Probably not...

How could something like that, which scares people with goosebumps just thinking about it, happen?

How is that possible...haha...

Mu En couldn't help but look back in the end.

Of course, not dead.

Just as expected, I saw the beautiful girl with charming tear moles at the corners of her eyes and eyebrows as crooked as the moon, also sitting casually in the jury box.

She pursed her lips lightly and waved to Mu En with a smile, as affectionately as a wife greeting her husband.

Sure enough, she is a senior.

Mu En closed her eyes and began to think about how to write a suicide note.

"Agent of the Silence Agency?"

Truswell flipped through the information in his hand and asked casually: "What position?"


Anna blinked her spring-like eyes, covered her mouth and chuckled:

"I advise you to be a little more respectful to your words, Your Majesty. Well, although you don't have to be as respectful as you are to His Majesty, a little basic courtesy should still be necessary for the sword bearer of the Silence Agency."

"The sword bearer?"

Truswell was stunned and looked at the girl who looked not much older than the current young emperor.


Anna changed her sitting position. Her beautiful body was made even more enchanting by the uniform. Her two long legs wrapped in black stockings overlapped and she said with a smile:

"Do you think...someone dares to pretend to be a silence agency?"


The originally bright court suddenly flickered a few times, like countless huge darkness, churning in the depths of the shadows that no one could see.

The girl was still smiling, but anyone could feel the hidden and terrifying power in her delicate body.

"'s actually the sword holder? Has the empire's sword holder changed? I didn't know."

Traswell coughed a few times and flipped through the information in his hand faster and faster. He had not expected this development at all. He could understand that His Majesty came in person. After all, the person under trial was her nominal fiancé, but the silence mechanism... ...Why do they want the sword bearer to come in person?

Is there any value in this Moon Campbell that I don't know about?

He glanced to the side and saw his disciple frantically wiping sweat, and he had a vague feeling that the situation was out of control.

"She is the sword holder?"

Count Boogard also had a solemn expression.

Since Anna joined the Silence Agency, all the public information about her has been completely erased, because it was also the first time for Count Boogard to meet this new swordsman who was said to be extremely young like His Majesty.

Similarly, he didn't understand why the sword holder would come in person. In his expectation, even out of respect for His Majesty, the Silence Agency would most likely just send a branch leader or something...

But it's okay, since then, His Majesty's pressure has become even greater.

"Giggle... If you are so shocked just to see me, then if you see the next person who is coming, won't your jaw drop?"

Looking at the different interesting expressions of everyone present, Anna laughed a few times, suddenly turned her head and looked behind her:

"You think so, Archbishop, and... that sister?"

There is light coming.

The holy radiance came from nowhere, making the entire court become much brighter.

The peaceful atmosphere spread, as if to eliminate all the disputes and noise in the scene at this moment.

Under Truswell's truly stunned gaze, under Moon's slightly desperate sadness, the Archbishop of Canterbury waved his hand helplessly and said with a wry smile:

"Don't worry, I'm just bringing this person here for a look. Everything should be business as usual."

Next to him, there was also a young girl. The large divine robe could not cover the figure of the arc explosion, but it was shrouded in the holy light and her face could not be seen clearly.



How many people in the entire huge Life Church can be called "this" being by one of the Archbishops of the Tangtang Life Church?

Besides, among the people he knows, is there another one with that blazing gaze that almost sticks to him as soon as he walks in?

Mu En closed her eyes and smiled with relief like a Buddha.

It's Liya.

13. Push one end down

"I didn't expect that the so-called tripartite trial would actually involve His Majesty, the sword bearer, and the important figures from the Life Church all personally attending to supervise this trial."

Truswell let out a long breath, and the big man in such a configuration stared at him, and even he felt full of pressure.

This was all unexpected, but... it didn't matter.

He firmly believed that true justice would not be affected by anything, not even the presence of the Pope.

Truswell banged the gavel and declared solemnly:

"Now that everyone is here, let's start the trial. First..."

"Wait a moment, your honor."

"Huh? What's wrong with you, the judge?"

Before he could take the next step, Truswell frowned and looked at Mu En, who was obviously not right at the moment.


Mu En, whose face suddenly turned pale, forced out a smile and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

He opened his mouth, and under the gaze of three people who did not move away for a moment, the words "I plead guilty" almost blurted out.

But luckily I held back.

