The nun glanced at the archbishop nervously: "Someone is coming from the Holy City!"


The Archbishop of Canterbury was stunned for a moment, then stood up suddenly:

"At this time...who is it?"

The nun didn't answer.

But being able to let her come in so quickly to report to the Archbishop, and even have the intention of inviting him out...

Then the status of the visiting person from the Holy City must be similar to him, or even... slightly higher than him.

"I didn't expect that you came to Belland in person, but I didn't receive any news."

The Archbishop of Canterbury looked at the figure outlined behind the curtain with some confusion, and sighed:

"I apologize for not being able to welcome you from a distance."

"No, Archbishop need not be polite."

Behind the curtain, a clear and beautiful voice like a lark came:

"I came to Belland this time without alarming anyone. The archbishop also knew that if my arrival was known to some fanatical believers, it would definitely put a lot of pressure on Belland, which had just restored order. , I don’t want chaos to come to this suffering city again.”

"Your Highness has mercy."

The Archbishop of Canterbury bowed slightly and then asked:

"So, why did Your Highness come here?"

"Such a big thing happened in Belland, of course I have to come and take a look."

"But those things are over. His Highness seems to have arrived too late."

"Yeah, it's late."

The voice in the curtain had a touch of regret, but at the end, the words changed:

"Speaking of which, I heard that something happened recently, which seems to have caused quite a stir in Belland..."

"...Sure enough, is that so?"

The corners of Canterbury's eyes twitched, and then he sighed as he had expected it, and said: "It seems difficult for Your Highness to come forward personally in that matter. It will only be counterproductive. If outsiders think that Your Highness the Saint came all the way here, deliberately If you favor a man, the crazy believers will tear him into pieces without anyone taking action.”

"I... of course I won't come forward in person. Who wants to come forward in person? His fiancée and that senior sister, can't they just help him settle everything?"

The curtain shook for a while, and it was obviously just a sound coming out, but it seemed to make people see a young and beautiful girl, full of energy.

But not long after she was angry, her voice changed again:

"But... just in case, I have to go take a look, right, Archbishop?"


Now that we have reached this point, why are you still asking me?

Could it be that if I deny it, you won’t go?

The Archbishop of Canterbury felt a burst of slander in his heart, but he still responded calmly:

"Then let everything be arranged according to His Highness's request... In this tripartite trial, you will personally take action on the Life Church's side."

10. In prison

"go in."

With a clang, the cold iron door was opened, and Mu En was pushed by the knight into this cold prison.

The smell of darkness and blood rushed towards me, and the cold wind blowing on my face seemed to lead to the netherworld. I could vaguely hear the faint screams coming from the depths, and the numb and cold sight of those in the corner not far away.

The body began to become heavy, and some kind of restrictions seemed to be imposed here. The fighting energy all over the body seemed to be condensed into iron and could not be activated. However, the blockade method here was much rougher than the palace's forbidden curse. It was like forcibly pouring cement into the body. , you can vaguely feel the stinging pain of being compressed in your meridians.

This did not affect Mu En's actions. Instead, since it was his first time in prison, he was looking around curiously.

Everything was in line with his imagination of that kind of gloomy cell, but it was more terrifying than what he knew. The chains were thicker than his wrists, and they made a creaking sound when they were dragged, and the chains looked like they were about to break free at any moment. The person... is just a skinny woman.

The messy hair swayed slightly, and the woman raised her head and seemed to be staring at him, murmuring inaudibly in her mouth, which was extremely scary.

"Don't look, that's the lunatic who once specialized in eviscerating people in Belland. He has no sense at all."

The knight warned and led Mu En all the way to the deepest point.

The smell of blood here is stronger, and the prisoners are not as dying as before, and every one of them looks like a hungry wolf.

"You stay here for now."

The knight had no expression on his face and pushed Mu En into the innermost cell:

"Don't think about escaping. There will be guards patrolling here 24 hours a day."

"rest assured."

Mu En shrugged and said with a smile: "I have always been the most law-abiding person. I will not do such a thing that breaks the rules."

"That's good."

The knight nodded slightly, then suddenly leaned into Mu En's ear and whispered in the voice of only two people:

"If you have any requests, you can call the jailer."


Mu En blinked, not yet understanding the knight's meaning.

However, before he could ask any questions, the knight turned and left, leaving only the clang of the iron door being locked.

"What do you want, call the jailer?"

Mu En lowered his head and glanced at the cold shackles on his hands, and said to himself, "Is this what a prisoner can think about?"

Mu En sighed softly.

