Mu En sat on the soft sofa, dividing the steaks with a knife and fork skillfully, and tilted her head to look at the big man:

"By the way, what did you want to say just now?"


Cold sweat began to ooze out of the big man's forehead. In the past, he kept his expression calm when killing people, but now, facing this smiling young man, his legs began to shake a little.

Damn it, being able to call this black prison your home... What is this guy's identity? Is he the emperor's lover?

"I...I didn't say anything, haha...I didn't say anything."

"That's it..."

Mu En raised her fingers at him: "Then come here."


The big man was about to refuse, but before he could react, a strong hand grabbed his neck.

Even though they couldn't use fighting energy, he didn't have the slightest strength to resist.

"Twenty-three people were killed, right?"

Mu En tilted her head and looked at him:

"That's great if you're a scumbag. Could you please help me get some more evidence?"

"Uh uh..."

The big man gasped hard, but naturally...he had no strength to resist at all.

One minute later.

Mu En wiped his hands with a silk napkin. He glanced at the dying man beside him and raised his head. The jailer outside remained motionless, as if he acquiesced to his behavior.

"Haha, is it true?"

Mu En shook her head in a funny way:

"You talk about locking me up, but in fact you still take good care of me. Doesn't it mean that you can't bear to see me being wronged? That damn arrogant person."

It seems that now, I can completely relax.

Since his treatment has not been affected, it means that the current situation is not out of Celcia's control.

As for the subsequent interrogation should be just a formality.

"It's just... I don't know why, but I always have a strange premonition."

Mu En frowned, feeling inexplicably uneasy, as if there was something she hadn't thought of yet.

But... the power of the evil god in him is the top boss in the mainland. Both Old Loli and the Pope are aware of it and even acquiesce in it. Although it may have an impact on his reputation if it is promoted like this, the so-called "collusion with the evil god" How could the crime really hurt him?


Mu En breathed a sigh of relief, put those vague premonitions behind him, and began to sit comfortably on the big soft sofa, enjoying his unique and interesting meal in the cell with peace of mind.

At the same time, unknown to him, outside the cell...

The several jailers who had been serving him together just now were now facing each other in a tense situation.

"People from the Silence Agency? This is not something you can interfere with, right?"

"Haha, I was ordered to come and take a look."

"Tsk, how could the Life Church be involved in such common things?"

"It's nothing, it's just that the reward given by Master Mu En is a bit too much. The archbishop asked me to repay a little bit. But you, this is your territory, but you use such dishonorable methods, it really surprises me."

"Nothing to do with you!"

Several people were confronting each other with squinted eyes, as if electric light was flashing in their eyes, filled with murderous intent.

And somewhere in a corner, several people who had been stripped naked and tied together were sobbing without tears, trembling and watching the dispute that had already begun invisibly.

11. Justice

In the gloomy corridor, there was a flickering light.

The maid with a solemn expression, holding a lantern, walked along the long spiral staircase towards the depths.

The oil lamps on both sides have long since dried up over the long years. There seems to be some strange echo in the cracked brick wall, but it is crushed by the cold footsteps.

The maid went all the way down to the deepest part.

A quaint door that seemed to have not been opened for decades stood in front of him, with strange textures carved on it, and a scale that still exuded a faint majesty despite the influence of time.

The maid took a deep breath, straightened her back, and her expression became more solemn, as if she was afraid that her next actions would disturb the sanctity behind the door.

Then, she raised her hand and pushed open the door.

The roar of the door opening disturbed the dust, and the light of the expensive magic stone that had not been extinguished for decades fell from the high top, illuminating rows of neatly arranged bookshelves.

The darkness was dispelled, revealing an astonishing underground space, but the huge collection of books and densely arranged bookshelves still made the place look extremely cramped.

Fortunately, the huge ventilation fan is still working, constantly casting gradual shadows on the bookshelf, so that this place will not become a complete dead place due to lack of air.

The maid extinguished the lantern and walked cautiously towards the depths, but the slight sound of the soles of her feet rubbing against the ground still disturbed the old man who was half lying in the deepest part, surrounded by countless books.


The old man leaned on the books piled high and shook his head slightly.

He looked old and wan, and he stepped into the coffin with half a foot. These are all overly optimistic descriptions. He seemed to be a living dead, or a corpse that had just crawled out of the grave. Those dry limbs would rot into dust again at any time.

"Hello, Justice Truswell, I'm sorry to disturb your slumber."

The maid bowed respectfully:

"I am from the Bugard family. I am entrusted by the current head of the Bugard family to come to see you."


The old man murmured in a low voice: "Bugard...Bugard...Bugard...Oh, I remember, the current head of the family? Is that boy Cotton?"

"The Cotton you are talking about is the previous head of the family. The current head of the family is his son, His Excellency Feynman Boogard."

"Well, in the blink of an eye, decades have passed, and even that kid's son has become the head of the family. Time waits for no one."

Traswell sighed: "He sent someone to look for me, probably because of the favor I once owed to the Bugard family."

"I didn't expect His Excellency the Justice to still remember it."

