"What's going on?"

"This... Count Bugard took the initiative to make this matter known to everyone. All parties in Belrand can be said to be paying attention to this place."

"How can the sacred and majestic place of trial be treated as a monkey show?"

Trashwell said angrily: "Go, drive away all irrelevant people and make the place of trial peaceful!"

"Yes, go now, go now..."

The chief judge wiped his cold sweat and quickly ordered people to disperse the crowd.


Not far away, another carriage passed the inspection and stopped in front of the trial.

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and Count Bugard stuck his head out and just saw Truswell walking into the Imperial Trial.

He frowned slightly, but it was not because he was almost driven away as an irrelevant person just now.

"Strange, is this trial really going to start?"

He carefully planned, promoted in various ways, and even did not hesitate to consume the favors he had in the past to invite the chief judge out...but he actually didn't really want to hold such a trial against Moon Campbell.

Just as planned before, all of this was just to force His Majesty to compromise.

And in his expectation, the best time to compromise was naturally before the trial began. After all, if it really went to the trial, no one would look good.

So he felt that he would definitely put enough pressure on His Majesty by inviting this chief judge, and he would be close to victory.


"Hehe, as expected of His Majesty, you are really persistent, but I won't give up so easily."

Count Bugard curled his lips, feeling that the fighting spirit that had been dormant in his chest for a long time began to burn again.

"Wait, this game of chess and wrestling is not over yet!"



"Will... Your Majesty, Your Majesty? Here we are."

In the carriage, Wei'er, who was not used to the title of "Your Majesty", gently woke up Cecilia.

"It's rare, Your Majesty will also be distracted?"

"Just thinking about something, thinking about it deeply."

Cecilia stood up and rubbed her temples.

"Oh? Your Majesty, have you thought about how to teach that villain Count Bugard a lesson?" Weier blinked and said excitedly.


Cecilia showed a trace of surprise on her face, and then shook her head:

"I almost forgot about that guy. Forget it, that kind of jumping clown doesn't matter. Let him continue to jump around for a while. The guy we need to deal with next is much more troublesome than him."

Just as Cecilia's carriage arrived at the trial, as if it was destined by some kind of fate, the other two horses also arrived.

The carriage stopped, and the spiritual horse seemed to have noticed something, paddling its hooves uneasily.

At this time, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and three meaningful eyes, each of which looked at each other.


"Hmm? Is it going to rain?"

Mu En, who was being escorted, seemed to feel the rapid drop in air pressure and subconsciously raised his head.

But what he saw was still the clear sky of Belrand.


He scratched his head and saw a peaceful scene.

It was late spring, rainless, and suitable for viewing peach blossoms.

12. Three-legged tripod

The Imperial Court of Justice.

As the highest symbol of the imperial law, even after decades, it is still so magnificent and majestic.

Trasswell looked around, and his memory returned, as if he had returned to the past when he sat high on the bench and demonstrated the power of the imperial law.

And now, that moment will reappear.

"Son of the Duke? Perhaps it is also worthy of being the glorious mark after my last trial."

Trasswell reached out, adjusted his solemn black judge's robe, and slowly sat in the position of the chief justice.

Behind him, huge tree-shaped patterns covered the entire hall along the golden dome, symbolizing that the goddess of justice of the law was trapped in the tree, with her arms open, looking kindly, and her left and right hands were the two ends of the scale.

"I am deeply moved to see the teacher in such a heroic manner again."

On the side, the chief judge bent over and handed over a wooden gavel inlaid with gold.

"Then you will watch carefully."

"Yes, the student must learn humbly."

Trasswell nodded, took the gavel, scanned the surroundings again, and knocked it heavily with a skilled gesture.

"Call the person under trial in."



"Go in."

Under the leadership of the same knight as before, Mu En walked into the Imperial Court of Inquiry, which was his first time.

It is interesting to say that he has really experienced many first experiences during this period...such as the first time entering a cell, the first time eating a cell, and the first time being tried.

If this happened in the original book, it is basically certain that the original owner will go to the tragic ending route of destruction, and the next step is to be sentenced to exile or death, and from then on, the story of Huangmao will end sadly.

Fortunately, the current plot is far different from the original book. Mu En had no idea how a false trial could end his life, so he was not panicked at all.