But regardless of whether he should think about it or not, his current identity has completely changed from the son of a noble duke to a miserable prisoner.

From heaven to earth in the blink of an eye, alas, how sad...

"Hey, a new guy suddenly came here. I thought he was a big boss somewhere. Why, he turned out to be a pretty boy with thin skin and tender flesh?"

Suddenly, from the shadow of the cell next door, a big man with a fierce expression walked out. He stood behind the iron bars and looked at Mu En with a grin:

"You look like a boy from some noble family. You were sent to this black prison. What crime did you commit? Tell me what crime you committed?"

"Crime, I didn't commit a crime." Mu En said displeased.

"Ha, everyone who comes here has said this, including the crazy woman who mutters all day long. She still thinks that she cuts people's stomachs open to exorcise them, but she exorcises them. It’s so ugly that all the people died!”

"I really haven't committed a crime. I have been law-abiding since I was a child, I am kind and innocent, and I help my grandmother cross the road every day. How could I have committed a crime?"

Mu En shook his head: "It's just that someone falsely accused me."

"False accusation?"

The big man was stunned for a moment, and then showed his compassion without any concealment:

"Political persecution, are you really a noble?"

"Well, what you said is right."

"Hey, it looks like your kid has been falsely accused of a lot of crimes!"

The big man laughed and said: "If you put it like this...haha, you are finished!"

"It's over? Why?"

"Do you know where this is?"


"This is a dark prison!"

The big man pointed around: "The black prison known as the place of death! Those who can be imprisoned here are the most vicious and evil people, and the crimes on them are so serious that ten heads are not enough! Therefore, there is absolutely no reason to escape alive. And if you, a politically persecuted person, can come in, that means..."

The big man licked his lips, his eyes gleaming: "You kid has been completely given up, I'm afraid you can only stay here for the rest of your life!"


Mu En was shocked.

Not only was he shocked that he had unknowingly become a so-called extremely evil person and could not get out before the interrogation started, he was also shocked that the big man in front of him who was imprisoned here actually had such knowledge.

"I would like to ask, what are you being imprisoned here for..."


The big man pointed his thumb at himself and said proudly: "I only killed twenty-three people!"

"Hiss, killed twenty-three!"

Mu En took a breath: "It's so scary!"

"By the way, there are three more among them, they are noble brats like you with tender skin and tender flesh!"

"It's terrible, it's terrible!"

Mu En looked frightened, "A scary person like you is locked up here. Is there really no way out here?"

"of course not!"

The big man replied: "Not only are there restrictions to suppress cultivation, prison doors and chains made of fine steel, but the jailers here are also extremely cruel and cruel. It is said that they are veterans who have killed hundreds of people on the battlefield. Good job!”

As he spoke, the big man opened his shirt, showed Mu En the vicious centipede-like wounds on his body, and said in a sad tone:

"As long as you have the slightest idea of ​​​​escaping from prison, you will be tortured by them! I don't have any good flesh on my body now! Their methods are like cutting your body with a knife, which will make you miserable!"

"It's so scary!"

Mu En gasped again.

That miserable scene was already one-tenth of the flesh and blood distortion of the evil believers I encountered!

As a normal murderer, I have to say that this is already a very harsh punishment.

"Humph, so..."

Seeing Mu En's frightened look, the big man once again showed a fierce and proud expression: "After this, you'd better be good..."

"Ah, wait a minute."

Mu En suddenly interrupted the big man and waved to the jailer not far away:

"Um...can you find me a chair? There's not even a place to sit here."

The jailer ran over and stretched his head to look into the cell. When he saw that Mu En's cell was no different from other cells, with dirty weeds spread randomly, he quickly lowered his head and said:

"I'm very sorry, you see we didn't notice this..."

"It's okay, just move faster."


The jailer trotted out again, and soon, several jailers with even more sinister expressions and terrifying aura walked in from the outside... carrying a gorgeous sofa together.

They opened the cell door, cleaned the cell, moved the big sofa in, and helped Mu En find the most suitable place to place it.

"Ah, by the way, can you prepare something to eat for me? I'm a little hungry."


After a while...

“Due to limited conditions, it’s a bit shabby. We only have Champaign steak, cod and scallop soup, and matsutake caviar as a side dish... Would you like some red wine?”

"Forget the red wine. After all, I'm still in jail. It's not good to drink."

"Then we'll take our leave now. If you have any requests, you can call me directly. We have people on standby at any time."

"Thanks for your hard work."

"It is our honor to serve you."

After a dazzling movement, the extremely well-trained jailers silently retreated to the outside, making the depths of the cell even quieter.

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