrible!"

"Bah, you scumbag!"


The gossips of women in the market are always slightly different from the truth, but even the aunts and ladies on the street are discussing this matter, which means that the Bugard family reported that Moon Campbell colluded with the evil god, and now it has caused a big fuss. The city is full of storm.

It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. What's important is that this matter is no longer something that anyone can cover up alone. It must go to the imperial court for a joint trial by all parties.

"Heh, that's interesting."

Although the content of those words made the old man stunned for a while, he still realized the underlying reason. He glanced at Anna with a hint of gloating and said with a smile:

"I know that kid will be arrested one day sooner or later. So, as the sword holder of the Silence Agency, what are you going to do?"

"How to do it?"

Anna thought for a while, then held her chin up, her charming eyes full of emotion:

"What else can I do? Can I still bear to harm him?"

"Archbishop, this is something sent by the Campbell family."

"Oh? Is it finally here?"

The Archbishop of Canterbury was overjoyed, and he calmly accepted the gift box from the nun.

The gift box had no decorations and looked very ordinary. However, the Archbishop of Canterbury's eyes sparkled, and he was obviously looking forward to it.

The gift box was opened and there wasn't much inside.

There is only a land deed and a black crystal card issued by the Imperial Bank.

"Okay, that boy really didn't break his promise."

Canterbury stroked his beard happily. It was worth it that he had fought so hard with King Indra and his beard was almost pulled off. Now he could finally build another large building in Belland in his name. church!

"By the way, Archbishop, the Campbell family asked me to pass on a message..."

"Okay, okay, I already know what's going on. That guy is a worry. Don't worry, I will be slightly biased towards him during the trial."

Archbishop Canterbury waved his hand indifferently, obviously not interested in this matter, and muttered:

"How could the Honorary Templar Knights appointed by His Majesty the Pope collude with the evil god? Isn't it a slap in the face of my church by the publicity of the Burgard family?"

"Then I will respond like this."

The nun bowed and left.

Then, before Archbishop Canterbury could carefully appreciate the location of the land where he would build the cathedral in the future, the nun hurried in again.

"So you sent away the Campbell family so soon?"

"... No, someone is visiting."

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