"Are you the defendant this time, Mu En Campbell?"

On the high platform, the old man who looked old and in his twilight years, at this moment, his voice was full of energy, and he asked Mu En loudly.

"Yes, Chief Justice Teslawell."

Mu En glanced at the nameplate in front of the old man and smiled:

"I am Mu En Campbell."

"Well, good."

Truswell looked at Mu En, slightly surprised.

In his imagination, this noble young master should be afraid of this majestic place of judgment, and his expression should show panic.

But I never saw a trace of panic on his face. He looked so calm, as if he was not worried about any guilt that would lead to a severe trial on his body.

He thinks he is innocent... No, it is too early to make a decision now. He has tried so many people, and there are many who are good at disguising himself.

"The identity of the person under trial is correct. Next... Count Boogard, you should be the prosecutor."

"Yes, it was me who reported Moon Campbell for colluding with the evil god."

Count Boogard, who had been waiting for a long time, touched his chest and bent down, and said sincerely: "Although Moon Campbell has a special status, for the sake of the peace and security of the empire, I have to stand up and accuse him of his crimes."

"Well, it's good to have this intention. I hope you can provide enough evidence."

"All the evidence has been prepared long ago, just waiting for the trial of Your Excellency the Justice."

Count Boogard's posture was respectful and he looked completely different from the minister who once occupied a position in the empire's political arena. After he finished explaining to Truswell, he turned his eyes slightly and just met Moon's eyes.

"It's really high-sounding to say that it's for the peace and security of the empire."

"Generally speaking, as a minister of the empire, you have to share the worries of the empire, right?"

After the two exchanged "greetings", due to the rules of the trial, they did not say any harsh words and each looked away.

Needless to say, as both are confident.

And just at this moment, the big shot who made the entire trial court fall into silence also arrived.

Seeing this, Mu En's eyes lit up, and Earl Bugard's fighting spirit burned even more.

"His Majesty."

Truswell stood up, caressed her chest and paid homage to the young queen. Her posture was neither humble nor arrogant, and she did not feel intimidated by how much noble blood her Majesty had on her hands.

The people around him also saluted.

"Justices don't have to be polite."

Celcia's face was expressionless: "Just follow the rules, don't worry about me."


Celecia declined the invitation of the presiding judge and randomly found a jury seat to sit down, with only Weier beside her.

After sitting down, her beautiful eyes swept over and landed on the blond man who was standing in the most conspicuous position in the middle and was about to be judged.

Mu En also looked at Celecia, and when he saw her eyes sweeping over him, he immediately smiled handsomely and winked at her.

Well, very good, this damn tsundere is indeed here.

The emperor personally came to participate in the trial. Is there any suspense about the outcome of the trial?

It’s stable now!

Mu En's back became straighter and straighter, and she was already a little impatient with this farce. She was looking forward to the trial starting and ending early, so that she could ask the noble Majesty at night to use her lubricated black silk stockings and slender hair. Her beautiful legs came to comfort his heart that needed warmth because he had been falsely accused.

"Since it is a three-party trial, please invite the other two parties to come in as well." Truswell continued.


Mu En, who was enjoying the beautiful moment of the night, was stunned when he heard this.

Tripartite trial?

What kind of tripartite review?

Why haven't you heard of this?

And three parties...which three parties?

Are there other branches of justice in the Empire?

Mu En thought carefully.


And speaking of the three parties related to the evil god...

Could it be...

Suddenly, in the bottom of Mu En's heart, the uneasiness that had been completely suppressed by him because of Celecia's arrival suddenly sprouted and grew, growing more and more lush.



The crisp sound of high heels hitting the ground sounded.

Perhaps, it was not sent out intentionally, but it was so clear to Mu En's ears, as if the uneasiness growing in his heart was frantically showing his presence to him.

Mu En was in a trance, as if he was hallucinating, and all the darkness around him began to shake, as if there were countless shadows wandering in it, leaning against Mu En's ears, uttering terrifying and intimate whispers.


Mu En swallowed, her body stiffened, trying to convince herself that this was just an illusion, but she still clearly felt the piercing sight from behind.

And when he raised his head, he happened to meet Celcia's meaningful gaze.

The death crisis began to buzz wildly.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no...

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