Confession is the real way to your own death, and it is not the time to despair yet.

That's right, don't be too pessimistic. They must have come in person just to save themselves.

When they heard that they were in jail, they were very worried, so they came to personally supervise the proceedings, and even took action to save themselves at critical moments... Yes, they must have such loving and tender thoughts in their hearts.

As for any other, definitely not!

Haha, definitely not!

How could a beautiful girl have any terrible thoughts?

Beautiful girls just want to stick up!

"Your Honor, I need to apply for a defender!"

Mu En looked solemn and temporarily put away the bad thoughts in his mind. At the same time, he suppressed the premonition of death in his heart and focused all his attention on dealing with the current trial.

To be on the safe side, he had to get serious.

At least, he must find a reliable person to insert himself into these three lines of sight to help him share the pressure.


Traswell said displeased: "Before we started, you didn't mention that you wanted to find a defender. Now that the trial has begun, is it a little too late to talk about this now?"


"What's wrong? Justice Truswell."

Celecia held her chin and said seemingly casually: "It is only natural for the person being judged to find a defender. Besides, there are no rules that stipulate that you cannot find a defender during the trial. Nothing has been decided yet, right?"


Truswell frowned, a little dissatisfied with Celcia's interference in his trial process, but couldn't find anything to say to refute.

Because as Celcia said, there is no such rule in the rules of trial.

"In this case, the person being tried is allowed to find a defender. However, in order not to affect the progress of the trial, it must be done as soon as possible..."

"No need to bother."

Celecia said: "I have already prepared a defender for him."

"Huh? Really?"

Mu En's eyes widened with joy, and she instantly felt that tsundere was indeed the cutest attribute in the world.

Sure enough, regardless of what the other two think for the time being, Celcia must be here to save her!

Celcia, I am so...

Ah, no, the eyes on the other two sides have turned cold, please be reserved for now.

"No need to thank you, it's just a little effort."

Celecia showed an intoxicating smile and then clapped her hands.

The door of the trial court was opened, and she carefully selected her to defend Mu En. The very reliable defender walked in amid the endless light pouring in and the refreshing and refined footsteps.

The single-framed eyes hanging with gold chains symbolize rich knowledge, the nearly bursting dress shows his good temperament, and the pink curly hair combed into a big back represents his determination to win. Grasp and determination.

He walked up to Mu En and stretched out his hand to Mu En, who was speechless by surprise... Oh no, it was a bear claw:

"Hello, I am your defender. You can call me...Mr. Pink."


"Ahem, I know you are very touched by my help to you at this moment, but with tears streaming down your face in the courtroom, isn't it a bit..."

"I have a big-headed ghost like you!"

Mu En grabbed the pink bear's holster and roared:

"Why is the defense going to be you, you bastard!"

"How rude."

Pink Bear calmly flicked away Mu En's hand, and said with a devilish smile: "I have a serious license, and I have helped countless people who have made mistakes... No, poor people, believe me, I am very professional in doing this!"


Is it too late to kill him now and find another defender? The corners of Mu En's eyes twitched.

"Beware of those being judged, there is no rudeness here!"

Seeing the pink bear coming in, Traswell's eyelids twitched and he said with a sullen face:

"Now that your defender has been found, don't waste time and start the trial. Count Boogard."


"Start your accusation."


Count Boogard smiled slightly.

He glanced around with his peripheral vision. Although some details were different from what he expected, they were still generally under his control.

Hey, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, do you think that moving this old thing like Oranliel out will make my plan fail? Are you underestimating me, or are you overestimating the funny dead bear of Oranriel?

"As for my accusation of Moon Campbell colluding with the evil god, the first thing I need to give is this first piece of evidence."

Count Boogard signaled that the evidence should be given to Truswell and those present.

"I think you have already seen this evidence before we started. Yes, it is that photo. The strange black flame in the photo. I have searched through the books, but I have not been able to find any magic or ability similar to it. , obviously from the evil god, and the person in the photo is even more obvious...Moon Campbell!"


Mu En lowered his head and looked at the photo in his hand.

He finally understood why Bugal was able to make such a big splash.

Although the light was dim and the face could not be seen clearly, Mu En could recognize it at a glance. It was indeed the scene when he was fighting the little girl.

In other words, Count Boogard is not without aim. He does have solid evidence in his hands, but the problem is...

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