"I am old, but not so old that I have forgotten everything. Tell me, what does he want me to do for him?"

"It's very simple."

The maid took a few steps forward and handed a document to Truswell respectfully: "Next, there will be a very important case to be tried. Due to the special status of the person being tried, this trial has attracted a lot of attention. High, the impact will be far-reaching, so the head of the family hopes that you can come forward and serve as the presiding judge of this trial. With your status in the legal world of the empire, as long as you are willing to speak out, this kind of thing should not be difficult. "


Truswell took the document and flipped through it as fast as an old man. He quickly grasped all the important information in it:

"The son of the Campbell family? The nominal fiancé of His Majesty the new one? He was reported by the Bugard family for colluding with the evil gods? Oh, he even made such a fuss that a three-way trial was necessary. This kid's energy is extraordinary."

"That's why you need to come forward, isn't it?" the maid said respectfully.

"What Bugard means is..."

Truswell's eyes narrowed, and his cloudy old eyes actually exuded a frightening majesty: "Let me favor him and condemn this young man who may become the prince of the empire in the future?"

"No, I'm not asking you to favor him."

Seeing the displeasure of the chief judge, the maid hurriedly explained: "On the contrary, what the head of the family means is that he does not trust other judges. Those other judges will be unfair due to the identity of the person currently being tried. That’s why I found you, and I hope you can come forward and bring a fair trial to this matter!”

"A fair trial?"

"Yes, this case is very special, and only you have the qualifications and identity to bring justice to it!"

"Hmm...that seems to make sense."

Truswell nodded slowly, secretly wondering whether the empire's legal profession had become corrupted to this extent during the years when he temporarily retired to seclusion?

This kind of open trial, or a serious case tried by three parties, is actually timid and biased because of the so-called identity of the person being tried, and throws the laws of the empire at its feet. How is this unbecoming?

In this case...

"That's fine. I heard that His Majesty has just ascended the throne in the empire, and everything is still in the midst of new life and chaos. In this case..."

Justice Truswell stood up suddenly, his majestic judge's robe shaking:

"Then let me bring absolute fairness to this tripartite trial!"

"The justice is wise!"

"Please come out?"

"Yes, everything went well."

After listening to the old butler's report, Earl Bugard was excited again:

"Very good, now all the preparations have been completed, a fair trial... Haha, it is precisely because of the fair trial that I, the whistleblower with the evidence, have the possibility to manipulate the outcome. Now even His Majesty, Now it can be considered as being held up!"

"It's true. The higher you are in a high position, the more you can't control certain things."

"The only thing left is to wait for His Majesty to compromise. If she does not compromise, she will be pressured by the Silence Agency, the Church of Life, and even the upright Justice. I think even if she is powerful now, she will not be able to resist this. Despite the pressure, he finally chose to compromise with me!”

There was excitement in Bugard's eyes: "After the compromise, Bugard has been recuperating for decades, so there may not be any chance of rising again!"

"Indeed, as long as we can get over this hurdle, what reason is there for the Bugard family not to prosper?"

The old butler once again sincerely praised: "Your Excellency, the Count is wise!"

"Truswell? Who is that?"

"Hmm... It seems that he is a great judge who was very prestigious in the legal circles of the empire decades ago. He is known for his impartiality and fear of power. Almost most of the judges in the empire today are his disciples and grandsons. "Yes." Weier quickly checked the information and explained to Celcia.

"Is it fair? Not afraid of power?"

Celecia's face turned cold: "The top legal officials who have almost completely controlled the entire empire can decide the outcome of the trial at will with just one word. How can I talk about fairness? Are they fair?"

"But I heard that he has a good reputation."

"Everyone belongs to him from top to bottom, so his reputation will naturally be good."

Celecia's eyes flashed, and she suddenly chuckled: "But... it just so happens that we really need a "fair" person now, so as not to... go and agree to this matter and let him become the chief judge of the tripartite trial."


Wei'er shrank her neck. For some reason, she felt a little cold even though she was in the warm and comfortable palace.

Time flies and five days pass.

Judgment Day.

Trashwell staggered out of the carriage, and the chief judge who had been waiting here came up to him attentively and took the initiative to support his arm.

"Great, I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to see the teacher again in this life."

As the chief judge of the Imperial Court, this man with a single-lens sunglasses and a majestic face had already gray hair.

But compared with Truswell, he was still young, and his posture was like that of the young student who was humble and eager to learn. He lowered his head very low, bent his waist, and took the initiative to appear shorter than the already somewhat hunched Truswell.

"Humph, isn't it because you are too incompetent?" Truswell scolded.

"Please forgive me, Master. You are the only one who can hold the fort in this kind of three-party trial."

The chief judge smiled bitterly: "It is said that His Majesty will come to personally judge the case. The empire has just encountered such a change. The blood flowing in the upper city almost dyed the sewer red. We are still afraid of His Majesty."

"The laws of the empire are the bones of the empire. Could it be that His Majesty dares to break the backbone of the empire in front of so many people?"

Trasswell snorted coldly, glanced at the crowd that was already crowded with people who wanted to watch the excitement, and said unhappily:

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